Category:Schonfeld Children (subject)

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Schonfeld Children (see Holocaust Children Studies)


In April 1948 a fifth (and final) group of 148 child survivors arrived in England.

It was Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld who gathered the group in Prague. Many of the children had been cared for in the Jewish orphanage in Kosice.

The group left from Prague’s main station on 20 April 1948. Thru Germany they reached the port of Ostend in Belgium, from where they crossed the Channel.

A hundred of the children continued their journey to Ireland, where they were cared for in a hostel at Clonyn Castle, just outside Dublin.

The 48 members of the fifth group of the Boys who remained in London were cared for in hostels or by relatives.

Many of the children did not settle in the UK but left for Israel or Canada.

Book : The Hide-and-Seek Children by Barbara Barnett (2012)

Realises the author's long fascination with the lives of a group of 148 Slovakian children. This title (The Hide-And-Seek Children: Recollections of Jewish Survivors from Slovakia ) presents the stories of the contributors who are survivors of anti-Semitic atrocities perpetrated by Slovak fascists from 1939 until 1944 and later by the invading Nazis.

The Complete List of Children

The block travel document `zájezdní soupiska', issued by the Ministerstvo vnitra Ceskoslovenské republiky, Prague, Apr 1948, includes the names of 148 children. 48 of them stayed in England (~), 100 went to Ireland (@).

