Category:Second Temple Studies--1980s
Revision as of 22:01, 7 May 2015 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
![]() Second Temple Studies in the 1980s
![]() Noticeable works of the 1980s
![]() Noticeable authors of the period
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Second Temple Studies--1980s"
The following 181 pages are in this category, out of 181 total.
- Esther: The Star and the Sceptre (1980 Andrews), novel
- מלחמות החשמונאים (Judas Maccabaeus: The Jewish Struggle against the Seleucids / 1980 Bar-Kochva), book
- Judita = Judith, Croatian ed. (1980 Caric / @1840 Hebbel), TV production (play)
- Ideal Figures in Ancient Judaism: Profiles and Paradigms (1980 Collins, Nickelsburg), edited volume
- Apocalyptic and Merkavah Mysticism (1980 Gruenwald), book
- L'ambiente del Nuovo Testamento = Umwelt des Neuen Testament (The New Testament Environment / 1980 Lohse / Redana), book (Italian ed.)
- La clemenza di Tito (The Clemency of Titus / 1980 Ponnelle, Levine / @1791 Mozart), filmed opera
- Introduzione agli apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento = Einleitung in die alttestamentlichen Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen (Judaism outside the Hebrew Canon / 1980 Rost / Rosso Ubigli), book (Italian ed.)
- The Tenth Measure (1980 Segal), novel
- Jewish People, Jewish Thought: The Jewish Experience in History (1980 Seltzer), book
- Wisdom as a Hermeneutical Construct: A Study in the Sapientializing of the Old Testament (1980 Sheppard), book
- Masada (1980 Tacconi), novel
- Il buon uso del tradimento: Flavio Giuseppe e la guerra giudaica (1980 Vidal-Naquet / Ambrosino) = Flavius Josèphe; ou, Du bon usage de la trahison (1977 Vidal-Naquet), book (Italian ed.)
- Nabucco (1981 Arena, Bruson / Giacchieri, Large / @1842 Verdi), video recording (opera)
- The Pseudepigrapha and Modern Research, with a Supplement (1981 Charlesworth), book
- Daniel, First Maccabees, Second Maccabees, with an Excursus on the Apocalyptic Genre (1981 Collins), book
- (+) Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction (1981 Crenshaw), book
- Salome (1981 Davis, Jones / @1905 Strauss), New York (Met) production, sound recording (opera)
- Temple Propaganda: The Purpose and Character of 2 Maccabees (1981 Doran), book
- La speranza giudaica al tempo di Gesù = L’espérance juive à l’heure de Jésus (1981 @1978 Grelot / Bacchiarello), book (Italian ed.)
- La resistencia judía contra Roma en la época de Jesús (1981 Guevara), book
- Touch of the Golden Scepter (1981 Henderson), novel
- Ebrei, Greci e Barbari = Juden, Griechen und Barbaren (Jews, Greeks and Barbarians / 1981 @1976 Hengel / Forza), book (Italian ed.)
- The Eighth Veil (1981 Kadison), novel
- Pilate et le gouvernement de la Judée (Pilate and the Government of Judea / 1981 Lémonon), book
- Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism (1981- Mohr), book series
- Serpent (1981 Mosley), novel
- Greater Herodium (1981 Netzer), book
- La rivolta ebraica al tempo di Traiano (1981 Pucci), book
- Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento (1981-2000 Sacchi), edited volume
- Der Bar Kokhba-Aufstand (1981 Schäfer), book
- 古經之風俗及典章制度 = Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament (Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions / 1981 Vaux / Yang), book (Chinese ed.)
- Harper's World of the New Testament (1981 Yamauchi), book
- Esther-sŏ yŏnʼgu (1982 Gerleman / Chon), book (Korean ed.)
- Salome (1982 Keefe, Galvany / @1905 Strauss), Cincinnati production, sound recording (opera)
- L'attente du Messie en Palestine a la veille et au debut de l'ere chretienne (1982 Laperrousaz), book
- El mundo judío en tiempos de Jesús: historia política (1982 Paul), book (Spanish ed.)
