Category:Maccabees (subject)
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Pages in category "Maccabees (subject)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 247 total.
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- == == 1450s == == ==
- Storie sacre (Sacred Narratives / 1475c Tornabuoni), poetry
- == == 1500s == == ==
- Maccabean Shrine (1527 Hanemann), art
- Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple (1512 Raphael), art
- Judita (Judith / 1521 Marulić), poetry (Croatian)
- Iudith (1532 Birck), play
- Judith mit Holophernes (1551 Sachs), play
- Die Maccabäer (1552 Sachs), play
- Rivus Cedron (1561 Conradinus), poetry
- La gloriosa e trionfante vittoria donata dal grande Iddio al popolo hebreo per mezzo di Giuditta sua fidelissima serva (1564 Sacchetti), play
- Eleazarus Machabaeus (1587 Pontanus), play
- Love's Labour's Lost (1594 Shakespeare), play
- Divine & heureuse victoire des Machabées sur le Roi Antiochus (1596 Virey du Gravier), play
- La Machabée (1596 Virey du Gravier), play
- Judas Maccabaeus (1601 Haughton), play
- In sacros divinorvm Bibliorvm libros, Tobiam, Ivdith, Esther, Machabaeos, commentarius (1610 Serarius), book
- Le turbolenze d'Israele, seguite sotto 'l governo di duo rè Seleuco il Filopatore ed Antioco il Nobile (1633 Manzini), book
- The Triumph of Judas Maccabeus (1636 Rubens), art
- Judas Macabeo (1641 Calderón de la Barca), play
- Commentaria in libros Machabaeorum (1651 Redanus), book
- Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple (1662 Flémal), art
- Commentarii historici et morales perpetui ad secundum Machabaeorum librum (1664 Foullon), book
- Li Maccabei (The Maccabees / 1674 Bicilli / Mazzei), oratorio
- Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple (1674 Lairesse), art
- Die Makkabäische Mutter mit ihren sieben Sohnen (1679 Franck / Elmenhorst), oratorio
- La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1685 Mercuriali / Gigli), oratorio
- The History of the Nine Worthies of the World (1687 Burton), novel
- La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1688 Fabbrini / 1685 Gigli), oratorio
- Liber Tobiae, Judith, Oratio Manassae, Sapientia, et Ecclesiasticus Graecè et Latine (OT Apocrypha / 1691 Fabricius), book
- Judas Machabeus (1695 Cola), oratorio
- Juda Machabeus (1697 Pulci), oratorio
- Judae Machabei gloriosa in Deum fiducia (1702 Adolph), play
- La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1704 Ariosti / 1685 Gigli), oratorio
- Mater Machabaeorum (1704 Arresti), oratorio
- La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1705 Aldrovandini / 1685 Gigli), oratorio
- Il martirio de' Maccabei (1709 Badia / Stampiglia), oratorio
- La donna forte nella madre dei sette Maccabei (1714 Fux / Pariati), oratorio
- La madre de’ Maccabei (1719 Massarotti), oratorio
- Les Machabées (1721 La Motte), play
- Antiochus; ou, Les Machabées (1722 Nadal), play
- Jonathas le Machabée (1723 Père de la Sante), play
- Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple (1725 Solimena), art
- Spartaco (Spartacus / 1726 Porsile / Pasquini), opera (music & libretto)
- Heliodorus and Onias (1726 Tiepolo), art
- Matatia in Modin (1727 Redi), oratorio
- L'osservanza della divina legge martirio de' Maccabei (1732 Conti / Lucchini), oratorio
- La madre de’ Maccabei (1737 Porsile / Manzoni), oratorio
- La madre de' Maccabei (1745 Mazzoni / Belletti), oratorio
- (++) Judas Maccabeus (1747 Haendel / Morell), oratorio
- Alexander Balus (1748 Haendel / Morell), oratorio
- Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabean Brothers (1759 Tiepolo), art
- Spartacus (1760 Saurin), play
- Antiochus der wütente Tyrann, und Vorbild des künftigen Antichrist (Antiochus the Raging Tyrant and Figure of the Future Antichrist / 1762 Werner), oratorio
