Category:Early Islamic Studies--Fiction
![]() EIS Fiction -- History of research -- Overview Percy's drama (Arabia sitiens) was not only the first early modern play to place the Prophet Muhammad on the stage, but the first to introduce the Qur'an to an English audience, at a time when the Islamic holy text was available in England only in the Latin translation of Robert of Ketton published by Theodor Bibliander. In 1741 Voltaire's exploited and propagated the popular prejudices against Islam in a highly popular and influential play (Le fanatisme; ou, Mahomet le prophete), which however was meant to be a criticism of any form of religious fanaticism (including Christian, which could not be attacked directly). The work was widely performed and translated into other European languages by illustrious authors, including Cesarotti in Italy and Goethe in Germany.
![]() EIS Fiction -- Highlights
English -- French -- German -- Italian -- Spanish -//- Arabic -- Croatian -- Czech -- Danish -- Dutch -- Estonian -- Greek -- Hebrew -- Hungarian -- Japanese -- Latin -- Maltese -- Persian -- Polish -- Russian -- Serbian -- Slovenian
2010s (Top) -- 2000s (Top) -- 1990s (Top) -- 1980s (Top) -- 1970s (Top) -- 1960s (Top) -- 1950s (Top) -- 1940s (Top) -- 1930s (Top) -- 1920s (Top) -- 1910s (Top) -- 1900s (Top) -- 1850s (Top) -- 1800s (Top) -- 1700s (Top) -- 1600s (Top) -- 1500s (Top) -- 1400s (Top)
2010s (Top) -- 2000s (Top) -- 1990s (Top) -- 1980s (Top) -- 1970s (Top) -- 1960s (Top) -- 1950s (Top) -- 1940s (Top) -- 1930s (Top) -- 1920s (Top) -- 1910s (Top) -- 1900s (Top) -- 1850s (Top) -- 1800s (Top) -- 1700s (Top) -- 1600s (Top) -- 1500s (Top) -- 1400s (Top) --Pre-Modern (Top) -- Medieval (Top)
![]() Cognate Fields (Fiction) Second Temple Fiction -- Enochic Fiction -- Apocalyptic Fiction -- Qumran Fiction -- OT Apocrypha Fiction -- Wisdom Fiction -- OT Pseudepigrapha Fiction -- Hellenistic-Jewish Fiction -- Philo Fiction -- Josephus Fiction -- Historical Jesus Fiction -- Pauline Fiction -- Johannine Fiction -- Petrine Fiction -- Gospels Fiction -- Christian Origins Fiction -- New Testament Fiction -- Early Christian Fiction -- Early Jewish Fiction -- Early Islamic Fiction -- Early Samaritan Fiction -- Hebrew Bible Fiction
Pages in category "Early Islamic Studies--Fiction"
The following 73 pages are in this category, out of 73 total.
- == == 1500s == == ==
- * ( NO ENTRIES ) *
- == == 1600s == == ==
- (+) Arabia sitiens (Mahomet and His Heaven / 1601 Percy), play
- == == 1700s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1700s ~~
- (++) Le fanatisme; ou, Mahomet le prophete (Mahomet the Prophet / 1741 Voltaire), play
- Mahomet the Imposter = Mahomet le prophete (1744 Voltaire / Miller, Hoadly), play (English ed.)
- Il Maometto = Mahomet le prophete (Mahomet the Prophet / 1762 Voltaire / Cesarotti), play (Italian ed.)
- Mahomet der Prophet = Mahomet le prophete (Mahomet the Prophet / 1768 Voltaire / Löwen), play (German ed.)
- Maometto (Muhammad / 1791 Baccanti), poetry (Italian)
- == == 1800s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1800s ~~
- Mahomet = Mahomet le prophete (Mahomet the Prophet / 1802 Voltaire / Goethe), play (German ed.)
- Maometto (Muhammad / 1817 Winter / Romani), opera (music & libretto), Milan premiere
- Подражания Корану (Imitations of the Qur'an / 1824 Pushkin), poetry
- Mohammed der Prophet (Muhammad the Prophet / 1844 Duller), novel
- Mohammed und seine Frauen (Muhammad and His Wives / 1844 Frick), novel
- == == 1850s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1850s ~~
- Mohammed, the Arabian Prophet (1850 Miles), play
- The Days of Mohammed (1897 Wilson), novel
- == == 1900s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1900s ~~
- == == 1910s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1910s ~~
- Mohammed (Muhammad / 1917 Klabund), novel
- == == 1920s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1920s ~~
- == == 1930s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1930s ~~
- == == 1940s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1940s ~~
- Mahomet, le Napoléon du ciel (Muhammad, the Napoleon of Heaven / 1943 Barois), novel
- == == 1950s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1950s ~~
- Mohammed (Muhammad / 1952 Wehner), novel
- == == 1960s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1960s ~~
- Mohammed (Muhammad / 1967 Tralow), novel
- == == 1970s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1970s ~~
- The Voice of Allah (1970 Hoyt), novel
- Mahomet = Mohammed (Muhammad / 1970 Klabund / Klos-Gwizdalska, Naganowska), novel (Polish ed.)
- == == 1980s == == ==
- ~~ Early Islamic Studies 1980s ~~
- Yo, Mahoma (I, Muhammad / 1989 Gironella), novel
- == == 1990s == == ==
- L'homme du livre (Muhammad / 1994 Chraïbi), novel
- L'uomo del libro = L'homme du livre (Muhammad / 1995 Chraïbi / Colace), novel (Italian ed.)
- Mahoma = Mohammed (Muhammad / 1995 Klabund / Strunk), novel (Spanish ed.)
- Muhammad = L'homme du livre (1998 Chraïbi / Benabid), novel (English ed.)
- == == 2000s == == ==
- Mohammed (Muhammad / 2001 Klabund / Meunier), novel (French ed.)
- Le silence de Mahomet (The Silence of Mohammed / 2008 Bachi), novel
- (+) The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones), novel
- A'isha, l'amata di Maometto = The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones / Beltramini), novel (Italian ed.)
- Aisha, das Juwel von Medina = The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones / Daußig), novel (German ed.)
- Dragulj Medine = The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones / Vasiljevic), novel (Serbian ed.)
- Medinas juvel = The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones / Nørregaard), novel (Danish ed.)
- Il silenzio di Maometto = Le silence de Mahomet (The Silence of Mohammed / 2009 @2008 Bachi / Amaducci), novel (Italian ed.)
- Dragulj iz Medine = The Jewel of Medina (2009 Jones / Morel), novel (Slovenian ed.)
- Klejnot Medyny = The Jewel of Medina (2009 Jones / Smulewska), novel (Polish ed.)
- La joya de Medina = The Jewel of Medina (2009 Jones / López), novel (Spanish ed.)
- The Sword of Medina (2009 Jones), novel
- == == 2010s == == ==
- The Silence of Mohammed = Le silence de Mahomet (2010 @2008 Bachi / Rose), novel (English ed.)
- (+) Muhammad: A Story of the Last Prophet (2010 Chopra), novel
- To kosmema tes Medinas = The Jewel of Medina (2011 Jones / Kapsales), novel (Greek ed.)
- Khadija, l'épouse de Mahomet (Khadija, the Wife of Muhammad / 2014 Halter), novel
- Fatima, la fille de Mahomet (Fatima, the Daughter of Muhammad / 2015 Halter), novel
- L'envoyé de Dieu (The Messenger of God / 2015 Sinoué), novel