Category:Mary of Nazareth--art (subject)
Mary of Nazareth (art); see Mary of Nazareth (home page)
- Fiction : Mary of Nazareth (fiction) : Mary of Nazareth (art) -- Mary of Nazareth (literature) -- Mary of Nazareth (music) -- Mary of Nazareth (cinema)
- Scholarship : Mary of Nazareth (research) -- Mary of Nazareth (sources)
- People : Jesus of Nazareth -- Joseph of Nazareth -- Joachim -- Anne -- Elizabeth -- John the Baptist -- James >
< Life of Mary of Nazareth : Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple -- Annunciation to Anne and Joachim -- Birth of Mary -- Girlhood of Mary (Education of the Virgin, Presentation of Mary at the Temple) -- Marriage of Mary and Joseph -- Annunciation to Mary -- Visitation of Mary -- Birth of Jesus -- Adoration of the Shepherds -- Adoration of the Magi -- Circumcision of Jesus -- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple -- Massacre of the Innocents -- Flight into Egypt -- Jesus among the Doctors -- Death of Joseph of Nazareth -- Wedding at Cana -- Jesus' True Relatives -- Hometown Rejection -- Crucifixion of Jesus -- Resurrection of Jesus -- Ascension of Jesus -- Gathering of the Twelve at Jerusalem -- Christian Pentecost -- Death and Assumption of Mary -- Relics of Mary of Nazareth >
Page authored by Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan, @2020.
In Christian tradition and iconography Mary of Nazareth emerged from the Middle Ages as a full fledged and complex character, with a detailed biography based on scripture, hagiography, and patristic literature. No other character in the New Testament, besides Jesus of Nazareth, received so much attention. Famous artists such as Giotto, and many others, devoted large cycles to the life of Mary of Nazareth, that came to include as many as 20 episodes, covering all aspects of his life: her birth, her childhood, her marriage, her relation with Jesus, her role in the early Christian community, and her death.
A visual biography
- 1. According to the legend, Mary's father, Joachim, was a rich and pious man of the House of David, living with his wife Anne at Sepphoris. The high priest rejected Joachim and his sacrifice, as his wife's childlessness was interpreted as a sign of divine displeasure. Joachim consequently withdrew to the desert where he fasted and did penance for forty days. His wife, Anne, also prayed the Lord.
- 2. Annunciation to Anne and Joachim & Meeting of Anne and Joachim at the Golden Gate -- Angels appeared to both Joachim and Anne to promise them a child. Joachim offered his sacrifice to God in the desert and then returned to Jerusalem and embraced Anne at the city gate.
- 4. Girlhood of Mary (Education of the Virgin, Presentation of Mary at the Temple) -- Mary was educated in the Temple of Jerusalem.
- 17. Wedding at Cana
Stories from the Life of Mary of Nazareth
Scenes from the Lives of Mary and Jesus (1306 Giotto), art
- Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple (1306 Giotto), art
- Joachim among the Shepherds (1306 Giotto), art
- Annunciation to Anne (1306 Giotto), art
- Joachim's Dream (1306 Giotto), art
- Joachim's Sacrificial Offering (1306 Giotto), art
- Meeting of Anne and Joachim (1306 Giotto), art
- Birth of Mary (1306 Giotto), art
- Presentation of Mary at the Temple (1306 Giotto), art
- Bringing of the Branches (1306 Giotto), art
- Prayer for the Blossoming of the Branches (1306 Giotto), art
- Marriage of the Virgin (1306 Giotto), art
- Nuptial Cortege of Mary and Joseph (1306 Giotto), art
- God Sends the Angel Gabriel (1306 Giotto), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1306 Giotto), art
- Visitation (1306 Giotto), art
- Birth of Jesus and Annunciation to the Shepherds (1306 Giotto), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1306 Giotto), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1306 Giotto), art
- Flight into Egypt (1306 Giotto), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1306 Giotto), art
- Wedding at Cana (1306 Giotto), art
- Crucifixion of Jesus (1306 Giotto), art
- Lamentation of Christ (1306 Giotto), art
- Ascension (1306 Giotto), art
Maestà & Scenes from the Lives of Mary and Jesus (1311 Duccio), art
Stories from the Life of Mary (1490 Ghirlandaio), art
Stories from the Life of Mary and Jesus (1515 Boccaccino), art
Madonna and Child
Pages in category "Mary of Nazareth--art (subject)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 383 total.
