Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All (2010 Fitzgerald), non-fiction book

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Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All (2010) is a non-fiction book by David Fitzgerald.


A work supporting the Jesus Myth Theory.

"Why would anyone think Jesus never existed? Isn’t it perfectly reasonable to accept that he was a real first century figure? As it turns out, no. Nailed sheds light on ten beloved Christian myths, and, with evidence gathered from historians across the theological spectrum, shows how they point to a Jesus Christ created solely through allegorical alchemy of hope and imagination; a messiah transformed from a purely literary, theological construct into the familiar figure of Jesus - in short, a purely mythic Christ."--Publisher description.


Published in the United States: 2010.


  • Myth No. 1: "The idea that Jesus was a myth is ridiculous!"
  • Myth No. 2: "Jesus was wildly famous--but..."
  • Myth No. 3: "Ancient historian Josephus wrote about Jesus"
  • Myth No. 4: "Eyewitnesses wrote the Gospels"
  • Myth No. 5: "The Gospels give a consistent picture of Jesus
  • Myth No. 6: "History confirms the Gospels"
  • Myth No. 7: "Archeology confirms the Gospels"
  • Myth No. 8: "Paul and the Epistles corroborate the Gospels"
  • Myth No. 9: "Christianity began with Jesus and his apostles"
  • Myth No. 10: "Christianity was totally new and different..."
  • Conclusion: Can Jesus be Saved?
  • Appendix: Apologist Sources