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Pages in category "Hebrew Bible Studies--1950s"
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total.
- Mosheh (1951 Asch), novel
- Le Féminisme de la Bible: Tome II (Feminism of the Bible: vol. II / 1951 Gadala, Pettier), book
- David and Bathsheba (1951 King), feature film
- The Life of Moses (1952 Weinberg), oratorio
- Vanhan testamentin alkuteksti (1953 Soisalon-Soininen), book
- L'histoire d'Israël = Geschichte Israels (The History of Israel / 1954 Noth), book (French ed.)
- Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (1954 Ormonde), novel
- No Other Gods (1954 Penfield), novel
- Giobbe, uomo solo (1955 Angioletti), novel
- Nem Sansão nem Dalila (Neither Samson nor Dalilah / 1955 Manga), feature film
- Einleitung in das Alte Testament unter Einschluss der Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen, 2nd ed. (1956 Eissfeldt), book
- Den brændende tornebusk (1956 Hoffmann), novel
- The Promise (1956 Kellner), novel
- The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible (1956 Murphy), book
- Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People (1956 Schwarz), edited volume
- The Scarlet Cord (1956 Slaughter), novel
- Understanding the Old Testament (1957 Anderson), book
- Geschiedenis van Israël, van Abraham tot Bar Kochba (Concise History of History, from Abraham to the Bar Cochba Rebellion / 1957 Beek), book
- The Bond Slave (1957 Bell), novel
- Den evige ild (1957 Hoffmann), novel
- Az égö csipkebokor (1957 Kodolányi), novel
- Hallmark Hall of Fame: The Green Pastures (1957 Schaefer), TV film
- A Galaxy of Saints (1957 Stevenson), book
- BBC Sunday-Night Theatre: The Green Pastures (1958 BBC), TV episode
- The Unanointed (1958 Chinn), novel
- Moses, Prince of Egypt (1958 Fast), novel
- Kobberslangen (1958 Hoffmann), novel
- Hagar (1958 O'Neal), novel
- Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament (Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions / 1958-60 Vaux), book
- A History of Israel (1959 Bright), book
- A Light to the Nations: An Introduction to the Old Testament (1959 Gottwald), book
- די קעניגין איזבל (Queen Jezebel / 1959 Izban), novel
- Noah's Ark (1959 Justice), animated short film
- Absalom, My Son (1959 Leisen), TV film
- Solomon and Sheba (1959 Williams), novel
Media in category "Hebrew Bible Studies--1950s"
The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.
- 1950 * Noth.jpg 300 × 425; 17 KB
- 1952 Francisci (film).jpg 214 × 317; 23 KB
- 1956 DeMille (film).jpg 440 × 674; 97 KB
- 1958-T * Noth en.jpg 1,004 × 1,500; 165 KB
- 1959 Vidor (film).jpg 200 × 298; 39 KB