Category:Paul of Tarsus (subject)

Paul of Tarsus (1st century CE) was a Second Temple Jewish religious figure, a former Pharisee who became one of the leaders of the nascent Christian movement.
< Life of Paul : Paul's Early Life -- Paul Persecuting the Church -- Conversion of Paul -- Paul's First Missionary Journey -- Council of Jerusalem -- Incident at Antioch -- Paul's Second Missionary Journey -- Paul's Third Missionary Journey -- Paul's Last Visit to Jerusalem -- Paul in Caesarea -- Paul's Journey to Rome -- Paul in Rome -- Martyrdom of Paul -- Relics of Paul >
< Writings: Acts of Apostles -- 1 Thessalonians -- 1 Corinthians -- 2 Corinthians -- Galatians -- Romans >
< Fictional Works on Paul in : Art -- Cinema -- Literature -- Music >
The Pauline Letters and the Acts of Apostle offer some information about Paul's life before he joined the Jesus movement (see Paul's Early Life). In Philippians (3:5), Paul refers to himself as being "of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee". A native of Tarsus, the capital city in the Roman province of Cilicia, he was fluent in both Greek and Aramaic. He was also a Roman citizen.
Paul grew up as Pharisee, and a disciple of Gamaliel in Jerusalem. According to his letters and the Acts of Apostles he supported the Sadducees in the persecution of the Hellenist Christians; see Paul Persecuting the Church.
Then, something happened. He left the Pharisaic party and joined the Jesus movement that he so harshly had persecuted (see Conversion of Paul).
Paul soon became a leader in the new Jewish movement, active especially in spreading the "good news" to the Gentiles. The Acts of Apostles records three missionary journeys by Paul (see Paul's First Missionary Journey, Paul's Second Missionary Journey, Paul's Third Missionary Journey). Many letters also survive of his missionary activity.
Paul promoted a more liberal interpretation of the Christian message in relation to the status of the Gentile within the new community. His views were often opposed by James and the Jerusalem leadership. See Council of Jerusalem and Incident at Antioch.
Paul was eventually arrested in Jerusalem during a visit to the Jerusalem Temple; see Paul's Last Visit to Jerusalem. He was transported to Caesarea Maritima and then to Rome to be put on trial as a Roman citizen. See Paul in Caesarea and Paul's Journey to Rome.
According to Christian traditions, he was released from prison but died a few years later during a time of persecution under Nero. See Paul in Rome and Martyrdom of Paul.
Paul remains a central figure in the memory and veneration of the Christian Church. See Relics of Paul.
Paul of Tarsus, in ancient sources
Paul of Tarsus is mentioned only in Christian tradition, which has handed down a group of letters written by, or attributed to, him. He is also one of the major characters, if not the protagonist, of the Acts of Apostles.
Authentic Letters of Paul
Letters Attributed to Paul
Acts of Apostles
1 Clement
1 Clement 5: But not to dwell upon ancient examples, let us come to the most recent spiritual heroes. Let us take the noble examples furnished in our own generation. Through envy and jealousy, the greatest and most righteous pillars [of the Church] have been persecuted and put to death. Let us set before our eyes the illustrious apostles. Peter, through unrighteous envy, endured not one or two, but numerous labours, and when he had finally suffered martyrdom, departed to the place of glory due to him. Owing to envy, Paul also obtained the reward of patient endurance, after being seven times thrown into captivity, compelled to flee, and stoned. After preaching both in the east and west, he gained the illustrious reputation due to his faith, having taught righteousness to the whole world, and come to the extreme limit of the west, and suffered martyrdom under the prefects. Thus was he removed from the world, and went into the holy place, having proved himself a striking example of patience.
