Revision as of 08:59, 3 August 2023 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
Highlights (1940s)
- Philo and the Oral Law (1940 Belkin), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (History of New Testament Times / 1940 Foerster), book
- An Introduction to Philo Judaeus (1940 Goodenough), book
- Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew / 1940 Hippler), arch-fi documentary
- The Tragedies of Herod & Mariamne (1940 Valency), book
- The Jews and Judaism during the Greek Period (1941 Oesterley), book
- Vita di Gesù Cristo (The Life of Christ / 1941 Ricciotti), book
- The Robe (1942 Douglas), novel
- Der Tag wird kommen (Josephus and the Emperor / 1942 Feuchtwanger), novel
- The Relevance of Apocalyptic: A Study of Jewish and Christian Apocalypses from Daniel to the Revelation (1942 Rowley), book
- King Jesus (1946 Graves), novel
- Der Menschensohn im äthiopischen Henochbuch (The Son of Man in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch / 1946 Sjöberg), book
- The Story of Jesus in the World's Literature (1946 Wagenknecht), book
- Die Gleichnisse Jesu (The Parables of Jesus / 1947 Jeremias), book
- Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy (1947 Wolfson), book
- Paul and Rabbinic Judaism (1948 Davies), book
- The Big Fisherman (1948 Douglas), novel
- My Glorious Brothers (1948 Fast), novel
- Jésus et Israël (Jesus and Israel / 1948 Isaac), book
- Unbekannte Jesusworte (Unknown Sayings of Jesus / 1948 Jeremias), book
- Mary (1949 Asch / Steinberg), novel (English ed.)
- Everyman's Talmud (1949 Cohen), book (American ed.)
- The Greatest Story Ever Told (1949 Ousler), novel
- History of New Testament Times (1949 Pfeiffer), book
Interpreters (1940s)
Sholem Asch (1880-1957)
Howard Fast (1914-2003)
Robert Henry Pfeiffer (1892-1958)
Eleazar Sukenik (1889-1953)
Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958)
Lloyd C. Douglas (1877-1951)
Joachim Jeremias (1900-1979)
Pages in category "1940s"
The following 41 pages are in this category, out of 41 total.
- Apocalyptic Studies (1940s)
- Archaeology (1940s)
- Bible Studies (1940s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1940s)
- Early Christian Studies (1940s)
- Early Islamic Studies (1940s)
- Early Jewish Studies (1940s)
- Early Samaritan Studies (1940s)
- Enochic Studies (1940s)
- Gospels Studies (1940s)
- Hebrew Bible Studies (1940s)
- Hellenistic-Jewish Studies (1940s)
- Historical Jesus Studies (1940s)
- Johannine Studies (1940s)
- Josephus Studies (1940s)
- New Testament Studies (1940s)
- NT Apocrypha Studies (1940s)
- OT Apocrypha Studies (1940s)
- OT Pseudepigrapha Studies (1940s)
- Pauline Studies (1940s)
- Petrine Studies (1940s)
- Philo Studies (1940s)
- Qumran Studies (1940s)
- Reception History (1940s)
- Second Temple Studies (1940s)
- Septuagint Studies (1940s)
- Wisdom Studies (1940s)
- Women's & Gender Studies (1940s)
Media in category "1940s"
The following 35 files are in this category, out of 35 total.
- 1940.jpg 225 × 225; 4 KB
- 1940 * Belkin.jpg1940 * Belkin.jpg File missing
- 1940 * Goodenough.jpg 333 × 499; 25 KB
- 1940 * Hippler (doc).jpg 325 × 451; 49 KB
- 1940 * Valency.jpg 309 × 486; 18 KB
- 1941.png 226 × 122; 3 KB
- 1941 * Oesterley.jpg 300 × 360; 14 KB
- 1941 * Werner.jpg 300 × 472; 27 KB
- 1942.jpg 225 × 225; 4 KB
- 1942 * Douglas (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 35 KB
- 1942 * Feuchtwanger (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 24 KB
- 1942 * Rowley.jpg 1,125 × 1,500; 132 KB
- 1942-T * Klausner en.jpg 329 × 499; 29 KB
- 1943.jpg 225 × 225; 4 KB
- 1943 * Asch (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 32 KB
- 1943 * Grant.jpg 855 × 1,360; 65 KB
- 1946.jpg 225 × 225; 4 KB
- 1946 * Finegan.jpg 418 × 500; 82 KB
- 1946 * Graves (novel).jpg 328 × 499; 32 KB
- 1946 * Wagenknecht.jpg 375 × 500; 36 KB
- 1947.jpg 225 × 225; 3 KB
- 1947 * Eastman.jpg 300 × 400; 35 KB
- 1947 * Goodspeed.jpg 650 × 965; 114 KB
- 1947 * Wolfson.jpg 317 × 477; 18 KB
- 1948.jpg 225 × 225; 4 KB
- 1948 * Davies.jpg 327 × 499; 20 KB
- 1948 * Douglas (novel).jpg 345 × 499; 32 KB
- 1948 * Fast (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 35 KB
- 1948 * Isaac.jpg 314 × 499; 13 KB
- 1949.jpg 225 × 225; 4 KB
- 1949 * Asch (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 25 KB
- 1949 * Fosdick.jpg 330 × 499; 26 KB
- 1949 * Ousler (novel).jpg 560 × 843; 111 KB
- 1949 * Pfeiffer.jpg 300 × 400; 15 KB
- 1949-R * Cohen.jpg 337 × 499; 45 KB