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File:Christ Sallman.jpg|[[Head of Christ (1924-1940 Sallman), art]] | File:Christ Sallman.jpg|[[Head of Christ (1924-1940 Sallman), art]] |
Revision as of 18:06, 29 December 2013
According to Christian (Jewish, and Islamic) traditions, Jesus of Nazareth (c.5 BCE - c.30 CE) was a Jewish religious leader and Messiah claimant, and the founder of the Christian movement.
< Jesus of Nazareth (sources) -- Jesus of Nazareth (fiction) -- Jesus of Nazareth (scholarship) >
Jesus of Nazareth, in ancient sources
Jesus of Nazareth, in the arts (portraits)
Jesus in scholarship
Related categories
- / [[]] / In: The Anchor Bible Dictionary (1992 Freedman), dictionary,
- Jesus of Nazareth / Ed Parish Sanders / In: The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism (2010 Collins / Harlow), dictionary, 803-808
External links
Pages in category "Jesus of Nazareth (subject)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,066 total.
(previous page) (next page)1
- Scenes from the Life of Jesus (1150 Master of Palermo Palatine Chapel), art
- Scenes from the Lives of Mary and Jesus (1306 Giotto), art
- Maestà & Scenes from the Lives of Mary and Jesus (1311 Duccio), art
- Scenes from the Life of Jesus (1320 Master of Sant'Abbondio), art
- Scenes from the Life of Jesus (1340 Memmi), art
- Scenes from the Life of Jesus / Armadio degli Argenti (1452 Angelico), art
- Vita di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1472 Cornazzano), poetry (Italian)
- Stories from the Life of Mary and Jesus (1515 Boccaccino), art
- Dass Jesus Christus ein geborner Jude sei (That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew / 1523 Luther), book
- L'umanità di Cristo (The Humanity of Christ / 1535 Aretino), novel
- The Temptation of Our Lord (1538 Bale), play
- Antiquitates Iudaicae (Jewish Antiquities / 1571 Arias Montano), book
- De los nombres de Christo (The Names of Christ / 1583-95 León), book
- Christus patient (Christ's Passion / 1608 Grotius), play
- Compendium historicum eorum quae Muhammedani de Christo et praecipuis aliquot religionis Christianae capitibus tradiderunt (1643 Warner), book
- L'orto di Getsemani glorioso nei sudori di Cristo (1661 Arresti), oratorio
- Licenza di Giesù da Maria (1661 Arresti), oratorio
- Passíusálmar (1666 Hallgrímur Pétursson), poetry
- Mística Ciudad de Dios: Vida de la Virgen Madre de Dios (1670 Maria de Agreda), vision
- La passione di Giesù Christo (1677 Cherici), oratorio
- In circumcisione Domini (1683 Charpentier), oratorio
- La sepoltura di Cristo (1704 Predieri / Mazzoni), oratorio
- Der für die Sünde der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus (The Story of Jesus, Suffering and Dying for the Sins of the World / 1712 Brockes), libretto
- Maria e Giuseppe in traccia di Gesù (1713 Predieri / Mescoli), oratorio
- Cristo nell’orto (Christ in the Garden / 1718 Fux / Pariati), oratorio
- Il re del dolore (1722 Caldara / Pariati), oratorio
- (++) Johannespassion (St. John Passion / 1724 Bach), oratorio
- Morte e sepoltura di Cristo (1724 Caldara / Fozio), oratorio
- Il testamento di nostro Signore Gesù Cristo sul Calvario (1726 Fux / Pariati), oratorio
- (++) Matthäuspassion (St. Matthew Passion / 1727 Bach), oratorio
- Per la festività del santo natale (For the Feast of Christmas / 1727 Costanzi / Metastasio), oratorio
- Per la festività del santo natale (For the Feast of Christmas / 1727 Metastasio), libretto (oratorio)
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (The Passion of Jesus Christ / 1730 Caldara / @1730 Metastasio), oratorio (music), Vienna premiere
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (The Passion of Jesus Christ / 1730 Metastasio), libretto (oratorio)
- Componimento sagro per il SS.mo Natale di N.S. Gesù Cristo (For the Feast of Christmas / 1735 Mazzoni / 1727 Metastasio), oratorio
- Per la festività del santo natale (For the Feast of Christmas / 1737 Gregori / 1727 Metastasio), oratorio