1 Clement 47: Take up the epistle of the blessed Apostle Paul. What did he write to you at the time when the Gospel first began to be preached? Truly, under the inspiration of the Spirit, he wrote to you concerning himself, and Cephas, and Apollos, because even then parties had been formed among you. But that inclination for one above another entailed less guilt upon you, inasmuch as your partialities were then shown towards apostles, already of high reputation, and towards a man whom they had approved. But now reflect who those are that have perverted you, and lessened the renown of your far-famed brotherly love. It is disgraceful, beloved, yea, highly disgraceful, and unworthy of your Christian profession, that such a thing should be heard of as that the most steadfast and ancient Church of the Corinthians should, on account of one or two persons, engage in sedition against its presbyters. And this rumour has reached not only us, but those also who are unconnected with us; so that, through your infatuation, the name of the Lord is blasphemed, while danger is also brought upon yourselves.
2 Peter
2 Peter: ...we wait for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home. 14 Therefore, beloved, while you are waiting for these things, strive to be found by him at peace, without spot or blemish; 15 and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation. So also our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, 16 speaking of this as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures...
Ignatius of Antioch' Letter to the Romans
I do not, as Peter and Paul, issue commandments unto you. They were apostles of Jesus Christ, but I am the very least [of believers]: they were free, as the servants of God; while I am, even until now, a servant. But when I suffer, I shall be the freedman of Jesus Christ, and shall rise again emancipated in Him.
Polycarp to the Philippians
Chap. 3 -- 1 These things, brethren, I write to you concerning righteousness, not at my own instance, but because you first invited me. 2 For neither am I, nor is any other like me, able to follow the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul, who when he was among you in the presence of the men of that time taught accurately and stedfastly the word of truth, and also when he was absent wrote letters to you, from the study of which you will be able to build yourselves up into the faith given you; 3 "which is the mother of us all" when faith follows, and love of God and Christ and neighbour goes before. For if one be in this company he has fulfilled the command of righteousness, for he who has love is far from all sin.
Chap. 9 -- 1 Now I beseech you all to obey the word of righteousness, and to endure with all the endurance which you also saw before your eyes, not only in the blessed Ignatius, and Zosimus, and Rufus, but also in others among yourselves, and in Paul himself, and in the other Apostles; 2 being persuaded that all of these "ran not in vain," but in faith and righteousness, and that they are with the Lord in the "place which is their due," with whom they also suffered. For they did not "love this present world" but him who died on our behalf, and was raised by God for our sakes.
Chap. 11 -- 1 I am deeply sorry for Valens, who was once made a presbyter among you, that he so little understands the place which was given to him. I advise, therefore, that you keep from avarice, and be pure and truthful. Keep yourselves from all evil. 2 For how may he who cannot attain self-control in these matters enjoin it on another? If any man does not abstain from avarice he will be defiled by idolatry, and shall be judged as if he were among the Gentiles who "know not the judgment of God." Or do we "not know that the saints shall judge the world?" as Paul teaches. 3 But I have neither perceived nor heard any such thing among you, among whom the blessed Paul laboured, who are praised in the beginning of his Epistle. For concerning you he boasts in all the Churches who then alone had known the Lord, for we had not yet known him. 4 Therefore, brethren, I am deeply sorry for him [i.e. Valens] and for his wife, and "may the Lord grant them true repentance." Therefore be yourselves also moderate in this matter, and "do not regard such men as enemies," but call them back as fallible and straying members, that you may make whole the body of you all. For in doing this you edify yourselves.
Martyrdom of Polycarp
In Martyrdom of Polycarp (12:2), the same words once referred to to Paul: "This one is the teacher of Asia, the father of the Christians, the destroyer of our gods, who teaches many not to sacrifice nor to worship." (Acts 16:20-21) are repeated by "the entire crowd of heathen and Jews who lived in Smyrna" in reference to Polycarp.
Paul of Tarsus, in the arts
Performing Paul
- / [[]] / In: The Anchor Bible Dictionary (1992 Freedman), dictionary,
- Paul / Daniel J. Harrington / In: The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism (2010 Collins / Harlow), dictionary, 1034-1038
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Pages in category "Paul of Tarsus (subject)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 367 total.
