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* "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajpEXFAKxQc&t=2s Il perdono dei peccati nella tradizione enochica e nel primo cristianesimo]" [Kairos Storia del Cristianesimo] (Apr 28, 2020)   
* "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajpEXFAKxQc&t=2s Il perdono dei peccati nella tradizione enochica e nel primo cristianesimo]" [Kairos Storia del Cristianesimo] (Apr 28, 2020)   

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September 2021
Gabriele Boccaccini
Meeting with Pope Francis (May 2019)
At Notre Dame (Feb 2017)
At Amsterdam (Nov 2016)

Gabriele Boccaccini [1] (b.1958) is an Italian-born American scholar, at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor MI), USA.



Gabriele Boccaccini was born in Florence, Italy on March 24, 1958 to Walter Boccaccini, an opera stage director and then general manager of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, and Maria Adelaide Ghinozzi, a teacher who graduated in Philosophy under Prof. Eugenio Garin at the University of Florence.

He studied Classical Studies at the Liceo "Dante Alighieri" in Florence (1971-76), and enrolled as a student at the University of Florence. After completing his courses, he served two years in the civilian corps of the Italian Army, married in 1981 with musicologist Aloma Bardi and earned his Laurea (1983) in Early Christianity from the University of Florence, Italy under the mentorship of Ancient Philosophy professor Francesco Adorno. He then taught three years as a high-school professor of Religion at the Liceo Linguistico in Florence, before entering the PhD program at the University of Turin under the mentorship of Prof. Paolo Sacchi. In the Winter 1989 and 1990, he was Visiting Scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary under the mentorship of Prof. James H. Charlesworth. In 1991 he earned his PhD in Judaic Studies from the University of Turin, Italy.

In Fall 1992 he joined the Faculty of the Department of Near Eastern Studies of the University of Michigan, working as Adjunct Professor in the PhD program directed by Prof. Jarl Fossum. He became Assistant Professor in 1999, Associate Professor in 2002 and then in 2005, Professor of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins in the Department of Near Studies and at the Frankel Center of Judaic Studies.

In 2001 he founded and has directed ever since the Enoch Seminar. In 2006 he launched the Enoch Graduate Seminar. These series of international Seminars on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins have attracted hundreds of scholars from all around the world.

In 2009 he created 4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, which is expanding, year after after, with thousands of visitors per months.

From 2005 to 2011 he was the Editor-in-chief of the journal Henoch. In 2012 he has become the Editor-in-Chief of Enoch Seminar Online, which publishes the papers of the Enoch Seminar and book reviews in the field of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins.

On March 2012 he has became an American citizen.

In 2012 he has launched with the Enoch Seminar a new series of academic seminars on Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins, the so-called Nangeroni Meetings, as well as a series of receptions at the annual American Meetings of the SBL.

He has published numerous articles and books (in English or Italian) and edited most of the volumes of the Enoch Seminar. Works of his have been translated into German, Portuguese and Hungarian.

In 2018 he was awarded the title of "Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Stella d'Italia (Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy)" by the President of Italy Sergio Matterella for his contribution to the "preservation and promotion of national prestige abroad."

On occasion of his 60th birthday, his former students and colleagues, J. Harold Ellens, Isaac W. Oliver, Jason von Ehrenkrook, James Waddell and Jason M. Zurawski, presented him a Festschrift: Wisdom Poured Out Like Water Studies on Jewish and Christian Antiquity in Honor of Gabriele Boccaccini. The volume, published by Walter De Gruyter in the series Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies 38, includes more than 40 contributions from international scholars.

In the year 2020 the COVID-19 crisis has been a challenge but also an opportunity to experiment new forms of international collaboration and make the Enoch Seminar a leading institution in the organization on online events, that have gathered hundreds of participants from all around the world.

In 2021-22 Boccaccini was head Fellow at the Frankel Institute for Advanced Studies, leading a group of a dozen international scholars in Second Temple Judaism. The theme was "Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity." Four international conferences were organized as part of the program.

<Italian summary>

Gabriele Boccaccini, fiorentino, studioso del giudaismo del Secondo Tempio e delle origini cristiane, si laurea in lettere presso l'Università di Firenze, frequentando anche i corsi dello Studio Teologico Fiorentino (ora Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Centrale). Completa quindi la propria formazione dottorale all'Università di Torino sotto la guida di Paolo Sacchi. Membro dell'Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana di Firenze, è nel 1980 tra i promotori dei Colloqui Ebraico-Cristiani di Camaldoli. Nel 1989 si trasferisce negli Stati Uniti, dapprima come Visiting Scholar al Princeton Theological Seminary, e poi dal 1992 come docente presso la University of Michigan. Dal 2001 dirige l’Enoch Seminar da lui fondato, con il quale svolge un'intensa attività internazionali di incontri, convegni e pubblicazioni sul giudaismo del Secondo Tempio. E' autore e curatore di numerose opere in lingua inglese, specialmente sulla tradizione enochica e sulla sua ricezione; a lui si deve fra l'altro la riscoperta che il manoscritto di 1 Enoch ora conservato alla Biblioteca Vaticana fu portato in Italia dallo stesso James Bruce nel 1773. Cittadino americano dal 2012, mantiene sempre stretti contatti con l'Italia, sia a livello accademico sia collaborando alle attività estive di BIBLIA e di Camaldoli. Tra le sue pubblicazioni sono disponibili in italiano: Il medio giudaismo (Marietti 1993), Oltre l’ipotesi essenica (Morcelliana 2003), I giudaismi del Secondo Tempio (Morcelliana 2008), Dallo stesso grembo (con P. Stefani, EDB 2012), e Le tre vie di salvezza di Paolo l'ebreo (Claudiana 2021). Dal 2005 al 2011 è direttore della rivista Henoch. Nel 2018 è insignito dal Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Sergio Mattarella del titolo di "Cavaliere della Stella d'Italia" per il suo impegno per la preservazione e la promozione della cultura italiana nel mondo.

Fields of research and major contributions

Second Temple Studies -- Enochic Studies -- Apocalyptic Studies -- Qumran Studies

  • Intellectual history of Second Temple Judaism
  • Diversity of Second Temple Judaism
  • Concept of "Enochic Judaism", its contribution to Qumran and Christian origins.
  • Founder in 2001 and director of the Enoch Seminar
  • Author of articles and books -- Organizer of international conferences

New Testament Studies -- Historical Jesus Studies -- Pauline Studies

  • Inclusion of the Jesus movement within the diversity of Second Temple Judaism
  • Parallel origins of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism
  • "Within Judaism" Reading of the NT texts as Second Temple Jewish literature
  • Enochic roots of Paul and the synoptics.

Italian Jewish Studies -- Holocaust Children Studies

  • Co-Founder in 1980 of the "Colloqui ebraico-cristiani di Camaldoli"
  • Founder in 2022 and co-director (with Gadi Luzzatto Voghera) of the "Settimane di studio internazionali sull'ebraismo italiano"
  • Author of articles on the Italian Holocaust in particular on the experiences of Luigi Ferri and Giulio Ballio (Morpurgo) -- organizer of international conferences

2020s ~ 2020s ~ 2020s


Facing the COVID-19 pandemic, already in March 2020 Boccaccini reacted by expanding the activities of the Enoch Seminar through the organization of a series on online meetings that gathered hundreds of participants from all over the world.

In the Summer 2020, Boccaccini's book on Paul was published by Eerdmans, its Italian edition (revised and enlarged by the Author) came out in November 2021.

The Frankel Institute for Advanced Studies appointed Boccaccini Head-Fellow of its 2021-22 theme Second Temple Judaism:The Challenge of Diversity.


2020 (books)

2025 (books)

  • (with Giulio Mariotti), Paolo di Tarso, un ebreo del suo tempo (Roma: Carocci, 2025)

2024 (books)

  • Montespertoli che salvo' gli ebrei, 1943-44. Storie delle famiglie Sonnino, Milani, Manni e Pick in un comune della Toscana (Firenze: Leonardo Libri, 2024)

2022 (books)

  • Torah: Functions, Meanings, and Diverse Manifestations in Early Judaism and Christianity, ed. Schniedewind, Zurawski, Boccaccini (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022).

2021 (books)

2020 (books)

Articles, Book Chapters


  • {es/en} "Spanish-Portuguese Scholarship on Second Temple Judaism:A Survey of Studies from the Renaissance to the Present"
  • {it} "Intervista su Paolo", in Riattivare Paolo


  • {it} "Paolo di Tarso, Israele e la salvezza inclusiva «in Cristo»", Studi ecumenici 3/4 (2024) [forthcoming]
  • {en} "A Case for Historical Fiction: Its Contribution to the Study of Second Temple Judaism" [forthcoming]


  • {it} Alle origini del dialogo ebraico-cristiano in Italia: note storiche, Studi Ecumenici 41.3-4 (luglio-dicembre 2023), 707-731.
  • {en} Paul's Non-Supersessionist Theology, in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer, ed. Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer Rosner, and David Rudolph, Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2023)
  • {en} Justification and Salvation in Paul and Acts: A Reading within Second Temple Judaism, in Receptions of Paul during the First Two Centuries, ed. Frantisek Abel (Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2023)
  • {en} Earliest Enoch Commentaries before Laurence: Pompeo Sarnelli (1710) and Daniele Manin (1820), in Rediscovering Enoch? The Ancient Jewish Past from the 15th to 19th Century, ed. A. Hessayon, A. Yoshiko Reed, and G. Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2023).


  • {en} Torah and Apocalypticism in the Second Temple Period, in Torah: Functions, Meanings, and Diverse Manifestations in Early Judaism and Christianity, ed. Schniedewind, Zurawski, Boccaccini (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022), 229-247.
  • {en} Italian Scholarship on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins, from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century / Fountains of Wisdom: In Conversation with James H. Charlesworth, ed. Gerbern Oegema, Henry Rietz, and Loren Stuckenbruck (London: T&T Clark, 2022), 501-514.