- Nabucco (1982 Sinopoli, Cappuccilli / @1842 Verdi), sound recording (opera)
- 1-2 Maccabei: lotta e martirio per la fede (1982 Vallauri), book
- Sieg im Tod: Masada (1982 Weiss), novel
- Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament: The Ordering of Life in Israel and Early Judaism (1983 Blenkinsopp), book
- Hellenistische Reform und Religionsverfolgung in Judäa (1983 Bringmann), book
- Masada (1983 Brogan), novel
- Daniel and the Kings of Babylon (1983 Butcher), children's novel
- Histoire d'Israël et de Juda: des origines au IIe siècle après Jésus-Christ (1983 Castel), book
- Problemas y perspectivas de las ciencias biblicas = Problemi e prospettive di scienze bibliche (1983 @1981 Fabris), edited volume (Spanish ed.)
- The Writing on the Wall (1983 Garfield / Bragg), children' s novel
- Visionaries and Their Apocalypses (1983 Hanson), edited volume
- Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East (1983 Hellholm), edited volume
- ユダヤ教とヘレニズム = Judentum und Hellenismus (Judaism and Hellenism / 1983 Hengel / Nagakubo), book (Japanese ed.)
- Fragments from Hellenistic Jewish Authors: 1. Historians (1983 Holladay), book
- Daniel in the Lion's Den (1983 Hollyer), children's novel & art
- Palabra y Gloria: Excursus en la Biblia y en la literatura intertestamentaria (1983 Muñoz León), book
- Il mondo ebraico al tempo di Gesù (1983 Paul) = Le mond des Juifs a l’heure de Jésus (The Jewish World at the Time of Jesus / 1981 Paul), book (Italian ed.)
- Josephus: The Historian and His Society (1983 Rajak), book
- Bérénice (1983 Ruíz / @1670 Racine), video recording (play)
- Masada (1983 @1981 Sagal), TV mini-series (Italian ed.)
- La crisis macabea (1983 Saulnier / Darrícal), book (Spanish ed.)
- If I Forget Thee (1983 Segal), novel
- Salome (1983 Stein, Migenes / @1905 Strauss), Geneva production, sound recording (opera)
- Salomè (1983 Tacconi), novel
- In the Days of Jesus: The Jewish Background and Unique Teaching of Jesus (1983 Tambasco), book
- Even ha-mizbeah (1984 Baram), novel
- Moi proslavlennye brat’ia (1975 Fast), novel (Russian ed.)
- `Ir melukah (1984 Baram), novel
- The Other Bible (1984 Barnstone), edited volume
- The Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and in the Revelation of St John (1984 Beale), book
- San Juan Bautista (Saint John the Baptist / 1984 Cárdenas), novel
- Historia de Israel y de Judá: Desde los orígenes hasta el siglo II d.C. (1984 Castel / Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Struggle in Man between Good and Evil: An Inquiry into the Origin of the Rabbinic Concept of Yeser Hara (1984 Cohen Stuart), book
- Daniel, with an Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature (1984 Collins), book
- Heavenly Journeys: A Study of the Motif in Hellenistic Jewish Literature (1984 Dean-Otting), book
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1984 @1881 Massenet / Delacôte), Barcelona production, video recording (opera)
- Apócrifos del Antiguo Testamento (1984-2009 Díez Macho/Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- The King in the Garden (1984 Garfield / Bragg), children' s novel
- Melchisedek e la sua tipologia (1984 Gianotto), book
- Спартак (Spartacus / 1984 Grigorovich, Zhuraitis / 1968 Grigorovich, Khachaturyan), filmed ballet
- Judith (1984 Hochhuth), play
- Etudes sur le judaïsme hellénistique (1984 Kuntzmann/Schlosser), edited volume
- Daniel and His Friends (1984 Matthews / Bishop), children's novel
- Torah from Our Sages: Pirke Avot (1984 Neusner), book
- Den antike jødedom: politisk udvikling og religiøse strømninger fra Aleksander den Store til Kejser Hadrian (1984 Otzen), book
- L’ambiente storico-culturale delle origini cristiane (1984 Penna), book
- Gli uomini del ritorno = Palestinian Parties and Politics That Shaped the Old Testament (1984 @1971 Smith / Xella), book (Italian ed.)
