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*DICTIONARY: see [[Gospel of Luke]]
[[File:Mark Matthew Luke.jpg|thumb|250px|The Synoptic Gospels]]
*ANCIENT SOURCES: see [[Gospel of Luke (sources)]]
[[File:Q Mark Sources.jpg|thumb|250px|The Q Hypothesis]]
*[[:Category:Texts|BACK TO THE TEXTS--INDEX]]

This category includes (in chronological order) scholarly and fictional works dealing with the [[Gospel of Luke]].  
The '''Gospel of Luke ''' (see [http://www.devotions.net/bible/42luke.htm Online Text]) is a [[New Testament]] document.

* See [[Q Gospel]] / [[Gospel of Mark]] / [[Gospel of Matthew]] / [[Gospel of John]] / [[Gospel of Thomas]]

====Some notes on the relationship between Luke and the previuos gospels====
Mark was the Gospel of Peter.
Matthew was in the line of [[James]], the brother of Jesus.
Luke was a Jewish-Hellenistic Christian, largely following the teachings of Paul.
Matthew - Jesus is the new, strong leader needed by the Jews after the catastrophe of 70 (he is the son of Abraham, the son of David, the new Moses, the new lawgiver…). See Jesus’ genealogy.
Luke-Acts - Luke-Acts is profoundly influenced by Paul
Jesus belongs to the entire humankind. He is the light of Gentiles (the new Adam, the Savior of humankind, etc.). See Jesus’ genealogy
Matthew - Jesus’ story starts and ends in Galilee. Every time Jesus preached in Jerusalem, he was rejected. Jesus is the leader of an anti-Jerusalem movement.
Luke-Acts – Jesus’ story start in the Temple. No Magi, no persecution by Herod, no stay in Egypt. On the contrary Jesus is presented to the Temple and preached in the Temple, even when he was a child. John the Baptist is not the only voice announcing the coming of the Messiah from within Judaism. The first Christian community was born in Jerusalem, at the heart of Judaism. Jesus is the personification of Judaism as a whole and the story of his movement testifies how the center of Judaism has moved from Jerusalem… Luke’s story ends in Rome, following Paul… as the center of Judaism has now moved from Jerusalem to the Diaspora (see Paul’s “parallel life”)
Matthew – Jesus preached only to the “lost sheep” of the House of Israel.
Luke-Acts – Jesus is constantly pushing his disciples to preach outside the boundaries of Israel
Matthew - Jesus gave the new Torah from the mountain; see [[Sermon on the Mount]].
Luke-Acts – Jesus preached “in a flat land at the border with the Gentile land”
Matthew-Mark – Two communal meals (on for the Jews, one for Gentiles)
Luke-Acts – Only one communal meals for all disciples.
Matthew – No special role for women
Luke-Acts – Female disciples followed Jesus and supported the movement (8:1-2)
Mark and Matthew – Pilate shares some responsibility for the killing of Jesus.
Luke – Jesus was killed in spite of the opposition of Pilate and the Romans. Pilate and the Centurion proclaim Jesus’ innocence.
