Category:German language--1940s
German language : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s Timeline : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Medieval -- Home
1940s : English (1940s) -- French (1940s) -- Italian (1940s) -- Spanish (1940s) -//- Other
Pages in category "German language--1940s"
The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total.
- ~~ ~~ 1940 ~~ ~~ ~~
- (++) Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (History of New Testament Times / 1940 Foerster), book
- Jesus der Galiläer und das Judentum (1940 Grundmann), book
- ~~ ~~ 1941 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Das Evangelium des Johannes (The Gospel of John / 1941 Bultmann), book
- ~~ ~~ 1942 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Das Spätjudentum (Late Judaism / 1942 Gaugler), book
- Salome (1942 Strauss, Schulz / @1905 Strauss), Vienna production, sound recording (opera)
- ~~ ~~ 1943 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Judas Makkabäus (1943 Boxler), novel
- Die Politik Antiochos' des IV (1943 Jansen), book
- ~~ ~~ 1944 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Das Buch Daniel und seine Botschaft von den letzten Dingen (1944 Baumgartner), book
- Das Gesetz (1944 Mann), novel
- ~~ ~~ 1945 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Salome (1945 Sébastian, Djanel / @1905 Strauss), San Francisco production, sound recording (opera)
- ~~ ~~ 1946 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Origins of the Gospel according to St. Matthew (1946 Kilpatrick), book
- Der Menschensohn im äthiopischen Henochbuch (The Son of Man in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch / 1946 Sjöberg), book
- ~~ ~~ 1947 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Johanneslegende (1947 Bäte), novel
- Esther: die Heldentat der Königin (1947 Boxler), novel
- (+) Die Gleichnisse Jesu (The Parables of Jesus / 1947 Jeremias), book
- Salome (1947 Krauss, Cebotari / @1905 Strauss), London production, sound recording (opera)
- ~~ ~~ 1948 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Messias, Moses redivivus, Menschensohn (1948 Bentzen), book
- Theologie des Neuen Testaments (Theology of the New Testament / 1948-53 Bultmann), book
- Unbekannte Jesusworte (Unknown Sayings of Jesus / 1948 Jeremias), book
- Salome (1948 Keilberth, Goltz / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- Salome (1948 Perlea, Djanel / @1905 Strauss), Florence production (opera)
- Der Sohn Gottes (1948 Schreyvogl), novel
- ~~ ~~ 1949 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Das Urchristentum im Rahmen der antiken Religionen (Primitive Christianity in Its Contemporary Setting / 1949 Bultmann), book
- Vorläufige Mitteilungen über die am Nordwestende des Toten Meeres gefundenen hebräischen Handschriften (Preliminary Announcements about the Hebrew Manuscripts Found at the Northwestern End of the Dead Sea / 1949 Hempel), book
- Ignatius von Antiochien und das Johannesevangelium (1949 Maurer), book
- Salome (1949 Reiner, Welitsch / @1905 Strauss), New York (Met) production, sound recording (opera)
- Theologie und Geschichte des Judenchristentums (1949 Schoeps), book
Media in category "German language--1940s"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
- 1940 * Hippler (doc).jpg 325 × 451; 49 KB
- 1941 * Werner.jpg 300 × 472; 27 KB
- 1942 * Feuchtwanger (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 24 KB