- La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1763 Petrucci), oratorio
- La madre de' Maccabei (1764 Barbieri), libretto
- La madre de' Maccabei (1764 Guglielmi / Barbieri), oratorio
- La madre de' Maccabei (1765 Anfossi / Barbieri), oratorio
- La madre de' Maccabei (1765 Garroni / Barbieri), oratorio
- Matatia (Matthatias / 1765 Nenci / Coltellini), oratorio
- La madre de' Maccabei (1767 Bergamini / Barbieri), oratorio
- Colección de varias historias (1767-1768 Santos Alonso), novel
- Machabaeorum mater (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1770 Sacchini / Chiari), oratorio
- La madre de' Maccabei (1775 Gatti / Barbieri), oratorio
- Les macchabées (The Maccabees / 1780 Deshayes), oratorio
- Salome, madre de' sette martiri Maccabei (1783 Silva / Martinelli), oratorio
- Antioco (Antiochus / 1787 Gabellone), oratorio
- Heliodorus Driven out of the Temple (1791 Thorvaldsen), art
- Spartaco (Spartacus / 1793 Batini, Puccini A., Puccini D. / Vannucci), opera
- Spartakus (Spartacus / 1793 Meissner), novel
- Gionata Maccabeo (1798 Guglielmi), opera
- Judas Machabée; ou, Le rétablissement du culte à Jérusalem (1803 Massillian), play
- Thirza und ihre sieben Söhne (Thirza and Her Seven Sons / 1806 Rieger / Niemeyer), oratorio
- Les Machabées; ou, La prise de Jérusalem (1817 Cuvelier de Trie), play
- Die Makkabäer; oder, Salomomäa und ihre Söhne (1818 Seyfried), opera
- I sette Maccabei (1818 Trento / Tarducci), opera
- Giuda Maccabeo; ossia, La morte di Nicanore (1819 Crispi / Rasi), oratorio
- Helons Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem (Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem / 1820 Strauss), novel
- Die Mutter der Makkabäer (1820 Werner), play
- Giuda Maccabeo; ossia, La morte di Nicanore (1821 Basili), oratorio
- Les Machabées (1822 Guiraud), play
- Spartacus (1822 Moodie), juvenile novel
- Helon’s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem (1825 @1820 Strauss / Kenrich), novel (English ed.)
- Zillah (1828 Smith), novel
- Spartacus (1830 Foyatier), art
- The Five Books of Maccabees in English (1832 Cotton), book
- Die Makabäer (The Maccabees / 1838 Stahlknecht), oratorio
- Iddo (1841 Anonymous), children's novel
- Die Makkabäer (1842 Gutzkow), play
- Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabean Brothers (1842 Stattler), art
- Die Makkabäer (The Maccabees / 1842 Tarnowski), novel (German)
- Spartacus (1847 Vela), art
- Eleazzaro; o, I Maccabei (1848 Biagi), opera
- Die Makkabäer (1852 Ludwig), play
- Das erste Buch der Maccabäer (1853 Grimm), book
- Matatia (Matthatias / 1853 Liberali / Vicoli), oratorio
- The First of the Maccabees (1855 Wise), novel
- Die Hasmonäer (1856 Michaël), play
- Das zweite, dritte und vierte Buch der Maccabäer (1857 Grimm), book
- Giuda Maccabeo (1859 Mariotti / Meini), oratorio
- Die Hasmonäer (1859 Stein), play
- Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple (1861 Delacroix), art
- Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabean Brothers (1863 Ciseri), art
- Judas Makkabäus (1865 Bolander), novel
- Matatia vincitore (Matthatias Triumphant / 1865 Coppola), oratorio
- The History of Antiochus Epiphanes; or, The Institution of the Feast of Dedication (1866 Rajpurkar), book
- Hebrew Heroes (1869 Tucker), children's novel
- The Oath of Spartacus (1871 Barrias), art
- Judas Maccabaeus (1872 Longfellow), play
- Die Makkabäer (The Maccabees / 1873 Rubinstein / Mosenthal), opera
- Johann Hyrkan (1877 Werner), book
- The Cursed Field (1878 Bronnikov), art
- Judas Maccabaeus and the Jewish War of Independence (1879 Conder), book
- Judas Maccabäus (1879 Zopff), opera
- Histoire des Machabées; ou, Princes de la dynastie asmonéenne (1880 Saulcy), book
- Helon of Alexandria: A Tale of Israel in the Time of the Maccabees (1884 @1820 Strauss / Saphir), novel (English ed.)
