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Pages in category "Fiction--1950s"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 237 total.
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- L’Apostolo (1950 Asch / Castigliano), novel (Italian ed.)
- Until the Day Break (1950 Bell), novel
- Yeshu`a mi-Natseret (1950 Bistritzky), play
- The Good Tidings (1950 Dieterle), novel
- Jesus von Nazareth (1950 Falke), novel
- Wine of Morning (1950 Jones), novel
- Tre cantate sulla Passione di Cristo (Three cantatas in the Passion of Christ / 1950 Labroca), cantata
- Nehemyah (1950 Livneh), novel
- Esther (1950 Lofts), novel
- A Certain Woman (Mary Called Magdalene) (1950 MacClure), novel
- Il nazareno (1950 Perosi), oratorio
- Il processo di Cristo (1950 Porrino / Ricciotti), oratorio
- The Triumph of Judas Iscariot (1950 Yanikian), novel
- Marie, mère de Jésus (1951 Asch / Bestaux), novel (French ed.)
- Mosheh (1951 Asch), novel
- Perilous Voyage (1951 Ball), novel
- A Time to Be Born (1951 BBC), TV film
- The Tentmaker (1951 Berstl / Graves), novel (English ed.)
- A Tear for Judas (1951 Blythe), novel
- Het hoofd van Johannes (1951 Brom), novel
- The Book of Jonah (1951 Castelnuovo-Tedesco), oratorio
- Ann of Bethany (1951 Ceder/Torrey), children's novel
- Androcles and the Lion (1951 Davis / @1912 Shaw), British (TV) production (play)
- Spark in Judea (1951 Delderfield), play
- Paulus aus Tarsos (1951 Ellert), novel
- (++) Spartacus (1951 Fast), novel
- Mina ärorika bröder = My Glorious Brothers (1951 Moberg / @1948 Fast), novel (Swedish ed.)
- Daughter of Jairus (1951 Fox), novel
- God so Loved the World (1951 Goudge), novel
- The Rose of Magdala (1951 Hewitt), novel
- (++) Ο τελευταίος πειρασμός = The Last Temptation (1951 Kazantzakis), novel
- Salome (1951 Keilberth, Borkh / @1905 Strauss), Munich production, sound recording (opera)
- David and Bathsheba (1951 King), feature film
- The Covenant (1951 Kossak / Stevens), novel (English ed.)
- Judith, Daughter of Jericho (1951 Lillie & Walker), children's novel
- Behold Your Queen! (1951 Malvern), novel
- How Luke Discovered Christmas (1951 Pickett), novel
- Family Theatre: That I May See (1951 Pierson), TV episode
- Jezus en Manachéém (1951 Praag), novel
- Nabucco (1951 Previtali, Silveri / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- Judas (1951 Rabi), play
- Behold the Man! (1951 Rilla), feature film
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1951 Schippers, Allen / @1951 Menotti), American (TV) production, video recording, world premiere (opera)
- (+) Road to Bithynia (1951 Slaughter), novel
- Herod Agrippa (1951 Swan), novel
- A Time to Be Born (1952 BBC), TV film
- Family Theatre: A Star Shall Rise (1952 Brahm), TV episode
- The Living Bible (1952 Dew), TV series
- The Island of the Innocent (1952 Fisher), novel
- Prince of Israel (1952 Gilner), novel
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1952 Hoffman / @1951 Menotti), Bloomington (stage) production (opera)
- Przymierze (1952 Kossak), novel
- Belshazzar's Feast (1952 Kubelik / @1931 Walton), sound recording (oratorio)
- Barabbas (1952 Lagerkvist), play
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1952 Frost, Duvoisin / @1951 Menotti), children's book
- Salome (1952 Moralt, Wegner / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- The Last Revolt (1952 @1948 Opatoshu / Spiegel), novel (English ed.)