Mark and Matthew – No special role for the Holy Spirit
Luke-Acts – History is divided in three stages: the time of the Father (prophecy), the time of the Son (revelation), and the time of the Holy Spirit (mission). The Church is constituted and led by the Spirit.  The end is not as imminent
==Gospel of Luke in manuscript tradition==
==Gospel of Luke in Scholarship==
==Gospel of Luke in Fiction==
====Chapter 1====
*[[Prologue of Luke]] (1:1-4) // no parallel; cf. Mark 1:1; Matthew 1:1; John 1:1-18
*[[Annunciation to Zacharias]] (1:5-25) // no parallel
*[[Annunciation to Mary]] (1:26-38) // no parallel
*[[Visitation of Mary]] (1:39-56) // no parallel
*[[Birth of John the Baptist]] (1:57-80) // no parallel
====Chapter 2====
*[[Birth of Jesus]] (2:1-7) // no parallel
*[[Adoration of the Shepherds]] (2:8-20) // no parallel
*[[Circumcision of Jesus]] (2:21) // no parallel
*[[Presentation of Jesus at the Temple]] (2:22-38) // no parallel
*[[Infancy of Jesus]] (2:39-40) // no parallel
*[[Jesus among the Doctors]] (2:41-50) // no parallel
*[[Childhood of Jesus]] (2:51-52) // no parallel
====Chapter 3====
*[[Preaching of John the Baptist]] (3:3-18) // Mark 1:1-8; Mt 3:1-12; cf. Jn 1:6-8.15.19-36
*[[Baptism of Jesus]] (3:21-22) // Mark 1:9-11; Matthew 3:13-17; cf. Jn 1:29-34
*[[Genealogy of Jesus]] (3:23-38) // Matthew 1:1-17
====Chapter 4====
*[[Temptation of Jesus]] (4:1-13) // Mark 1:12-13; Matthew 4:1-11
*[[Beginning of Galilean Ministry]] (4:14-15) // Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 4:12-17; cf. John 4:1-3
*[[Hometown Rejection]] (4:16-30) // Mark 6:1–6a; Matthew 13:53-58
*[[Man with an Unclean Spirit]] (4:31-37) // Mark 1:21-28
*[[Peter's Mother-in-Law]] (4:38-41) // Mark 1:29-34; Matthew 8:14-17
*[[Preaching Tour]] (4:42-44) // Mark 1:32-39
====Chapter 5====
*[[Call of the First Disciples]] & [[Miraculous Catch of Fish]] (5:1-11) // Mark 1:16-20; Matthew 4:18-22; cf. John 1:35-51
*[[Cleansing a Leper]] (5:12-16) // Mark 1:40-45; Matthew 8:1-4
*[[Paralytic at Capernaum]] (5:17-26) // Mark 2:1-12; Matthew 9:1-8
*[[Recruiting the Tax Collector]] (5:27-32) // Mark 2:13–17; Matthew 9:9-13
*[[Question about Fasting]] (5:33-39) // Mark 2:18–22; Matthew 9:14-17
====Chapter 6====
*[[Lord of the Sabbath]] (6:1-5) // Mark 2:23-28; Matthew 12:1-8
*[[Man with a Withered Hand]] (6:6-11) // Mark 3:1-6; Matthew 12:9-14
*[[Choosing of the Twelve]] (6:12-16) // Mark 3:13–19; Matthew 10:1-4
*[[Ministering to a Great Multitude]] (6:17-19) // Matthew 4:23-25
*[[Beatitudes]] (6:20-26) // Matthew 5:3-12
*[[Love for Enemies]] (6:27-36) // Matthew 5:38-48
*[[Judging Others]] (6:37-42) // Matthew 7:1-5; cf. Romans 2:1-5.
*[[Tree Known by Its Fruit]] (6:43-45) // Matthew 7:15-20
*[[Two Foundations]] (6:46-49) // Matthew 7:21-29
====Chapter 7====
*[[Centurion's Servant]] (7:1-10) // Matthew 8:5-13; cf. John 4:46-54
*[[Young Man from Nain]] (7:11-17) // no parallel
*[[Messengers from John the Baptist]] (7:18-35) // Matthew 11:2-19
*[[Anointing of Jesus]] (7:36-50) // Cf. Mark; Matthew; John
====Chapter 8====
*[[Women Disciples of Jesus]] (8:1-3) no parallel
*[[Sower]] (I) (8:4-8) // Mark 4:1–9); Matthew 13:1-9; Thomas 9; 1 Clement 24:5
*[[Purpose of the Parables]] (I) (8:9-10) // Mark 4:10-12; Matthew 13:10-17
