The New Testament Christological Hymns (1971 Sanders), book
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The New Testament Christological Hymns: Their Historical Religious Background (1971) is a book by Jack T. Sanders.
"A study of the hymnic and liturgical material in the New Testament which describes Christ's nature and person. Professor Sanders analyzes the hymns in detail and finds in them a common mythological pattern. He traces its origin to a particular and unorthodox branch of Judaism which is itself a branch of the 'wisdom' tradition where the thanksgiving hymn had its home. His conclusions therefore have considerable importance and implications for questions about the origins of Gnosticism and its influence on Christianity. This is the full-scale historical religious study of the New Testament Christological hymns, and English readers will find particularly useful Professor Sanders' critical survey of recent continental scholarship on this and related subjects."--Publisher description.
Published in Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press, 1971 (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 15).
Table of contents
Formal analysis of the hymns. The New Testament Christological hymns -- The current status of the investigation. The prologue of John ; Philippians ii. 6-11 ; Colossians i. 15-20 ; The shorter passages -- Historical religious background of the New Testament Christological hymns. The odes of Solomon ; The Coptic gnostic literature from Nag Hammadi ; The thanksgivings of the wisdom school ; The New Testament Christological hymns as language.
External links
- [ Google Books]