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- La rappresentatione di san Giovanni & Paulo (1491 Medici), play
- Peregrinatio apostolorum Petri et Pauli (1542 Erasmus), book
- Historia von S. Pauli des heiligen Apostels leben = Vita S. Pauli Apostoli (Life of St Paul the Apostle / 1555 @1555 Major / Agricola), book (German ed.)
- Vita S. Pauli Apostoli (Life of St Paul the Apostle / 1555 Major), book
- Dialogo della conversione di San Paolo (Conversion of St. Paul / 1619 Anerio), sacred dialogue
- The Best and Worst of Paul, and His Character in Both Conditions (1648 Hill), book
- Il trionfo della fede nella conversione di S. Paolo (The Triumph of Faith in the Conversion of St. Paul / 1710 Novi), oratorio
- San Paolo in Atene (St. Paul in Athens / 1740 Bonno / Pasquini), oratorio
- The History and Character of St. Paul (1748 Annet), book
- Il naufragio di San Paolo in Malta (1748 Gristi), play
- (+) Examen critique de la vie & des ouvrages de Saint Paul (1770 @1748 Annet / Boulanger), book (French ed.)
- Horae Paulinae; or, The Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul Evinced (1790 Paley), book
- Paulus und Jakobus (1822 Neander), book
- Critical Examination of the Life of St. Paul (1823 Annet/Boulanger), book (English ed.)
- The Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul (1834 Burgess), poetry
- Life and Epistles of St Paul (1851 Lewin), book
- Paolo (1857 Gazzoletti), play
- Der Apostel Paulus (1865 Hausrath), book
- Paulus der Apostel Jesu Christi, 2nd ed. (Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ / 1866-67 Baur, Zeller), book
- Sénèque et saint Paul (1869 Aubertin), book
- (++) Saint Paul (St Paul / 1869 Renan), book
- Paulus = Saint Paul (1869 Renan), book (German ed.)
- Saint Paul (1869 Renan / Lockwood), book (English ed.)
- San Pablo = Saint-Paul (St Paul / 1869 Renan / Cuesta), book (Spanish ed.)
- L'Apotre Paul: esquisse d'une histoire de sa pensée (The Apostle Paul: A Sketch of the Development of His Doctrine / 1870 Sabatier), book
- Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ = Paulus der Apostel Jesu Christi, 2nd ed. (1873-75 Baur, Zeller / Menzies), book (English ed.)
- Quaestiones Paulinae (1882 Loman), book
- Pictures of St. Paul (1885 Tucker), children's novel
- The Life of St Paul (1888 Stalker), book
- St. Paul: His Life and Time (1890 Iverach), book
- Paulus (Paul / 1890-1896 Manen), book (Dutch)
- Spiritual Development of St. Paul (1890 Matheson), book
- Saulus af Tarsus (Paul of Tarsus / 1890 Roos), novel
- The Rabbi's Sons (1891 Weaver), novel
- Живота на апостола Павла = The Life of St Paul (1892 @1888 Stalker / Tomov), book (Bulgarian ed.)
- Woman, Church and State (1893 Gage), book
- Le memorie degli apostoli Pietro e Paolo in Roma (1894 Marucchi), book
- San Paolo (1895 Bovio), play
- (+) St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen (1895 Ramsay), book
- Saint Paul: ses dernières annees (1897 Fouard), book
- Paul: A Herald of the Cross (1897 Kingsley), novel
- Paul: The Man, the Missionary, and the Teacher (1898 Cone), book
- The Student's Life of Paul (1899 Gilbert), book
- Paul of Tarsus (1900 Bird), juvenile novel
- The Last Years of Saint Paul (1900 Fouard), book (English ed.)