*[[Sower]] (II) (8:11-15) // Mark 4:13-20; Matthew 13:18-23
*[[Lamp under a Bushel]] (8:16-18) // Mark 4:21–25
*[[Jesus' True Relatives]] (8:19-21) // Mark 3:31-35; Matthew 12:46-50
*[[Calming the Storm]] (8:22-25) // Mark 4:35–41; Matthew 8:23-27
*[[Gerasene Demoniac]] (8:26-39) // Mark 5:1–20; Matthew 8:28-34
*[[Raising of Jairus' Daughter]] (I) (8:40–42) // Mark 5:21–24; Matthew 9:18–19
*[[Bleeding Woman]] (8:43-48) // Mark 5:24-34; Matthew 9:20-22
*[[Raising of Jairus' Daughter]] (II) (8:49-56) // Mark 5:35–43; Matthew 9:23-26
====Chapter 9====
*[[Mission of the Twelve]] (9:1-6) // Mark 6:6b-13; Matthew 10:5-15
*[[Beheading of John the Baptist]] (9:7-9) // Mark 6:14-29; Matthew 14:1-12
*[[Feeding the 5000]] (9:10-17) // Mark 6:30–44; Matthew 14:13-21; John 6:1-14
*[[Peter's Confession]] (9:18-21) // Mark 8:27–30; Matthew 16:13-20
*[[First Prediction of the Passion]] (9:22-27) // Mark 8:31-9:1; Matthew 16:21-28
*[[Transfiguration of Jesus]] (9:28-36) // Mark 9:2–13; Matthew 17:1-13
*[[Possessed Boy]] (9:37-43a) // Mark 9:14-29; Matthew 17:14-20
*[[Second Prediction of the Passion]] (9:43b-45) // Mark 9:30-32; Matthew 17:22-23
*[[Greatest in the Kingdom]] (9:46-48) // Mark 9:33-37; Matthew 18:1-5
*[[He Who Is Not against Us is for Us]] (9:49-50) // Mark 9:38–41
*[[Rejection in Samaria]] (9:51-56) no parallel
*[[Would-be Followers of Jesus]] (9:57-62) // Matthew 8:18-22
====Chapter 10====
*[[Seventy Disciples]] (I) (10:1-12) no parallel
*[[Woe to Unrepentant Cities]] (10:13-15) // Matthew 11:20-24
*[[Seventy Disciples]] (II) (10:17-20) no parallel
*[[Come to Me and Rest]] (10:21-22) // Matthew 11:25-30
*[[Great Commandment]] (10:25-28) // Mark 12:28–34; Matthew 22:34-40
*[[Good Samaritan]] (10:29-37) no parallel
*[[Jesus at the Home of Martha and Mary]] (10:38-42) no parallel
====Chapter 11====
*[[Lord's Prayer]] (11:2-4) // Matthew 6:9-13
*[[Friend at Night]] (11:5-8) no parallel
*[[Ask, Seek, Knock]] (11:9-13) // Matthew 7:7-12
*[[Jesus and Beelzebul]] (11:14-23) // Mark 3:22–30; Matthew 12:22-32
*[[Return of the Unclean Spirit]] (11:24-26) // Matthew 12:43-45
*(11:27-28) no parallel
*[[Demand for a Sign]] (11:29-32) // Mark 8:11–13;  Matthew 12:38-42
*[[Light of the Body]] (11:33-36) // Matthew 6:22-23
====Chapter 12====
*[[Warning against Hypocrisy]] (12:1-3) no parallel
*[[Whom to Fear]] (12:2-7) // Matthew 10:26-31
*[[Confessing Christ]] (12:8-12) // Matthew 10:32-33
*[[Rich Fool]] (12:13-21) // Thomas 63
*[[Birds of Heaven]] (12:22-34) // Matthew 6:25-34
*[[Unfaithful Servant]] (12:34-48) // Matthew 24:45-51
====Chapter 13====
*[[Repent or Perish]] (13:1-5) no parallel
*[[Barren Fig Tree]] (13:6-9) no parallel
*[[Crippled Woman]] (13:10-17) no parallel
*[[Mustard Seed]] (13:18-19) // Mark 4:30–32; Matthew 13:31-32; Thomas 20
*[[Narrow Gate]] (13:22-30) // Matthew
*[[Lament over Jerusalem]] (13:31-35) // Matthew 23:37-39
====Chapter 14====
*[[Man with Dropsy]] (14:1-6) no parallel
*[[Marriage Feast]] (14:15-24) // Matthew 22:1-14
*[[Teaching about Relatives]] (14:25-36) // Matthew ; Thomas
*[[Counting the Cost]] (14:27-33) no parallel
*[[Salt and Light]] (14:34-35) // Mark 9:50; Matthew 5:13-16
====Chapter 15====
*[[Lost Sheep]] (15:1-7) // Matthew 18:10-14; Thomas 107; Gospel of Truth 31-32; cf. John 10:1-18
*[[Lost Coin]] (15:8-9) // no parallel