- Salome (1952 Reiner, Welitsch / @1905 Strauss), New York (Met) production, sound recording (opera)
- La Betulia liberata (The Liberation of Bethulia / 1952 Rossi / @1771 Mozart), sound recording (oratorio)
- Salome, Italian ed. (1952 Sanzogno, Djanel / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- Studio One: Pontius Pilate (1952 Schaffner), TV episode
- Nikodemus (1952 Schaper), novel
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1952 Schippers, Allen / @1951 Menotti), New York (stage) production (opera)
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1952 Schippers, McIver / @1951 Menotti), American (TV) production (opera)
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1952 Schippers, Sammarco / @1951 Menotti), New York (stage) production (opera)
- Salome (1952 Schröder, Borkh / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- Kalbaryo ni Hesus (The Passion of Jesus / 1952 Tolosa), feature film
- Mohammed (Muhammad / 1952 Wehner), novel
- The Life of Moses (1952 Weinberg), oratorio
- Encounter: The Vigil (1953), TV episode
- Family Theatre: Triumphant Hour (1953), TV film
- A Time to Be Born (1953 BBC), TV film
- BBC Sunday-Night Theatre: Spark in Judea (1953 BBC), TV episode
- The Flower on the Thorn Tree (1953 BBC), TV film
- Belshazzar's Feast (1953 Boult / @1931 Walton), sound recording (oratorio)
- O Mártir do Calvário (The Martyr of the Calvary / 1953 Celestino, Gallon, Gherardi), TV film
- Judas of Kerioth (1953 Dillon), novel
- (+) Listy Nikodema (The Letters of Nicodemus / 1953 Dobraczynski), novel
- Spartaco (Sins of Rome / 1953 Freda), feature film
- Der Fischer Simon Petrus (1953 Frieberger), novel
- Le chemin de Damas (1953 Glass/Paulhac), novel
- Salome; or, The Face of Violence (1953 Horton, Lavallade), ballet
- Miracles of Faith (1953 Milhaud), oratorio
- Micha und die Könige (1953 Mutzenbecher, Duvoisin) = Amahl and the Night Visitors (1952 Frost, Duvoisin / @1951 Menotti), children's book (German ed.)
- Barabbas (1953 Pergament), film music
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1953 Robinson / @1951 Menotti), British (TV) production (opera)
- Spartaco (Sins of Rome / 1953 Rossellini), film music
- The Galileans (1953 Slaughter), novel
- Amahl e gli ospiti notturni = Amahl and the Night Visitors, Italian ed. (1953 Stokowski / @1951 Menotti), Florence (stage) production, sound recording (opera)
- My Glorious Brothers (1953 Vale / Fast), oratorio
- Amahl und die nächtlichen Besucher = Amahl and the Night Visitors, German ed. (1953 Van Doorn / @1951 Menotti), German (TV) production (opera)
- Salome (1953 Weigert, Varnay / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- Caesar's Friend (1954 Amyes / @1933 Dixon, Morrah), British (TV) production (play)
- Amahl e gli ospiti notturni = Amahl and the Night Visitors, Italian ed. (1954 Bartoletti / @1951 Menotti), Venice (stage) production (opera)
- The Cross and the Eagle (1954 Berstl / Graves), novel (English ed.)
- Away in a Manger (1954 Brooking), TV film
- Joel, the Potter's Son (1954 Ceder/Torrey), children's novel
- Day of Triumph (1954 Coyle / Pichel), feature film
- Amahl e gli ospiti notturni = Amahl and the Night Visitors, Italian ed. (1954 De Fabritiis / @1951 Menotti), Rome (stage) production (opera)
- Jezus Chrystus i Jego apostolowie (1954 Dobraczynski), novel
- Salome, Swedish ed. (1954 Ehrling, Nilsson / @1905 Strauss), Stockholm production, sound recording (opera)
- Mis gloriosos hermanos = My Glorious Brothers (1954 @1948 Fast / Calés), novel (Argentine ed.)
- Fisher of Men (1954 Frieberger), novel (English ed.)
- The Same Scourge (1954 Goldthorpe), novel
- Profet och timmerman (1954 Hartman), play
- A Világmegváltó Eszme (1954 Kerecseny), novel
- Спартак (Spartacus / 1954 Khachaturian), ballet music
- Salome (1954 Krauss, Goltz / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- Amahl et les rois Mages (Amahl and the Night Visitors / 1954 Muray, Pecnard / @1951 Menotti), children's book (French ed.)