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (The Passion of Jesus Christ / 1737 Sarro / @1730 Metastasio), oratorio (music), Rome premiere
- The True Gospel of Jesus Christ Asserted (1738 Chubb), book
- (++) The Messiah (1742 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio
- Per la festività del SS.mo Natale (For the Feast of Christmas / 1744 Chiarini / 1727 Metastasio), oratorio
- La passione di Nostro Signor Gesù Cristo (1745 Brunassi), play
- La Passione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (1745 Sellitto), oratorio
- Der Messias (The Messiah / 1748-73 Klopstock), poetry
- Der Tod Jesu (The Death of Jesus / 1755 Graun / @1755 Ramler), oratorio
- Der Tod Jesu (The Death of Jesus / 1755 Telemann / @1755 Ramler), oratorio
- La Passione di Nostro Signor Gesù Cristo (1756 Feroci / Metastasio), oratorio
- An Enquiry into the Divine Missions of John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ (1761 Bell), book
- Colección de varias historias (1767-1768 Santos Alonso), novel
- The Messiah (1768 Cameron), novel
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (1773 Myslivecek / Metastasio), oratorio
- Der Tod Jesu (The Death of Jesus / 1776 Kraus / @1755 Ramler), oratorio
- Ausfuhrung des Plans und Zwecks Jesu (1784-1792 Bahrdt), book
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (1789 Andreozzi), oratorio
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (1799 Nicolini), oratorio
- Natürliche Geschichte des grossen Propheten von Nazareth (Natural History of the Great Prophet of Nazareth / 1800-02 Venturini), book
- La resurrezione di Gesù Cristo (1804 Weigl), oratorio
- (+) The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (1820 Jefferson), book
- Christus (Christ / 1827-28 Neukomm), oratorio
- Christus (Christ / 1827-38 Schneider), oratorio
- Traditions of Palestine (1830 Martineau), novel
- The Book of Mormon (1830 Smith), vision
- Das bittere Leiden unseres Herrn Jesu Christi (1833 Emmerich, Brentano), vision
- Le sette ultime parole di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (1838 Mercadante), oratorio
- Jésus-Christ et sa doctrine (1838 Salvador), book
- Vie de Jésus; ou, Examen critique de son histoire (1839-40 Littré) = Das Leben Jesu: kritisch bearbeitet (The Life of Jesus: Critically Examined / 1835-36 Strauss), book (French ed.)
- Julian; or, Scenes in Judea (1841 Ware), novel
- La dernière incarnation (1846 Constant), novel
- Wichtige, historische Enthüllungen über die wirkliche Todesart Jesu (1849 Venturini), arch-fi book
- Geschichte der Juden: 3. Bis zum Untergang des jüdischen Staates (1856 Graetz), book
- El mártir del Gólgota (1863-64 Pérez Escrich), novel
- Vita di Gesù (1863 Renan / De Boni), book (Italian ed.)
- Traditions of Palestine; or, Scenes in the Holy Land in the Days of Christ (1863 Sargent), novel
- La vita di Gesù; o, Esame critico della sua storia = Das Leben Jesu: kritisch bearbeitet (The Life of Jesus: Critically Examined / 1863 @1835 Strauss), book (Italian ed.)
- Errori di Renan nella vita di Gesù (1864 Capecelatro), non-fiction
- Das Leben Jesu (The Life of Jesus / 1864 Schleiermacher), book
- Scenes from the Life of Jesus (1865-1879 Bloch), art
- Jesus der Christ (1865 Dulk), play
- Der Christus des Glaubens und der Jesus der Geschichte (1865 Strauss), book
- Jesus und Hillel (1866 Delitzsch), book
- Yeshu ha-notsri (1866 Goldstein), novel
- Christus (1866 Liszt), oratorio
- La vita di Gesù Cristo (1868 Capecelatro), non-fiction
- Calvary (1868 Osborn), play
- Die Stellung Jesu zu den Parteien seiner Zeit (1868 Sartori), book
- Della vita di Gesù Cristo (1869-93 Fornari), non-fiction
- Der Messias (1869 Gensichen), play
- La Bible dans l'Inde: vie de Iezeus Christna (The Bible in India / 1869 Jacolliot), arch-fi book
- The Divine Tragedy (1871 Longfellow), poem
- Ein Tag in Capernaum (1872 Delitzsch), novel
- The Coming of the Messiah (1873 Winkley), play
- Il Vangelo spiegato, difeso, meditato = L'Évangile expliqué, défendu, médité (The Gospel Explained, Defended, Meditated / 1876-77 @1864-66 Dehaut / Villoresi), book (Italian ed.)
