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Pages in category "2010"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 249 total.
(previous page) (next page)- Pearl in the Sand (2010 Afshar), novel
- Así empezó el cristianismo (Thus Began Christianity / 2010 Aguirre Monasterio), edited volume
- Women and Gender in Ancient Religions: Interdisciplinary Approaches (2010 Ahearne-Kroll, Holloway, Kelhoffer), edited volume
- Eclesiología de las cartas de san Pablo = Essai sur l'ecclésiologie des lettres de saint-Paul (2010 Aletti), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes (2010 Alter), book
- From Alexander to Jesus (2010 Amitay), book
- And So They Went Out: The Lives of Adam and Eve as Cultural Transformative Story (2010 Arbel / Cousland / Neufeld), book
- Essays on John and Hebrews (2010 Attridge), book
- The Silence of Mohammed = Le silence de Mahomet (2010 @2008 Bachi / Rose), novel (English ed.)
- The Image of the Jews in Greek Literature: The Hellenistic Period (2010 Bar-Kochva), book
- Elias Bickerman as a Historian of the Jews (2010 Baumgarten), book
- Il Gesù storico (2010 Bertalotto), book
- The Historical Jesus: Contemporary Interpreters and New Perspectives (2010 Bertalotto, Boccaccini, Charlesworth), edited volume
- Aramaica Qumranica (2010 Berthelot, Stökl Ben Ezra), edited volume
- The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought (2010 Bingham), edited volume
- Crossing over Sea and Land: Jewish Missionary Activity in the Second Temple Period (2010 Bird), book
- Moses und der Mythos (2010 Bloch), book
- Der Koran (The Qur'an / 2010 Bobzin), book
- Além da Hipótese Essênia = Beyond the Essene Hypothesis (2010 @1998 Boccaccini / Soares), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Paradise in Antiquity: Jewish and Christian Views (2010 Bockmuehl / Stroumsa), edited volume
- Noah: The End of the World (2010 Booth), juvenile novel
- The Meaning of Mary Magdalene (2010 Bourgeault), book
- The Pseudo-Clementines (2010 Bremmer), edited volume
- Good Friday (2010 Bryan), short film
- Israels Psalmen in Qumran (Israel's Psalms at Qumran / 2010 Brütsch), book
- It is the Spirit that Gives Life: A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel (2010 Buch-Hansen), book
- Third Enoch Graduate Seminar (2010 Budapest), conference
- (+) The Hidden Flame (2010 Bunn, Oke), novel
- A Minor Edition of the Armenian Version of Joseph and Aseneth (2010 Burchard), book
- Salomé (Salome / 2010 Cabral), short film
- Storia del pensiero giudaico ellenistico (History of Hellenistic-Jewish Thought / 2010 Calabi, Penna), book
- A História de Ester (Story of Esther / 2010 Camargo), TV mini-series
- Jewish and Christian Scriptures: The Function of "Canonical" and "Non-Canonical" Religious Texts (2010 Charlesworth, McDonald), edited volume
- The Good and Evil Serpent (2010 Charlesworth), book
- New Perspectives on Old Texts (2010 Chazon, Amaru), edited volume
- A Comparative Handbook to the Gospel of Mark (2010 Chilton/Bock/Gurtner), edited volume
- Traditions at Odds (2010 Choi), book
- (+) Muhammad: A Story of the Last Prophet (2010 Chopra), novel
- The First Letter to the Corinthians (2010 Ciampa, Rosner), book
- Jonah and the Whale (2010 Clark / @1973 Argento), sound recording (oratorio)
- The Significance of Yavneh and Other Essays in Jewish Hellenism (2010 Cohen), book
- The Donkey of Tarsus (2010 Colvin / Carmichael), children's novel & art
- Legend of the Holy Spear (2010 Conrad), documentary
- The Social Significance of Reconciliation in Paul's Theology: Narrative Readings in Romans (2010 Constantineanu), book
- God and Sex: What the Bible Really Says (2010 Coogan), book
- Diálogo teológico en el que expone la epístola del apóstol San Pablo a los romanos = Dialogus theologicus (A Theological Dialogue / 2010 @1574 Corro / Ruiz de Pablos), book (Spanish ed.)
- Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction (2010 Crenshaw), book (3rd ed.)
- 예수의 역사 : 고고학과 주석학의 통합 = Excavating Jesus (2010 @2001 Crossan, Reed / Kim), book (Korean ed.)
- The Hasmoneans and Their State (2010 Dabrowa), book
- The Great Fire of Rome: The Fall of the Emperor Nero and His City (2010 Dando-Collins), book
- City of Ruins: Mourning the Destruction of Jerusalem through Jewish Apocalypse (2010 Daschke), book
- The UFO-Christianity Connection (2010 David), arch-fi book
- Spartacus (2010-13 DeKnight), TV series
- L'Apocalypse de Jean. Révélation pour le temps de la violence et du désir (2010 Delorme, Donegani), book
- The New Jerusalem Texts (2010 DiTommaso), book
- I & II Peter and Jude (2010 Donelson), book
- (+) Muhammad and the Believers: At the Origins of Islam (2010 Donner), book
- The Bible Code III: Saving the World (2010 Drosnin), arch-fi book
- Les Rouleaux de la mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 2010 Duhaime, Legrand), book
- Did the First Christians Worship Jesus? (2010 Dunn), book
- 예수와 기독교의 기원 = Jesus Remembered (2010 Dunn / Ch'a), book (Korean ed.)
- Jesus im Zerrspiegel = Jesus, Interrupted (2010 Ehrman / Baumann), book (German ed.)
- Naśladowcy Jezusa = Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene (2010 Ehrman / Hejmej), book (Polish ed.)
- キリスト教成立の謎を解く= Jesus, Interrupted (2010 Ehrman / Tsumori), book (Japanese ed.)
- 製造耶穌 = Misquoting Jesus (2010 Ehrman), book (Chinese ed.)
- The Son of Man in the Gospel of John (2010 Ellens), book
- New Testament Textual Criticism (2010 Elliott), book
- Holman QuickSource Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls (2010 Evans), book
- Philippe "l'évangeliste" au tournant de la mission dans les Actes des Apôtres. Philippe, Simon le magicien et l'eunuque éthiopien (2010 Fabien), book
- Septuaginta: la Bibbia di ebrei e cristiani = Septuaginta: la Biblia griega de judíos y cristianos (Septuagint: The Greek Bible of Jews and Christians / 2010 @2008 Fernández Marcos / Dalla Vecchia), book (Italian ed.)
- Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All (2010 Fitzgerald), non-fiction book
- The Gospel of Peter (2010 Foster), book
- Augustine and the Jews (2010 Fredriksen), book
- Tiberius Julius Alexander (2010 Friedenberg), novel
- Letteratura e politica nell'Israele antico (2010 Garbini), book
- Avant que se lève l'étoile du matin (2010 Garuti), book
- Paul Unbound: Other Perspectives on the Apostle (2010 Given), edited volume
- Poisoned Honey (2010 Gormley), novel
- Los apócrifos cristianos en sus textos = Lire dans le texte les apocryphes chrétiens (2010 Gounelle), book (Spanish ed.)
- Judah between East and West: The Transition from Persian to Greek Rule (2010 Grabbe, Lipschits), edited volume
- Abraham and Melchizedek: Scribal Activity of Second Temple Times in Genesis 14 and Psalm 110 (2010 Granerød), book
- Like an Everlasting Signet Ring: Generosity in the Book of Sirach (2010 Gregory), book
- Rediscovering the Dead Sea Scrolls (2010 Grossman), edited volume
- Η Σπηλιά των Θησαυρών (The Cave of Treasures / 2010 Grypeou), book
- Áruló vagy megmentő?: Flavius Josephus élete és művei (Traitor or Savior?: The Life and Works of Flavius Josephus / 2010 Grüll), book
- Los cuatro evangelios (2010 Guijarro Oporto), book
- Holistic Qumran: Trans-Disciplinary Research of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls (2010 Gunneweg, Adriaens, Dik), edited volume
- Törpék az óriások vállán (Selected Mishnah Tractates / 2010 Görgey), edited volume
- The Fiscus Judaicus and the Parting of the Ways (2010 Heemstra), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: Texts and Context (2010 Hempel), edited volume
- Qumrân: le secret des manuscrits de la mer Morte (2010 Héricher, Langlois, Villeneuve), edited volume
- Orphism and Christianity in Late Antiquity = Tradición órfica y cristianismo antiguo (2010 @2007 Herrero), book (English ed.)
