Judah Leon Templo

From 4 Enoch: : The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins
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Judah Leon Templo (1602-1675) was a Dutch Jewish scholar and rabbi of Portuguese descent. Jacob Judah Leon was born near Coimbra, Portugal in 1602. Three years later his family moved to Amsterdam, where they returned to practice Judaism openly. Judah completed his studies and became a rabbi. In the Netherlands Leon befriended Adam Boreel. The Christian millenarist theologian believed in the imminency of the second coming of Jesus and the reconstruction of the Temple. Under his influence, Leon built models of the Jerusalem Temple and the Tabernacle based on the descriptions in the Hebrew Bible, Josephus and rabbinic literature. The models were sensations in Europe among Christians and Jews alike and were exhibited in the Netherlands and England. The books Leon wrote on the subject were translated into several languages and gained for him the nickname of Templo. Leon Templo died July 19, 1675 in Amsterdam.