  • {it} La "teologia della sostituzione" e gli insegnamenti di Paolo / SeFer 176 (Oct-Dec 2021), 3-5.
  • {it} Daniel / Bibbia dell'Amicizia, ed. Marco Cassuto Morselli and Giulio Michelini (Cinisello Balsamo, Milano: Edizioni San Paolo, 2021), 96-104.
  • {it} La tradizione enochica: protologia ed escatologia / Filosofia e Teologia 1 (2021) 15-32
  • {en} Protology and Eschatology in the Enochic Traditions / Eschatology in Antiquity: Forms and Functions, ed. Hilary Marlow, Karla Pollmann, and Helen Van Noorden (London: Routledge, 2021), 171-183.
  • {en} What Does the Forgiving Jesus Have to Do with the Unforgiving Enoch? Forgiveness of Sins in the Enochic Traditions / Torah, Temple, Land : Constructions of Judaism in Antiquity, ed. Markus Witte, Jens Schröter, and Verena M. Lepper (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021), 157-172.
  • {en} Jewish Scholarship on the Second Temple Period: From the Renaissance to Albert I. Baumgarten / Social History of the Jews in Antiquity, ed. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal and Jonathan Ben-Dov (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021), 3-20.
  • {it} Intervista a Gabriele Boccaccini / Riattivare il Gesu' storico, ed. Piotr Zygulski e Federico Adinolfi, Nipoti di Maritain 5.10 (2021): 229-233.

Organized International Conferences


  • "La musica e gli ebrei nell'Italia contemporanea" -- International conference on Italian-Jewish Studies; Camaldoli, Italy, July 2022
  • "John within Second Temple Judaism" -- International Colloquium (online); March 14, 2023


  • "Donne ebree d'Italia" -- International conference on Italian-Jewish Studies; Camaldoli, Italy, July 2022
  • "Second Temple Judaism: Retrospect and Prospect" -- Hybrid Conference; Ann Arbor, MI, April 12-13, 2022
  • "Perspectivas presentes y futura de los estudios sobre el judaísmo del Secundo Templo" (in Spanish/Portuguese) -- January 31 - February 3, 2022 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar (co-chair)
  • "Studies in Second Temple Judaism: A Global Enterprise" -- January 10-13, 2022 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar and the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies (co-chair)


  • "Luke and Acts With(in) Second Temple Judaism" -- November 19, 2021 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar and the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies.
  • "Was Paul an Apocalyptic Jew? A Case in Jewish Diversity in the Second Temple Period" -- October 25-27, 2021 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar and the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies.
  • "Christianity and Science Fiction" -- October 11-12, 2021 -- Online Conference, organized by the Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies, in collaboration with the Enoch Seminar.
  • "Constructions of Gender in Late Antiquity" -- July 18-22, 2021 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar.
  • "Apocalyticism: History, Method, Reception" -- May 23-27, 2021 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar and the University of Munich, Germany.
  • "Eighth Enoch Graduate Seminar" -- April 29-30, 2021 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar.
  • "John the Baptist Nangeroni Meeting" -- January 11-14, 2021 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar and the Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus.


  • "Fourth Enoch Seminar Colloquium" -- November 11-12, 2020 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar
  • "Aramaic Manuscripts of 1 Enoch" -- October 20-22, 2020 -- Online Conference, organized by the Enoch Seminar and the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.
  • "Concepts of Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins" -- June 29-July 2, 2020 -- Online Conference organized by the Enoch Seminar and the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies.



  • "Gli ebrei di Trecento" (in Italian) -- Jan 29, 2023


  • "Paul within Judaism: A Non-supersessionist Approach to Pauline Theology" -- SBL Meeting; Denver, CO, Nov 18, 2022
  • "L’Abramo celeste, rivelatore del giudizio di Dio:�Il Testamento di Abramo" & "Il dibattito sulla fede e le opere di Abramo nel giudaismo del Secondo Tempio". Camaldoli, July 2022. Settimana Bibica.
  • "Donne ebree d'Italia nella storiografia contemporanea", Camaldoli, July 2022. I Settimana Internazionale di Studi sull'ebraismo italiano.
  • "Le tre vie di salvezza di Paolo ebreo" -- Book Presentation: Turin, Italy March 14, 2022 (online), and Florence, Italy, May 3 (in person).
  • " Spanish Scholarship on the Second Temple Period" (in Spanish & English) -- Feb 3, 2022
  • "Don Giulio Gradassi, giusto tra le nazioni" (in Italian) -- Jan 30, 2022


  • "Justification and Salvation in Paul" -- Oct 26, 2021 -- Online Paul Conference
  • "Introduzione alle letterature apocrifa giudaica/primo-testamentaria" -- a 8-hour mini-course -- Oct 12 & 16, 2021 -- Organized by the Italian-Swiss Biblical Association. <online>
  • Book Presentation : Jesus the Apocalyptic Prophet by Cecilia Wassen, with Amy-Jill Levine, James Crossely, Gabriele Boccaccini [available online]. <online>
  • "Apocalypticism, Origin of Evil, Forgiveness of Sins" -- May 25, 2021 -- 11th Enoch Seminar <online>
  • "Who Is My John the Baptist?" -- March 22, 2021 -- Freedman Panel organized by the Dept. of Middle East Studies <online>
  • "The Historical Jesus in His Historical Context" -- March 10, 2021 -- A conversation with Gabriele Boccaccini and Amy-Jill Levine -- Padnos Public Engagement on Jewish Learning Event, organized by the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies <online>
  • "La Montespertoli che salvo' gli ebrei" -- January 27, 2021 -- Online Lecture, organized by the City of Montespertoli, Italy -- International Holocaust Memorial Day <online>


  • "Le religioni salveranno il mondo" -- August 31, 2020 -- An online lecture organized by the City of Montespertoli, Italy.
  • "La Preghiera di Gesu': Liberaci dal male" -- August 29, 2020 -- An online lecture organized by BIBLIA.
  • "Paul the Jew and Paul the Christian" -- May 11-29, 2020 -- A series of 6 online lectures, organized by the Facebook Group "Storia del cristianesimo".
  • "Il perdono dei peccati nella tradizione enochica e nel primo cristianesimo" -- April 28, 2020 -- Online lecture, organized by the University of Naples L'Orientale.

YouTube videos





Feb 21, 2024 (lecture)

2010s ~ 2010s ~ 2010s


The Flourishing of the Enoch Seminar

In 2011 the Enoch Seminar received a major endowment from the Alessandro Nangeroni Foundation. It could then expand its activities to Christian and Islamic origins. Boccaccini left the direction of the Journal Henoch and devoted all his energies to the Enoch Seminar, being now able to organize several meetings every year and produce numerous edited volumes.

Boccaccini's interests of research also expanded to include the New Testament, with the major goal of re-understanding the protagonists of the early Jesus movements (Jesus, Paul, John, etc.) as Second Temple Jewish authors.

His book on Paul represent the synthesis of his work in the 2010s, together with 4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism <www.4enoch.org>.

He was an invited speakers, offering lectures in Canada, Denmark, Germany, Israel, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, and the United States.

New students entered the PhD program in Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins at the University of Michigan: Deborah Forger, Rodney Caruthers, and Joshua Scott.



2014 (books)

2012 (books)

2010 (books)

Edited volumes

2019 (edited volumes)

2018 (edited volumes)

2017 (edited volumes)

2016 (edited volumes)

2014 (edited volumes)

2013 (edited volumes)

2012 (edited volumes)

Journal Henoch Monograph Issues, 2005-2011 (as editor-in-chief)

  • Henoch 33.2 (2011) -- Across the Jewish-Christian Divide: Perspectives from the Enoch Graduate Seminar of Budapest
  • Henoch 33.1 (2011) -- Enochic Traditions and Mediatorial Figures in Second Temple Judaism and Their Legacy in Early Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam
  • Henoch 32.2 (2010) -- The Historical Jesus: Contemporary Interpreters and New Perspectives.
  • Henoch 32.1 (2010) -- Ancient Judaism and Christianity in Their Graeco-Roman Context: French Perspectives

Articles (selected)

Joshua Scott
Rodney Caruthers
Deborah Forger

2019 (articles)

  • {en} Enochic Traditions / A Guide to Early Jewish Texts and Traditions in Christian Transmission, ed. Alexander Kulik, Gabriele Boccaccini, et al. (New York: University of Oxford Press, 2019), 383-416.

2018 (articles)

  • {en} From Jewish Prophet to Jewish God: How John Made the Divine Jesus Uncreated / Reading the Gospel of John's Christology as Jewish Messianism: Royal, Prophetic, and Divine Messiahs, ed. Benjamin E. Reynolds and Gabriele Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2018), 335-357.
  • {en} James Bruce’s 'Fourth' Manuscript: Solving the Mystery of the Provenance of the Roman Enoch Manuscript (Vat. et. 71) / Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 27.4 (2018): 237-263.
  • {it} Luigi Ferri: il bambino scomparso di Auschwitz / The New Italy & the Jews: From Massimo D'Azeglio to Primo Levi, ed. Jonathan Druker and L. Scott Lerner, Annali d'Italianistica 36 (2018), 351-374.
  • {it} Eresia? Una prospettiva ebraica <Heresy? From a Jewish Perspective> / Eresia / Eresie, CredereOggi 226 (July/August 2018), 23-39.

2017 (articles)

  • {it} Le origini cristiane e il perdono dei peccati tra essenismo ed enochismo / Gesù e le prime comunità cristiane. Tra storia e teologia, ed. Alessandro Cortesi e Giovanni Ibba (Florence: Nerbini, 2017), 55-70.

2016 (articles)

  • {en} How Jesus Became Uncreated / Sibyls, Scriptures, and Scrolls: John Collins at Seventy, ed. Joel Baden, Hindy Najman, and Eibert Tigchelaar (Leiden: Brill, 2016), 185-209.

2014 (articles)

  • {en} Some Brief Notes on the Early History of the Deuterocanonici / Canonicity, Setting, Wisdom in the Deuterocanonicals, ed. Géza G. Xeravits, Xavér Szabó, and József Zsengellér (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014), 19-28.

