Category:Christian Origins Studies
Revision as of 08:26, 1 October 2013 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
![]() Overview Christian Origins Studies is a field of research that specialized on the study of the beginnings of the Christian movement. The study of Christian Origins belongs to Second Temple Judaism as the Jesus movement was born and grew as a Jewish messianic movement. Hence, 4 Enoch treats Cristian Origins as a component of Second Temple Studies, and the New Testament as Second Temple Literature. The Encyclopedia includes publications of the New Testament in the original Greek or other languages, New Testament Introductions and commentaries and in general, studies on New Testament Times
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Pages in category "Christian Origins Studies"
The following 112 pages are in this category, out of 112 total.
- Christian Origins Studies (1450s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1500s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1600s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1700s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1800s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1850s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1900s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1910s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1920s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1930s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1940s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1950s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1960s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1970s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1980s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1990s)
- Christian Origins Studies (2000s)
- Christian Origins Studies (2010s)
- Christian Origins Studies (2020s)
- Die Anfänge unserer Religion (1901 Wernle), book
- The Forgiveness of Sins and Other Sermons (1904 Smith), book
- John the Loyal: Studies in the Ministry of the Baptist (1911 Robertson), book
- Das Urchristentum (1917 Weiss/Knopf), book
- The History of Primitive Christianity (1937 Weiss, Knopf / Grant), book (English ed.)
- Christian Beginnings (1938 Enslin), book
- The Beginning of Christianity (1943 Craig), book
- Die himmlische Welt im Urchristentum und Spätjudentum (The Heavenly World in Late Judaism and Early Christianity / 1951 Bietenhard), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 2nd ed. (History of New Testament Times / 1955-56 @1940 Foerster), book
- Primitive Christianity in Its Contemporary Setting = Das Urchristentum im Rahmen der antiken Religionen (1956 Bultmann / Fuller), book (English ed.)
- Christian Beginnings, 2nd ed. (1956 Enslin), book
- The Early Christian Church (1957 Carrington), book
- The Twelve: The Story of Christ's Apostles (1957 Goodspeed), book
- The Later Herods: The Political Background of the New Testament (1958 Perowne), book
- Une étoile sur Antioche (1959 Caldwell / Doringe), novel (French ed.)
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 3rd ed. (History of New Testament Times / 1959-61 @1940 Foerster), book
- Roman Society and Roman Law in the New Testament (1963 Sherwin-White), book
- New Testament Times (1965 Tenney), book
- Geschichte des Urchristentums (History of Primitive Christianity / 1969 Conzelmann), book
- History of Primitive Christianity = Geschichte des Urchristentums (1973 Conzelmann / Steely), book (English ed.)
- Hellenizmus, Róma, zsidóság: az Ujszövetség korának világa (Hellenism, Rome, Judaism: The World of the New Testament Age / 1969 Kovács), book
- Recherches sur Simon le Mage (1969 Salles-Dabadie), book
- Men at the Crossroads between Jerusalem and Rome, Synagogue and Church (1970 Cohon), book
- The New Testament Christological Hymns (1971 Sanders), book
- Simon Magus und die christliche Gnosis (1974 Beyschlag), book
- El Nuevo Testamento y la historia del cristianismo primitivo (1975 Bornkamm / Leita), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Stephen Speech: A Literary and Redactional Study of Acts 7, 2-53 (1976 Kilgallen), book
- Die Umwelt Jesu (1977 Dommershausen), book
- Face à la mort, Jésus et Paul (Life and Death in the New Testament / 1979 Léon-Dufour), book
- Ιστορία των χρόνων της Καινής Διαθήκης (History of New Testament Times / 1980 Agouridis), book
- The Rise of Christianity (1984 Frend), book
- What Are They Saying about Mary? (1984 Tambasco), book
- The World That Shaped the New Testament (1985 Roetzel), book
- Christian Origins (1985 Rowland), book
- Life and Death in the New Testament = Face à la mort, Jésus et Paul (1986 @1979 Léon-Dufour / Prendergast), book (English ed.)
- From Early Judaism to Early Church (1986 Russell), book
- Ἱστορία ἐποχῆς τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης (History of New Testament Times / 1988 Galitis), book
- Kodae noye chedo wa chʻogi Kŭrisŭdo-gyo (1988 Laub / Pak), book (Korean ed.)
- Das Christentum, eine jüdische Religion (1990 Flusser), book
- Het christendom, een joodse religie (1991 Flusser), book (Dutch ed.)