  1. @ Helena Adler <Canada>
  2. ~ Hermann Adler (no further information)
  3. ~ Helena Ament (no further information)
  4. @ Gaspar Binet
  5. @ Robert Binet
  6. ~ Livia Birnbaum (F / Slovakia, 1934) [7 May 1934]
  7. @ Relly Bleier <Canada>
  8. ~ Viola Bleier (F / Slovakia, 1933) [5 Feb 1933]
  9. @ Erich Bock
  10. @ Robert Bock
  11. ~ Zwi Brenner (no further information)
  12. ~ Stella Brodman (F / Poland, 1935) [28 Mar 1935]
  13. ~ Eugen Danzig (M / Slovakia, 1933) [18 Jun 1933]
  14. ~ Miklos Danzig (M / Slovakia, 1934) [7 Aug 1934]
  15. @ Tibor Danzig
  16. @ Helena Deutel <Canada>
  17. ~ Oto Dohan (no further information)
  18. @ Kornelia Ehrlich
  19. ~ Agatha Eigner (F / Slovakia, 1930) [8 Jun 1932]
  20. @ Blanka Federweiss <Canada>
  21. ~ Edit Feldmann (F / Slovakia, 1933) [14 Feb 1933]
  22. @ Elizabeth Feldman <Canada>
  23. @ Judith Feuerstein
  24. @ Helena Fischer
  25. @ Richard Fischer
  26. @ Vera Fischer
  27. @ Ester Fleischman <Canada>
  28. ~ Relly Friedman (F / Hungary, 1930) [11 Nov 1932]
  29. ~ Desider Friedmann
  30. ~ Hedviga Friedmann [2 Jan 1933]
  31. ~ Josef Friedmann
  32. @ Judita Friedmann
  33. @ Tamas Gottlieb
  34. @ Juraj Gross
  35. @ Emerich Grossmann
  36. @ Olga Grossman
  37. @ Vera Grossmann
  38. ~ Rachel Grunfeld [21 Sep 1932]
  39. @ Edith Grunspan <Canada>
  40. @ Eva Haupt
  41. @ Alfred Herz
  42. ~ Matilda Herzog
  43. @ Mordechaj Hirsch
  44. @ Manfred Hochhauser
  45. @ Moric Hochhauser
  46. @ Josef Ickovitc
  47. ~ Lenke Iczkovits (M / Slovakia, 1933) [7 Mar 1933]
  48. @ Alfred Kahan <Canada>
  49. @ Samuel Kahan <Canada>
  50. ~ Mirjam Kaiser (F / Slovakia, 1932) [12 Jul 1932] (sister of Sara)
  51. ~ Sara Kaiser (F / Slovakia, 1933) [25 Mar 1933]
  52. @ Klara Kalman <Canada>
  53. @ Anna Katscher
  54. @ Ivan Katscher
  55. @ Robert Kaufman
  56. @ Malvina Klar
  57. ~ Margaretha Klein [4 May 1932]
  58. ~ Max Klein [1942]
  59. ~ Erika Kohn (F / Slovakia, 1936) [5 Jun 1936]
  60. ~ Frida Kohn [20 Aug 1932]
  61. ~ Judit Kohn
  62. ~ Margit Kohn
  63. ~ Viola Kraus [Krauss, 9 Jul 1932]
  64. ~ Rozalia Krausz [Kraus, 24 Apr 1932]
  65. ~ Pál Krausz [Kraus, 19 Oct 1934]
  66. ~ Tamás Krausz [Krauss, 31 Jul 1936]
  67. @ Saba Kumelmann
  68. @ Ervin Kummeldorfer
  69. @ Sonja Kummeldorfer
  70. @ Chaja Kurz
  71. ~ Rifkah Landau (F / Poland, 1934) [13 Jul 1934]
  72. @ Jichel Lebovitsch
  73. @ Michael Lebovitsch
  74. @ Tibor Lehner
  75. @ Alfred Leicht <Canada>
  76. @ Alexander Lenz <Canada>
  77. @ Aliz Lieberman <Canada>
  78. ~ Simon Lipschutz [31 Jan 1933]
  79. @ Lily Lowinger <Canada>
  80. @ Alexander Lowy
  81. @ Gustav Lowy
  82. @ Judita Lowy
  83. @ Olga Lowy
  84. @ Marie Maieroviz
  85. @ Gertruda Mangel
  86. @ Viktor Mangel
  87. ~ Judith Mannheimer [4 Aug 1936]
  88. @ Alexander Mastbaum
  89. ~ Rozie Mauskopt (F / Slovakia, 1932) [6 May 1932]
  90. @ Gertruda Muller
  91. @ Robert Muller
  92. ~ Magda Osterreicher (F / Slovakia, 1932) [15 Sep 1938]
  93. ~ Vera Palán (F / Slovakia, 1934) [11 Aug 1934]
  94. @ Gyorgy Prissegi
  95. @ Israel Reich
  96. @ Oskar Reich
  97. @ Richard Reich
  98. @ Susanna Reich
  99. @ Tamás Reif
  100. ~ Jakab Reisz [Paul Jakob Reiss, 13 Dec 1942]
  101. @ Dezider Rosenfeld
  102. @ Markusz Roth <Canada>
  103. @ Lenke Rubin Lena? <Canada>
  104. @ Maximilian Rubin <Canada>
  105. @ Ernst Rubinstein
  106. @ Eva Rubinstein
  107. @ Chajim Schnebalg
  108. ~ Peter Schneor
  109. @ Moric Schonberger <Canada>
  110. ~ Judith Schreiber (F / Slovakia, 1933) [6 May 1933]
  111. @ Eva Schwarz
  112. @ Ervin Schwarz <Canada>
  113. @ Ella Schwarzthal
  114. @ Rozsi Schwarzthal
  115. @ Gizella Schwarzthal
  116. ~ Helena Sicherman [26 Jul 1932]
  117. ~ Helena Singer (F / Slovakia, 1932) [25 Jul 1932]
  118. @ Gyury Stahler
  119. @ Istvan Stahler
  120. @ Marianna Stahler
  121. ~ Eva Steinberger (F / Romania, 1932) [no record]
  122. ~ Eva Steiner [6 Mar 1939]
  123. @ Mihály Steiner
  124. @ Péter Steiner
  125. @ Tamás Steiner
  126. ~ Ruth Steinger
  127. @ Chaja Steinmetz <Canada>
  128. ~ Erika Stern [5 Aug 1934]
  129. @ Alexander Strausz
  130. @ Gizella Strausz
  131. @ Leona Strausz
  132. @ Leib Strulovic <Canada>
  133. @ Martha Tapper
  134. @ Sendi Templer
  135. @ Artur Weinberger
  136. @ Emanuel Weinberger
  137. @ Judit Weinberger
  138. ~ Hetty Weiner-Fisch (F / Slovakia, 1932) [30 May 1932]
  139. @ Jakub Weiss <Canada>
  140. ~ Erika Weisz (Weiss; F / Hungary, 1930) [21 Jan 1933]
  141. @ Franklina Wiesen
  142. @ Vera Wiesen
  143. @ Agi Wiesner
  144. @ Judit Wiesner
  145. ~ Oskar Winkler
  146. @ Alfred Ziegler
  147. @ Judit Ziegler
  148. @ Olga Ziegler

Children (48) who stayed in England

All names (except two) are included in the USHMM Database

The 21 children identified by are marked with (~)

