Jesus der Galiläer und das Judentum (1940 Grundmann), book
Jesus der Galilaer und das Judentum (1940) is a book by Walter Grundmann.
When this book was published in Nazi Germany, the author was the Director of the infamous Institut zur Erforschung und Beseitigung des jüdischen Einflusses auf das deutsche kirchliche Leben / Institute for the Study and Eradication of Jewish Influence on German Religious Life (1939-1945). The book voiced ideas that were largely shared even outside Germany. Its publication, however, at the eve of the "final solution," was part of a propaganda effort, along with the movie Der ewige Jude (1940 Hippler), film, to demonstrate that the Aryan Jesus and his movement had nothing to do, racially and intellectually, with Judaism.
Editions and translations
Published in Leipzig [Germany]: Verlag Georg Wigand, 1940.
Table of contents
External links
- [ Google Books]