(previous page) (next page)1
- Birth of Jesus and Annunciation to the Magi and Shepherds (1150 Master of Palermo Palatine Chapel), art
- Joseph's Dream and Flight into Egypt (1150 Master of Palermo Palatine Chapel), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1262 Roslin), art
- Pentecost (1295 Giotto), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1306 Giotto), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1306 Giotto), art
- Ascension (1306 Giotto), art
- Birth of Jesus and Annunciation to the Shepherds (1306 Giotto), art
- Circumcision of Jesus (1306 Giotto), art
- Crucifixion of Jesus (1306 Giotto), art
- Flight into Egypt (1306 Giotto), art
- Lamentation of Christ (1306 Giotto), art
- Marriage of the Virgin (1306 Giotto), art
- Nuptial Cortege of Mary and Joseph (1306 Giotto), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1306 Giotto), art
- Scenes from the Lives of Mary and Jesus (1306 Giotto), art
- Visitation (1306 Giotto), art
- Wedding at Cana (1306 Giotto), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1306 Giotto), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1310 Giotto), art
- Birth of Jesus and Annunciation to the Shepherds (1310 Giotto), art
- Flight into Egypt (1310 Giotto), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1310 Giotto), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1310 Giotto), art
- Return of the Holy Family from Jerusalem (1310 Giotto), art
- Visitation (1310 Giotto), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1311 Duccio), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1311 Duccio), art
- Birth of Jesus and Annunciation to the Shepherds (1311 Duccio), art
- Flight into Egypt (1311 Duccio), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1311 Duccio), art
- Madonna and Child (1311 Duccio), art
- Maestà & Scenes from the Lives of Mary and Jesus (1311 Duccio), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1311 Duccio), art
- Wedding at Cana (1311 Duccio), art
- Crucifixion of Jesus (1320 Master of Sant'Abbondio), art
- Deposition from the Cross (1320 Master of Sant'Abbondio), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1320 Master of Sant'Abbondio), art
- Visitation (1320 Master of Sant'Abbondio), art
- Coronation of Mary (1324 Paolo Veneziano), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1325 Giotto), art
- Crucifixion of Jesus (1325 Giotto), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1325 Giotto), art
- Madonna and Child (1330 Giotto), art
- Annunciation (1340 Memmi), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1342 Lorenzetti), art
- Christ Discovered in the Temple (1342 Martini), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1348 Paolo Veneziano), art
- Madonna and Child (1354 Paolo Veneziano), art
- Madonna and Child (1402 Brunelleschi), art
- Madonna and Child / Notre-Dame de France (1860 Bonnassieux), art
- Ascension of Jesus (1408 Rublev), art
- Marriage of the Virgin (1424 Monaco), art
- Madonna and Child with St. Anne (1425 Masaccio, Masolino), art
- Holy Trinity (1427 Masaccio), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1434 Angelico), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1440 Angelico), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1452 Angelico), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1452 Angelico), art
- Birth of Jesus (1452 Angelico), art
- Circumcision of Christ (1452 Angelico), art
- Flight into Egypt (1452 Angelico), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1452 Angelico), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1452 Angelico), art
- Wedding at Cana (1452 Angelico), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1455 Mantegna), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1460 Bellini), art
- Pietà (1460 Tura), art
- Circumcision of Christ (1461 Mantegna), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1462 Mantegna), art
- Ascension of Christ (1464 Mantegna), art
- Death of Mary (1464 Mantegna), art
- Circumcision of Christ (1465 Lippi), art
- Annunciation (1465 Meister des Marienlebens), art
- Coronation of the Virgin (1465 Meister des Marienlebens), art
- Marriage of the Virgin (1465 Meister des Marienlebens), art
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1465 Meister des Marienlebens), art
- Visitation (1465 Meister des Marienlebens), art
- Annunciation (1469 Tura), art
- Madonna and Child with John the Baptist (1470 Botticelli), art
- Madonna and Child (1470 Verrocchio), art
- St Luke painting the Virgin (1470 Baegert), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1472 Vivarini), art
- Visitation with St. Anne (1473 Perugino), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1474 Tura), art
- Circumcision of Christ (1474 Tura), art
- Flight into Egypt (1474 Tura), art
- Lamentation over the Dead Christ (1474 Tura), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1475 Bosch), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1475 Leonardo), art
- Madonna and Child (1475 Rossellino), art
- Madonna and Child (1475 Verrocchio), art
- Lamentation over the Dead Christ (1478 Mantegna), art
- Madonna and Child (1480 Botticelli), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1482 Leonardo), art
- Crucifixion (1485 Crivelli), art
- Annunciation (1490 Botticelli), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1490 Ghirlandaio), art
- Annunciation (1490 Ghirlandaio), art
- Coronation of the Virgin (1490 Ghirlandaio), art
- Death and Assumption of the Virgin (1490 Ghirlandaio), art
- Marriage of the Virgin (1490 Ghirlandaio), art
- Stories from the Life of Mary (1490 Ghirlandaio), art