- Storia di Israele (A History of Israel / 1984 Soggin), book
- Sin-Kuyak chunggansa (1984 Surburg / Kim), book (Korean ed.)
- Erodiade (Herodias / 1984 @1969 Testori / Testori), Milan premiere (play)
- The History of Israel and Judah in Old Testament Times (1985 Castel), book (English ed.)
- (+) Megilot Midbar Yehudah veha-Isiyim (The Spiritual History of the Dead Sea Sect / 1985 Flusser), book
- The Name of God and the Angel of the Lord (1985 Fossum), book
- Ambiente político del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Guevara), book
- The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible (1985 Hanna-Barbera), animated TV short film series
- Bandits, Prophets, & Messiahs (1985 Horsley), book
- The Greatest Adventure: Queen Esther (1985 Lusk, Patterson), animated TV short film
- Apocalittica: origine, sviluppo, caratteristiche di una teologia per tempi difficili (1985 Marconcini), book
- Ebraismo, ellenismo, cristianesimo (1985 Mathieu/Olivetti), edited volume
- Judith (1985 Matthus / Hebbel), opera
- The Greatest Adventure: Daniel and the Lions' Den (1985 Patterson), animated TV short film
- Belshazzar's Feast (1985 Previn / @1931 Walton), sound recording (oratorio)
- Paulus und das palästinische Judentum (1985 Sanders), book (German ed.)
- Historia del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Schürer / de la Fuente/Adánez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Storia del popolo giudaico al tempo di Gesù Cristo = The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (1985-98 Schürer, Vermès / Soffritti, Chiesa, Gianotto), book (Italian ed.)
- 新約背景 = New Testament Times (1985 Tenney / Liang, Li), book (Chinese ed.)
- Le contexte du Nouveau Testament (1985 Viertel / Clarke), book (French ed.)
- 古代ユダヤ教 = Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 1985 Weber / Uchida), book (Japanese ed.)
- La cultura ellenistico-romana nei suoi rapporti con giudaismo e cristianesimo (1985 Wendland), book (Italian ed.)
- Salome, Catalan ed. (1985 Gas / @1893 Wilde), Mérida production (play)
- Esther (1986 Alex / Gironi), children's novel
- San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist / 1986 Basbas / @1675 Stradella), New York production (oratorio)
- Daniel and the Lion's Den (1986 Benagh, Marks), novel
- Storia d'Israele e di Giuda: dalle origini al 2. secolo d.C. (1986 Castel), book (Italian ed.)
- 新約背景 (The New Testament Background / 1986 Chen), book
- Salome (1986 D'Anna), film
- La vita quotidiana in Palestina al tempo di Gesù = Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (1986 Daniel-Rops / Lo Buono), book (Italian ed.)
- The Story of Daniel and the Lions (1986 Davidson / Marshall), children's novel & art
- Nabucco (1986 Muti, Bruson / De Simone, Large / @1842 Verdi), video recording (opera)
- Le judaïsm à l'aube du christianisme (1986 Neusner / Bagot), book (French ed.)
- Il periodo postesilico (1986 Prato), edited volume
- Paolo e il giudaismo palestinese (1986 Sanders), book (Italian ed.)
- 黙示文学入門 = Die Apokalyptik (The Apocalyptic Movement / 1986 @1973 Schmithals / Toki), book (Japanese ed.)
- Otrazenija na starozavetnata apokrifna tradicija v srednevekovnata balgarska kultura (1986 Valcanov), book
- Ben-Hur (1987 Davis), film music
- Studi sull'apocalittica (Studies on Apocalypticism / 1987 Delcor / Zani), book (Italian ed.)
- (+) La Bible: Ecrits intertestamentaires (1987 Dupont-Sommer/Philonenko), edited volume
- Studies on the Hasmonean Period (1987 Efron), book (English ed.)
- 從巴比倫到伯利恆 = From Babylon to Bethlehem (1987 Ellison / Chen), book (Chinese ed.)
- The Ruling Class of Judea: The Origins of the Jewish Revolt against Rome (1987 Goodman), book
- Old Testament Apocalyptic (1987 Hanson), book
- Testi giudaici per lo studio del Nuovo Testamento = Textbuch zur neutestamentlichen Zeitgeschichte (1987 Kippenberg, Wewers / Firpo), book (Italian ed.)
