The Great Fire of Rome: The Fall of the Emperor Nero and His City (2010 Dando-Collins), book

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The Great Fire of Rome: The Fall of the Emperor Nero and His City (2010) is a book by Stephen Dando-Collins.


"On the night of July 19, AD 64, a fire began beneath the stands of Rome's great stadium, the Circus Maximus. For more than a week the fire spread, engulfing most of the city and nearly burning it to the ground. With its capital in ruins, Rome's powerful empire teetered on the edge of collapse as Nero struggled desperately to save his empire--and his skin. Historian Stephen Dando-Collins takes readers through the streets of ancient Rome, where unrest simmers, and into the imperial palace, where political intrigue seethes, relating a potboiler story filled with fascinating historical characters who will determine the course of an empire. It is an unforgettable human drama that brings ancient Rome and the momentous events of 64 AD scorchingly to life."--Publisher description.


Published in Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.


The January oath -- The rival prefects -- The poets -- The former chief secretary -- The flame -- The water commissioner -- The singing emperor -- The gladiatorial contest -- The Jews and the Christians -- The lake banquet -- The charioteer -- The fire -- The blame -- The conspiracy -- The unraveling -- The suicide of Seneca -- The purge -- The new stage -- The informers -- The crowning of a new king -- The trial of Thrasea and Soranus -- The new Alexander -- The apostles and the Jewish revolt -- The fall of Nero -- The final curtain.

External links

  • [ Google Books]