- La gota de mercurio (The Drop of Mercury / 1954 Núñez Alonso), novel
- Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (1954 Ormonde), novel
- No Other Gods (1954 Penfield), novel
- Un nommé Judas (1954 Puget), play
- (+) Melekh basar va-dam (The King of Flesh and Blood / 1954 Shamir), novel
- Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954 Waxman), film music
- The Silver Chalice (1954 Waxman), film music
- The Rock and the Sand (1954 Zehnpfennig), novel
- Omnibus: Salome (1955 / @1893 Wilde), TV production (play)
- Giobbe, uomo solo (1955 Angioletti), novel
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1955 / @1951 Menotti), British (TV) production (opera)
- Hanukkah of the Maccabees (1955 Binder), oratorio
- Away in a Manger (1955 Brooking), TV film
- (+) The Spear (1955 De Wohl), novel
- Processo a Gesù (Trial of Jesus / 1955 Fabbri), play
- Giuda (1955 Fochi), play
- Spartacus Suite (1955 Khachaturian), music
- Nabucco, German ed. (1955 Klobucar, Colombo / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- Die Frau des Pilatus (1955 Le Fort), novel
- Nem Sansão nem Dalila (Neither Samson nor Dalilah / 1955 Manga), feature film
- Salome (1955 Mitropoulos, Goltz / @1905 Strauss), New York (Met) production, sound recording (opera)
- Il figlio dell'uomo (The Son of Man / 1955 Sabel), feature film
- Amahl e gli ospiti notturni = Amahl and the Night Visitors, Italian ed. (1955 Scaglia / @1951 Menotti), Italian (TV) production, video recording (opera)
- First to Be Called Christians (1955 Smither & Wiese), children's novel
- Wine of Morning (1955 Stenholm), feature film
- The Prodigal (1955 Thorpe), feature film
- Miss Salome (1955 Truitte / @1953 Horton), ballet
- Esther (1955 Weinreb), novel
- Jezebel (1955 Wilson), novel
- The Resurrected Christ (1955 Yanikian), novel
- Jesus of Nazareth (1956 BBC), TV mini-series
- And Walk in Love (1956 Buckmaster), novel
- Ephraim of Israel (1956 Constant), novel
- If I Forget Thee (1956 De Ropp), novel
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1956 Fluck / @1951 Menotti), British (stage) production (opera)
- Den brændende tornebusk (1956 Hoffmann), novel
- Paulus in Babylon (Paul in Babylon / 1956 Hohoff), novel
- The Promise (1956 Kellner), novel
- Pravietis Daniels (1956 Kenins), oratorio
- Sibyllan (The Sibyl / 1956 Lagerkvist), novel
- El lazo de púrpura (The Purple Tie / 1956 Núñez Alonso), novel
- Les témoins de l'Évangile (1956 Panneel), novel
- The Magnificent Three (1956 Petitclerc), novel
- Androcles and the Lion (1956 Rothberg / @1912 Shaw), TV production (play)
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1956 Schippers, Jordan / @1951 Menotti), American (TV) production (opera)
- Joseph and the Sancta Sindone (1956 Shackelford), novel
- The Scarlet Cord (1956 Slaughter), novel
- The Three Kings (1956 Sullivan), novel
- Salomé, Portuguese ed. (1956 Filho, Gallon / @1893 Wilde), TV production (play)
- Спартак (Spartacus / 1956 Yacobson / 1954 Khachaturian), ballet
- The Friendly Beasts (1957 Baker / Sidjakov), children's novel & art
- The Bond Slave (1957 Bell), novel
- (+) The Day Christ Died (1957 Bishop), novel
- Der Bote der Königs (1957 De Wohl / Hutton), novel (German ed.)
- The Glorious Folly (1957 De Wohl), novel
- The Book of Acts Series (1957 Dew), film
- Al-Sayyad al-kabir = The Big Fisherman (1957 @1948 Douglas / Dawud), novel (Arabic ed.)
- Mensajeros de paz (Messengers of Peace / 1957 Elorrieta), feature film
- Got fun tsorn (1957 Feinberg), novel
- Den evige ild (1957 Hoffmann), novel
- Az égö csipkebokor (1957 Kodolányi), novel
- The Wife of Pilate (1957 Le Fort / Buehrle), novel (English ed.)