- Christus und die Cäsaren (1877 Bauer), book
- Gesù Cristo: studi storici (Jesus Christ: Historical Studies / 1878 Arosio), book
- Fragments from Reimarus (1879 Reimarus/Lessing), book (English ed.)
- The Life of Jesus Christ (1879 Stalker), book
- La vie de N.-S. Jésus-Christ (1880 Fouard), book
- De prins uit het huis van David (1881 Ingraham), novel (Dutch ed.)
- Des Leben Jesu (1882 Weiss), book
- La vie de N.S. Jésus-Christ (The Life of Christ / 1883 Le Camus), book
- The Life of Jesus (1883-84 Weiss / Hope), book (English ed.)
- L'Evangelo; ossia, Vita di Gesù Cristo narrata dai quattro evangelisti (The Gospel; or, The Life of Jesus Christ Narrated by the Four Evangelists / 1884 Arosio), book
- The Martyr of Golgotha (1886 Pérez Escrich / Godoy), novel (English ed.)
- Cristo alla festa di Purim (Christ at the Feast of Purim / 1887 Bovio), play (Italian)
- Antiqua Mater: A Study of Christian Origins (1887 Johnson), book
- The Life of Christ according to Extra-Canonical Sources (1887 Pick), book
- Jeschua von Nazara (1888 Ador), novel
- Das Selbstbewusstsein Jesu im Lichte der messianischen Hoffnungen seiner Zeit (1888 Baldensperger), book
- Emmanuel (1889 Cooley), novel
- Vita di Gesù (Life of Jesus / 1890 Bonghi), non-fiction
- Jesus of Nazareth (1890 Broadus), book
- The Light of the World; or, The Great Consummation (1891 Arnold), poem
- Jesus, the Carpenter of Nazareth (1891 Bird), juvenile novel
- Der sogenannte historische Jesus und der geschichtliche, biblische Christus (1892 Kähler), book
- Die Predigt Jesu vom Reiche Gottes (Jesus' Proclamation of the Kingdom of God / 1892 Weiss), book
- The Wandering Jew (1893 Buchanan), poem
- The Gospel and Its Earliest Interpretations (1893 Cone), book
- Christ at the Feast of Purim = Cristo alla festa di Purim (1894 @1887 Bovio / Scott-Uda), play (English ed.)
- Jesús de Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1894 Guimerá), play
- L'Évangile de l'enfance de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ selon saint Pierre (1894 Mendès & Schwabe), arch-fi
- The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ (1894 Notovitch), arch-fi (English ed.)
- Life of Jesus (1894 Tissot), art
- As Others Saw Him (1895 Jacobs), novel
- An Introduction to the Life of Jesus: An Investigation of the Historical Sources (1896 Anthony), book
- Jesus of Nazareth (1896 Barlow), play
- The Student's Life of Jesus (1896 Gilbert), book
- John: A Tale of King Messiah (1896 Woods), novel
- The Horitz Passion Play (1897 Freeman), short film
- Passion du Christ (Passion of Christ / 1897 Kirchner), short film
- La vie et la passion de Christ (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / 1898 Hatot), short film
- The Passion Play (1898 Lubin), short film
- La risurrezione di Cristo (1898 Perosi), oratorio
- La trasfigurazione di N.S. Gesù Cristo (1898 Perosi), oratorio
- The Passion Play of Oberammergau (1898 Vincent), short film
- La passione di Cristo (The Passion of Christ / 1899 Calcina), short film
- Christus (1899 Draeseke), oratorio
- The Man of Galilee (1899 Haygood), book
- Le Christ marchant sur les eaux (Christ Walking on Water / 1899 Méliès), short film
- Passione di Gesù (Passion of Jesus / 1900 Cristofari, Topi), short film
- La "Vita di Gesù" di Ernesto Renan in Italia: studio critico (1900 Labanca), book
- La vita di N. S. Gesù Cristo = La vie de N.S. Jésus-Christ (The Life of Christ / 1900 @1883 Le Camus / Gramatica), book (Italian ed.)
- L'entrata di Cristo in Gerusalemme (1900 Perosi), oratorio
- The Life of Jesus of Nazareth (1900 Rhees), book
- Tsar’ iz doma Davida (1901 Ingraham), novel (Russian ed.)
