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Pages in category "Hebrew Bible Studies--1700s"
The following 56 pages are in this category, out of 56 total.
- Sansone accecato dai Filistei (1700 Urio), oratorio
- Die alten jüdischen Heiligthümer, Gottesdienste und Gewohnheiten (The Ancient Jewish Shrines, Worship and Habits / 1701 Lund / Muhle), book (revised ed.)
- Judicium Salomonis (The Judgment of Solomon / 1702 Charpentier), oratorio
- Archivorum Veteris Testamenti (1703 Sgambati), book
- Histoire critique des dogmes et des cultes (A Critical History of Dogmas and Cults / 1704 Jurieu), book
- Die unglückselige Princessin Michal und der verfolgte David (1707 Lehms), novel
- Simson (1709 Graupner / Feind), oratorio
- Des israelitischen Printzens Absolons und seiner Prinzcessin Schwester Thamar (1710 Lehms), novel
- Der weise König Salomo (1712 Lehms), novel
- Melchizedek Found (1713 Anon.), book
- (+) Flavii Josephi Judiske historia (1713-52 Arnauld d'Andilly / Gyllenstierna), book (Swedish ed.)
- Flavii Iosephi quae reperi potuerunt opera omnia, graece et latine (1720 Hudson, Hall), book
- Flavii Josephi Quae reperiri potuerunt, opera omnia, graece et latine (1726 Havercamp), book
- Heiligdommen, godsdiensten, en gewoontens der oude Jooden = Die alten jüdischen Heiligthümer, Gottesdienste und Gewohnheiten (The Ancient Jewish Shrines, Worship and Habits / 1726 @1701 Lund, Muhle / Long, Outhof), book (Dutch ed.)
- The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended (1728 Newton), book
- Histoire du peuple de Dieu (1728-1757 Burruyer), book
- La morte d'Abel (The Death of Abel / 1732 Leo / @1732 Metastasio), oratorio
- La morte d'Abel (The Death of Abel / 1732 Metastasio), libretto (oratorio)
- Deborah (1733 Haendel / Humphreys), oratorio
- La Triunfante Debora (Deborah Triumphant / 1733 Picanyol), oratorio
- Jephtha (1737 Greene / Hoadly), oratorio
- Die Alten Jüdischen Heiligthümer, Gottesdienste und Gewohnheiten (The Ancient Jewish Shrines, Worship and Habits / 1738 Lund, Muhle / Wolf), book (revised ed.)
- Israel in Egypt (1739 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio (music & libretto), London premiere
- Saul (1739 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio
- El Portentoso Moysès (The Portentous Moses / 1740 Figuera), oratorio (music & libretto), Barcelona premiere
- Sacri Iudaeorum ritus antiqui (1740 Reckenberger), book
- Saul convencido por David (David Convinced Saul / 1742 Figuera), oratorio
- Samson (1743 Haendel / Hamilton), oratorio
- Bibliorum Sacrorum Latinae versiones antiquae (1743-51 Sabatier), book
- Joseph and his Brethren (1744 Haendel / Miller), oratorio
- Joseph (1745 Fesch), oratorio
- Joshua (1748 Haendel / Morell), oratorio
- Solomon (1749 Haendel), oratorio
- Jephtha (1752 Haendel / Morell), oratorio
- Historia del pueblo de Dios: desde su origen, hasta el nacimiento del messias (12 vols.; 1752-1753 @1728 Burruyer), book (Spanish ed.)
- Conjectures sur les mémoires originaux dont il paroit que Moyse s'est servi pour composer le livre de la Genèse (1753 Astruc), book
- Der Tod Abels (The Death of Abel / 1758 Gessner), poetry
- The Death of Abel = Der Tod Abels (1762 @1758 Gessner / Collyer), poetry (English ed.)
- The Fall of Egypt (1774 Stanley / Hawkesworth), oratorio (music & libretto), London premiere
- Isacco, figura del Redentore (1776 Myslivecek / Metastasio), oratorio
- Den Jødiske historie (History of the Jews / 1777-1782 Bastholm), book (Danish)
- The Song of Moses (1777 Linley / Hoadly), oratorio
- (+) Delle opere di Giuseppe Flavio (1779-1780 Angiolini), book
- Historia cronológica del pueblo hebreo, de su religion y gobierno político (1779 Rigüál), book
- Einleitung ins Alte Testament (Introduction to the Old Testament / 1780-83 Eichhorn), book
- ספר נתיבות השלום (The Paths of Peace / 1780-83 Mendelssohn), book
- Saul (1782 Alfieri), play
- Flavii Iosephi hebraei opera omnia, graece et latine (1782-85 Oberthür), book
- Abele (1786 Alfieri), play
- Geschichte der Juden (1786 Bastholm), book (German ed.)
- A Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha (1790 Gray), book
- Svetu Pismu Stariga (Nouiga) Testamenta (1791-1804 Japelj, Kumerdej), book
- Historia cronológica del pueblo de Dios desde Adan hasta Jesu-Christo (1793 Peñalver), book
- Die Schöpfung / The Creation (1798 Haydn / Swieten), oratorio