2013 (articles)

2012 (articles)

2011 (articles)

2010 (articles)


2019 (lectures)

  • Lecture on Jewish Messianism at Rome
  • Lecture on Enoch Commentaries at Florence
  • Lectures on Jewish Messianism at Camaldoli
  • Lectures on the OT Pseudepigrapha at Vallombrosa

2018 (lectures)

  • "Women's Contribution to Second Temple Studies" - Rome, Italy - June 2018
  • "The Memory of the Exodus in Jewish and Christian Traditions" - Camaldoli, Italy - July 2018
  • "Moses, a Man for All Seasons" - Camaldoli, Italy - July 2018
  • Lecture on Encoh in Berlin
  • Lecture on Paul at Bratislava
  • Lecture on Paul at Denver

2017 (lectures)

  • A Missing Link: Forgiveness of Sins in the Parables of Enoch and in the Synoptics - Opening Session SBL Regional Spotlight - SBL MIdwest Meeting - Notre Dame, IN; Saint Mary's College, 10 February 2017
  • "Jesus and Enochic Judaism" - Skype Lecture to the class of Prof. Carlos Segovia - Madrid, Spain; Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus, 28 March 2017
  • Torah and Apocalypticism in Second Temple Judaism - 9th Enoch Seminar - Camaldoli, Italy - June 2017
  • Paul the Jew - Series of lectures during the tour organized by BIBLIA in Norway and Sweden - June 23 - July 5, 2017
  • I salmi apocrifi della tradizione giudaica <The Apocryphal Psalms> - Camaldoli, Italy - July 13, 2017

2016 (lectures)

  • "Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism in the Gospel of John and in Bach's St. John Passion" / A lecture, organized by the Michigan Centre of Early Christian Studies and the University Musical Society / Ann Arbor, MI; March 15, 2016
  • How Jesus Became Uncreated - Paper presented at the Nangeroni Meeting - Camaldoli, June 2016
  • Two lectures on the Gospel of Matthew at the XXXV Settimana Biblica 2016 / Camaldoli, 10-15 luglio 2016
  • Jesus and Enochic Judaism" - Lecture / Luteren, Netherlands; 7 November 2016
  • Paul the Jew - Lecture / Amsterdam, Netherlands; 9 November 2016

2015 (lectures)

  • Sacrifices and Spatial Practices: A Response to Mira Balberg and Gil Klein / A panel at the Symposium Jews and the Empire: Beyond Resistence/Accommodation Paradigm, organized by the Frankel Institute at the Kelsey Museum, University of Michigan / Ann Arbor, MI: Kelsey Museum, February 9, 2015
  • Early Islam: The Sectarian Milieu of Late Antiquity? Fourth Nangeroni Meeting / Co-organizer and co-chair of the conference / Gazzada, Milan, Italy; June 15-19, 2015.
  • Apocalytpticism and Mysticism. Eighth Enoch Seminar / Co-organizer, co-chair and respondent at the conference / Gazzada, Milan, Italy; June 21-26, 2015.
  • Shaùl/Paul: The Apostle to the Gentiles as a Central Topic / Annual Meeting of the International Council of Christians and Jews / A panel with Philip A. Cunningham and Adam Gregerman, moderated by Dick Pruiksma / Rome, Italy; June 30, 2015.
  • Second Temple Jewish Paideia in its Ancient Near Eastern and Hellenistic Contexts. Fifth Nangeroni Meeting / Co-organizer, co-chair and respondent at the conference / Naples, Italy; June 30-July 4, 2015.
  • Gesù, Israele e i gentili nel contesto del Secondo Tempio, and La missione ai gentili al tempo di Matteo nella chiesa delle origini / Two lectures at the XXXIV Settimana Biblica 2015 / Camaldoli, Italy; July 13-14, 2015
  • The Gospel of Matthew as a Second Temple Jewish Document / A three-day seminar / Bologna, Italy; August 28-30, 2015

2014 (lectures)

  • The Transmission history of Enochic Traditions from the 2nd to the 19th Century / A paper at the Second Nangeroni Meeting / Dor, Israel, June 2014
  • Paul the Jew / A panel with Daniel Boyarin, Romano Penna and Piero Stefani, organized by the Card. Bea Center for Judaic Studies of the Pontifical Gregorian University at the Aula Magna of the Pontifical Biblical Institute / Rome, Italy, July 2014
  • The Mount Sermon in the Jewish Literature of the Second Temple / A lecture at the XXXIII Settimana Biblica 2014 / Camaldoli, Italy, July 17, 2014
  • The Apocalypse of Abraham: A Response to Andrei Orlov / A panel at the Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature / San Diego, CA, November 2014

2013 (lectures)

  • Some Brief Notes on the Early History of the Deuterocanonici: A Response to John Collins" / 10th Meeting: A Jubilary Meeting: Aspects of Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature / Budapest [Hungary], 4-6 June 2013
  • Forgiveness of Sins: An Enochic Problem, a Synoptic Answer / 7th Enoch Seminar on Enochic Influences on the Synoptic Gospels / Camaldoli [Italy], luglio 2013
  • Jesus from a Jewish Perspectives / A panel on the Historical Jesus with Saeed Ahmed Khan (Wayne State University), Charles Mabee (Oakland University), and Robert M. Price / Dearborn [United States], Nov 27, 2013
  • The Importance of Enochic Judaism for an Appraisal of Second Temple Judaism / A public lecture at the University of Aarhus, Denmark / Aarhus, Denmark, Dec 13
  • The Relationship between Enochic Judaism and Apocalypticism / A panel with Loren T. Stuckenbruck at the University of Aarhus, Denmark / Aarhus, Denmark, Dec 13
  • From the Unforgiving Enoch to the Forgiven Son of man: Developments of Thought from Enochic Judaism to Christianity / A paper at the Enoch Conference organized by the Freie Univertaet Berlin / Berlin, Germany, Dec 18, 2013

2012 (lectures)

  • Non‐Apocalyptic Responses to Apocalyptic Events: Notes on the Sociology of Apocalypticism / 1st Nangeroni Meeting on The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview / Gazzada, Milan [Italy], June 26, 2012

2011 (lectures)

  • Human, Angel, or God? Jewish Roots of Christian Messianism / Lecture and Seminar at the University of Pittsburgh. Chair: Jason von Ehrenkrook (University of Pittsburgh); Respondent: Dale C. Allison (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) / Pittsburgh, PA, April 6, 2011
  • Il Gesù ebreo e il Gesù storico / Lecture at the University of Rome / Rome [Italy], May 5, 2011
  • Paolo ebreo / Seminar at the University of Rome / Rome [Italy], May 5, 2011

2010 (lectures)

  • Uomo, angelo, o Dio? Le radici giudaiche dell'identità messianica di Gesù / Mini-course in four lessons at the Catholic University of Milan / Milan [Italy], May 11-12, and 18-19, 2010


2019 (events)

  • BIBLIA Seminar (Saltino, Italy; August 25-29, 2019)
  • Settimana Biblica (Camaldoli, Italy; July 7-12, 2019)
  • 11th Nangeroni Meeting on Early Islam (Gazzada, Milan; June 16-20, 2019)
  • 10th Enoch Seminar on Enoch Reception (Florence, Italy; June 9-13, 2019)
  • University of Rome Seminar on Early Christology (May 27, 2019)
  • Conference on the Pharisee (Rome, May 2019)
  • Italian Conference (Columbia University; New York, February-March 2019)

2018 (events)

  • 2nd Enoch Colloquium, and SBL Meeting (Denver, CO; November 15-21, 2018)
  • Paul Conference (Bratislava, Slovakia; October 24-28, 2018)
  • Second Temple Judaism Conference (Berlin, Germany; October 5-11, 2018)
  • BIBLIA Meeting on the Gospel of John (Porretta, Italy; August 26-28, 2018)
  • Settimana Biblica (Camaldoli, Italy; July 2019)
  • 10th Nangeroni Meeting on Gender (Rome, Italy; June 17-21, 2018)
  • 9th Nangeroni Meeting on the Maccabees (Gazzada, Milan, Italy; June 10-15, 2018)

2017 (events)

  • 1st Enoch Colloquium at Harvard and SBL Meeting (Boston; 2017)
  • Settimana Biblica (Camaldoli, Italy; July 2017)
  • Journey to Sweden and Norway (with BIBLIA) (June, 2017)
  • 9th Enoch Seminar on Jewish Paideia (Camaldoli, Italy;
  • 8th Nangeroni Meeting on Early Islam (Florence, Italy; June 12-16, 2017)
  • SBL Regional Meeting (Notre Dame, IN; February 2017)

2016 (events)

  • Paul Conference (Amsterdam, Netherlands; November 2016)
  • Settimana Biblica on the Gospel of Matthew [II] (Camaldoli, Italy; July 2016)
  • 7th Nangeroni Meeting on the Reception of Paul the Jew (Rome, Italy; June 26-30, 2016)
  • 6th Nangeroni Meeting on the Gospel of John (Camaldoli, Italy; June 19-24, 2016)

2015 (events)

  • Matthew Course (Bologna, 2015)
  • Settimana Biblica on the Gospel of Matthew [I] (Camaldoli, Italy, July 2015)
  • 5th Nangeroni Meeting on Jewish Paideia (Naples, Italy; June 30 - July 4, 2015)
  • ICCJ International Meeting (Rome; June 30, 2015)
  • 8th Enoch Seminar (Gazzada, Milan, Italy; June 21-26, 2015)
  • 4th Nangeroni Meeting on Early Islam (Gazzada, Milan, Italy; June 15-19, 2015)
  • University of Rome Doctoral Seminar (May 26, 2015)

2014 (events)

  • SBL Meeting (San Diego, CA; November 2014)
  • 'Settimana Biblica (Camaldoli, Italy; July 2014)
  • 3rd Nangeroni Meeting on Paul the Jew (Rome, Italy; June 22-26, 2014)
  • 2nd Nangeroni Meeting (Dor, Israel; June 8-12, 2014) and Visit to Jerusalem
  • 5th Enoch Graduate Seminar (Montreal, Canada; May 2014)

2013 (events)

  • Journey to Denmark and Enoch Conference in Berlin (Dec 13-18, 2013)
  • 7th Enoch Seminar (Camaldoli, Italy; 2013)
  • "'Meeting on the Deuterocanonical Books (Budapest, Hungary; 2013) and Visit to Praga

2012 (events)

  • 1st Nangeroni Meeting (Gazzada, Milan, Italy; June 25-29, 2012)
  • AAIS Meeting (Charleston, SC; May 1-9, 2012)

2011 (events)

  • Journey to Israel (with BIBLIA) (Summer 2011)
  • 6th Enoch Seminar on 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch (Gazzada, Milan, Italy; June 2011)
  • AAIS Meeting (Pittsburg, PA; April 2011)

2010 (events)

  • EASJ International Meeting (Ravenna, Italy; July 25-29, 2010)
  • 3rd Enoch Graduate Seminar (Budapest, Hungary; 2010)

2000s ~ 2000s ~ 2000s

Jason Zurawski
Isaac W. Oliver
James Waddell
Jason von Ehrenkrook
Hanan Eshel

The Founding of the Enoch Seminar

In 2001 Gabriele Boccaccini launched the "Enoch Seminar", as a biennial gathering of international scholar and specialists in Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins. The first meetings of the Enoch Seminar focused on the tradition of Enoch and its role in the development of Second Temple Jewish thought.

