A Galaxy of Saints (1957 Stevenson), book

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A Galaxy of Saints (1957) is a book by Herbert F. Stevenson .


<Character studies of some Biblical "lesser lights"> (English ed.); or, <lesser-known Bible men and women> (American ed.).


Published in London, England: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1957; and Westwood, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1958.


  • pt. 1. Some Old Testament "lesser lights". Seth, the pioneer of family worship -- Sarah, a heroine of faith -- Leah: the problem of life's inequalities -- The daughters of Zelophehad: who claimed an inheritance -- Aaron, the archetypal high priest -- Caleb, whose zeal continued unabated -- Jonathan and all history's most famous friendship -- Asaph, the chief musician -- Baruch, penman of a prophet
  • pt. 2. Some of the lesser-known apostles. Companions of Christ -- Andrew, the first "fisher of men" -- Philip, the gentle, sympathetic disciple -- Nathanael, an Israelite without guile -- Matthew, the publican -- Thomas, the disciple who doubted -- Judas, who betrayed his lord
  • pt. 3. Some New Testament saints. Simeon and Anna, witnesses unto the Christ -- Philip, the evangelist -- Barnabas, the "son of consolation" --Silas, companion of Paul the missionary -- Epaphras and Epaphroditus, messengers to Paul the prisoner -- Onesiphorus, a friend in need -- Demas: and others whose light flickered -- Titus, Tychicus and Trophimus: apostolic delegates -- Paul's portrait gallery.

External links

  • [ Google Books]