Category:Made in the 1850s
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Pages in category "Made in the 1850s"
The following 95 pages are in this category, out of 95 total.
- Kritik der paulinischen Briefe (1850-1852 Bauer), book
- Die Offenbarungen Henoch's; oder, Das sogenannte Buch Henoch (1850 Clemens), book
- Das Buch der Jubiläen oder die kleine Genesis, aus dem Äthiopischen übersetzt (1850-51 Dillmann), essay
- Mohammed, the Arabian Prophet (1850 Miles), play
- Die Entstehung der altkatholischen Kirche (1850 Ritschl), book
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 1st ed. (Septuagint / 1850 Tischendorf), book
- Kurzgefasstes Exegetisches Handbuch zu den Apokryphen des Alten Testamentes (1851-60 Weidmann, Hirzel), book series
- Jewish School and Family Bible (1851-56 Benisch), book
- Liber Henoch aethiopice (1851 Dillmann), book
- Life and Epistles of St Paul (1851 Lewin), book
- Le Juif errant (1852 Halévy), opera
- Notizen, Correspondenzen und Vermischtes: Ueber die Entstehungszeit des Buches Henoch (1852 Hofmann), essay
- Daniel (1852 Lake), oratorio
- Giuditta (Judith / 1852 Pacini / Abate), oratorio
- Histoire de la théologie chrétienne au siècle apostolique (1852 Reuss), book
- Critica degli Evangeli (1853 Bianchi-Giovini), book)
- Hebräische Quellen für das Buch Henoch (1853 Jellinek), essay
- תורה, נביאים וכתובים = The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures (1853 Leeser), book
- Matatia (Matthatias / 1853 Liberali / Vicoli), oratorio
- Die paulinische Rechtfertigungslehre (1853 Lipsius), book
- Herodes der Grosse (Herod the Great / 1853 Neumeister), play
- Daniel (1853 Root/Bradbury), oratorio
- Il Nuovo Testamento (The New Testament / 1854 Achilli), book
- Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord (1854 Charles), novel
- Giuditta (Judith / 1854 Cianchi / @1840 Peruzzini), opera (music), Florence premiere
- Abhandlung über das äthiopische Buch Henókh (Treatise on the Ethiopian Book of Enoch / 1854 Ewald), book
- Ätiopischen Buches Henókh: Entstehung Sinn und Zusammensetzung (1854 Ewald), essay
- L’enfance du Christ (The Childhood of Christ / 1855 Berlioz), oratorio
- Ueber das Buch der Jubiläen und das Noah-Buch (1855 Jellinek), book
- The Epistles of St Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians, and Romans (1855 Jowett), book
- Titus; oder, Die Zerstörung Jerusalems (1855 Kossarski), play
- Post-Biblical History of the Jews (1855 Raphall), book
- Giovanni Giscala (John of Giscala / 1855 Rossi / Cavagnari), opera (music & libretto), Parma premiere
- Der Petrinische Lehrbegriff (1855 Weiss), book
- The Life and Travels of Herodotus in the Fifth Century before Christ (1855 Wheeler), novel
- The First of the Maccabees (1855 Wise), novel
- Esther, the Beautiful Queen (1856 Bradbury), oratorio
- La légende du juif errant (The Legend of the Wandering Jew / 1856 Dupont / Doré), poetry & art (French)
- History of the Jewish Nation after the Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus (1856 Edersheim), book
- Geschichte der Juden: 3. Bis zum Untergang des jüdischen Staates (1856 Graetz), book
- A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians (1856 Hodge), book
- Mariamne; or, The Queen's Fate (1856 Mair), novel
- Die Hasmonäer (1856 Michaël), play
- Dictionnaire des Apocryphes (1856-1858 Migne), book
- Adonijah (1856 Strickland), novel
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 2nd ed. (Septuagint / 1856 Tischendorf), book
- Spartaco (1857 Carcano), play
- The Legend of the Wandering Jew (1857 Dupont / Thornbury / Doré), poetry & art (English ed.)
- Paolo (1857 Gazzoletti), play
- Giuditta (1857 Giacometti), play
- Das zweite, dritte und vierte Buch der Maccabäer (1857 Grimm), book
- Bar-Cochba, der letzte Judenkönig (Bar-Kokhba, the Last King of the Jews / 1857 Heigel), poetry
- He Palaia kai he Kaine Diatheke = Vetus et Novum Testamentum (1857 Mai, Vercellone), book
- Der Ursprung des Christenthums (1857 Noack), book
- A Manual of the Whole Scripture History, and of the History of the Jews between the Periods of the Old and New Testaments (1857 Riddle), book
- Das Buch Tobit (1857 Sengelmann), book
- Rome et la Judée au temps de la chute de Néron (1858 Champagny), book
- The Martyr of the Catacombs (1858 De Mille), novel
- L'ultimo giorno di Gerusalemme (1858 Lucchesi), opera
- (+) The Life of Mahomet (1858-61 Muir), book
- La distruzione di Gerusalemme (The Destruction of Jerusalem / 1858 Pacini / Fioretti), oratorio (music & libretto), Florence premiere (cast)
- Jone; ossia, L'ultimo giorno di Pompei (Jone; or, The Last Day of Pompeii / 1858 Petrella / Peruzzini), opera (music & libretto), Milan premiere (cast)
- Oratorio de Noël (1858 Saint-Saëns), oratorio
- הריסות ביתר (Harisot Betar) (The Fall of Bethar / 1858 Schulman), book
- The Combat of the People; or, Hillel and Herod (1858 Wise), novel
- Giuda Maccabeo (1859 Mariotti / Meini), oratorio
- The Evangelists and the Mishna (1859 Robinson), book
- תולדות יוסף (Toledot Yosef) (Life of Josephus / 1859 Schulman), book
- Die Hasmonäer (1859 Stein), play
- The Captive Orphan: Esther, the Queen of Persia (1859 Tyng), novel
- Judith (1876 Lefebvre / Collin), oratorio
- The Days of Mohammed (1897 Wilson), novel
- The Forgiveness of Sins and Other Sermons (1904 Smith), book
- Entombment of Christ (1850 Clésinger), art
- Pietà (1850 Clésinger), art
- Risen Christ (1850 Clésinger), art
- Jesus and Nicodemus (1850 Ivanov), art
- Abraham's Journey from Ur to Canaan (1850 Molnár), art
- Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus (1850 Roberts), art
- Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert (1851 Gillarduzzi), art
- Moses (1853 Bissen), art
- Emperor Nero (1853 Delacroix), art
- Supper at Emmaus (1853 Delacroix), art
- Last Judgment (1853 Martin), art
- Maria Magdalena (1854 Alma-Tadema), art
- The Light of the World (1854 Hunt), art
- Tobias som läker sin blinde faders ögon (Healing of Tobit / 1854 Malmström), art
- Young Christian Martyr (1855 Delaroche), art
- Raising of Lazarus (1857 Bonnat), art
- John the Baptist Shows Jesus to the People (1857 Ivanov), art
- Moses (1857 Jacometti), art
- Return of the Prodigal Son (1857 Mozier), art
- Sacrifice of Isaac (1857 Rebull), art
- The Damsel of the Sanct Grael (1857 Rossetti), art
- The Destruction of Jerusalem (1859 Ge), art
Media in category "Made in the 1850s"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
- 1839 Nork.png 174 × 289; 5 KB
- 1845 * Aguilar.jpg 324 × 499; 25 KB
- 1855 * Ingraham (novel).jpg 339 × 498; 28 KB