- The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine (2010 Hezser), edited volume
- The Crucible of Christianity: The Forging of a World Faith (2010 Hill), book
- Who Chose the Gospels?: Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy (2010 Hill), book
- The Apocalypse: A Brief History (2010 Himmelfarb), book
- Sources of the Jesus Tradition: Separating History from Myth (2010 Hoffmann), edited volume
- The Alexandria Letter (2010 Honig), novel
- Revolt of the Scribes: Resistance and Apocalyptic Origins (2010 Horsley), book
- Ben Hur: The Stadium Spectacular = Ben-Hur (2010 @2006 Hossein, Decaux), play (English ed.)
- Christianity in the Greco-Roman World (2010 Hubbard), book
- Come Gesù divenne Dio = How on Earth Did Jesus Become a God? (2010 @2005 Hurtado / Fracchia), book (Italian ed.)
- Los primitivos papiros cristianos = The Earliest Christian Artifacts (2010 Hurtado), book (Spanish ed.)
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (2010 Illick / @1951 Menotti), Santa Fe (stage) production, video recording (opera)
- 신구약을 관통하는 그리스도 (Christ through the Old and the New Testament / 2010 Im), book
- Studies in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity (2010 Jaffé), book
- Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 Years (2010 Jenkins), book
- Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre Presents: Salome (2010 Johnson / @1905 Strauss), TV film (opera)
- Jesus: A Biography from a Believer (2010 Johnson), non-fiction
- The New Testament: A Very Short Introduction (2010 Johnson), book
- Angels: A History (2010 Jones), book
- La condanna del Messia: problemi storici della ricerca su Gesù (2010 Jossa), book
- Journal of Ancient Judaism (2010-), journal
- Canada's Big Biblical Bargain: How McGill University Bought the Dead Sea Scrolls (2010 Kalman, Du Toit), book
- Priscilla and Aquila: Paul's Coworkers in Christ Jesus (2010 Keller), book
- God Will Judge Each One According to Works (2010 Kim), book
- The Audience of the Gospels (2010 Klink), edited volume
- Bevezetés az újszövetség kortörténetébe és irodalmába I. (An Introduction to the New Testament / 2010 Kocsis), book
- Revelation (2014 Koester), book
- Life in Year One: What the World Was Like in First-Century Palestine (2010 Korb), book
- Luke: The Elite Evangelist (2010 Kuhn), book
- 3 Baruch (2010 Kulik), book
- 666: Ο Αριθμός του Βιβλίου (2010 Kyrtatas), book
- (+) Matthew's Story (2010 LaHaye, Jenkins), novel
- 彼得前書 (1 Peter / 2010 Lai), book
- Imagine: Ben-Hur (2010 Landsman), documentary
- Hérode le Grand: constructions, mouvements spirituels ou religieux de son époque (2010 Laperrousaz), book
- The Politics of Peace: Ephesians, Dio Chrysostom, and the Confucian Four Books (2010 Lau), book
- Paul and the Early Jewish Encounter with Deuteronomy (2010 Lincicum), book
- Circumcision as a Malleable Symbol (2010 Livesey), book
- 論盡羅馬 : 透析保羅寫羅馬書之目的 = Paul's Purpose in Writing Romans (2010 Lo / Wang), book (Chinese ed.)
- Studies on the Ancient Armenian Version of Philo's Works (2010 Lombardi, Pontani), book
- Salome (2010 Luisotti, Sunnegårdh / Lavia, Bevilacqua / @1905 Strauss), Bologna production, video recording (opera)
- The Books of Enoch (2010 Lumpkin), non-fiction
- Los evangelios sinópticos y la cultura mediterránea en el siglo I = Social Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels (2010 Malina/Rohrbaugh), book (Spanish ed.)
