Category:Spanish language--1600s
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History of Research (1600s) -- Notes
The treatise by Jewish refugee Judah Leon Templo on the Jerusalem Temple and the translation in Spanish of Josephus' Contra Apionem by Joseph Semah Arias were the most remarkable contributions of Spanish scholarship in the 17th century.
The century was rather dominated by literary works. The great Spanish playwrights of the time (Gaspar de Aguilar, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Tirso de Molina, and Cristóbal Lozano) focused on events of Jewish history in the Second Temple period. Nun and visionary Maria de Agreda published in 1670 a Life of Mary, which she claimed she was revealed by Mary herself.
Pages in category "Spanish language--1600s"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.
- La gitana melancólica (1608 Aguilar), play
- Historia ecclesiastica... de la Etiopia (1610 Urreta), book
- La cena del rey Baltasar (1634 Calderón de la Barca), play
- El mayor monstruo, los celos (1635 Calderón de la Barca), play
- La vida y muerte de Herodes (1636 Molina), play
- Los desagravios de Christo (1640 Cubillo de Aragón), play
- Judas Macabeo (1641 Calderón de la Barca), play
- Retrato del templo de Selomo (An Accurate Description of the Grand and Glorious Temple of Solomon / 1642 Templo), book
- Herodes Ascalonita y la hermosa Mariana (1658 Lozano), play
- Mística Ciudad de Dios: Vida de la Virgen Madre de Dios (1670 Maria de Agreda), vision
- Respuesta de Josepho contra Apion Alexandrino (1687 Arias), book