  1. Hermann Adler
  2. Helena Ament
  3. ~ Livia Birnbaum (F / Slovakia, 1934) [7 May 1934]
  4. ~ Viola Bleier (F / Slovakia, 1933) [5 Feb 1933]
  5. Zwi Brenner
  6. ~ Stella Brodman (F / Poland, 1935) [28 Mar 1935]
  7. Eugen Danzig (M / Slovakia, 1933) [18 Jun 1933] [Eugen & Miklos are brothers]
  8. ~ Miklos Danzig (M / Slovakia, 1934) [7 Aug 1934]
  9. Oto Dohan
  10. ~ Agata Eigner (F / Slovakia, 1930) [8 Jun 1932]
  11. ~ Edita Feldmann (F / Slovakia, 1933) [14 Feb 1933]
  12. ~ Relly Friedmann (F / Hungary, 1930) [11 Nov 1932]
  13. Desider Friedmann
  14. Hedviga Friedmann [2 Jan 1933]
  15. Josef Friedmann
  16. Rachel Grunfeld [21 Sep 1932]
  17. Matilda Herzog
  18. ~ Lenke Icovic [Iczkovits] (M / Slovakia, 1933) [7 Mar 1933]
  19. ~ Sara Kaiser (F / Slovakia, 1933) [25 Mar 1933] [Sara & Miriam are sisters]
  20. ~ Miriam Kaiser (F / Slovakia, 1932) [12 Jul 1932]
  21. Margaretha Klein [4 May 1932]
  22. Max Klein [1942]
  23. Judit Kohn [no record]
  24. Margit Kohn [no record]
  25. Frida Kohn [20 Aug 1932]
  26. ~ Erika Kohn (F / Slovakia, 1936) [5 Jun 1936]
  27. Viola Kraus [Krauss, 9 Jul 1932]
  28. Pál Krausz [Kraus, 19 Oct 1934]
  29. Tamás "Tomas" Krausz [Krauss, 31 Jul 1936]
  30. Rozalia Krausz [Kraus, 24 Apr 1932]
  31. ~ Rivka Landau (F / Poland, 1934) [13 Jul 1934]
  32. Simon Lipschutz [31 Jan 1933]
  33. Judith Mannheimer [4 Aug 1936]
  34. ~ Rosi Mauskopf (F / Slovakia, 1932) [6 May 1932]
  35. ~ Magda Osterreicher (F / Slovakia, 1932) [15 Sep 1938]
  36. ~ Vera Palan (F / Slovakia, 1934) [11 Aug 1934]
  37. Jakab Reisz [Paul Jakob Reiss, 13 Dec 1942]
  38. Peter Schneor
  39. ~ Judith Schreiber (F / Slovakia, 1933) [6 May 1933]
  40. Helena Sicherman [26 Jul 1932]
  41. ~ Helene Singer (F / Slovakia, 1932) [25 Jul 1932]
  42. ~ Eva Steinberg (F / Romania, 1932) [no record]
  43. Eva Steiner [6 Mar 1939]
  44. Ruth Steinger
  45. Erika Stern [5 Aug 1934]
  46. ~ Hetty Weiner / Hetty Fisch / Hetty Klein (F / Slovakia, 1932) [30 May 1932]
  47. ~ Erika Weiss (F / Hungary, 1930) [21 Jan 1933]
  48. Oskar Winkler

+ ~ Eugene Kaiser (M / Slovakia, 1933) [no travel record]

Children (100) who went to Ireland

All names (except one) are included in the USHMM Database

Most children were hosted at Clonyn Castle, just outside Dublin.

- The children who lived at 143 Kimmeage Road, Dublin are marked with (^)

- Youth aliyah candidates at Clonyn Castle are marked with (~)