- Ben Hur: The Hollywood Legend Comes Alive (2010 Mansfield), documentary
- Romans (2010 Matera), book
- Perfect Martyr: The Stoning of Stephen and the Construction of Christian Identity (2010 Matthews), book
- Jesus: The Explosive Story of the 30 Lost Years and the Ancient Mystery Religions (2010 McCannon), arch-fi book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: Transmission of Traditions and Production of Texts (2010 Metso, Najman, Schuller), edited volume
- Kaiphas. Der Hohepriester jenes Jahres (2010 Metzner), book
- The Gospel of John (2010 Michaels), book
- El legado de Judas (2010 Miralles, Bruna), novel
- Paul, the Corinthians, and the Birth of Christian Hermeneutics (2010 Mitchell), book
- El silencio de Tácito (2010 Montserrat Torrents), novel
- Samaritans: Past and Present (2010 Mor, Reiterer), edited volume
- Ο χριστιανισμός από τα χειρόγραφα του Κουμράν (Christianity from the Manuscripts of Qumran / 2010 Mpellas), book
- The Ituraeans and the Roman Near East (2010 Myers), book
- Past Renewals (2010 Najman), book
- Understanding the Social World of the New Testament (2010 Neufeld / DeMaris), edited volume
- Rabin razgovara s Isusom = A Rabbi Talks with Jesus (2010 Neusner / Vucetic), book (Croatian ed.)
- Rabin rozmawia z Jezusem = A Rabbi Talks with Jesus (2010 Neusner / Wojtasik), book (Polish ed.)
- Der Koran als Text der Spätantike: ein europäischer Zugang (The Qur'an as a Document of Late Antiquity / 2010 Neuwirth), book
- The Real History of the End of the World (2010 Newman), non-fiction
- Other Worlds and Their Relation to This World (2010 Nicklas), edited volume
- Theologies of Creation in Early Judaism and Ancient Christianity (2010 Nicklas, Zamfir), edited volume
- Samaritains, juifs, temples (2010 Nodet), book
- What Is Good, and What God Demands (2010 Novick), book
- Theophilos (2010 O'Brien), novel
- The Didache: A Window on the Earliest Christians (2010 O'Loughlin), book
- The Hidden Origins of Islam: New Research into Its Early History (2010 Ohlig, Puin), edited volume
- Tragedy, Authority, and Trickery: The Poetics of Embedded Letters in Josephus (2010 Olson), book
- Jews, Christians and Jewish Christians in Antiquity (2010 Paget), book
- Qumran Cave 1 Revisited (2010 Parry, et al.), edited volume
- De apóstol a esclavo: El exemplum de Pablo en 1 Corintios 9 (2010 Pereira), book
- The Making of Paul: Constructions of the Apostle in Early Christianity (2010 Pervo), book
- Los judíos de época romana, ss. I-II d. C. (2010 Pitillas Salañer), book
- When the Great Abyss Opened: Classic and Contemporary Readings of Noah's Flood (2010 Pleins), book
- Authoritative Scriptures in Ancient Judaism (2010 Popović), edited volume
- Breve introduzione alla teologia del Nuovo Testamento = Kleine Theologie des Neuen Testaments, 2nd ed. (Brief Introduction to New Testament Theology / 2010 @2005 Porsch / Danna), book (Italian ed.)