- The Feast of Light (1885 Bien), play
- Hanike (1889 Lerner), play
- The Hammer (1890 Church), children's novel
- Judas Maccabaeus (1892 Goldfaden), play
- Some Jewish Women (1892 Zirndorf), book
- The Fourth Book of Maccabees and Kindred Documents in Syriac (1895 Bensly/Barnes), book
- The First Book of Maccabees (1897 Fairweather, Black), book
- Alexander Jannaeus (1897 Landau), play
- Judas Maccabaeus (1898 Mendes), children's play
- The Age of the Maccabees (1898 Streane), book
- Aleksander Yanai, der fershtosener prints (1898 Ter), play
- The Patriots of Palestine (1898 Yonge), novel
- Haus Hasmonai (1900 Christ), novel
- The Maccabees March (1901 Cook), music
- Deborah (1901 Ludlow), novel
- Hannah and Her Seven Sons (1902 Louis), poetry
- For Liberty (1903 Jacobson), children's play
- Commentarius in duos libros Machabaeorum (1907 Knabenbauer), book
- Spartaco (Spartacus / 1909 Gherardini), short film
- I Maccabei (The Maccabees / 1911 Guazzoni), short film
- Jewish History and Literature under the Maccabees and Herod (1913 Alford), book
- Spartaco (Spartacus / 1913 Vidali), feature film
- Juda Makabé (Judas Maccabeus / 1914 Fishta), play
- Onder het veldteeken der Makkabeërs (1914 Penning), novel
- Rom und die Hasmonäer (1914 Roth), book
- The Maccabees (1918 Freed), play
- Juda Makkabäus (1919 Sandow), opera
- Das erste Buch der Machabäer (1920 Gutberlet), book
- Prime linee di storia della tradizione maccabaica (1930 Momigliano), book
- Modin Women (1931 Goller), play
- Giuda Maccabeo (Judas Maccabee / 1931 Quercetti / Recanatesi), opera (music & libretto)
- (+) Der Gott der Makkabäer (The God of the Maccabees / 1937 Bickerman), book
- Passio ss. Machabaeorum (1938 Dörrie), book
- Judas Makkabäus (1943 Boxler), novel
- Die Politik Antiochos' des IV (1943 Jansen), book
- Les Macchabées (1945 Ludwig / Mis), play (French ed.)
- Les livres des Maccabées (1949 Abel), book
- The First Book of Maccabees (1950 Tedesche/Zeitlin), book
- Mina ärorika bröder = My Glorious Brothers (1951 Moberg / @1948 Fast), novel (Swedish ed.)
- The Island of the Innocent (1952 Fisher), novel
- Libri dei Maccabei (1952 Penna), book
- The Third and Fourth Books of Maccabees (1953 Hadas), book
- My Glorious Brothers (1953 Vale / Fast), oratorio
- A Commentary on I Maccabees (1954 Dancy), book
- Mis gloriosos hermanos = My Glorious Brothers (1954 @1948 Fast / Calés), novel (Argentine ed.)
