Category:Josephus Studies--1500s

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The page: Josephus Studies--1500s includes (in chronological order) scholarly and literary works in the field of Josephus Studies made in the 1500s, or from 1500 to 1599.

JFS 1500s -- History of research -- Overview
JFS 1500s -- History of research -- Overview

After the editio princeps of the Rufinus Latin text in 1470, more Latin editions of Josephus' Works were published in the first half of the 16th century, by Robert Goullet (Paris, 1513-14) and Desiderius Erasmus (Basel, 1537). In 1510-11 Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples and Michael Hummelberger published the editio princeps of the Pseudo-Hegesippus.

In 1544 Arnoldus Arlenius produced the editio princeps of the Greek text, based on a manuscript he found in the library of the Spanish diplomat Diego Hurtado Mendoza. The volume was published by Hieronymus Froben in Basel, and for many years was the basis of all existing translations from the Greek.

In consequence of its apologetic character, the "Contra Apionem" was the first work of Josephus to appear in Hebrew translation. The editor Samuel Shullam added it to the editio princeps of Abraham Zacuto's "Yuḥasin" (Constantinople, 1566).

JFS 1500s -- Highlights
JFS 1500s -- Highlights

JFS 1500s -- Notable Scholars & Authors
JFS 1500s -- Notable Scholars & Authors


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Pages in category "Josephus Studies--1500s"

The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.