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Pages in category "Translations--1600s"
The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.
- Alcoranus Mahometicus (1616 Schweigger) = L'Alcorano di Maometto (The Alquran of Muhammad / 1547 Arrivabene), book (German ed.)
- Moord der onnozelen = Herodes infanticida (1639 @1632 Heinsius), play (Dutch ed.)
- De Arabische Alkoran = Alcoranus Mahometicus (The Alquran of Muhammad / 1641 @1616 Schweigger / ???), book (Dutch ed.)
- The Alcoran of Mahomet = L'Alcoran de Mahomet (1649 @1647 Du Ryer / Ross), book (English ed.)
- Roma subterranea novissima = Roma sotterranea (Rome Underground / 1651 @1632 Bosio, Severano / Aringhi), book (Latin ed.)
- Beschreibung der Geschichten des Jüdischen Volcks = Contexta populi Iudaici historia (Uninterrupted History of the Jewish People / 1654 @1548 Eber), book (German ed.)
- The Mirrour of True Nobility & Gentility = Viri illustris Nicolai Claudij Fabricij de Peiresc (1657 @1641 Gassendi / Rand), book (English ed.)
- Mahomets Alkoran = L'Alcoran de Mahomet (The Alcoran of Mahomet / 1658 Du Ryer / Glazemaker), book (Dutch ed.)
- Abgebildetes Unterirdisches Rom = Roma subterranea novissima (Rome Underground / 1668 @1651 Bosio, Aringhi / Bauman), book (German ed.)
- Çeta e profetëve / Cuneus Prophetarum (The Bands of the Prophets / 1685 Bogdani), book (Albanian-Latin ed.)
- A Literal Explanation of the Acts of the Holy Apostles = Acta Sanctorum Apostolorum ad literam explicata (1685 @1684 Veil), book (English ed.)
- Vollständiges türckisches Gesetz-Buch = Mahomets Alkoran (The Alcoran of Mahomet / 1688 Du Ryer, Glazemaker / Lange), book (German ed.)
- A Critical History of the Text of the New Testament = Histoire critique du texte du Nouveau Testament (1689 @1689 Simon), book (English ed.)
- Çeta e profetëve / L'infallibile verità della cattolica fede (The Bands of the Prophets / 1691 @1685 Bogdani), book (Albanian-Italian ed.)
- The Critical History of the Versions of the New Testament = Histoire critique des versions du Nouveau Testament (1692 @1690 Simon), book (English ed.)
- Nero = Il Nerone, German ed. (1693 Strungk / Thymich / @1679 Corradi), opera (music & libretto), Leipzig premiere
- Den regten aard en eigenschap der bedriegerye, naakt ten toon gesteld in het leven van Mahomet = The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of Mahomet (1698 @1697 Prideaux), book (Dutch ed.)
- La vie de Mahomet, où l'on découvre amplement la verité de l'imposture = The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of Mahomet (1698 @1697 Prideaux / Larroque), book (French ed.)