- Die Quellen des I. und II. Makkabäerbuches (1954 Schunck), book
- (+) Melekh basar va-dam (The King of Flesh and Blood / 1954 Shamir), novel
- The Second Book of Maccabees (1954 Tedesche/Zeitlin), book
- Hanukkah of the Maccabees (1955 Binder), oratorio
- Judas Macabeo (1958 Aguirre), play
- The King of Flesh and Blood (1958 Shamir / Patterson), novel (English ed.)
- Aleksandrah (1959 Avidom / Ashman), opera
- Il Vecchio Testamento (1963 Parolini), film
- The First and Second Books of the Maccabees (1966 Schoenberg), book
- Grottorna i ökenbergen (1966 Sundgren), novel
- Die Theokratie nach dem 1. und 2. Makkabäerbuch (1967 Arenhoevel), book
- Gloriosii mei frati (My Glorious Brothers / 1967 Fast / Litman-Litani), novel (Romanian ed.)
- The Fifth Book of the Maccabees (1969 Reznikoff), poetry
- Der Topos der Nine Worthies in Literatur und bildender Kunst (The Topos of the Nine Worthies in Literature and Visual Arts / 1971 Schroeder), book
- The First and Second Books of the Maccabees (1973 Bartlett), book
- The First Book of Maccabees (1973 McEleney), book
- The Second Book of Maccabees (1973 McEleney), book
- The Maccabees (1973 Pearlman), non-fiction book
- Moi proslavlennye brat’ia (1975 Fast), novel (Russian ed.)
- Beobachtungen zu Sprache, Stil und Gedankengut des Vierten Makkabäerbuchs (1976 Breitenstein), book
- The Hanukkah Story (1977 Hirsh), children's novel
- Not by Might (1979 Sargon), oratorio
- מלחמות החשמונאים (Judas Maccabaeus: The Jewish Struggle against the Seleucids / 1980 Bar-Kochva), book
- Hikre ha-tekufah ha-Hashmonait (1980 Efron), book
- Temple Propaganda: The Purpose and Character of 2 Maccabees (1981 Doran), book
- La crise maccabéenne (1982 Saulnier), book
- 1-2 Maccabei: lotta e martirio per la fede (1982 Vallauri), book
- Hellenistische Reform und Religionsverfolgung in Judäa (1983 Bringmann), book
- La crisis macabea (1983 Saulnier / Darrícal), book (Spanish ed.)
- Even ha-mizbeah (1984 Baram), novel
- 1 Makkabäer, 2 Makkabäer (1985 Dommershausen), book
- First Maccabees, Second Maccabees (1985 Spilly), book
- Studies on the Hasmonean Period (1987 Efron), book (English ed.)
- The Land of Israel as a Political Concept in Hasmonean Literature (1987 Mendels), book
- The Maccabean Revolt: Anatomy of a Biblical Revolution (1988 Harrington), book
- The Hasideans and the Origin of Pharisaism (1988 Kampen), book
- Judas Maccabaeus: The Jewish Struggle against the Seleucids (1989 @1980 Bar-Kochva), book (English ed.) = מלחמות החשמונאים
- The Hasmonean Revolt: Rebellion or Revolution (1989 Derfler), book
- The Story of Hanukkah (1989 Ehrlich / Sherman), children's novel & art
Media in category "Maccabees (subject)"
The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.
- 1948 * Fast (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 35 KB
- 1956 * Farmer.jpg 568 × 929; 20 KB
- 1962 * Bickerman.jpg 316 × 499; 31 KB
- 1976 Goldstein.jpg 333 × 499; 45 KB
- 1979-T * Bickerman en.jpg 658 × 1,000; 33 KB
- 1983 Goldstein.jpg 317 × 474; 42 KB
- 2012 Doran.jpg 421 × 500; 18 KB
- 2016-E Grabbe Boccaccini.jpg 338 × 499; 29 KB
- 2021-E Berlin.jpg 333 × 499; 29 KB