- Masada (1987 Levy), oratorio
- The Land of Israel as a Political Concept in Hasmonean Literature (1987 Mendels), book
- On Pagans, Jews, and Christians (1987 Momigliano), book
- Pagine ebraiche (1987 Momigliano), book
- Salome (1987 Nagano, Caballé / @1905 Strauss), Milan production, sound recording (opera)
- Sotto Ponzio Pilato (Under Pontius Pilate / 1987 Nardoni), book
- La clemenza di Tito (The Clemency of Titus / 1987 Olofsson, Järvefelt, Östman / @1791 Mozart), filmed operas
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1987 Prêtre / @1881 Massenet), Nice production, sound recording (opera)
- The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Patriarchs and Prophets in Early Judaism (1987 Russell), book
- The Other Judaisms of Late Antiquity (1987 Segal), book
- Salome (1987 Tate, Behrens / @1905 Strauss), Munich production, sound recording (opera)
- Bérénice, la reine humiliée (1988 Delouche), novel
- Judaism and the Origins of Christianity (1988 Flusser), book
- From Apocalypticism to Gnosticism (1988 Gruenwald), book
- Ancient Jewish Art and Archaeology in the Land of Israel (1988 Hachlili), book
- The Maccabean Revolt: Anatomy of a Biblical Revolution (1988 Harrington), book
- Belshazzar's Feast (1988 Hickox / @1931 Walton), sound recording (oratorio)
- King Herod's Dream: Caesarea on the Sea (1988 Holum), edited volume
- Religião e formação de classes na antiga Judéia (1988 Kippenberg / Ferreira / Sobral), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Gli esseni secondo la loro testimonianza diretta (1988 Laperrousaz / Tosatti), book (Italian ed.)
- Le logos et la lettre: Philon d'Alexandrie en regard des pharisiens (1988 Lévy), book
- Giovanni il Battista nelle tradizioni sinottiche (1988 Lupieri), book
- Giovanni il Battista tra storia e leggenda (1988 Lupieri), book
- Risorgeremo: ma come? (1988 Marcheselli-Casale), book
- パリサイ派とは何か : 政治から敬虔へ = From Politics to Piety: The Emergence of Pharisaic Judaism (1988 Neusner / Nagakubo), book (Japanese ed.)
- The Tenth of Av (1988 Roseman), novel
- Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees in Palestinian Society (1988 Saldarini), book
- Belshazzar's Feast (1988 Shaw / @1931 Walton), sound recording (oratorio)
- El judaísmo: desde el destierro hasta el tiempo de Jesús (1988 Tassin / Darrícal), book (Spanish ed.)
- Esther (1988 Traylor), novel
- Due studi di storiografia e religione antiche (1988 Troiani), book
- Apokrifek (Apocrypha / 1988 Vanyó), edited volume
- Dispetti divini (1989 Alberti), novel
- Le royaume de la Torah (1989 Baram), novel (French ed.)
- Flavius Josèphe, les zélotes et Yavné (1989 Bohrmann), book
- Judas Maccabaeus: The Jewish Struggle against the Seleucids (1989 @1980 Bar-Kochva), book (English ed.) = מלחמות החשמונאים
- The Hasmonean Revolt: Rebellion or Revolution (1989 Derfler), book
- Johannes der Täufer: Interpretation – Geschichte – Wirkungsgeschichte (1989 Ernst), book
- Salome, French ed. (1989 Guschlbauer, Makris / @1905 Strauss), Montpelier production, sound recording (opera)
- Fragments from Hellenistic Jewish Authors: 2. Poets (1989 Holladay), book
- Salome (1989 Janowski, Marton / @1905 Strauss), New York (Met) production, sound recording (opera)
- Salome (1989 Mund, Caballé / @1905 Strauss), Barcelona production, video recording (opera)
- Il giudaismo nei primi secoli del cristianesimo = Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity (1989 Neusner / Servi), book (Italian ed.)