Now a tenured professor at the University of Michigan, Boccaccini supervised the work of several doctoral students, including J.Harold Ellens, Ron Ruark, Jason von Ehrenkrook, Jamer Waddell, Isaac Oliver and Jason Zurawski.

His personal research produced several edited volumes for the Enoch Seminar as well as his Roots of Rabbinic Judaism, an intellectual history of Second Temple Judaism, from Ezekiel to Daniel.

In 2005 he became the editor-in-chief of the Journal Henoch, reshaping the journal as a series of monographic issues on Second Temple Judaism by international specialists.

He was an invited speakers, offering lectures in Italy, Poland, Scotland, Russia, Israel, Hungary, Austria, Jordan, and the United States.


2008 (books)

2003 (books)

2002 (books)

2001 (books)

Edited volumes

2009 (edited volumes)

2007 (edited volumes)

2005 (edited volumes)

2002 (edited volumes)

Journal Henoch Monograph Issues

  • Henoch 31.2 (2009) -- Jacob Neusner and the Scholarship on Ancient Judaism
  • Henoch 31.1 (2009) -- Enoch and Jubilees
  • Henoch 30.2 (2008) -- Blood and the Boundaries of Jewish and Christian Identities in Late Antiquity
  • Henoch 30.1 (2008) -- The Book of the Watchers and Early Apocalypticism: A Conversation with Paolo Sacchi
  • Henoch 29.2 (2007) -- Jews in the Greco-Roman World: Historical and Literary Aspects
  • Henoch 29.1 (2007) -- The Quest for the Historical Jesus in Italy from 1800 to the Present
  • Henoch 28.2 (2006) -- The First Enoch Graduate Seminar at the University of Michigan: 1. Angels and Demons
  • Henoch 28.1 (2006) -- Border Lines: The Partition of Judaeo-Christianity. A Conversation with Daniel Boyarin
  • Henoch 27.1-2 (2005) -- New Challenges for the Study of Judaism and Christian Origins


2009 (articles)

  • {en} What Is the Place of Historical Fiction in Judaic Studies? / Frankel Institute Annual (2009) 21-24

2008 (articles)

  • {en} Where does Ben Sira Belong? The Canon, Literary Genre, Intellectual Movement, and Social Group of a Zadokite Document / Studies in the Book of Ben Sira, ed. Géza G Xeravits and József Zsengellér (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 21-41

2007 (articles)

  • {it} Gesù ebreo e cristiano: sviluppi e prospettive di ricerca sul Gesù storico in Italia, dall'Ottocento a oggi (with an Appendix on works available in translation) / Henoch 29.1 (2007), 105-154

2006 (articles)

  • {it} Il Vangelo di Giuda: Gnosticismo e ricerca del Gesù storico / Il Regno 51.8 (15 aprile 2006), 222-223.

2005 (articles)

  • {en} Texts, Intellectual Movements, and Social Groups / Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005), 417-425.
  • {en} Qumran: The Headquarters of the Essenes or a Marginal Splinter Group? / Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005), 303-309.
  • {en} The Covenantal Theology of the Apocalyptic Book of Daniel / Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005), 39-44.
  • {it} Uomo, Angelo o Dio? Alle radici del messianismo ebraico e cristiano - I manoscritti del Mar Morto tra ebraismo e cristianesimo / Il messia tra memoria e attesa (2005 Boccaccini), edited volume, 15-48, 187-192

2004 (articles)

2003 (articles)

  • [38] Enoch, Qumran and the Essenes: The Rediscovery of a Forgotten Connection / George W.E. Nickelsburg in Perspective, ed. Jacob Neusner and Alan J. Avery-Peck (Brill: Leiden, 2003) 123-132 (with a response of G.W.E. Nickelsburg, 133-137).

2002 (articles)

  • [37] The Rediscovery of Enochic Judaism and the Enoch Seminar / The Origins of Enochic Judaism, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Turin: Zamorani, 2002), 9-13.
  • [36] Sviluppi del pensiero giudaico in epoca tolemaica (Artapano, Qohelet, Enoc, Tobia) / Due grandi sapienze: Bibbia e Ellenismo, ed. Piero Stefani (Florence: Biblia, 2002), 137-157.

2001 (articles)

  • [35] The Solar Calendars of Daniel and Enoch / The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception, ed. John J. Collins and Peter W. Flint, 2 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 2001), 2:311-328.
  • [33-34] Farisei: ipocriti o maestri? <The Pharisees: Hypocrites or Sages?>, and Paolo ebreo <Paul the Jew> / Ebrei e cristiani alle origini delle divisioni <Jews and Christian: At the Roots of their Division>, ed. Ernesto Riva, Stefano Rosso and Emilia Turco (Turin: AEC-Torino, 2001) 1-22, and 39-55.

2000 (articles)


2009 (lectures)

  • I giudaismi del Secondo Tempio / Mini-course at the Faculty of Theology of Milan / Milan [Italy], May 10-12, 2009
  • The Armenian King Tigranes the Great as ‘Nebuchadnezzar’ in the Book of Judith / International Conference on the OT Apocrypha / Budapest [Hungary], May 14, 2009
  • From Enochic Literature to Enochic Judaism / SBL International at the Pontifical Gregorian University / Rome [Italy], July 1, 2009

2008 (lectures)

  • Second Temple Judaism in Scholarship and the Arts / Second Enoch Graduate Seminar at Princeton University / Princeton, NJ [USA], June 17, 2008
  • Syria and Jordan: A “Biblical” Perspective / BIBLIA / Petra [Jordan], August 2008
  • Jewish Apocalypticism: Origins and Legacy / Conference of Armenian Studies at the University of Michigan / Ann Arbor, MI [USA], Oct 17, 2008
  • What is Jewish Fiction & How does it Belong to Judaic Studies / Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan / Ann Arbor, MI [USA], Oct 30, 2008

2007 (lectures)

  • The Contribution of Italian Scholarship to Judaic and Early Christian Studies in America / Meeting of the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane at the Italian Embassy / Washington, DC [USA], Apr 14, 2007
  • Jesus the Jesus in Italian Jewish Scholarship / Italian Jewish Museum / Jerusalem [Israel], May 14, 2007
  • Scripture Interpretation in Second Temple Judaisms / Pontifical Biblical Institute / Vatican [Rome, Italy], May 19, 2007]
  • Tablets of Heaven and Mosaic Torah in Jubilees / Fourth Enoch Seminar / Camaldoli [Italy], July 10, 2007
  • Sons of Zadok, Sons of Phinehas / International Organization for Qumran Studies / Ljubljana [Slovenia], July 18, 2007
  • Re-entering the Parables of Enoch in the Study of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins / Society of Biblical Literature, International Meeting / Vienna [Austria], July 23, 2007

2006 (lectures)

  • Where Does Sirach Belong?: Canon Literary Genre, Intellectual Movement, Social Group / Sirach Conference / Papa [Hungary], May 18, 2006
  • I giudaismi del primo secolo / BIBLIA / Tiberiad [Israel], Jun 19, 2006
  • Hellenistic Judaism: Myth or Reality? / Notre Dame University / Notre Dame, IN [USA], Oct 25, 2006
  • The Merging of Sapiential and Enochic Traditions in the Book of Parables of Enoch / SBL Meeting / Washington, DC [USA], Nov 18, 2006

2005 (lectures)

  • [92] The Jewish Roots of the Depiction of Holy Sophia in the Russian Iconographic Tradition [BIBLIA], Novgorod, Russia, Jun 05
  • [91] The Russian Orthodox Church and the Jews [BIBLIA], Moscow, Russia, Jun 05
  • [90] The Parables of Enoch Within Second Temple Jewish Literature [“Third Enoch Seminar”], Camaldoli, Italy, Jun 9, 05
  • [89] The Roots of Jewishness and Secularism in the Ancient World [“Jewishness and Secularism in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives,” Posen Foundation and the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies], University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, Apr 18, 05

2004 (lectures)

  • [88] What is Judaism?: Perspectives from Second Temple Jewish Studies [Posen Colloquium], University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, Oct 20, 2004
  • [87] Inner-Jewish Debate on the Tension between Divine and Human Agency in Second Temple Judaism [“Human and Divine Agency in Paul and His Cultural Environment,” University of Aberdeen], Aberdeen, Scotland, Aug 2004
  • [86] Forgotten Texts and Lost Prophets: Enoch, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Essenes [St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews], St Andrews, Scotland, Aug 17, 2004

2003 (lectures)

  • [85] Hellenistic Judaism: Myth or Reality? [“Jewish Literatures and Cultures: Context and Intertext,” Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, The University of Michigan], Ann Arbor MI (USA), Nov 3, 2003.
  • [84] Influssi e interazione tra apocalittica giudaica e culture non giudaiche [AISG International Meeting], Bertinoro (Italy), May 25, 2003.
  • [83] Forgotten Texts and Lost Prophets: The Pseudepigrapha at Qumran [Van Andel Museum Center], Grand Rapids MI (USA), Mar 20, 2003
  • [82] Leaders or Outcasts: Did the Essenes Do the Dead Sea Scrolls? [The Danforth 2003 Lecture, Hope College], Holland MI (USA), Feb 20, 2003.

