Category:Made in the 1860s
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Pages in category "Made in the 1860s"
The following 126 pages are in this category, out of 126 total.
- The Cripple of Antioch (1860 Charles), novel
- The False Christ (1860 Charles), novel
- Titus et Bérénice (Titus and Berenice / 1860 Gastinel / Fournier), opera (music & libretto), Paris premiere
- The Throne of David (1860 Ingraham), novel
- Das Evangelium nach Johannes (1860 Lange), book
- Les doctrines religieuses des Juifs pendant les deux siècles antérieurs à l’ère chrétienne (1860 Nicolas), book
- Giuditta (Judith / 1860 Peri / Marcello), opera
- Belshazzar's Feast (1860 Root / Edmands), oratorio & libretto
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 3rd ed. (Septuagint / 1860 Tischendorf), book
- Beiträge zur Erklärung des Buches Henoch nach dem äthiopischen Text (1860 Volkmar), essay
- The Life and Times of Herod the Great (1860 Willett), book
- Le Pentateuque; ou, Les Cinq livres de Moïse (1860-69 Wogue), book
- La clef des grands mystères, suivant Hénoch, Abraham, Hermès Trismégiste, et Salomon (The Key to the Great Mysteries after Enoch, Abraham, Hermes Trismegistus, and Solomon / 1861 Constant), non-fiction
- Noch einige Bemerkungen zum Buch Henoch (1861 Dillmann), essay
- Sabina (1861 Magon), novel
- Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammad (The Life and Teachings of Muhammad / 1861-1865 Sprenger), book
- Herodes (1862 Franquelo), play
- La reine de Saba (The Queen of Sheba / 1862 Gounod), opera
- Salome, the Daughter of Herodias (1862 Heywood), play
- Ester (1862 Soldi / Metti), oratorio
- The Shepherd of Bethlehem, King of Israel (1862 Tucker), novel
- Stjórn (1862 Unger), book
- Sipure Hordus (1863 Dick), novel
- Das Leben Muhammeds (The Life of Muhammad / 1863 Nöldeke), book
- El mártir del Gólgota (1863-64 Pérez Escrich), novel
- Vita di Gesù (1863 Renan / De Boni), book (Italian ed.)
- Spartacus overture (1863 Saint-Saëns), music
- Юдифь (Judith / 1863 Serov), opera
- La vita di Gesù; o, Esame critico della sua storia = Das Leben Jesu: kritisch bearbeitet (The Life of Jesus: Critically Examined / 1863 @1835 Strauss), book (Italian ed.)
- The Gladiators (1863 Whyte-Melville), novel
- Errori di Renan nella vita di Gesù (1864 Capecelatro), non-fiction
- Das Judenthum und seine Gechichte (1864-71 Geiger), book
- Das Leben Jesu (The Life of Jesus / 1864 Schleiermacher), book
- Exiles in Babylon; or, Children of Light (1864 Tucker), children's novel
- Judas Makkabäus (1865 Bolander), novel
- Matatia vincitore (Matthatias Triumphant / 1865 Coppola), oratorio
- Jesus der Christ (1865 Dulk), play
- Die Römischen Statthalter in Syrien und Judaea von 69 vor Christo bis 69 nach Christo (1865 Gerlach), book
- Hanani l’essénien (1865 Guénot), novel
- La vengeance d'un juif (1865 Guénot), novel
- Der Apostel Paulus (1865 Hausrath), book
- Vier Jahrhunderte aus der Geschichte der Juden: von der Zerstörung des ersten Tempels bis zur makkabäischen Tempelweihe (1865 Jastrow), book
- Le recensement de Quirinius en Judée (1865 Lutteroth), book
- Der Christus des Glaubens und der Jesus der Geschichte (1865 Strauss), book
- Vita, viaggi e predicazione dell'apostolo S. Paolo (Life, Travel and Preaching of the Apostle Paul / 1866-68 Ambrosi), book
- La femme biblique (Women in the Bible / 1866 Bader), book
- Paulus der Apostel Jesu Christi, 2nd ed. (Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ / 1866-67 Baur, Zeller), book
- Daniel (1866 Bristow / Hardenbrook), oratorio
- Apocalypsis Baruch (1866 Ceriani), book
- Jesus und Hillel (1866 Delitzsch), book
- Yeshu ha-notsri (1866 Goldstein), novel
- Ueber Henoch und Annakos (1866 Hitzig), essay
- Ueber die jüdische Angelologie und Daemonologie in ihrer Abhängigkeit vom Parsismus (1866 Kohut), book
- Das Judenthum in Palästina zur zeit Christi (1866 Langen), book
- Christus (1866 Liszt), oratorio
- Siége de Jotapata (1866 Parent), book
- Esra der Schriffgelehrte (1866 Philippson), novel
- The History of Antiochus Epiphanes; or, The Institution of the Feast of Dedication (1866 Rajpurkar), book
- Nerón (1866 Rubí, Alba y Peña), play
- Les derniers jours de Jérusalem (1866 Saulcy), book
- Histoire des Israélites depuis l’édification du second temple jusqu’à nos jours (1866 Schwab), book
- Rescued from Egypt (1866 Tucker), novel
- De Essenorum moribus et institutis (1867 Clemens), book
- Essai sur l'histoire et la géographie de la Palestine. 1: Histoire de la Palestine depuis Cyrus jusqu’à Adrien (1867 Derenbourg), book
- Geschichte der biblischen Literatur und des jüdisch-hellenistischen Schriftthums (1867-70 Fürst), book
- Antonius (1867 Heywood), play
- Salome (1867 Heywood), play
- Judenthum und Christenthum im Zeitalter der apokryphischen und neutestamentlichen Literatur (1867 Holtzmann), book
- Geschichte Jesu von Nazara (1867-72 Keim), book
- (+) Les mémoires de Judas (The Memoirs of Judas / 1867 Petruccelli della Gattina), novel
- Aurelia; oder, Die Juden der Porta Capena (1867 Quinton), novel (German ed.)
