Category:Early Jewish Studies

From 4 Enoch: : The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins
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Early Jewish Studies (EJS) -- Home Page
Early Jewish Studies (EJS) -- Home Page

Ancient Rabbis.jpg

Early Jewish Studies is a field of research, that specializes in the study of the origin and early development of Rabbinic Judaism.

4 Enoch focuses on Second Temple Judaism, i.e. the period from the Babylonian exile to the Bar-Kokhba Revolt, including the study of Rabbinic Origins. Here the Encyclopedia offers a selection of the most influential scholarly and fictional works in the field of Early Jewish Studies by international specialists and authors. Many of these works touch upon "Second Temple Judaism" too. Even when they do not include it, they have however deeply affected the understanding of Second Temple Judaism and the development of scholarly research.

The material can be sort out thematically or chronologically as well as by the languages and countries of origin.

For biographical notes on the scholars and authors, see Early Jewish Scholars

History of Research
History of Research


Pre-Modern (Top) -- 1400s (Top) -- 1500s (Top) -- 1600s (Top) -- 1700s (Top) -- 1800s (Top) -- 1850s (Top) -- 1900s (Top) -- 1910s (Top) -- 1920s (Top) -- 1930s (Top) -- 1940s (Top) -- 1950s (Top) -- 1960s (Top) -- 1970s (Top) -- 1980s (Top) -- 1990s (Top) -- 2000s (Top) -- 2010s (Top) ...


2010s (Top) -- 2000s (Top) -- 1990s (Top) -- 1980s (Top) -- 1970s (Top) -- 1960s (Top) -- 1950s (Top) -- 1940s (Top) -- 1930s (Top) -- 1920s (Top) -- 1910s (Top) -- 1900s (Top) -- 1850s (Top) -- 1800s (Top) -- 1700s (Top) -- 1600s (Top) -- 1500s (Top) -- 1400s (Top) --PreModern (Top) -- Medieval (Top)




Ancient Texts
Ancient Texts

Cognate Fields
Cognate Fields

Pages in category "Early Jewish Studies"

The following 71 pages are in this category, out of 71 total.


Media in category "Early Jewish Studies"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.