- The Teaching of Jesus (1901 Stevens), book
- Rich and Poor in the New Testament (1902 Cone), book
- Jesús Nazareno (Jesus of Nazareth / 1902 García Velloso), play
- Ben Tobit (1903 Andreyev), novel
- The Apostles (1903 Elgar), oratorio
- Under the Stars (1903 Kingsley), novel
- The Passion Play Series (1903 Lubin), feature film
- The Founder of Christendom (1903 Smith), book
- La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / 1903 Zecca, Nonguet), feature film
- Vergilius (1904 Bacheller), novel
- Il Cristo alla festa di Purim (Christ at the Feast of Purim / 1904 Giannetti / Bovio), opera (music & libretto), Rio de Janeiro premiere
- L'apôtre Paul et Jésus-Christ (The Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ / 1904 Goguel), book
- The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (1904 @1820 Jefferson / Adler), book (reprint)
- O Rabbi da Galiléia (1904 Lacerda), novel
- Kristuslegender (Christ Legends / 1904 Lagerlöf), novel
- Ben ha-Adam (1904 Levertoff), book
- Olivet to Calvary (1904 Maunder / Wensley), cantata
- Jesus: wer er geschichtlich war (1904 Neumann), book
- La figura storica di Gesù (The Historical Figure of Jesus / 1904 Pandozi), book
- Jezus de Nazarener (1904 Verhulst), play
- Die Quellen des Lebens Jesu (1904 Wernle), book
- The Historic Christ (1905 Lacey), non-fiction
- La naissance, la vie et la mort de N.-S. Jésus-Christ (The Birth, the Life and the Death of Christ / 1906 Guy-Blaché), feature film
- Gesù Cristo, il suo tempo e la sua dottrina (1907-1908 Caraccio), book
- Studies in the Inner Life of Jesus (1907 Garvie), book
- Il Nazareno (The Nazarene / 1907 Giannetti / Golisciani), opera (music & libretto), Rio de Janeiro premiere
- Paulus und Jesus (Paul and Jesus / 1907 Jülicher), book
- Il Cristo storico = The Historic Christ (1907 @1905 Lacey), non-fiction (Italian ed.)
- The Life of Christ in Recent Research (1907 Sanday), book
- The Sources of Our Knowledge of the Life of Jesus (1907 Wernle), book (English ed.)
- Masih Hindustan mein (Jesus in India / 1908 Ahmad), arch-fi book
- The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus (1908 Dowling), vision
- The Character of Jesus (1908 Jefferson), non-fiction
- Der Ursprung des Christentums (1908 Kautsky), book
- Christ Legends = Kristuslegender (1908 @1904 Lagerlöf / Howard), novel (English ed.)
- Paralipomena: Remains of Gospels and Sayings of Christ (1908 Pick), book
- The Synoptic Gospels (1909 Montefiore), book
- Bóg Jezus w świetle badań cudzych i własnych (God Jesus / 1909 Niemojewski), book
- Gott Jesus = Bóg Jezus (God Jesus / 1910 @1909 Niemojewski), book (German ed.)
- The House of Chimham (1909 Work), novel
- The Ethics of Jesus (1910 King), book
- Gesù di Nazareth (1910 Labanca), book
- Some Elements in the Religious Teaching of Jesus according to the Synoptic Gospels (1910 Montefiore), book
- (++) The Quest of the Historical Jesus = Von Reimarus zu Wrede (1910 @1906 Schweitzer / Montgomery, Burkitt), book (English ed.)
- Gesù Cristo e i suoi moderni critici (1911 Ballerini), non-fiction
- Jésus de Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1911 Calmettes), short film
- The Jewish Sources of the Sermon on the Mount (1911 Friedlander), book
- Satana (Satan / 1912 Maggi), feature film
- The Holy City (1912 Arnaud), short film
- The Historicity of Jesus (1912 Case), book
- The Illumination (1912 Gaskill), short film
- Gesú e il mito di Cristo (Jesus and the Christ Myth / 1912 Puglisi), book
- Socialism and the Ethics of Jesus (1912 Vedder), book
- Thus Saith the Lord (1913 Eclair), short film
- Life and Teachings of Jesus according to the Earliest Records (1913 Kent), book
- Le sette parole di N.S. Gesù Cristo sulla croce (1913 Perosi), oratorio
- Agnus Dei (1913 Ryelandt), oratorio
Media in category "Jesus of Nazareth (subject)"
The following 131 files are in this category, out of 131 total.