- Die Chronologie des Lebens des Apostels Paulus (1903 Hoennicke), book
- The Story of St. Paul (1904 Bacon), book
- Lux Crucis (1904 Gardenhire), novel
- L'apôtre Paul et Jésus-Christ (The Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ / 1904 Goguel), book
- Paulus: der Mensch und sein Werk (St. Paul, the Man and His Work / 1904 Weinel), book
- The Origins of Christianity (1904 Whittaker), book
- Paulus (Paul / 1904 Wrede), book
- The Crown of Pine (1905 Church), children's novel
- Polus ha-Shaliach, o, Sha'ul ish Tarsus (1905 Levertoff), book
- Saul of Tarsus (1906 Miller), novel
- Pauline and Other Studies in Early Christian History (1906 Ramsay), book
- St. Paul, the Man and His Work = Paulus: der Mensch und sein Werk (1906 Weinel / Bienemann, Morrison), book (English ed.)
- Paulus und Jesus (Paul and Jesus / 1907 Jülicher), book
- Paul = Paulus (1907 Wrede / Lummis), book (English ed.)
- San Paolo, dramma biblico (The Life of St. Paul / 1910 Liguoro), short film
- Epochs in the Life of Paul: A Study of Development in Paul's Career (1909 Robertson), book
- Studies of Paul and his Gospel (1911 Garvie), book
- The Apostle (1911 Moore), play
- San Paolo e i suoi ultimi anni (1920 Fouard / Albera), book (Italian ed.)
- San Paolo e le sue missioni (1920 Fouard / Albera), book (Italian ed.)
- St Paul: His Life, Letters, and Christian Doctrine (1920 McNeile), book
- L'uomo irredento in San Paolo (1922 Ferrari), book
- San Paolo e la sua dottrina di vita e d'amore (1922 Ferrari), book
- Paolo di Tarso, apostolo delle genti (1922 Omodeo), book
- Paul, son of Kish (1923 Henry), novel
- Der Einfluss paulinischer Theologie im Markusevangelium (The Influence of Pauline Theology in the Gospel of Mark / 1923 Werner), book
- The Character of Paul (1924 Jefferson), non-fiction
- San Paolo (1925 Buonaiuti), book
- (+) Paul of Tarsus (1925 Glover), book
- St. Paul and the Church of Jerusalem (1925 Knox), book
- Le berceau de dieu (The Cradle of God / 1926 Granville), feature film
- The Life of Saint Paul: the Man and the Apostle (1926 Foakes-Jackson), book
- Paolo di Tarso (1927 Manacorda), play
- Paul the Jew (1927 Phillimore), novel
- The Scripts of Cleophas (1928 Cummins), vision
- St. Paul in Jewish Thought (1928 Levertoff), book
- Paul among the Jews = Paulus unter den Juden (1928 Werfel / Levertoff), play (English ed.)
- Paul and the Jewish Christians (1929 Peake), book
- Paul in Athens (1930 Cummins), vision
- Paul the Christian (1930 Phillimore), novel
- St. Paul (1932 Knox), book
- The Great Days of Ephesus (1933 Cummins), vision
- São Paulo (St. Paul / 1934 Pascoaes), novel (Portuguese)
- The Legions Go North (1935 Christian), novel
- Il novello giuda (1935 Gelo), play
- Der unbekannte Gott (1936 Eschelbach), novel
- Schemi di lezioni su S. Paolo (1936 Vannutelli), book
- San Paolo = Saint-Paul (St Paul / 1938 @1869 Renan / Siniscalchi), book (Italian ed.)
- When Nero Was Dictator (1939 Cummins), vision
- Paolo apostolo martire (Paul, Apostle and Martyr / 1939 Giordani), book
- Mi-Yeshu `ad Paulus (1939-1940 Klausner), book
- St. Paul and the Church of the Gentiles (1939 Knox), book
- Paul and His Predecessors (1940 Hunter), book
- I, Paul (1940 Miller), novel
- Paavali Tarsolainen (1945 Gulin), book
- Paul, Apostle and Martyr = Paolo apostolo martire (1946 Giordani / Maranzana / Williamson), book (English ed.)