- Visitation (1490 Ghirlandaio), art
- Madonna Litta (1490 Leonardo), art
- Visitation (1491 Ghirlandaio), art
- Circumcision of Christ (1491 Signorelli), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1495 Bosch), art
- Madonna and Child with John the Baptist (1495 Botticelli), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1495 Cima), art
- Lamentation over the Dead Christ (1495 Perugino), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1495 Signorelli), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1496 Lippi) art
- Adoration of the Shepherds (1496 Signorelli), art
- Lamentation over the Dead Christ (1497 Perugino), art
- Madonna and Child with John the Baptist (1497 Perugino), art
- Ascension of Christ (1498 Perugino), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1499 Bosch), art
- Pietà (1499 Michelangelo), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1499 Stumme), art
- Wedding at Cana (1500 David), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1500 Mantegna), art
- Adoration of the Shepherds (1501 Pinturicchio), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1501 Pinturicchio), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1501 Pinturicchio), art
- Virgin and Child (1502 Cima da Conegliano), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1503 Albertinelli), art
- Birth of Jesus (1503 Albertinelli), art
- Circumcision of Jesus (1503 Albertinelli), art
- Visitation & Stories from the Life of Mary (1503 Albertinelli), art
- Holy Family with John the Baptist / Tondo Doni (1503 Michelangelo), art
- Rest on the Flight into Egypt (1504 Cranach), art
- Coronation of the Virgin (1504 Perugino), art
- Marriage of the Virgin (1504 Perugino), art
- Coronation of the Virgin (1504 Raphael), art
- Marriage of the Virgin (1504 Raphael), art
- Adoration of the Shepherds (1505 Giorgione), art
- Madonna and Child with Anne and John the Baptist / Cartone di Sant'Anna / Burlington House Cartoon (1505 Leonardo), art
- Holy Family with Anne and John the Baptist (1505 Mantegna), art
- Madonna and Child (1505 Michelangelo), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1505 Schäufelein), art
- Madonna and Child with John the Baptist (1506 Raphael), art
- Entombment of Christ (1507 Raphael), art
- Holy Family (1507 Raphael), art
- Adoration of the Shepherds (1509 Cima), art
- Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (1510 Carpaccio), art
- Madonna and Child with Elizabeth and John the Baptist (1510 Correggio), art
- Holy Family / Madonna del velo (1510 Raphael), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1511 Kulmbach), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1511 Matsys), art
- Annunciation (1513 Andrea del Sarto), art
- Madonna and Child with St. Anne (1513 Leonardo), art
- Madonna and Child with John the Baptist (1514 Correggio), art
- Madonna and Child with John the Baptist (1514 Cranach), art
- Betrothal of Mary (1515 Boccaccino), art
- Stories from the Life of Mary and Jesus (1515 Boccaccino), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1515 Gossaert), art
- St Luke Drawing the Virgin (1515 Gossart), art
- Madonna and Child with Elizabeth and John the Baptist (1516 Andrea del Sarto), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1516 Boccaccino), art
- Marriage Feast at Cana (1516 Bosch), art
- Visitation (1516 Pontormo), art
- Visitation (1517 Raphael), art
- Crucifixion of Jesus (1518 Altdorfer), art
- Madonna and Child with John the Baptist (1518 Correggio), art
- Holy Family (1518 Raphael), art
- Madonna and Child with Elizabeth and John the Baptist (1518 Raphael), art
- Assumption of Mary (1518 Titian), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1519 Beer), art
- Madonna and Child with St. Anne (1519 Dürer), art
- Circumcision of Jesus (1520 Romano), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1520 Strigel), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1521 Pontormo), art
- Allegory of Salvation / Madonna and Child with Elizabeth and John the Baptist (1521 Rosso), art
- St Luke Drawing the Virgin (1522 Gossart), art
- Pietà (1523 Andrea del Sarto), art
- Marriage of the Virgin (1523 Rosso), art
- Rest on the Flight into Egypt (1524 Parmigianino), art
- Holy Family (1524 Pontormo), art
- Madonna and Child (1525 Dossi), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1525 Luini), art
- Deposition from the Cross (1525 Pontormo), art
- Holy Family at Nazareth (1526 Correggio), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1526 Ferrari), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1528 Lotto), art
- Annunciation to Mary (1528 Pontormo), art
- Deposition from the Cross (1528 Pontormo), art
- Visitation (1529 Pontormo), art
- Adoration of the Magi (1530 Girolamo da Santacroce), art
- Holy Family with Anne and John the Baptist (1530 Luini), art
- St. Luke Painting the Virgin (1532 Heemskerck), art
- Madonna and Child with John the Baptist (1536 Pontormo), art
- Holy Family (1541 Bronzino), art
- Adoration of the Kings (1542 Bassano), art
- Adoration of the Shepherds (1545 Bassano), art
- St Luke painting the Virgin's Portrait (1545 Blondeel), art
- Deposition of Christ (1545 Bronzino), art
- Jesus among the Doctors (1545 Pitati), art
- Pentecost (1545 Titian), art
- Holy Family (1550 Bronzino), art
Media in category "Mary of Nazareth--art (subject)"
The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
- 1850 * Millais (art).jpg 800 × 486; 133 KB
- 1898 * Tanner (art).jpg 761 × 600; 118 KB
- 1899 Tanner (art) 2.jpg 781 × 600; 146 KB
- 1923 Tanner (art).jpg 480 × 600; 106 KB