Category:Jesus of Nazareth--history (subject)
Survey of scholarly works on Jesus of Nazareth.
Internal links
- Alien Jesus = Jesus was an Alien
- Aryan Jesus = Jesus was not a Jew
- Black Jesus = Jesus was a Black Man
- Jesus Bloodline = Jesus bore children
- Jesus Cloning = Jesus' DNA is available
- Jesus Family = Jesus had brothers and sisters
- Jesus Myth Theory = Jesus never existed
- Jesus Survival = Jesus survived the crucifixion
- Jesus in India = Jesus visited India
- Jesus the Essene = Jesus was a member of the Essenes
- Jesus the Jew = Jesus was a Jew
- Jesus the Pharisee = Jesus was a member of the Pharisees
- Jesus the Zealot = Jesus was a member of the Zealots
- Jewish views of Jesus = Jesus as seen by Jewish Authors
- Married Jesus = Jesus was married
- Muslim Jesus = Jesus as seen in the Muslim tradition
- Relics of Jesus = Objects or Body Parts related to Jesus
Pages in category "Jesus of Nazareth--history (subject)"
The following 64 pages are in this category, out of 64 total.
- (+) The Parables of the Kingdom (1935 Dodd), book
- (+) Die Gleichnisse Jesu (The Parables of Jesus / 1947 Jeremias), book
- A New Quest of the Historical Jesus (1959 Robinson), book
- Interpreting the Parables (1960 Hunter), book
- Las fuentes de la vida de Jesús (1963 Amiot/Brunot/Cristiani/Daniel-Rops/Daniélou / Riera), book (Spanish ed.)
- Interpreting the Miracles (1963 Fuller), book
- The Sayings of Jesus in the Writings of Justin Martyr (1967 Bellinzoni), book
- Jesus and the Power of Satan (1968 Kallas), book
- The Gospels and the Jesus of History (1968 Léon-Dufour / McHugh), book (English ed.)
- The Purpose of the Biblical Genealogies, with Special Reference to the Setting of the Genealogies of Jesus (1969 Johnson), book
- The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross (1970 Allegro), book
- Jesús de Nazaret: historia y mensaje (1973 Blank / Fierro), book (Spanish ed.)
- Las Parábolas del reino (1974 Dodd / de la Fuente), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il dialogo con Nicodemo (1974 Gaeta), book
- The Sermon on the Mount: A History of Interpretation and Bibliography (1975 Kissinger), book
- The Rebel King: The Story of Christ as Seen against the Historical Conflict between the Roman Empire and Judaism (1975 Marsh), book
- Jesus and the Language of the Kingdom (1976 Perrin), book
- (+) Jesus in the First Three Gospels (1977 Burrows), book
- Kerygma e Gesù storico = Kerygma und historischer Jesus (A New Quest of the Historical Jesus / 1977 @1960 Robinson / Torti), book (Italian ed.)
- The Christ of Faith and the Jesus of History (1977 Strauss / Keck), book (English ed.)
- Ensayos exegéticos (1978 Käsemann), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesus Walking on the Sea (1981 Heil), book
- Mon frère Jésus: perspectives juives sur le Nazaréen (1983 Ben-Chorin), book (French ed.)
- Miracles and the Critical Mind (1984 Brown), book
- Jesus outside the Gospels (1984 Hoffmann), book
- The Death of Jesus in Luke-Acts (1986 Tyson), book
- The Miracles of Jesus (1986 Wenham, Blomberg), book
- Del movimiento de Jesús a la Iglesia cristiana (1987 Aguirre Monasterio), book
- The Miracle Stories of the Synoptic Gospel (1987 Hendrickx), book
- One God, One Lord: Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism (1988 Hurtado), book
- Conspiracy in Jerusalem: The Hidden Origins of Jesus (1988 Salibi), non-fiction
- The Parables of Jesus (1989 Wenham), book
- Menschensohn und historischer Jesus (1990 Hampel), book
- Jezus als Messias (1990 Jonge), book
- Jesus, the Servant-Messiah (1991 Jonge), book (English ed.)
- El otro Jesús: Vida de Jesús según los evangelios apócrifos (1993 Piñero Sáenz), book
- Jesus the Healer: Possession, Trance, and the Origins of Christianity (1995 Davies), book
- The Human Christ: The Search for the Historical Jesus (1998 Allen), book
- Jesus in the Eyes of His Followers (1998 Pokorný), book
- Portraits of Jesus (1999 Cosby), book
- Jesus: One Hundred Years before Christ (1999 Ellegård), non-fiction
- Archaeology and the Galilean Jesus (2000 Reed), book
- Son of God (2001 Bragard), documentary
- Jesus in neuen Kontexten (2002 Stegemann, Malina, Theissen), edited volume
- The Social Setting of Jesus and the Gospels (2002 Stegemann, Malina, Theissen), edited volume
- Jesus in His Jewish Context (2003 Vermès), book
- The Authentic Gospel of Jesus (2003 Vermes), book
- Yesu wa cheguk: Hanŭnim nara wa sin segye mujilsŏ (2004 Horsley / Kim), book (Korean ed.)
- Prophet and Teacher: An Introduction to the Historical Jesus (2005 Herzog), book
- Yŏksajŏk Yesu yŏnʼgu ŭi kyuchʻik: chʻam toen Yesu rŭl chʻajasŏ (2005 Kim), book
- Apocalypticism, Anti-Semitism and the Historical Jesus (2005 Kloppenborg, Marshall), edited volume
- Jesus and His Biographers (2005 Weaver), book
- Jesus and Archaeology (2006 Charlesworth), edited volume
- The Historical Jesus for Dummies (2007 Murphy), book
- Enquête sur Jésus (2008 Augias/Pesce), book (French ed.)
- El perfume del Evangelio: Jesús se encuentra con las mujeres (2008 Calduch-Benages), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gesù profeta e maestro = Prophet and Teacher: An Introduction to the Historical Jesus (2008 @2005 Herzog / Comba), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesús y las mujeres (2008 Piñero Sáenz), book
- Finding the Historical Jesus: Rules of Evidence (2008 Scott), edited volume
- La infancia de Jesús/Jesus' Childhood: Texto bilingüe del Evangelio apócrifo del Pseudo-Tomás/Bilingual Text of the Apocryphal Gospel of Pseudo-Thomas (2009 Aasgaard), book (Spanish ed.)
- Finding the Historical Christ (2009 Barnett), book
- Alternative Christs (2009 Hammer), edited volume
- Jesús, el varón: Aproximación bíblica a su masculinidad (2011 Cáceres), book
Media in category "Jesus of Nazareth--history (subject)"
The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
- 1992-E * Green McKnight.jpg 336 × 499; 29 KB
- 2004 * Ehrman.jpg 329 × 499; 36 KB
- 2008 Moore.jpg 316 × 499; 12 KB
- 2013-E Green Brown Perrin.jpg 348 × 499; 29 KB