- San Paolo (1946 Penna), book
- Paolo apostolo (Paul the Apostle / 1946 Ricciotti), book
- Dzieje Pawla z Tarsu (Acts of Paul of Tarsus / 1947 Dabrowski), book (Polish)
- The Travels and Adventures of St. Paul (1948 Young), novel
- Life of St. Paul Series (1949 Coyle), feature film
- (+) Swiety miecz (The Sacred Sword / 1949 Dobraczynski), novel
- L’Apostolo (1950 Asch / Castigliano), novel (Italian ed.)
- I Appeal unto Caesar (1950 Cummins), vision
- Von Jesus zu Paulus (1950 Klausner / Thieberger), book (German ed.)
- Il giudeo di Tarso = The Jew of Tarsus (1950 @1946 Schonfield / Diana, Gabrieli), book (Italian ed.)
- Perilous Voyage (1951 Ball), novel
- The Tentmaker (1951 Berstl / Graves), novel (English ed.)
- Paulus aus Tarsos (1951 Ellert), novel
- San Paolo = Saint Paul, conquérant du Christ (Saint Paul, Apostle of Nations / 1952 Daniel-Rops), book (Italian ed.)
- Encounter: The Vigil (1953), TV episode
- (+) Paul = Paulus (1953 @1951 Dibelius, Kümmel / Clarke), book (English ed.)
- Le chemin de Damas (1953 Glass/Paulhac), novel
- Paul the Apostle = Paolo apostolo (1953 @1946 Ricciotti / Zizzamia), book (English ed.)
- The Cross and the Eagle (1954 Berstl / Graves), novel (English ed.)
- (+) St. Paul and Epicurus (1954 De Witt), book
- A Világmegváltó Eszme (1954 Kerecseny), novel
- La gota de mercurio (The Drop of Mercury / 1954 Núñez Alonso), novel
- El genio literario de San Pablo (1959 Brunot / Boada), book (Spanish ed.)
- And Walk in Love (1956 Buckmaster), novel
- Paulus in Babylon (Paul in Babylon / 1956 Hohoff), novel
- The Magnificent Three (1956 Petitclerc), novel
- Der Bote der Königs (1957 De Wohl / Hutton), novel (German ed.)
- The Glorious Folly (1957 De Wohl), novel
- Le chemin du Seigneur (1957 Poirier), novel
- Saint Paul et son message (Saint Paul and His Message / 1958 Brunot), book
- San Paolo e il suo messaggio = Saint Paul et son message (1958 @1958 Brunot), book
- Saint Paul and His Message = Saint Paul et son message (1959 Brunot / Matthews), book (English ed.)
- San Pablo y su mensaje = Saint Paul et son message (Saint Paul and His Message / 1959 Brunot / Ruiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Paul of Tarsus (1960 Harington), TV mini-series
- San Paolo = Saint Paul et le mystère du Christ (1960 @1956 Tresmontant / Rossi), book (Italian ed.)
- Paulus, die Pharisäer und das Neue Testament (1961 Baeck), book
- Paul and His Recent Interpreters (1961 Ellis), book
- Dans le sillage de Saint Paul de Césarée à César! (1961 Frank), novel
- Saint Paul (1961 Poirier / Barett), novel (English ed.)