2002 (lectures)

  • [81] Poland, the Popes, and Jewish-Christian Relations [CREES, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, and the Jewish Historical Museum at Warsaw], Warsaw, Poland, Jul 20, 2002
  • [79-80] Giudaismo del Secondo Tempio e Origini Cristiane <Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins>; and L’apocalittica giudaica e cristiana <Jewish Apocalypticism> [University of Padua], Padua, Italy, Jun 19, 2002
  • [74-78] Cinque Conferenze sul Libro di Qohelet <Five Lectures on the Book of Qohelet> [BIBLIA], Borca di Cadore, Aug 25-29, 2002
  • [73] Messianismo giudaico, messianismo cristiano: continuità e discontinuità <Jewish Messianism, Christian Messianism: Continuity and Discontinuity> [Società Italiana per la Ricerca Teologica], Foligno, Italy, Aug 23, 2002

2001 (lectures)

  • [71-72] Quattro conferenze sulla letteratura sapienziale [BIBLIA], Borca di Cadore, Aug 26, 2001
  • [70] Gesù di Nazareth: un Esseno? <Jesus of Nazareth: Was He an Essene?> [Istituto di Scienze R Religiose "San Giuseppe Moscati"], Avellino, Italy, Apr 5, 2001
  • [69] Gruppi e movimenti nel Medio Giudaismo <Groups and Movements in Middle Judaism> [University of Naples], Naples, Italy, Mar 30, 2001
  • [68] Sviluppi del pensiero giudaico in epoca tolemaica <Development of Jewish Thought in the Ptolemaic Period> [BIBLIA National Conference], Viterbo, Italy, Jan 26, 2001.

2000 (lectures)

  • [66-67] Cinque Conferenze sul Libro di Daniele [BIBLIA], Abbadia San Salvadore, Aug 22-26, 2001
  • [65] I Farisei: ipocriti o maestri? <The Pharisees: Hypocrites or Sages?> [AEC-Turin], Turin, Baptist Church, Jun 18, 2000.


2005 (translations)

  • [15] I manoscritti di Qumran e il giudaismo rabbinico. Italian translation from Lawrence Schiffman. In Il messia tra memoria e attesa (Brescia: Morcelliana, [2005]) 205-208.
  • [14] Il contributo dei testi di Qumran allo studio delle origini cristiane, Italian translation from James VanderKam. In Il messia tra memoria e attesa (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2005) 199-204.
  • [13] Messianismo ebraico e messianismo cristiano: un approccio psicoanalitico, Italian translation from Ithamar Gruenwald. In Il messia tra memoria e attesa (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2005) 141-152.
  • [12] Il Figlio dell’Uomo, il primo giudaismo, Gesu’ e la cristologia primitiva, Italian translation from James H. Charlesworth. In Il messia tra memoria e attesa (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2005) 89-114.
  • [11] Il Messia “Figlio di Davide” nel giudaismo del Secondo Tempio, alla luce dei Manoscritti di Qumran, Italian translation from John J. Collins. In Il messia tra memoria e attesa (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2005) 51-70.

2001 (translations)

  • [10] Abraham, promotore di un’umanità riconciliata, Italian translation of Emile Moatti’s Abraham, initiateur d’une humanite reunifiee [“Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana” 36.2 (2001)]


2009 (events)

  • Comunità del Sambuco Meeting (Alpe di Motta; July 17-24, 2009)
  • SBL International Meeting (Rome, Italy; June 30 - July 4, 2009)
  • 5th Enoch Seminar on 2 Enoch (Naples, Italy; June 14-19, 2009)
  • SUM-NISA Conference (Naples, Italy; May 20-24, 2009)
  • Conference on Judith (Budapest, Hungary; May 13-16, 2009)

2008 (events)

  • Journey to Syria and Jordan (with BIBLIA) (BIBLIA; Aug 18 - Sept 1, 2008)
  • Journey to Albania (July 2008)

2007 (events)

  • 4th Enoch Seminar on the Book of Jubilees (Camaldoli, Arezzo, Italy; 2007)
  • Journey to Armenia (and Germany) (with BIBLIA) (Jun 13-23, 2007)
  • University of Michigan Summer Program in Israel (May 6-17, 2007)

2006 (events)

  • Journey to Israel (with BIBLIA) (Jun 16-26, 2006)
  • Journey to Hungary (and Slovakia) (May 17-24, 2006)
  • 1st Enoch Graduate Seminar (May 2-4, 2006)

2005 (events)

  • Journey to Germany (Jun 29 - Jul 4, 2005)
  • Journey to Russia (with BIBLIA) (Jun 19-29, 2005)
  • 3rd Enoch Seminar on the Book of Parables (Camaldoli, Arezzo, Italy; Jun 6-10, 2005)

2004 (events)

  • Journey to Scotland (Jul 5-22, 2004)

2003 (events)

  • 2nd Enoch Seminar on Enoch and Qumran (Venice, Italy; 2003)
  • University of Michigan Summer Program (Rome, July 6-11, 2003)
  • SBL Regional Meeting (Grand Rapids, MI; Feb 21, 2003)

2002 (events)

  • SBL Meeting (Toronto [Canada]; Nov 23-25, 2002)
  • Seminario BIBLIA on the Book of Qohelet (Borca di Cadore [Italy]; August 24-29, 2002)
  • Convegno SIRT (Foligno [Italy]; Aug 22-23, 2002)
  • Journey to Poland (Jul 10-23) and Belarus (Jul 24-30, 2002)
  • Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism (Farmington Hills, MI; May 6-17, 2002)

2001 (events)

  • 'Seminario BIBLIA on the Wisdom Tradition (Borca di Cadore [Italy]; August 25-27, 2001)
  • Journey to Belarus (July 30 to Aug 12, 2001)
  • 1st Enoch Seminar of the Origins of Enochic Judaism (Florence [Italy]; June 19-23, 2001)
  • Journey in Greece (May 16 to June 12, 2001)

1990s ~ 1990s ~ 1990s

Lynne Alcott Kogel
Mark Kinzer
Charles A. Gieschen
April DeConick
Philip Munoa
J. Harold Ellens
Loren T. Stuckenbruck
James H. Charlesworth
University of Michigan

Moving to America

In 1991 Gabriele Boccaccini published his first volume, Middle Judaism, an introduction to the Second Temple period that emphasized its nature as the transitional age between the Bible and both Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism.

In the Fall 1992 Gabriele Boccaccini began teaching at the University of Michigan as an Adjunct Professor. He collaborated to the PhD program led by Professor Jarl Fossum. Among the students he supported in the program were Philip Munoa, April DeConick, Charles Gieschen, Mark Kinzer, J. Harold Ellens, and Lynne Kogel.

His research focused in particular on the development of the Enochic tradition in the Second Temple Period and its influence on Qumran origins. The book Beyond the Essene Hypothesis" (1998) was the synthesis of his work in the field.

He was an invited speakers, offering lectures in Ireland, Italy, Germany, and the United States.


1998 (books)

1993 (books)

1992 (books)

1991 (books)


1999 (articles)

1998 (articles)

  • [29] Middle Judaism and Its Contemporary Interpreters (1993-1997): What Makes Any Judaism a Judaism? / Henoch 20.3 (1998), 349-356

1997 (articles)

  • [27] E se l'essenismo fosse il movimento enochiano? Una nuova ipotesi circa il rapporto tra Qumran e gli esseni / Ricerche Storico-Bibliche 9.2 (1997), 49-67

1996 (articles)

  • [25] Dallo straniero come categoria sociale allo straniero come problema religioso: alle radici dell’universalismo cristiano e rabbinico / [[Ricerche Storico-Bibliche 8.1-2 (1996), 163-172
  • [24] Il Dio unico, Padre e Creatore, nel giudaismo di eta ellenistico-romana <The Only God, Father and Maker, in Judaism of the Hellenistic-Roman Period> / Dizionario di Spiritualita Biblico-Patristica. Vol 10: Dio-Signore nella Bibbia, ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (Borla: Brescia, 1996) 102-121.

1995 (articles)

  • <5> The Pre-existence of the Torah: A Commonplace in Second Temple Judaism, or a Later Rabbinic Development? / Henoch 17 (1995), 329-350
  • <4> Multiple Judaisms / "Bible Review" 11.1 (Feb 1995) 38-41, 46.
  • <3> History of Judaism: Its Periods in Antiquity / Judaism in Late Antiquity (1995 Neusner), edited volume, 285-308
  • [20] Testi apocalittici coevi all'Apocalisse di Giovanni / Ricerche Storico-Bibliche 7.2 (1995), 151-161
  • [19] La figura di Davide nei giudaismi di età ellenistico-romana / Ricerche Storico-Bibliche 7.1 (1995), 175-185
  • [18] Paolo l'ebreo <Paul the Jew>, "Vita Monastica" (1995).

1994 (articles)

  • [17] Targum Neofiti as a Proto-Rabbinic Document: A Systemic Analysis / The Aramaic Bible; Targums in Their Historical Context (1994 Beattie, McNamara), edited volume, 254-263
  • [16] Il popolo di Dio nei giudaismi di eta ellenistico-romana <The People of God in the Judaisms of the Hellenistic-Roman Period> / Dizionario di Spiritualita Biblico-Patristica. Vol.8: Chiesa-Comunita-Popolo di Dio, ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (Borla: Brescia, 1994), 52-62.
  • [15] Le benedizioni e le maledizioni nell'apocalittica giudaica <Blessing and Cursing in the Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition> / Dizionario di Spiritualita Biblico-Patristica. Vol.7: Beatitudine-Benedizione-Maledizione, ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (Borla: Brescia, 1994), 77-84.

1993 (articles)

  • <2> Middle Judaism and Its Contemporary Interpreters: Methodological Foundations for the Study of Judaisms, 300 BCE to 200 CE / Henoch 15 (1993), 207-34

1992 (articles)

  • [13] Da Gerusalemme a Roma: le radici giudaiche dell'universalismo paolino <From Jerusalem to Rome: The Jewish Roots of Pauline Universalism> // Parole di Vita 37 (1992), 326-332

1991 (articles)


1999 (lectures)

  • [64] Envy of God, Envy of Satan: The Elusive Scriptural Quotation of James 4:5 [University of Michigan], Ann Arbor MI (USA), Mar 8, 1999.
  • [63] Jesus the Essene: A Reassessment of an Old Hypothesis [University of Michigan], Ann Arbor MI (USA), Mar 8, 1999.