- Histoire d'Hérode, roi des Juifs (1867 Saulcy), book
- De Apocryphi libri Henochi origine et argumento (1867 Sieffert), book
- Kol kore (1867 Solovaitsik), book
- Origin and History of the Books of the Bible, both the Canonical and the Apocryphal (1867 Stowe), book
- An Attempt to Ascertain the Character of the Fourth Gospel (1867 Tayler), book
- Histoire du people juif depuis son retour de la captivité a Babylone jusqu'à la ruine de Jérusalem (1867 Witt), book
- La vita di Gesù Cristo (1868 Capecelatro), non-fiction
- Свето писмо: Старога и Новога Завјета (1868 Daničić, Karadžić), book
- Zum Evangelium des Paulus und des Petrus: Altes and Neues (1868 Holsten), book
- Calvary (1868 Osborn), play
- Aurelia; of, De Joden van de Porta Capenda (1868 Quinton), novel (Dutch ed.)
- Die Stellung Jesu zu den Parteien seiner Zeit (1868 Sartori), book
- Het Essenisme (1868 Tideman), book
- The Origin of Christianity, and a Commentary on the Acts of Apostles (1868 Wise), book
- Sénèque et saint Paul (1869 Aubertin), book
- Biblical Monograph: The Book of Enoch (1869 Cramer), essay
- Della vita di Gesù Cristo (1869-93 Fornari), non-fiction
- De godsdienst van Israël tot den ondergang van den Joodschen staat (The Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State / 1869-70 Kuenen), book
- The Idumean (1869 Leavitt), play
- Lectures on the First and Second Epistles of Peter (1869 Lillie), book
- The Prodigal (1869 Osborn), play
- (++) Saint Paul (St Paul / 1869 Renan), book
- Paulus = Saint Paul (1869 Renan), book (German ed.)
- Saint Paul (1869 Renan / Lockwood), book (English ed.)
- San Pablo = Saint-Paul (St Paul / 1869 Renan / Cuesta), book (Spanish ed.)
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 4th ed. (Septuagint / 1869 Tischendorf), book
- Hebrew Heroes (1869 Tucker), children's novel
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 5th ed. (Septuagint / 1875 Tischendorf), book
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 6th ed. (Septuagint / 1880 Tischendorf / Nestle), book
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 7th ed. (Septuagint / 1887 Tischendorf / Nestle), book
- Tobias Saying Farewell to His Father (1860 Bouguereau), art
- Mary Magdalene (1860 Sandys), art
- Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple (1861 Delacroix), art
- Massacre of the Innocents (1861 Visconti), art
- Eastern Orthodox Sanctuary on Mount Tabor (1862), art
- Christian Martyrs in the Coliseum (1862 Flavitsky), art
- Finding of Moses (1862 Goodall), art
- Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabean Brothers (1863 Ciseri), art
- Tobias and the Angel (1863 Rosales), art
- Stoning of St. Stephen (1863 Thomas), art
- Aaron and Hur Holding Up Moses' Arms (1863 Wolff), art
- Jesus Healing the Leper (1864 Doze), art
- Saint Veronica (1865 Delaroche), art
- Carrying of the Body of St. Stephen (1865 Franchi), art
- Rich Man and Poor Lazarus (1865 Gebhardt), art
- Jesus Mocked by the Soldiers (1865 Manet), art
- Esther (1865 Millais), art
- David and Goliath (1866 Doré), art
- Michael and the Rebel Angels (1866 Doré), art
- The Moses Basket (1868 Brazzà), art
- Pietà (1868 Guérin), art
- Mariamne and Her Children Going to Their Execution (1868 Hopley), art
- Judith (1868 Szemler), art
- The Prodigal's Return (1869 Poynter), art
- Beheading of John the Baptist (1869 Puvis de Chavannes), art
Media in category "Made in the 1860s"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
- 1861 Levi.jpg 768 × 1,000; 98 KB
- 1865 Benamozegh.jpg 184 × 274; 11 KB
- 1866 * Quinton (novel).jpg 630 × 1,000; 78 KB
- 1869-T * Quinton (novel) en.jpg 492 × 842; 43 KB
- 1867 * Hayez (art).jpg 800 × 585; 108 KB
- 1860 Lenbach (art).jpg 401 × 599; 78 KB