- Israele alla ricerca di identità tra il III sec. a.C. e il I sec. d.C. (1989 Prato), edited volume
- La fede sacrilega nella morte del Precursore S. Giovanni Battista (Sacrilegious Faith in the Death of the Precursor, St. John the Baptist / 1989 Reuber / @1714 Fux), Neuss production, sound recording (oratorio)
- A história de Tobias (1989 Rovisco), play
- 兩約之間 = Between the Testaments (1989 Russell / Xuan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 総說・ユダヤ人の歴史 = The Jewish People in the First Century (1989-1992 Safrai, Stern / Sakine, Nagakubo, Tsuchido, Kawashima), edited volume (Japanese ed.)
- San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist / 1989 Schneider / @1675 Stradella), sound recording (oratorio)
- Belshazzar's Feast (1989 Willcocks / @1931 Walton), sound recording (oratorio)
Media in category "Second Temple Studies--1980s"
The following 48 files are in this category, out of 48 total.
- 1980 * Freyne.jpg 313 × 474; 31 KB
- 1980 * Stone.jpg 319 × 499; 27 KB
- 1980 Hanson (book).jpg 1,000 × 1,500; 146 KB
- 1980 * Hengel.jpg 375 × 499; 31 KB
- 1981 * Meyers Strange.jpg 326 × 499; 35 KB
- 1981 * Nickelsburg.jpg 324 × 499; 34 KB
- 1981 Nunnally-Cox.jpg 324 × 499; 32 KB
- 1981 * Paul.jpg 354 × 500; 29 KB
- 1981 * Sagal (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 12 KB
- 1982 * Brooten.jpg 333 × 499; 19 KB
- 1982 * Collins.jpg 160 × 250; 9 KB
- 1982 Laperrousaz.jpg 335 × 499; 20 KB
- 1982 * Rowland.jpg 694 × 1,000; 117 KB
- 1983 Archer Chirichigno (book).jpg 817 × 1,024; 115 KB
- 1983-E * Charlesworth.jpg 342 × 499; 34 KB
- 1983 * Gager.jpg 324 × 499; 27 KB
- 1983 * Himmelfarb.jpg 827 × 1,196; 36 KB
- 1983 * McNamara.jpg 635 × 1,000; 89 KB
- 1983 * Nickelsburg Stone.jpg 344 × 499; 31 KB
- 1983 Pfanner - Hess - Schwanke.jpg 182 × 249; 3 KB
- 1984 * Leaney.jpg 295 × 475; 29 KB
- 1984 * Neusner.jpg 324 × 499; 16 KB
- 1984 * VanderKam.jpg 333 × 500; 18 KB
- 1984 * Collins.jpg 332 × 500; 19 KB
- 1984 * Grant.jpg 287 × 445; 25 KB
- 1984-E * Sparks.jpg 886 × 1,306; 160 KB
- 1984-E * Stone.jpg 333 × 499; 21 KB
- 1985 * Bartlett.jpg 400 × 618; 59 KB
- 1985 * Charlesworth.jpg 306 × 474; 18 KB
- 1985 * Gowan (III).jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 1985 * Jonge.jpg 880 × 1,360; 75 KB
- 1985 Kaiser (book).jpg 907 × 1,360; 157 KB
- 1986 * Segal.jpg 323 × 499; 19 KB
- 1986 Gitai (film).jpg 214 × 322; 22 KB
- 1986-E * Kraft Nickelsburg.jpg 327 × 499; 31 KB
- 1986-E * Richardson Wilson.jpg 598 × 886; 44 KB
- 1987 * Cohen.jpg 331 × 499; 25 KB
- 1987 * Ferguson.jpg 200 × 336; 13 KB
- 1987 Davies.jpg 333 × 499; 15 KB
- 1987-E * Feldman Hata.jpg 1,290 × 1,910; 1.17 MB
- 1987 Magni (film).jpg 176 × 250; 13 KB
- 1987-E * Neusner Green.jpg 320 × 474; 21 KB
- 1988 * Bickerman.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 1988 Beall.jpg 287 × 499; 18 KB
- 1988 Kvanvig.jpg 128 × 195; 2 KB
- 1988 Russell (film).jpg 330 × 464; 47 KB
- 1989-T * Hengel en.jpg 400 × 625; 14 KB
- 1989-T * Hengel.jpg 880 × 1,360; 152 KB