1998 (lectures)

  • [62] La rottura tra Sinagoga e Chiesa: uno scisma all'interno del giudaismo tra il I e il II secolo? <The Parting of the Ways between the Synagogue and the Church: A Schism within Judaism of the I-II cent. CE?> [Comunita’ di via Sambuco], Milan (Italy), May 17, 1998.
  • [61] Secrets from the Dead Sea Scrolls: Jewish Pluralism in the 1st Century ["The Israel at 50 Lecture Series," The Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit and the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan], Oak Park, Detroit MI (USA), Mar 26, 1998.
  • [60] Enoch's Last Journey: From Heaven to Folklore [University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Near Eastern Languages], Los Angeles CA (USA), Mar 5, 1998.

1997 (lectures)

  • [59] The Origins of Qumran in Light of the Enoch Group ["Biblical Theology and the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Jubilee Celebration," The Second Princeton Symposium on Judaism and Christian Origins], Princeton NJ (USA), Nov 10, 1997.
  • [58] Esiste una letteratura farisaica del Secondo Tempio? <In Search of a Pharisaic Literature in Second Temple Judaism> [Associazione Biblica Italiana], Rocca di Papa RM (Italy), Sep 11, 1997.

1996 (lectures)

  • [57] Configurazione storica della comunita di Qumran <Qumran in Context> ["Qumran e le origini cristiane" <Qumran and Christian Origins>, 6th Italian Conference of New Testament Scholars and Ancient Church Historians, organized by the Italian Biblical Association (ABI)], L'Aquila (Italy), Sep 14,

1995 (lectures)

  • [56] Middle Judaism: The Parallel Emergence of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism [University of California at Los Angeles], Los Angeles CA (USA), Mar 6, 1996.
  • [54-55] The Lost Prophet: Enoch [Two lectures organized by the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center at Claremont and the University of Judaism Department of Continuing Education at Los Angeles], Mudd Theatre, School of Theology, Claremont CA, Mar 4; and the University of Judaism, Los Angeles CA (USA), Mar 5, 1996.
  • [53] Middle Judaism: The Parallel Emergence of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism [Hebrew Union College], Cincinnati OH (USA), Feb 21, 1996.
  • [51-52] Before the Mishnah: Rabbinism in the Making, and We are Twins: The Birth of Christianity and Rabbinism from First-Century Judaism [Two lectures organized by The Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies at Wayne State University, The Ecumenical Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies, and the Archidiocese of Detroit], St. Ives Church, Southfield (Detroit) MI (USA), Feb 15, 1996.
  • [50] The Pre-existence of the Torah: A Commonplace in Second Temple Judaism, or a Late Rabbinic Development? [The Jean and Samuel Frankel Center for Judaic Studies at The University of Michigan], Salinger Resource Center, Ann Arbor MI (USA), Feb 8, 1996.

1995 (lectures)

  • [49] Middle Judaism: The Parallel Emergence of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism [Hope College], Holland MI (USA), Nov 16, 1995.
  • [48] The End of Times and the Times of the End in the Jewish and Christian Traditions ["Death & Extinction Semester Faculty Seminar," organized by the Program on Studies in Religion of the University of Michigan], Ann Arbor MI (USA), Oct 20, 1995.
  • [46-47] Middle Judaism: The Twin Birth of Christianity and Rabbinism from First-Century Judaisms [Two lectures organized by the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center at Claremont and the University of Judaism at Los Angeles], Claremont CA (USA), Mar 20, 1994, and Los Angeles (USA), Mar 21, 1995.

1994 (lectures)

  • [45] The Preexistence of the Torah: A Commonplace in Early Judaism, or a Later Rabbinic Development? / SBL American Meeting / Chicago IL (USA), Nov 19, 1994.
  • [44] Christian and Rabbinic Origins / Seminar organized by the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Jews, Rabbinic Program / Detroit MI (USA), Nov 3, 1994.
  • [43] L'universalismo dal postesilio all'apocalittica <Universalistic Perspectives in Second Temple Judaism> / "Lo straniero nella Bibbia. Aspetti storici, istituzionali e teologici" <Jews and Gentiles in Biblical Times>, 23rd Biblical Conference, organized by the Italian Biblical Association at the Pontifical Biblical Institute / Rome (Italy), Sep 14, 1994.
  • [41-42] Il medio giudaismo: premesse metodologiche <Middle Judaism: Methodological Foundations>, and Il medio giudaismo e le origini cristiane <Middle Judaism and Christian Origins> / Two lectures organized by La Porta Cultural Center / Bergamo (Italy), May 19, 1994
  • [40] Antisemitism and Dialogue in Continental Europe After the Holocaust / “15th Annual Conference on the Holocaust,” Hillel Foundation / Ann Arbor MI (USA), Mar 17, 1994.
  • [39] Ancient Texts Bearing on the Role of Women in the Jewish and Christian Faith Communities / "Scholar Trialog: Muslim, Christian, Jewish Leadership Forum," Lecture Series organized by the Greater Detroit Interfaith Round Table of The National Conference of Christians and Jews / Detroit MI (USA), Mar 15, 1994.
  • [38] The Emergence of the Concept of the Devil in the Ancient Jewish and Christian Traditions / "Evil Semester Faculty Seminar," organized by the Program on Studies in Religion of the University of Michigan / Ann Arbor MI (USA), Mar 11, 1994.
  • [37] Middle Judaism and Christian Origins / [Lecture organized by the Catholic Theological Union] / Chicago IL (USA), Feb 2, 1994.
  • [36] Middle Judaism: The Contribution of Judaism to Hellenistic Thought / [Lecture organized by the Dept. of Classical Studies of the University of Michigan] / Ann Arbor MI (USA), Jan 27, 1994.

1993 (lectures)

  • [35] Pseudo-Philo as Evidence of Formative Rabbinic Judaism / SBL American Meeting / Washington DC (USA), Nov 20, 1993.
  • [34] Apocalissi giudaiche coeve all'Apocalisse di Giovanni <Jewish Apocalypses contemporaneous to the Apocalypsis of John> / 5th Conference of New Testament Studies, organized by the Italian Biblical Association (ABI) / Seiano NA (Italy), Sep 17, 1993.
  • [33] La figura di Davide nei giudaismi di eta ellenistico-romana <David in the Judaisms of the Hellenistic-Roman Period> / 8th Conference of Old Testament Studies, organized by the Italian Biblical Association (ABI)c/ Seiano NA (Italy), Sep 14, 1993.
  • [32] Targum Neofiti as a Source of Second-Century Formative Rabbinic Judaism / SBL International Meeting / Munster (Germany), Jul 26, 1993.
  • [31] Origini parallele di cristianesimo e rabbinismo <Parallel Origins of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism> / Lecture organized by the Waldensian Cultural Center, and Claudiana Publisher / Milan (Italy), Jun 2, 1993.
  • [30] Targum Neofiti as Evidence of Second-Century Rabbinic Judaism / Faculty Lecture, organized by the Dept. of Near Eastern Studies of the University of Michigan / Ann Arbor MI (USA), Apr 12, 1993.

1992 (lectures)

  • [29] Targum Neofiti as a Proto-Rabbinic Document: A Systemic Analysis / "The Aramaic Bible: Targums in Their Historical Context," International Conference organized by the Royal Irish Academy / Dublin (Ireland), Jul 15, 1992.
  • [27-28] Paolo ebreo <Paul the Jew> / Two lectures organized by the Turin and Florence Councils of Christians and Jews / Turin (Italy), Apr 8, 1992, and Florence (Italy), Jun 11, 1992.

1991 (lectures)

  • [26] Portraits of Middle Judaism in Scholarship and the Arts / SBL American Meeting / Kansas City MO (USA), Nov 24, 1991.
  • [25] Universalism: A Christian Exclusive? [Lecture organized by the William Jewell College], Liberty MO (USA), Nov 21, 1991.
  • [24] Do This In Remembrance of Me [Lecture organized by the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary], Lombard IL (USA), Nov 12, 1991.
  • [15-23] Middle Judaism, 300 BCE - 200 CE: Toward a Comprehensive and Bias-Free Approach to Second Temple Judaism / Fortress Press lecture tour / Barnard College, New York City NY [Oct 29]; Furman University, Greenville SC [Oct 30]; Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem NC [Oct 31]; Duke University, Durham NC [Nov 4]; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA [Nov 6]; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI [Nov 7]; Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lombard IL [Nov 12]; University of Chicago, Chicago IL [Nov 13]; Bethany Theological Seminary, Oak Brook IL [Nov 14]), USA, Oct 29 - Nov 14, 1991
  • [13] Alle radici della non-violenza cristiana <At the Roots of the Christian Non-Violence> [Lecture organized by the Melauri Center (Spazio Melauri)] / Florence (Italy), Apr 30, 1991.

1990 (lectures)

  • [12] Che cos'e l'apocalittica? <Jewish Apocalypticism> / "Apocalisse e apocalittica" <Apocalypsis and Apocalyptic>, Lecture Series organized by the Florence Group of the Italian Ecumenical Association (SAE-Firenze)], St. Mark Monastery / Florence (Italy), Oct 25, 1990.


1998 (translations)

  • [9] La pluriforme alleanza di Dio, Italian translation of Irving Greenberg’s Covenantal Pluralism ["Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 33 (1998) 27-33].

1995 (translations)

  • [8] Per una teologia ebraica del cristianesimo, Italian translation of Michael S. Kogan’s Toward a Jewish Theology of Christianity> ["Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 30 (1995) 106-111].

1994 (translations)

  • [7] Crescere nel dialogo in una società multireligiosa, Italian translation of John B. Cobb’s Being a Transformationist in a Pluralistic World ["Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 29 (1994) 114-117].
  • [6] Un rabbino in dialogo con Gesù. Genesi di un libro, Italian translation of Jacob Neusner’s A Rabbi Talks with Jesus: Introducing a Book ["Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 29 (1994) 107-113].
  • [5] Gesù l'ebreo. Un punto di vista ebraico, Italian translation of Hayim G. Perelmuter’s Jesus the Jew: A Jewish Perspective ["Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 29 (1994) 29-37].