- Paul and Seneca (1961 Sevenster), book
- Daniel to Paul: Jews in Conflict with Graeco-Roman Civilization (1962 Cornfeld), book
- The Life of Saint Paul (1962 Fosdick), non-fiction
- The Hidden Splendour (1962 Goldthorpe), novel
- Ideas maestras de San Pablo (1963 Amiot / Amenós, Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- El evangelio de Pablo (1963 González Ruiz), book
- Le chemin de Damas (1963 Hubert), TV film
- Man on Fire (1964 Blythe), novel
- Parole di San Paolo (Words of Saint Paul / 1964 Dallapiccola), oratorio
- Paul, Apostle of Liberty (1964 Longenecker), book
- Okänd gud (The Unknown God / 1964 Oljelund), novel
- Paulus von Tarsos (1965 Berstl), novel
- Paul: A Man Who Changed the World (1965 Buckmaster), novel
- El cristiano en San Pablo (1965 Cerfaux / de Aguirre), book (Spanish ed.)
- I Have Kept the Faith: The Life of the Apostle Paul (1965 Kraeling), book
- Thirteenth Apostle (1966 Johns), novel
- Itinerario espiritual de san Pablo (1968 Cerfaux / Lator), book (Spanish ed.)
- Theology and Ethics in Paul (1968 Furnish), book
- (+) Saulus (Saul / 1968 Mészöly), novel
- The Apostle: A Life of Paul (1969 Pollock), non-fiction
- Paulus: Der Völkerapostel in jüdischer Sicht (1970 Ben-Chorin), book
- Paolo di Tarso (Paul of Tarsus / 1970 Garofalo), book
- La Turchia greco-islamica di Paolo e di Giovanni (1971 Adinolfi), book
- Paul: apôtre de Jésus-Christ = Paulus (Paul / 1971 Bornkamm / Jeanneret), book (French ed.)
- The Soothsayer (1972 Chinn), novel
- Forty Days Till Dawn (1972 Shrader), novel
- Barnabas and Paul: Brothers in Conflict (1973 Steen), novel
- Paul the Traveller (1974 Bradford), book
- Paul (1975 Drane), book
- Paul and the Anatomy of Apostolic Authority (1975 Schütz), book
- (+) Saint Paul (1976 Grant), book
- Paulus = Saint Paul (1978 Grant), book (German ed.)
- Análisis exegético sobre la conversión de san Pablo: el problema teológico e histórico (1976 Sabugal), book
- La conversión de san Pablo: Damasco ¿ciudad de Siria o región de Qumrán? (1976 Sabugal), book
- Paolo: apostolo di Gesù Cristo = Paulus (Paul / 1977 Bornkamm / Comba), book (Italian ed.)
- Paulus = Paulus (Paul / 1977 Bornkamm / Rønnow), book (Norwegian ed.)
- El evangelio de Pablo: Esbozo de teología paulina (1977 Eichholz), book (Spanish ed.)
- San Paolo (Saint Paul / 1977 Pasolini), non-fiction
- Pablo de Tarso = Paulus (Paul / 1978 @1969 Bornkamm / Sala, Vigil), book (Spanish ed.)
- Das Gesetz bei Paulus (Law in Paul's Thought / 1978 Hübner), book
- La Iglesia del Señor: Un estudio de eclesiología paulina (1978 Legido López), book
- The Moral Teaching of Paul (1979 Furnish), book
- A Chronology of Paul's Life (1979 Jewett), book
- Paul and His Letters (1979 Keck), book
- Teologia swietego Pawla (Theology of St. Paul / 1979 Stepien), book
- Deadline in Rome (1980 Call), novel
- The Social Context of Paul's Ministry (1980 Hock), book
- According to Amos (1981 Benson/Williams-McKenna), children's novel
- Angels and Principalities (1981 Carr), book
- Il Paolo precristiano = Der vorchristliche Paulus (The Pre-Christian Paul / 1992 Hengel, Deines / Pontoglio), book (Italian ed.)
