Category:Early Islamic Studies--2000s
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Pages in category "Early Islamic Studies--2000s"
The following 135 pages are in this category, out of 135 total.
- ~~ ~~ 2000 ~~ ~~ ~~
- (++) Islam: A Short History (2000 Armstrong), non-fiction
- The Development of Exegesis in Early Islam: The Authenticity of Muslim Literature from the Formative Period (2000 Berg), book
- Mohammed (Muhammad / 2000 Bobzin), book
- Literary Structures of Religious Meaning in the Qur’an (2000 Boullata), edited volume
- The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2000 Cook), book
- Islamic Christianity: An Account of References to Christianity in the Quran (2000 Gohari), book
- Judaism and Islam: Boundaries, Communication, and Interaction (2000 Hary, Hayes, Astren), edited volume
- (+) The Quest for the Historical Muhammad (2000 Ibn Warraq), edited volume
- Bayt al-Maqdis: Jerusalem and Early Islam (2000 Johns), book
- Die Syro-Aramäische Lesart des Koran (2000 Luxenberg), book
- The Biography of Muhammad: The Issue of the Sources (2000 Motzki), book
- Crossroads to Islam: The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State (2000 Nevo/Koren), book
- Le Coran est-il authentique? (Is the Qur'an Authentic? / 2000 Sfar), book
- Corano e Bibbia (Qur'an and Bible / 2000 Tottoli), edited volume
- The Early History of Heaven (2000 Wright), book
- ~~ ~~ 2001 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Qur'an Translation: Discourse, Text and Exegesis (2001 Abdul-Raof), book
- Il Corano (The Qur'an / 2001 Branca), book
- Koran = The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2001 Cook / Pachniak), book (Polish ed.)
- Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the Coming of Islam (2001 Hoyland), book
- Mohammed (Muhammad / 2001 Klabund / Meunier), novel (French ed.)
- O Alcorão (The Qur'an / 2001 Challita), book
- The Qur'an Self-Image: Writing and Authority in Islam's Scripture (2001 Madigan), book
- Maometto il profeta (Muhammad the Prophet / 2001 Mandel), book
- Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an (2001-06 McAuliffe), edited volume
- The Qur'an and Its Interpretative Tradition (2001 Rippin), book
- Syrian Christians under Islam: The First Thousand Years (2001 Thomas), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2002 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Maomé = Muhammad (2002 @1991 Armstrong / Guerini, Fernandes, Costa), non-fiction (Portuguese ed.)
- Maometto = Mohammed (Muhammad / 2002 Bobzin / Tottoli), book (Italian ed.)
- El Corán = Il Corano (The Qur'an / 2002 Branca / García Fraile), book (Spanish ed.)
- Der Koran: eine kurze Einführung = The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2002 Cook / Jendis), book (German ed.)
- Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic (2002 Cook), book
- The Life and Work of Muhammad (2002 Emerick), nonfiction book
- Une approche du Coran par la grammaire et le lexique (An Approach to the Qur’an through Its Grammar and Lexicon / 2002 Gloton), book
- La palabra descendida: Un acercamiento al Corán (The Descended Word: An Approach to the Qur'an / 2002 González Ferrín), book
- The Poetic Qur’an: Studies on Qur’anic Poeticity (2007 Hoffmann), book
- What the Koran Really Says: Language, Text, and Commentary (2002 Ibn Warraq), edited volume
- Les foundations de l'islam (The Foundations of Islam / 2002 Prémare), book
- The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad's Life and the Beginnings of Islam (2002 Shoemaker), book
- Pace e guerra nella Bibbia e nel Corano (Peace and War in the Bible and the Qur'an / 2002 Stefani, Menestrina), edited volume
- A Comparative Lexical Study of Quranic Arabic (2002 Zammit), book
- Il Corano e il male (The Idea of Evil in the Qur'an / 2002 Zilio-Grandi), book
- ~~ ~~ 2003 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Revolution which Toppled the Umayyads: Neither Arab Nor 'Abbasid (2003 Agha), book
- Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins (2003 Berg), edited volume
- The Formation of Islam: Religion and Society in the Near East, 600-1800 (2003 Berkey), book
- Koranen: en meget kort introduktion = The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2003 Cook / Hecquet), book (Danish ed.)