- La Biblia perdida = The Lost Bible (2010 Porter), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Leadership of Muhammad (2010 Adair), book
- Lukas, die geliefde geneesheer (Luke, the Beloved Physician / 2010 Prinsloo), novel
- Jesus: An Uncommon Journey: Studies on the Historical Jesus (2010 Puig i Tàrrech), book
- (+) The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ (2010 Pullman), novel
- Szövetség és hűség. Tanulmányok (Covenant and Fidelity. Studies / 2010 Pákozdy), book
- The Rise of Christian Beliefs (2010 Räisänen), book
- Stoicism in Early Christianity (2010 Rasimus, Engberg-Pedersen, Dunderberg), edited volume
- The Legacy of John: Second-Century Reception of the Fourth Gospel (2010 Rasimus), edited volume
- I fratelli di Gesù (2010 Reggi), book
- The Qur'an and Its Biblical Subtext (2010 Reynolds), book
- Le Testament d'Elisée (2010 Richelle), book
- He of Whom It Is Written: John the Baptist and Elijah in Luke (2010 Rindoš), book
- Hadrian and the Christians (2010 Rizzi), edited volume
- Israël dans la mission chrétienne. Lectures de Romains 9-11 (2010 Robert), book
- Torah Centers and Rabbinic Activity in Palestine, 70-400 CE (2010 Rosenfeld), book
- Évangile, selon moi (2010 Rouaud), novel
- + Paul among the People (2010 Ruden), book
- Tra giudaismo e cristianesimo: riflessioni sul giudaismo antico e medio (2010 Sacchi), book
- Zohi Sdom (This Is Sodom / 2010 Sanderson, Segev), feature film
- Vines Intertwined: A History of Jews and Christians from the Babylonian Exile to the Advent of Islam (2010 Sandgren), book
- Bevezetés Philón életéhez és írásaihoz = A Brief Guide to Philo (2010 @2005 Schenck / Szabó), book (Hungarian ed.)
- Il vangelo perduto e ritrovato: la fonte Q e le origini cristiane (2010 Schiavo), book
- Qumran and Jerusalem: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the History of Judaism (2010 Schiffman), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls at 60 (2010 Schiffman, Tzoref), edited volume
- Paulus und der Koran (Paul and the Qur'an / 2010 Schmitz), book
- Brothers Estranged: Heresy, Christianity, and Jewish Identity in Late Antiquity (2010 Schremer), book
- Die Weihnachtsgeschichte (2010 Schulze), children's novel
- Were the Jews a Mediterranean Society? (2010 Schwartz), book
- Judaism Defined: Mattathias and the Destiny of His People (2010 Scolnic), book
Media in category "2010"
The following 33 files are in this category, out of 33 total.
- 2010 Barranchina (film).jpg 188 × 259; 10 KB
- 2010-E Bieringer.jpg 333 × 499; 15 KB
- 2007 Vidal.jpg 324 × 499; 26 KB
- 2010 * Bassard.jpg 333 × 499; 33 KB
- 2010 * Casey.jpg 326 × 499; 39 KB
- 2010 * Collins.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 2010 * Langton.jpg 290 × 436; 21 KB
- 2010 Allison.jpg 333 × 499; 37 KB
- 2010 Angel.jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 2010 Anker.jpg 400 × 602; 64 KB
- 2010 Billups (film).jpg 214 × 317; 12 KB
- 2010 Campbell.jpg 400 × 645; 29 KB
- 2010 Chiesa (film).jpg 472 × 669; 146 KB
- 2010 Constantineanu.jpg 333 × 499; 20 KB
- 2010 Donaldson.jpg 318 × 499; 29 KB
- 2010 Grypeou.jpg 250 × 373; 44 KB
- 2010 Manini.jpg 332 × 499; 28 KB
- 2010 Mburu.jpg 339 × 499; 17 KB
- 2010 Moreno (film).jpg 400 × 561; 43 KB
- 2010 Moyise (book).jpg 880 × 1,360; 185 KB
- 2010 Rowland.jpg 333 × 499; 38 KB
- 2010 Shill (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 2010 Wistrich.jpg 400 × 608; 36 KB
- 2010-E * Brockopp.jpg 332 × 499; 46 KB
- 2010-E * Collins Harlow.jpg 369 × 499; 48 KB
- 2010-E * Lim Collins.jpg 348 × 499; 36 KB
- 2010-E * Page.jpg 410 × 500; 33 KB
- 2010-E Aune.jpg 330 × 499; 24 KB
- 2010-E Brine.jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB
- 2010-E Burkett.jpg 347 × 499; 30 KB
- 2010-E Macintosh.jpg 331 × 499; 26 KB
- 2010-R * VanderKam.jpg 333 × 499; 36 KB
- 2010-T Pratscher en.jpg 400 × 601; 241 KB