- 1803 * Beethoven (oratorio).jpg 300 × 425; 9 KB
- 1855 * Ingraham (novel).jpg 339 × 498; 28 KB
- 1874 Wise.jpg 333 × 500; 27 KB
- 1901 * Wrede.jpg 319 × 499; 16 KB
- 1906 * Schweitzer.jpg 265 × 380; 31 KB
- 1906-E * Hastings.jpg 750 × 1,000; 96 KB
- 1912 Olcott (film).jpg 300 × 460; 49 KB
- 1916 Antamoro (film).jpg 1,382 × 1,761; 278 KB
- 1916 Griffith (film).jpg 403 × 599; 80 KB
- 1921 * Papini (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 25 KB
- 1921 Bennet (film).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 1923 Wiene (film).jpg 300 × 426; 25 KB
- 1927 DeMille (film).jpg 348 × 490; 76 KB
- 1930 Montefiore.jpg 194 × 259; 5 KB
- 1935 Duvivier (film).jpg 183 × 250; 11 KB
- 1936 * Mauriac (novel).jpg 400 × 659; 219 KB
- 1938 Di Matteo.jpg 180 × 236; 9 KB
- 1939 * Asch (novel).jpg 290 × 500; 36 KB
- 1946 * Wagenknecht.jpg 375 × 500; 36 KB
- 1946 * Graves (novel).jpg 328 × 499; 32 KB
- 1947 * Eastman.jpg 300 × 400; 35 KB
- 1948 * Isaac.jpg 314 × 499; 13 KB
- 1949 Beaudine (film).jpg 323 × 482; 38 KB
- 1951 * Brod (novel).jpg 303 × 500; 50 KB
- 1951 Coyle (film series).jpg 214 × 317; 20 KB
- 1952 Morayta (film).jpg 214 × 317; 24 KB
- 1954 Fabbri.jpg 425 × 600; 145 KB
- 1958 Schuster (film).jpg 230 × 345; 36 KB
- 1960 * Michaud.jpg 341 × 499; 12 KB
- 1960-T * Bornkamm en.jpg 354 × 499; 33 KB
- 1961 * Speare (novel).jpg 332 × 499; 41 KB
- 1961 Ray N (film).jpg 327 × 475; 46 KB
- 1961-T * Waltari (novel) en.jpg 353 × 500; 43 KB
- 1964 Pasolini (film).jpg 231 × 325; 16 KB
- 1965 * Parrinder.jpg 326 × 499; 34 KB
- 1965 * Lofts (novel).jpg 324 × 499; 36 KB
- 1965 Stevens (film).jpg 288 × 416; 179 KB
- 1967 * Brandon.jpg 382 × 582; 59 KB
- 1969 Zacarias (film).jpg 214 × 317; 25 KB
- 1970 * Dodd.jpg 150 × 255; 11 KB
- 1971 Regattieri (film).jpg 282 × 400; 25 KB
- 1972 Zacarias (film).jpg 214 × 317; 24 KB
- 1973 * Bowker.jpg 324 × 499; 13 KB
- 1973 * Greene (film).jpg 200 × 303; 22 KB
- 1973 * Jewison (film).jpg 200 × 302; 29 KB
- 1973 * Vermes.jpg 314 × 499; 26 KB
- 1975 Rossellini (film).jpg 166 × 255; 53 KB
- 1976 Campus (film).jpg 280 × 280; 17 KB
- 1977 * Zeffirelli (TV miniseries).jpg 263 × 475; 43 KB
- 1979 * Jones (film).jpg 280 × 411; 46 KB
- 1979 Sykes (film).jpg 277 × 500; 53 KB
- 1980 Cellan-Jones (film).jpg 230 × 345; 29 KB
- 1982 * Baigent (arch-fi).jpg 279 × 445; 24 KB
- 1982 * Cornfeld.jpg 803 × 1,000; 114 KB
- 1984-E * Bammel Moule.jpg 400 × 599; 72 KB
- 1985 * Cragg.jpg 647 × 1,000; 50 KB
- 1985 * Sanders.jpg 316 × 499; 20 KB
- 1986 * Beasley-Murray.jpg 333 × 499; 29 KB
- 1986 Damiani (film).jpg 284 × 398; 33 KB
- 1987 * Horsley.jpg 328 × 500; 25 KB
- 1988 * Fredriksen.jpg 321 × 499; 42 KB
- 1988 * Scorsese (film).png 300 × 459; 57 KB
- 1989 * Arcand (film).jpg 300 × 419; 37 KB
- 1991 * Baigent Leigh (arch-fi).jpg 368 × 499; 31 KB
- 1991-E * Charlesworth.jpg 306 × 445; 22 KB