- Kurani kerim: përkthim e komentim në gjuhen shqipe, 2nd ed. (Qur'an: Translation and Commentaru in Albanian / 2003 Khan), book
- Bible and Qur'an: Essays in Scriptural Intertextuality (2003 Reeves), edited volume
- The Arabs in Antiquity: Their History from the Assyrians to the Umayyads (2003 Retsö), book
- Classical Islam: A Sourcebook of Religious Literature (2003 Calder, Mojaddedi, Rippin), book
- Islamic Historiography (2003 Robinson), book
- ~~ ~~ 2004 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Qur'an: A New Translation (2004 Abdel Haleem), book
- Maometto = Muhammad (2004 @1991 Armstrong / Pastore), non-fiction (Italian ed.)
- Studies in Early Islamic Tradition (2004 Bashear), book
- Arab-Byzantine Relations in Early Islamic Times (2004 Bonner), book
- Il Corano e la sua interpretazione (The Qur'an: The Basics / 2004 Campanini), book
- Studies in the Origins of Islamic Culture and Tradition (2004 Cook), book
- Al-Kitab: La sacralité du text dans le monde de l'islam (Al-Kitab: Sacred Textualilty in Islam / 2004 De Smet, Callatay, van Reeth), edited volume
- The Development of Islamic Ritual (2004 Hawting), book
- Il Corano (The Qur'an / 2004 Mandel), book
- Empire and Elites after the Muslim Conquest: The Transformation of Northern Mesopotamia (2004 Robinson), book
- Poetics of Islamic Historiography: Deconstructing Tabari's History (2004 Shoshan), book
- ~~ ~~ 2005 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Les sciences coraniques (The Quranic Sciences / 2005 Arnaldez), book
- (++) No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam (2005 Aslan), book
- コーラン = The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2005 Cook / Ōkawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Le messie et son prophète (The Messiah and His Prophet / 2005 Gallez), book
- Biblia a Koran: podobienstwa i róznice = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2005 Gnilka / Szymona), book (Polish ed.)
- Biblia y Corán lo que los une, lo que los separa = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2005 Gnilka / Villanueva), book (Spanish ed.)
- Aux origines du Coran (The Origins of the Qur'an / 2005 Prémare), book
- ~~ ~~ 2006 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time, rev. ed. (2006 Armstrong), nonfiction book
- Bibbia e Corano: che cosa li unisce, che cosa li divide = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2006 Gnilka / Colombo), book (Italian ed.)
- The Encounter of Eastern Christianity with Early Islam (2006 Grypeou, Swanson, Thomas), edited volume
- Defending the People of Truth in the Early Islamic Times: The Apologies of Abu Ra'itah (2006 Keating), book
- The Qur'an: An Encyclopedia (2006 Leaman), edited volume
- The Making of a Forefather: Abraham in Islamic and Jewish Exegetical Narratives (2006 Lowin), book
- Interpreting the Qur'an: Towards a Contemporary Approach (2006 Saeed), book
- The Oral and the Written in Early Islam (2006 Schoeler), book
- Hagar, Sarah, and Their Children: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives (2006 Trible, Russell), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2007 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Dictionnaire du Coran (Dictionary of the Qur'an / 2007 Amir-Moezzi), edited volume
- Noah's Other Son: Bridging the Gap between the Bible and the Qur'an (2007 Brown), book
- The Qur'an: The Basics = Il Corano e la sua interpretazione (2007 Campanini / Leaman), book (English ed.)
- Le Coran (The Qur'an / 2007 Cuypers, Gobillot), book
- The Charismatic Community: Shi'ite Identity in Early Islam (2007 Dakake), book
- Biblia és Korán ami összeköti és ami elválasztja oket = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2007 Gnilka / Sasvári), book (Hungarian ed.)
- Biblija i Kur'an sto ih povezuje, sto razdvaja = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2007 Gnilka / Zovkić), book (Croatian ed.)
- Die Nazarener und der Koran (The Nazareans and the Qur'an / 2007 Gnilka), book
- Иерусалимский храм = The Temple of Jerusalem (2007 Goldhill / Olefir), book (Russian ed.)