1993 (translations)

  • [4] L'ebraicità di Gesù: nuove testimonianze archeologiche e documentarie, Italian translation of James H. Charlesworth’s Jesus' Jewishness: New Evidence from History and Archaeology ["Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 28 (1993) 6-18].

1992 (translations)

  • [3] I figli di Rebecca. Giudaismo e cristianesimo sono fratelli gemelli, Italian translation of Alan F. Segal’s Rebecca's Children: Judaism and Christianity as Twins ["Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 27 (1992) 3-6].

1990 (translations)

  • [2] Verso una comprensione ebraica del cristianesimo, Italian translation of Leon Klenicki’s Toward a Jewish Understanding of Christianity ["Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 25 (1990) 64-69].

1980s ~ 1980s ~ 1980s

Paolo Sacchi
Benedetto Calati
Fioretta Mazzei
Manuela Paggi Sadun
Francesco Adorno
Maria VIngiani
Innocenzo Gargano
University of Turin
Passo della Mendola
Villa Lorenzi, Florence

The Italian Experience

In 1980 Gabriele Boccaccini met his wife, Aloma Bardi. The two were married on Oct 26, 1981.

After completing the mandatory service in the civilian corps of the Italian Army, in 1983 Boccaccini earned His Laurea in Lettere (MA) at the University of Florence. He graduated with Honor with a thesis on Ricordare e dimenticare nella tradizione giudaica e cristiana antica <Remembering and Forgetting in the Early Jewish and Christian Traditions>. Shortly before his graduation he met for the first time with Professor Paolo Sacchi. It was the beginning of a long friendship and collaboration.

In those years Boccaccini lived in the center of Florence in an apartment in front of the Medici Chapels and worked as professor of Religion at the Liceo Internazionale of Florence. He commuted from time to time to Turin (where Paolo Sacchi lived and worked) and to Rome (where he could use the Library of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, hosted at the Parish of the Sacred Heart on Lungarno Prati by his former Professor of Religion at the Liceo Dante, padre Renato Simeone).

He got more and more involved in the ecumenical and Jewish-Christian dialogue as a member of the Board of Directors of both the Segretariato Attivita' Ecumeniche and the Amicizia Ebraica Cristiana, and as an editor of the Bollettino dell'Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana di Firenze that he contributed to renew as the voice of the entire Jewish-Christian movement in Italy. He regularly attended the Summer SAE meeting at La Mendola and the winter Jewish-Christian colloquia at Camaldoli.

In 1987 he began his doctoral studies in Judaism with Paolo Sacchi at the University of Turin, which meant that he left the teaching in Florence and more often commuted to Turin and Rome for his studies or to other locations for seminars and conferences. In March 1988 he was at the University of Bologna for a seminar with Jacob Neusner and then in May for a month in Naples at the Graduate School of Philosophical Studies, where he attended three graduate seminars: by Francesco Adorno on Hellenistic Philosophy, by Giovanni Garbini on the Phoenicians, and by Paolo Sacchi on Ancient Jewish Thought.

He began offering lectures on ancient Judaism and Christian Origins, first at the annual national Jewish-Christian Colloquia of Camaldoli (that he had contributed to found in 1980), and then at national conferences or as an invited speaker in Venice, Turin, Genoa, and Rome. His first international engagement was at an international Jewish-Christian conference in Rabat (Malta).

He published his first articles, based on his MA thesis. His research focused on the intellectual history of Second Temple Judaism and in particular on the development of Jewish apocalypticism. In 1987 he published in the journal "Henoch" the most important among his early contribution, an article in which he showed that Daniel and the Book of Dream Visions belonged to two different streams of Jewish apocalyptic thought. Not all the apocalypses could be considered the work of a single apocalyptic movement.

In 1989 he went as Visiting Scholar to Princeton Theological Seminary at the invitation of Professor James H. Charlesworth, editor of the American edition of the OT Pseudepigrapha. For the first time Boccaccini had the opportunity to present internationally the results of his own research and more in general of the Italian school on the OT Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. At Princeton Boccaccini had the opportunity to meet some of the most distinguished American specialists on Second Temple Judaism. He began his task to reformulate in English his research in order to make it accessible at the international level.


1987 (articles)

  • [10] E' Daniele un testo apocalittico? Una (ri)definizione del pensiero del Libro di Daniele in rapporto al Libro dei sogni e all'apocalittica <Is Daniel an Apocalyptic Document? A (Re-)Definition of Daniel's Thought in Relation to Dream Visions and Apocalyptic Tradition> / Henoch 9 (1987), 267-302

1986 (articles)

  • [8] Origine del male, liberta dell'uomo e retribuzione nella Sapienza di Ben Sira <The Origin of Evil, Human Freedom, and the Principle of Retribution in the Wisdom of Sirach> / Henoch 8 (1986), 1-37

1985 (articles)

  • [5] Il tema della memoria nell'ebraismo e nel giudaismo antico <The Concept of Memory in Ancient Israel> / Henoch 7 (1985), 165-192.

1984 (articles)

  • [4] Il valore memoriale dell'atto eucaristico alla luce della tradizione giudaica <The Memorial Value of Eucharist in the Light of the Jewish Tradition> / Gesu ebreo (1984 Gargano), edited volume, 104-117.
  • [3] Il tema della memoria in Giuseppe Flavio <The Concept of Memory in Flavius Josephus> / Henoch 6 (1984), 147-163.
  • [2] Il concetto di memoria in Filone Alessandrino <Memory as a Philosophical and Religious Concept in Philo of Alexandria> / Annali dell'Istituto di Filosofia 6 (1984), 1-19.

1982 (articles)


1989 (lectures)

  • [11] La nascita del giudaismo rabbinico <The Birth of Rabbinic Judaism> / Salesian University of Turin / Turin [Italy], Oct 29, 1989
  • [10] Second Temple Judaism as "Middle" Judaism / Princeton Theological Seminary / Princeton NJ [USA], Apr 24, 1989

1988 (lectures)

  • [9] Il nuovo atteggiamento delle Chiese cristiane nei confronti dell'ebraismo <The New Attitude of Christian Churches Toward Judaism> / "Ecumenism Today, with Reference to Other Religions," International Conference organized by the Universitas Internationalis "Coluccio Salutati"] / Rabat (Malta), Jun 21, 1988.
  • [8] Ebrei ed Ebraismo nella Lettera di Giacomo <Judaism and the Jews in the Letter of James> / "Ebrei ed Ebraismo nel Nuovo Testamento" <Judaism and the Jews in the New Testament>, Lecture Series organized by the Rome Council of Christians and Jews in collaboration with the "Ecclesia Mater" Institute of Religious Studies] / Rome (Italy), Mar 28, 1988.

1987 (lectures)

  • [7] L'azione dello Spirito di Dio nell'individuo e nella storia: la riflessione del tardo giudaismo <The Action of the Holy Spirit upon History and the Individual: Early Jewish Perspectives> / "Lo Spirito nell'esperienza religiosa" <The Holy Spirit in the Religious Experience>, Lecture Series organized by the Genoa Group of the Italian Ecumenical Association (SAE-Genova)] / Genoa (Italy), Dec 13, 1987.
  • [6] La sapienza dello Pseudo-Aristea <The Wisdom of the Pseudo-Aristeas> / National Conference of the Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo / San Miniato [Italy], Nov 3, 1987
  • [5] La pericope della lingua (Gc. 3,2-12) nel contesto della tradizione sapienziale giudaica <The Tongue Pericope (James 3:2-12) in the Light of the Jewish Wisdom Tradition> / University of Turin / Turin [Italy], Apr 28, 1987

1986 (lectures)

  • [4] Il cristianesimo delle origini come movimento giudaico <Early Christianity as a Jewish Movement> / Lecture organized by the Venice Lutheran Church and the Venice Group of the Italian Ecumenical Association (SAE-Venezia) / Venice (Italy), Nov 23, 1986.

1984 (lectures)

  • [3] Il dibattito sul valore salvifico della Torah nel I secolo <The Debate on the Salvific Value of the Torah in First-Century Judaism> / 5th Colloquio Ebraico-Cristiano di Camaldoli / Camaldoli [Italy], Dec 7, 1984

1983 (lectures)

  • [2] Il valore memoriale dell'atto eucaristico alla luce della tradizione giudaica <The Memorial Value of Eucharist in the Light of the Jewish Tradition> / 4th Colloquio Ebraico-Cristiano di Camaldoli / Camaldoli [Italy], Dec 9, 1983

1981 (lectures)

  • [1] L'interpretazione di Gen 1,26 in Filone Alessandrino <The Interpretation of Gen 1:26 in Philo of Alexandria> / 2nd Colloquio Ebraico-Cristiano di Camaldoli / Camaldoli [Italy], Dec 8, 1981


1989 (translations)

  • [1] I dieci comandamenti del dialogo, Italian translation of Leonard Swidler’s The Dialogue Decalogue ["Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 24 (1989) 59-64].