- The Letters of Luke the Physician (1957 Lloyd), novel
- Matinee Theatre: The Story of Sarah (1957 NBC), TV film
- Robert Montgomery Presents: The Trial of Pontius Pilate (1957 Newland), TV episode
- Le chemin du Seigneur (1957 Poirier), novel
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1957 Post / @1951 Menotti), Australian (TV) production (opera)
- Hallmark Hall of Fame: The Green Pastures (1957 Schaefer), TV film
- Christus am Ölberge (Christ on the Mount of Olives / 1957 Spruit / @1803 Beethoven), radio production, sound recording (oratorio)
- Salome (1957 @1905 Strauss / Goehr), TV production (opera)
- Salome (1957 Varviso, Caballé / @1905 Strauss), Basel production, sound recording (opera)
- The Gifts (1957 Wilson), novel
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1957 Wolff / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
- Son of Nazareth (1957 Zehnpfennig), novel
- Judas Macabeo (1958 Aguirre), play
- BBC Sunday-Night Theatre: The Green Pastures (1958 BBC), TV episode
- Il giorno in cui Cristo morì = The Day Christ Died (1958 Bishop / Satta), novel (Italian ed.)
- Afrodite dea dell'amore (Aphrodite, Goddess of Love / 1958 Bonnard), feature film
- The Fiery Furnace (1958 Castelnuovo-Tedesco), oratorio
- The Unanointed (1958 Chinn), novel
- Moses, Prince of Egypt (1958 Fast), novel
- Judas (1958 Heum), novel
- Kobberslangen (1958 Hoffmann), novel
- Mary of Nazareth (1958 Kellner), novel
- Androklus und der Löwe = Androcles and the Lion, German ed. (1958 Kern, Kortner / @1912 Shaw), TV production (play)
Media in category "Fiction--1950s"
The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total.
- 1950 * Lagerkvist (novel).jpg 185 × 263; 16 KB
- 1950 L'Herbier (film).jpg 250 × 339; 44 KB
- 1950 Wilder (film).jpg 209 × 299; 23 KB
- 1951 * Brod (novel).jpg 303 × 500; 50 KB
- 1951 Coyle (film series).jpg 214 × 317; 20 KB
- 1951-T * Lagerkvist (novel).jpg 771 × 1,200; 208 KB
- 1951 * LeRoy (film).jpg 338 × 517; 79 KB
- 1951 * Menotti (opera).jpg 251 × 352; 36 KB
- 1951 Pierson (TV film).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 1952 * Costain (novel).jpg 357 × 499; 26 KB
- 1952 Erskine (film).jpg 182 × 268; 22 KB
- 1952 Francisci (film).jpg 214 × 317; 23 KB
- 1952 Glass (film).png 343 × 501; 233 KB
- 1952 Morayta (film).jpg 214 × 317; 24 KB
- 1953 Coyle (TV film).jpg 214 × 317; 23 KB
- 1953 * Dieterle (film).jpg 214 × 387; 27 KB
- 1953 * Koster (film).jpg 325 × 496; 85 KB
- 1953 Sjoberg (film).jpg 308 × 436; 41 KB
- 1954 Daves (film).jpg 285 × 395; 37 KB
- 1954 Fabbri.jpg 425 × 600; 145 KB
- 1954 Gil (film).jpg 836 × 1,200; 203 KB
- 1954 Saville (film).jpg 323 × 495; 79 KB
- 1955 Menotti (TV film).jpg 214 × 317; 19 KB
- 1957 Brignone (film).jpg 282 × 426; 26 KB
- 1956 DeMille (film).jpg 440 × 674; 97 KB
- 1956 Steno (film).jpg 235 × 336; 42 KB
- 1957 Allen (film).jpg 256 × 389; 41 KB
- 1958 Bragaglia (film).jpg 569 × 800; 370 KB
- 1958 Schuster (film).jpg 230 × 345; 36 KB
- 1959 * Caldwell (novel).jpg 301 × 499; 30 KB
- 1959 Bonnard (film).jpg 330 × 469; 50 KB
- 1959 Borzage (film).jpg 265 × 400; 29 KB
- 1959 Slaughter (novel).jpg 411 × 600; 32 KB
- 1959 Tourjansky (film).jpg 299 × 472; 161 KB
- 1959 Vidor (film).jpg 200 × 298; 39 KB
- 1959 Wyler (film).jpg 394 × 599; 53 KB