- The Foreign Vocabulary of the Qur'an, new ed. (2007 Jeffery / Böwering, McAuliffe), book
- Results of Contemporary Research on the Qur'an (2007 Kropp), edited volume
- Der Frühe Islam: Eine Historisch-kritische Rekonstruktion (Early Islam: A Historical-Critical Reconstruction / 2007 Uhlig), edited volume
- The Qur'an in Its Historical Context (2007 Reynolds), edited volume
- El Corán: Religión, hombre y sociedad. Antología temática (The Qur'an: A Thematic Antology / 2007 Segovia), book
- (+) Mesih (The Messiah / 2007 Talebzadeh), TV mini-series & feature film
- Koraan (Qur'an / 2007 Udam), book (Estonian)
- (+) The Historical Muhammad (2007 Zeitlin), book
- ~~ ~~ 2008 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Le silence de Mahomet (The Silence of Mohammed / 2008 Bachi), novel
- הקוראן = The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2008 Cook / Bar-Asher, Tsafrir), book (Hebrew ed.)
- From Arabian Tribes to Islamic Empire: Army, State, and Society in the Near East, c. 600-850 (2008 Crone), book
- El Corán y sus traducciones (The Qur'an and Its Translations / 2008 Epalza, Forcadell, Perujo), book
- (+) The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones), novel
- A'isha, l'amata di Maometto = The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones / Beltramini), novel (Italian ed.)
- Aisha, das Juwel von Medina = The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones / Daußig), novel (German ed.)
- Dragulj Medine = The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones / Vasiljevic), novel (Serbian ed.)
- Medinas juvel = The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones / Nørregaard), novel (Danish ed.)
- The Story of the Quran: Its History and Place in Muslim Life (2008 Mattson), book
- Christian Doctrines in Islamic Theology (2008 Thomas), book
- Opening the Qur'an: Introducing Islam's Holy Book (2008 Wagner), book
- Il-Qoran Imqaddes (The Holy Qur’an / 2008 Zammit, al-Sa‘di), book
- ~~ ~~ 2009 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Die Botschaft des Koran = The Message of the Qur'an (2009 @1980 Asad / Denffer, Kuhn), book (German ed.)
- Il silenzio di Maometto = Le silence de Mahomet (The Silence of Mohammed / 2009 @2008 Bachi / Amaducci), novel (Italian ed.)
- Children and Childhood in World Religions: Primary Sources and Texts (2009 Browning, Bunge), edited volume
- Abraham in Judentum, Christentum und Islam (Abraham in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam / 2009 Böttrich, Ego, Eissler), edited volume
- La transmission écrite du Coran dans les débuts de l'islam (The Written Transmission of the Qur'an in Early Islam 2009 Déroche), book
- The Qur'an and Biblical Origins: Hebrew, Christian, and Aramaic Influences in Striking Similarities (2009 Elkayam), book
- Dragulj iz Medine = The Jewel of Medina (2009 Jones / Morel), novel (Slovenian ed.)
- Klejnot Medyny = The Jewel of Medina (2009 Jones / Smulewska), novel (Polish ed.)
- La joya de Medina = The Jewel of Medina (2009 Jones / López), novel (Spanish ed.)
- The Sword of Medina (2009 Jones), novel
- Rituals of Islamic Monarchy: Accession and Succession in the First Muslim Empire (2009 Marsham), book
- Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of the Last Prophet (2009 Powers), book
- The Legend of Sergius Bahira: Eastern Christian Apologetics and Apocalyptic in Response to Islam (2009 Roggema), book
- Gog and Magog in Early Eastern Christian and Islamic Sources (2009 van Donzel, Schmidt), book
- Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History 1, 600-900 (2009 Thomas, Roggema), edited volume
- Messianic Beliefs and Imperial Politics in Medieval Islam: The 'Abbasid Caliphate in the Early Ninth Century (2009 Yücesoy), book
Media in category "Early Islamic Studies--2000s"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
- 2001 * Khalidi.jpg 293 × 474; 36 KB
- 2004 * Segal.jpg 315 × 474; 35 KB
- 2006-E McAuliffe.jpg 333 × 500; 61 KB
- 2006-E Rippin.jpg2006-E Rippin.jpg File missing
- 2007 Hamblin Seely.jpg 400 × 500; 72 KB
- 2009-T Goldhill it.jpg 344 × 499; 35 KB
- 2009 Lawson.jpg 400 × 590; 62 KB