  1. Helena Adler (1931)
  2. ~ Gaspar Binet (1938)
  3. ~ Robert Binet (1939)
  4. Relli Bleier (1928) (sister of Viola Bleier, 1933)
  5. ~ Robert Bock (1934)
  6. ~ Erich Bock (1934) (not siblings)
  7. ~ Tibor Danzig (1937)
  8. Helena Deutl (Deutel) (1932)
  9. Kornelia Ehrlich (1932)
  10. Blanka Federweiss (1932)
  11. Elizabeth Feldmann (1931)
  12. ~ Judith Feuerstein (1935)
  13. Helena Fischer (1932)
  14. ~ Richard Fischer (1937)
  15. ~ Vera Fischer (1942)
  16. Ester (Esther) Fleischman (Fleischmann) (1932)
  17. ~ Judita (Judith) Friedmann (1937)
  18. Tamas Gottlieb (1938)
  19. Juraj Gross (1933)
  20. ~ Emerich (Imrich?) Grossmann (1935)
  21. ~ Olga Grossmann (1888?)
  22. ~ Vera (Viera) Grossmann (1938)
  23. Edith Grunspan (1932)
  24. ~ Eva Haupt (1935)
  25. ~ Alfred Herz (Hercz?) (1936)
  26. Mordechaj Hirsch (1935)
  27. ~ Manfred Hochhauser (1937)
  28. ~ Moric (Marcel?) Hochhauser (1935)
  29. ~ Josef Ickovitc (Ikovic) (1934)
  30. ^ Alfred Kahan (1932)
  31. ^ Samuel Kahan (1932)
  32. Klara Kalman (Kara Kaiman) (1932)
  33. ~ Anna Katscher (1936)
  34. ~ Ivan Katscher (1934)
  35. ^ Robert Kaufmann (Kaufman) (1932)
  36. Malvina Klar (Klarova) (1939)
  37. ~ Saba Kumelmann (Kumeinann, Kimelmann, Kunelman, Kumelman) (1933)
  38. ~ Ervin (Erwin) Kummeldorfer (1938)
  39. ~ Sonja Kummeldorfer (1940)
  40. ~ Chaja Kurz (Kurc?) (1931)
  41. ^ Jichel Lebovitsch (1932)
  42. ^ Michael Lebovitsch (1932)
  43. Tibor Lehner (Lerner) (1932)
  44. Alfred Leicht (Lecht) (1932)
  45. ^ Alexander Lenz (1932)
  46. Alice Lieberman (1933)
  47. Lili (Lily) Lowinger (1932)
  48. ~ Alexander Lovy (Lowy) (1939)
  49. Gustav Lowy (1932)
  50. ~ Judita (Judith?) Lowy (1941)
  51. ~ Olga Lowy (1932)
  52. Marie (Maxie) Maieroviz (1932)
  53. ~ Getruda (Gertruda) Mangel (1932)
  54. ~ Viktor Mangel (1933)
  55. ~ Alexander Mastbaum (1936)
  56. ~ Gertruda (Gertrude) Muller (1934)
  57. ~ Robert Muller (1932)
  58. Gyorgy Prissegi (1942)
  59. Israel Reich (1939)
  60. ~ Oskar Reich (1935)
  61. ~ Richard Reich (1938)
  62. Susanna Reich (1936)
  63. Tamas Reif (1935)
  64. ~ Dezider (Desider) Rosenfeld (=?David Rosenfeld, 1937)
  65. ^ Markusz Roth (1932)
  66. Lenke Rubin (1932)
  67. Maximilian Rubin (1932)
  68. ~ Ernst Rubinstein (1935)
  69. ~ Eva Rubinstein (1938)
  70. Chajim Schnebalg (Schnebaig) (1940)
  71. ^ Moric Schonberger (1932)
  72. ^ Ervin Schwarz (1932)
  73. Eva Schwarz (1934)
  74. ~ Ella Schwarzthal (1939)
  75. Gisella (Greta) Schwarzthal (1933)
  76. Rozsi (Ruzena) Schwarzthal (1939) [Ella & Rozsi are twins)
  77. Gyury Stastny-Stahler (1939)
  78. Istvan Stastny-Stahler(1938)
  79. Marianna Stastny-Stahler (1942)
  80. ~ Mihaly (Michal) Steiner (1938)
  81. ~ Peter Steiner (1934)
  82. ~ Tamas (Tamar) Steiner (1937)
  83. Chaja Steinmetz (1932)
  84. ~ Alexander Strausz (Strauss) (1936)
  85. ~ Gizella (Gizela) Strausz (Strauss) (1934)
  86. ~ Leona Strausz (Strauss) (1932)
  87. Leib Strulovic (1932) [became Leo Stern]
  88. Martha Tapper (1935)
  89. Sendi Templer (1932)
  90. ~ Artur (Jacob) Weinberger (1937)
  91. ~ Emanuel (Imanuel?) Weinberger (1942)
  92. ~ Judit Weinberg (Judith Weinberger) (1933),
  93. Jakub (Jacob) Weiss (1932)
  94. ~ Franklina (Lola F.?) Wiesem (Wiesen) (1939)
  95. ~Vera (Viera?) Wiesen (1932)
  96. Agi Wiesner (1933)
  97. Judit (Judith) Wiesner (1932)
  98. ~ Alfred Ziegler (1937)
  99. ~ Judit (Judith) Ziegler (1936)
  100. ~ Olga Ziegler (1938)

+ # Hedviga Fleischman (Fleischmann) (no travel record)