1989 (events)

  • 10th Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Dec 6-10, 1989)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Italy; July 29 - August 6, 1989)
  • Conference of the American Interfaith Institute (Philadelphia, PA; Apr 27-29, 1989)

1988 (events)

  • 9th Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Dec 7-11, 1988)
  • Journey to London, England (August 1988)
  • Interfaith Conference (Malta; June 20-24, 1988)
  • Courses at the Scuola di Studi Filosofici di Napoli (Naples, Italy; May 23 - June 11, 1988)
  • SAE Spring Meeting (Florence, Italy; Apr 23-25, 1988)
  • Jacob Neusner Seminar (Bologna, Italy; March 1988)

1987 (events)

  • 8th Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Dec 4-8, 1987)
  • AISG Meeting (San Miniato, Italy; Nov 3, 1987)
  • Conference of the Studium Bublicum Franciscanum (Turin, Italy; Sept 27-28, 1987)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Italy; July 26 - August 1, 1987)
  • SAE Spring Meeting (Gaeta, Italy; Apr 30 - May 3, 1987)

1986 (events)

  • 7th Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Dec 4-8, 1986)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Italy; July 26 - August 3, 1986)
  • SAE Spring Meeting (Grado, Italy; Apr 23-27, 1986)

1985 (events)

  • AISG Meeting (Cortona, Italy; Nov 6-7, 1985)
  • 6th Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Oct 31 - Nov 3, 1985)
  • ABI Meeting (Bocca di Magra, Italy; Sept 2-4, 1985)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Italy; July 27 - August 4, 1985)
  • SAE Spring Meeting (Senigallia, Italy; April 24-28, 1985)

1984 (events)

  • 5th Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Dec 6-9, 1984)
  • AISG Meeting (San Miniato, Italy; Nov 12-15, 1984)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Italy; July 28 - August 5, 1984)
  • SAE Spring Meeting (Sestri Levante, Italy; April 27-30, 1984)

1983 (events)

  • 4th Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Dec 8-11, 1983)
  • AISG Meeting (San Miniato, Italy; Nov 8-10, 1983)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Italy; July 29 - August 6, 1983)
  • SAE Spring Meeting (Sorrento, Italy; April 22-25, 1983)

1982 (events)

  • 3rd Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Dec 5-8, 1982)
  • AISG Meeting (Idice, Bologna, Italy; Nov 10, 1982)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Italy; July 30 - August 7, 1982)
  • 'Conference of the Journal Parola-Spirito-Vita (Camaldoli, Italy; June 21-24, 1982)

1981 (events)

  • 2nd Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Dec 6-8, 1981)
  • Journey to Sicily (Oct 27 - Nov 13, 1981)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Italy; July 25 - August 2, 1981)

1980 (events)

  • 1st Colloquio ebraico-cristiano (Camaldoli, Italy; Dec 6-7, 1980)
  • Conference of the Journal Bozze (Turin, Italy; Nov 14-16, 1980)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Italy; July 26 - August 3, 1980)
  • SAE Spring Meeting (Arliano, Lucca, Italy; April 25, 1980)

1970s ~ 1970s ~ 1970s

University of Florence
Liceo Dante Alighieri
Great Synagogue of Florence
Chiesa della Madonna della Tosse

The Formative Years

Mario Gozzini
Luciano Martini
Ernesto Balducci
Raniero La Valle

The 1970 are the formative years, the years in which Boccaccini had his first public experiences.

In the last year of the Middle School Boccaccini was selected as one of the five members of the jury of the National Literary Price "Bancarellino" at Pontremoli. The event was broadcast live on Italian television. It was the first time Boccaccini and his brother travelled alone.

In June 1971 there were the final exams and Boccaccini won the award "La pagella migliore" as one of the best students in Tuscany. Completed his primary education, he attended the Liceo Classico "Dante Alighieri" in Florence, from 1971 to 1976. He studied Latin, Greek, History, Philosophy. In July 1973 he spent one month in England to practice his English. He passed the Final Exams (Maturita' classica) in July 1976 with the highest grades. He wrote a Honor Thesis on "I cattolici, la Bibbia e la vita pubblica in Italia (1815-1976) <The Catholics, the Bible and the Political Life in Italy (1815-1976)>.

In 1976 he enrolled at the College of Humanities at the University of Florence, where he attended courses and seminars on Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Hellenistic History and Philosophy, Church History, New Testament, and Christian Origins. Among his professors were Francesco Adorno, Pelio Fronzaroli, Ida Zatelli, Michele Ranchetti, Giancarlo Gaeta, Domenico Maselli, Luciano Martini, and others.

He also enrolled at the Florence School of Theology, where he attended courses on OT and NT Exegesis, and Christian Theology by professors Valerio Mannucci, Lino Randellini, Enrico Chiavacci, and others.

Since 1975 he volunteered as an instructor in summer camps for children, first in Puglia (1975) and then in Gaeta (1976). With the Centro Tempo Libero (CTL) he took part in summer camps and theatrical performances in Trieste (1977), Abbadia San Salvatore (1978), and Muggia (1979).

In Florence he attended the circles of the "Christian Left" that gathered at the Chiesa della Madonna della Tossa: Mario e Wilma Gozzini, Luciano Martini, don Angelo Chiaroni, padre Ernesto Balducci, padre Benedetto Calati, padre Innocenzo Gargano, padre Emanuele Bargellini, Mons. Silvano Piovanelli, Enrico Chiavacci, Raniero La Valle, pastore Luigi Santini, and others. On the other hand, the friendship with Vittorio Lampronti put him in touch even more closely with the Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana di Firenze and the Jewish community of Florence.

With his involvement in the ecumenical movements (attending since 1978 the annual summer conferences of the Segretariato Attivita' Ecumeniche [SAE] at La Mendola and the meetings of the Journal "Bozze"), he got acquainted with the major leaders in the inter-faith movements in Italy, Maria Vingiani, pastors Paolo Ricca, Mario Affuso, Santini, and others.



  • Radio conversation with Ernesto Balducci e Giovanni Gozzini (Feb 1, 1977)


  • I cattolici tra impegno sociale e impegno politico (round table with Gabriele Boccaccini, Luciano Martini, Luciano Benadusi and Alberto Cecchi



  • CTL Winter Camp (Muggia, Italy; Dec 26 - Jan 2, 1979)
  • Il nuovo catechismo degli adulti (Bologna, Italy; Oct 13, 1979)
  • Journey to Germany and Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark) (Aug 11 - Sept 10, 1979)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Ago 4-11, 1979)
  • CTL Summer Camp (Muggia, Italy; July 1979)
  • Modelli dell’incontro con Dio alla luce dell’esperienza di Gesu’ di Nazareth (Camaldoli, Italy; Jul 2-3, 1979)
  • CTL Spring Camp (Trieste, Italy; Apr 15-17, 1979)


  • CTL Winter Camp (Abbadia San Salvatore; Dec 26, 1978 - Jan 2, 1979)
  • Bozze Meeting (Teatro Eliseo; Rome, Italy; Dec 9-11, 1978)
  • Rinnovamento della catechesi e liturgia (Camaldoli, Italy; Aug 27 - Sept 2, 1978)
  • SAE Meeting (La Mendola, Ago 4-12, 1978)
  • CTL Summer Camp (Abbadia San Salvatore, Italy; July 1978)
  • Journey to Verona (Apr 28, 1978)


  • CTL Winter Camp (Trieste, Italy; Dec 27, 1977 - Jan 3, 1978)
  • Il morale della truppa e' alto. Spettacolo di animazione del CTL (Dec 17-18, 1977)
  • CTL Summer Camp (Trieste), and Journey to Yugoslavia (Slovenia and Croatia) (July 1977)


  • First year at the University of Florence and the Studio Teologico Fiorentino (Fall 1976)
  • Summer camp (July 1976)
  • Esame di maturita (Jul 1-13, 1976)
  • Journey to Umbria (Apr 2-3, 1976)
  • L’Italia dalla Liberazione alla Repubblica (Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy; Mar 26-28, 76)


  • Summer Camp in Puglia (July 1975)


  • Journey to England (July 1973)
  • Propaganda di regime e giudizio della storia. Ciclo di proiezioni di Cinegiornali Luce 1919-1940 (Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy; Apr 3 - Mag 2, 73)


  • Visit of Pompei, Paestum, Naples


  • 12th grade (Fall 1971), first year at the Liceo-Ginnasio Dante.
  • Premio Bancarellino (Pontremoli)


  • Journey to Yugoslavia (Croatia) and Naples (August 1970)

1960s ~ 1960s ~ 1960s

Scuola media Pieraccini
Lorenzo Milani
Scuola elementare Battisti
Walter Boccaccini and Franco Zeffirelli


Gabriele Boccaccini grew up in Florence with his parents and his brother Lorenzo in an apartment on via Puccinotti, 4. At the age of 5 he began attending the nearby "Cesare Battisti" Elementary School , one year earlier than usual. He had already learned from his brother to write and read. Maestro Mario Bini was his teacher. After the 5-year course, in 1968 he moved to the "Gaetano Pieraccini" Middle School.

After graduating from the University of Florence, Boccaccini's mother had started her teaching career. Working at Calenzano and later at Scarperia and Isolotto (Florence), she come into contact with the educational experiences of don Lorenzo Milani and don Enzo Mazzi.

Boccaccini's father now worked as an opera stage director in Florence and elsewhere (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece), which meant the family was in constant touch with some of the most famous singers and conductors of the time. In the summer 1964 the whole family spent a month in Spain with their father on one of his many theater tours.

A deep appreciation for teaching, culture, music and opera are the lasting legacy Boccaccini has received from his childhood.



  • Moon Landing (July 20-12, 1969)
  • Journey to London, England (Apr 2-7, 1969)


  • 6th grade (Fall 1968) at the "Scuola media Gaetano Pieraccini
  • Journey to Greece and Turkey (August 1968)
  • Esame di licenza elementare (June 1968)


  • 1966 flood of the Arno (Florence, Italy; Nov 4, 1966)


  • Journey to Spain (summer 1964)


  • Journey to Switzerland (summer 1964)


  • 1st grade (Fall 1963), first year at the "Scuola elementare Cesare Battisti.



Gabriele Boccaccini was born in Florence, Italy, on March 24, 1958 to Walter Boccaccini and Maria Adelaide Ghinozzi. They had married in 1955 and had already a son, Lorenzo, born in 1956.

Walter Boccaccini worked at the Florence Opera House. His father, Virgilio, had also been employed at the Teatro Comunale since its foundation in 1928, until his death in 1947. In 1958, after his apprenticeship as a clerk, Walter had just started his career at an assistant stage director. During the Fascist regime, Walter's family had suffered discrimination for political reasons and during the war they were active in the underground against the Nazi occupation. Two of Walter's uncles were killed in a retaliatory attack by the fascists in the days of the liberation of Florence in August 1944.

Maria Adelaide Ghinozzi came from a family who had a long tradition of volunteering in the military since the time of Garibaldi. They mixed with the Jewish Nissim family. The members of the Nissim family suffered discrimination as a consequence of the Racial Law and some were victims of the Holocaust during the war.

The value of antifascism, respect for social service and appreciation for his Jewish ties are the hallmarks of identity that Boccaccini inherited from his family at birth and has always looked back with pride.



Undergraduate courses

Graduate courses

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