- 1991 * Meier.jpg 332 × 499; 31 KB
- 1991 * Saramago (novel).jpg 322 × 499; 22 KB
- 1992 * Vidal (novel).jpg 343 × 499; 37 KB
- 1992-E * Green McKnight.jpg 336 × 499; 29 KB
- 1993 * Neusner.jpg 323 × 500; 36 KB
- 1993 Bergh (film).jpg 300 × 420; 20 KB
- 1993 * Funk.jpg 402 × 500; 43 KB
- 1993 * Vermes.jpg 324 × 499; 25 KB
- 1994 * Meier.jpg 330 × 499; 26 KB
- 1996 * Abecassis (novel).jpg 300 × 463; 35 KB
- 1996 Phipps.jpg 315 × 500; 15 KB
- 1997 * Crace (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 1998 * Cran (doc).jpg 350 × 500; 61 KB
- 1998 D'Alatri (film).jpg 348 × 488; 25 KB
- 1998-T * Theissen en.jpg 353 × 499; 28 KB
- 1999 Young (miniseries).jpg 200 × 279; 12 KB
- 2000 * Chilton.jpg 328 × 500; 57 KB
- 2000 * Van Voorst.jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB
- 2001-E Bockmuehl.jpg 334 × 500; 51 KB
- 2001 * Crossan Reed.jpg 328 × 499; 46 KB
- 2001 * Meier.jpg 340 × 499; 34 KB
- 2003 * Brown (novel).jpg 279 × 498; 39 KB
- 2003 * Dunn.jpg 328 × 499; 24 KB
- 2003-E * Houlden.jpg 400 × 590; 197 KB
- 2004 * Bock.jpg 984 × 1,500; 150 KB
- 2004 * Ehrman.jpg 329 × 499; 36 KB
- 2005 * Ehrman.jpg 893 × 1,360; 193 KB
- 2004 Palumbo (arch-fi).jpg 400 × 599; 46 KB
- 2005 Feather.jpg 332 × 499; 42 KB
- 2006 * Levine.jpg 328 × 499; 30 KB
- 2006 * Bauckham.jpg 338 × 500; 55 KB
- 2006 * Borg.jpg 328 × 499; 47 KB
- 2006 * Dornford-May (film).jpg 300 × 429; 40 KB
- 2006-E * Levine Allison Crossan.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 2007-T * Ratzinger en.jpg 992 × 1,500; 133 KB
- 2008-E Evans.jpg 708 × 1,000; 116 KB
- 2008 Moore.jpg 316 × 499; 12 KB
- 2009 * Meier.jpg 331 × 499; 29 KB
- 2010 Allison.jpg 333 × 499; 37 KB
- 2010 Barranchina (film).jpg 188 × 259; 10 KB
- 2010 Billups (film).jpg 214 × 317; 12 KB
- 2010-E Burkett.jpg 347 × 499; 30 KB
- 2007 Vidal.jpg 324 × 499; 26 KB
- 2011 Peters.jpg 331 × 499; 37 KB
- 2011-T * Ratzinger.jpg 968 × 1,500; 94 KB
- 2011-E * Holmen Porter.jpg 400 × 604; 29 KB
- 2012 * Ehrman.jpg 326 × 499; 34 KB
- 2012 * Bond.jpg 319 × 499; 34 KB
- 2013 Bauschke.jpg 343 × 500; 17 KB
- 2013-E Green Brown Perrin.jpg 348 × 499; 29 KB
- 2013 Siddiqui.jpg 328 × 500; 24 KB
- 2014 * Ehrman.jpg 332 × 499; 31 KB
- 2014 Saritoprak.jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 2014 Spencer (film).jpg 486 × 720; 94 KB
- 2014-E Bock Charlesworth.jpg 314 × 499; 15 KB
- 2015 Batty (film) 2.jpg 707 × 1,000; 97 KB
- 2015 Batty (film).jpg 230 × 345; 38 KB
- 2015 Menaul (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 20 KB
- 2015 Parra (film).jpg 200 × 252; 12 KB
- 2016 Reynolds (film).jpg 214 × 317; 22 KB
- 2017 * Akyol.jpg 329 × 499; 39 KB
- 2018 Khorchide Stosch.jpg 305 × 499; 29 KB
- 2019 Khorchide Stosch en.jpg 312 × 499; 33 KB
- 2019 Segovia.jpg 315 × 499; 14 KB
- 2020 Shumack.jpg 319 × 499; 28 KB
- 2020 Vidal.jpg 333 × 499; 28 KB