- Paulus, Rabbi und Apostel (1981 Lapide/Stuhlmacher), book
- Paradise Now and Not Yet (1981 Lincoln), book
- Fraternidad en el mundo: Un estudio de eclesiología paulina (1982 Legido López), book
- Evangelio y comunidad: Estudio de teología paulina (1983 Huarte Osacar), book
- Paulus und das Judentum (1983 Lüdemann), book
- The Legend and the Apostle: The Battle for Paul in Story and Canon (1983 MacDonald), book
- "Hoffnung" bei Paulus (1983 Nebe), book
- Paul's Faith and the Power of the Gospel (1983 Patte), book
- Soteriologia sw. Pawla (St. Paul's Soteriology / 1983 Romaniuk), book
- Paul and the Law (1983 Räisänen), book
Media in category "Paul of Tarsus (subject)"
The following 49 files are in this category, out of 49 total.
- 1836 * Mendelssohn (oratorio).jpg 188 × 269; 6 KB
- 1845 * Baur.jpg 1,000 × 1,576; 589 KB
- 1900 * Thackeray.jpg 855 × 1,360; 88 KB
- 1926 * Byrne (novel).jpg 297 × 474; 16 KB
- 1926 * Werfel (play).jpg 377 × 499; 22 KB
- 1936 * Morton.jpg 332 × 499; 24 KB
- 1938 Walker (film).jpg 340 × 481; 213 KB
- 1942-T * Klausner en.jpg 329 × 499; 29 KB
- 1943 * Asch (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 32 KB
- 1946 Schonfield.jpg 480 × 640; 26 KB
- 1947 * Goodspeed.jpg 650 × 965; 114 KB
- 1951 * Dibelius.jpg 375 × 579; 24 KB
- 1952 Glass (film).png 343 × 501; 233 KB
- 1958 * Sandmel.jpg 384 × 499; 21 KB
- 1959 * Amiot.jpg 200 × 327; 8 KB
- 1962-T * Amiot en.jpg 1,217 × 1,500; 346 KB
- 1962 * Selby.jpg 467 × 648; 99 KB
- 1967 * Slaughter (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 30 KB
- 1969 * Bornkamm.jpg 313 × 500; 29 KB
- 1970 * Caldwell (novel).jpg 328 × 500; 37 KB
- 1971-T * Bornkamm en.jpg 900 × 1,387; 229 KB
- 1972 * Rubenstein.jpg 300 × 450; 26 KB
- 1977 * Bruce.jpg 312 × 475; 30 KB
- 1980 * Beker.jpg 343 × 499; 23 KB
- 1980 Arbusto (short).jpg 200 × 281; 19 KB
- 1981 Day (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 19 KB
- 1982 Beker.jpg 324 × 499; 25 KB
- 1984 Lapide - Stuhlmacher en.jpg 342 × 500; 39 KB
- 1986 * Maccoby.jpg 338 × 499; 18 KB
- 1987 * Gaston.jpg 333 × 500; 31 KB
- 1990 * Segal.jpg 313 × 499; 30 KB
- 1993 Hall.jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 1996 * Murphy-O'Connor.jpg 316 × 475; 47 KB
- 1997 * Wilson.jpg 309 × 474; 31 KB
- 1998 * Roetzel.jpg 907 × 1,360; 135 KB
- 1998 * Witherington.jpg 907 × 1,360; 346 KB
- 1999 Yinger.jpg 304 × 499; 17 KB
- 2000 * Wangerin (novel).jpg 323 × 499; 38 KB
- 2003 * Dunn (ed).jpg 400 × 599; 76 KB
- 2004 * Chilton.jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB
- 2006 * Ehrman 2.jpg 907 × 1,360; 161 KB
- 2006 * Wills.jpg 326 × 499; 36 KB
- 2009 * Borg Crossan.jpg 400 × 604; 83 KB
- 2009 Lin.jpg 218 × 218; 6 KB
- 2010 * Langton.jpg 290 × 436; 21 KB
- 2010 Moreno (film).jpg 400 × 561; 43 KB
- 2011 Casey Taylor.jpg 324 × 499; 17 KB
- 2011-E Westerholm.jpg 347 × 499; 27 KB
- 2013 * Jenkins.jpg 400 × 593; 38 KB