- «Επίκρισις»: Η κοινωνική δομή των χριστιανικών κοινοτήτων από τον πρώτο έως τον τρίτο αιώνα (1992 Kyrtatas / Kretikos), book (Greek ed.)
- Ch`odae Gyohoe baegyongsa (1993 Ferguson / Park), book (Korean ed.)
- El judeo-cristianismo palestino en el siglo I (1995 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Simon "le magicien" (1997 Heintz), book
- Un amour divin (1997 Ripley / Langer), novel (French ed.)
- A judaizmus és a kereszténység eredete = Judaism and the Origins of Christianity (1999 Flusser), book (Hungarian ed.)
- Michael and Christ (1999 Hannah), book
- Mother of Faith (2001 Lemmons), novel
- Historia social del cristianismo primitivo: Los inicios en el judaísmo y las comunidades cristianas (2001 Stegemann/Stegemann / Montes), book (Spanish ed.)
- Two Thousand Years Ago: The World at the Time of Jesus (2002 Frazee), book
- Naked I Fled (2002 Thomas), novel
- Early Jewish and Christian Monotheism (2004 Stuckenbruck/North), edited volume
- Le Temps et les Temps dans les littératures juives et chrétiennes au tournant de notre ère (2006 Grappe/Ingelaere), edited volume
- Madman (2006 Groot), novel
- No Ordinary Angel: Celestial Spirits and Christian Claims about Jesus (2008 Garrett), book
- Heterodoxy within Second-Temple Judaism and Sectarian Diversity within the Early Church (2008 Russell), book
- Ιστορία της εποχής της Καινής Διαθήκης (History of New Testament Times / 2008 Zarras), book
- Baptism in the Early Church (2009 Ferguson), book
- Did the First Christians Worship Jesus? (2010 Dunn), book
- Understanding the Social World of the New Testament (2010 Neufeld / DeMaris), edited volume
- The Rise of Christian Beliefs (2010 Räisänen), book
- Angyalok az ókortól Szent Tamásig (Angels from the Antiquity to Saint Thomas of Aquin / 2011 Xeravits, Tamási, Szabó), edited volume
- Antonio Cornazzano (M / Italy, 1430c-1484), poet
- Justus Jonas (M / Germany, 1493-1555), scholar
- Louis Cappel (M / France, 1585-1658), scholar
- Anton Giulio Brignole-Sale (M / Italy, 1605-1662), novelist
- Claude Fleury (1640-1723), scholar
- Abraham a Sancta Clara (M / Austria, 1644-1709), novelist
- Carl Magon (M / Germany, d.1869), novelist
- Luigi Arosio (M / Italy, 1822-1901), scholar
- Ellen G. White (F / United States, 1827-1915), theologian
- Sabine Baring-Gould (M / Britain, 1834-1924), novelist
- Constant Fouard (1837-1903), scholar
- Otto Pfleiderer (1839-1908), scholar
- George Holley Gilbert (1854-1930), scholar
- Giovanni Semeria (1867-1931), scholar
- Gustav Hoennicke (1871-1938), scholar
- Pär Lagerkvist (1891-1974), novelist, playwright
- Clarence Tucker Craig (1895-1943), scholar
- Samuel Sandmel (1911-1979), scholar
- Lucetta Mowry (F / United States, 1913-2004), scholar
- Bo Ivar Reicke (1914-1987), scholar
- Gore Vidal (1925-2012), novelist
- Vilma Gozzini (b.1931), Italian scholar
- Norman A. Beck (b.1933), scholar
- Ramón Trevijano Etcheverría (1932-), scholar
- César Vidal Manzanares (M / Spain, 1958), writer, novelist
- Moacyr Góes (M / Brazil, 1961), film director
Media in category "Christian Origins Studies"
The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.
- 1895 * Barrett (play).jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB
- 1895 * Sienkiewicz (novel).jpg 674 × 1,100; 138 KB
- 1895 * Van Dyke (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 42 KB
- 1949 * Asch (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 25 KB
- 1950 * Lagerkvist (novel).jpg 185 × 263; 16 KB
- 1952 * Costain (novel).jpg 357 × 499; 26 KB
- 1959 * Caldwell (novel).jpg 301 × 499; 30 KB
- 1959 * Grant.jpg 326 × 499; 27 KB
- 1961 * Black.jpg 232 × 350; 28 KB
- 1961 * Speare (novel).jpg 332 × 499; 41 KB
- 1972 * LaSor.jpg 220 × 350; 13 KB
- 1978 * Sandmel.jpg 324 × 499; 23 KB
- 1984 * Leaney.jpg 295 × 475; 29 KB
- 2009 McGrath.jpg 666 × 1,000; 30 KB