*[[Prodigal Son]] (15:11-32) // no parallel
====Chapter 16====
*[[Unjust Steward]] (16:1-12) // no parallel
*[[God and Mammon]] (16:13) // Matthew 6:24
*[[Rich Man and Lazarus]] (16:19-31) // no parallel
====Chapter 17====
*[[Master and Servant]] (17:7-10) no parallel
*[[Cleansing Ten Lepers]] (17:11-19) no parallel
====Chapter 18====
*[[Unjust Judge]] (18:1-9) // no parallel
*[[Pharisee and the Publican]] (18:10-14) // no parallel
*[[Little Children Blessed]] (18:15-17) // Mark 10:13-16; Matthew 19:13-15
*[[Rich Young Man]] (18:18-30) // Mark 10:17–31; Matthew 19:16-30
*[[Third Prediction of the Passion]] (18:31-34) // Mark 10:32-34; Matthew 20:17-19
*[[Blind Bartimaeus]] (18:35-43) // Mark 10:46–52; Matthew 20:29-34
====Chapter 19====
*[[Call of Zacchaeus]] (19:1-10) // no parallel
*[[Talents]] (19:11-27) // Matthew 25:14-30
*[[Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem]] (19:28-40) // Mark 11:1–11; Matthew 21:1-11; John 12:12-19
*[[Lament over Jerusalem]] (19:41-44)
*[[Cleansing of the Temple]] (19:45-48) // Mark 11:15–19; Matthew 21:12-17; John 2:13-22
====Chapter 20====
*[[Question about Authority]] (20:1-8) // Mark 11:27-33; Matthew 21:23-27
*[[Wicked Husbandmen]] (20:9-19) // Mark 12:1–12; Matthew 21:33-46; Thomas 65-66
*[[Tribute to Caesar]] (20:20-26) // Mark 12:13–17; Matthew 22:15-22
*[[Question about the Resurrection]] (20:27-40) // Mark 12:18-27; Matthew 22:23-33
*[[Question about the Son of David]] (20:41-44) // Mark 12:35-37; Matthew 22:41-46
*[[Woe to the Scribes]] (20:45-47) // cf. Mark 12:38-40; Matthew 23:1-36
====Chapter 21====
*[[Coming Persecutions]] (21:12-17) // Mark 13:9-13; Matthew 10:16-25
====Chapter 22====
*[[Plot to Kill Jesus]] (22:1-2) // Mark 14:1-2; Matthew 26:1-5; John 11:45-53
*[[Betrayal of Judas]] (22:3-6) // Mark 14:10-11; Matthew 26:14-16
*[[Last Supper]] (22:7-23) // Mark 14:12–26; Matthew 26:17-30; John 13:21-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25
*[[Peter's Denial]] (I) (22:31-34) // Mark 14:27-31; Matthew 26:31-35; John 13:36-38
*[[Arrest of Jesus|Arrest of Jesus and Healing of a Servant's Ear]] (22:39-53) // Mark 14:32–52; Matthew 26:36-56; cf. John 18:3-12
*[[Trial of Jesus before the High Priest]] (I) (22:54) // Mark 14:53–65; Matthew 26:57-68; John 18:12-14
*[[Peter's Denial]] (II) (22:56-62) // Mark 14:66-72; Matthew 26:69-75; John 18:15-18.25-27
*[[Trial of Jesus before the High Priest]] (II) (22:63-71) // Mark 14:53–65; Matthew 26:57-68; John 18:15-18
====Chapter 23====
*[[Trial of Jesus before Pilate]] (I) (23:1-5) // Mark (15:1–20a), Matthew, John
*[[Trial of Jesus before Herod Antipas]] (23:6-12) // no parallel
*[[Trial of Jesus before Pilate]] (II) (23:13-25) // Mark (15:1–20a), Matthew, John
*[[Crucifixion of Jesus]] (23:26-49) // Mark (15:20b–41); Matthew; Luke; John
*[[Burial of Jesus]] (23:50-56) // Mark 15:42–47; Matthew 27:57-61; John 19:38-42
====Chapter 24====
*[[Empty Tomb]] (24:1-12) // Mark 16:1-8; Matthew 28:1-8; John 20:1-10
*[[Appearances of Jesus]] (24:13–49) // 1 Corinthians 15:3–9; Matthew 28:8–20; Mark 16:9-18; Acts 1:1–11; John 20:11–21:25
*[[Ascension of Jesus]] (24:50-53) // Acts 1:9-11; Mark 16:19-20
==Related categories==
*[[Jesus of Nazareth]]
*[[New Testament]] / [[Gospel of Mark]] / [[Gospel of Matthew]] / [[Gospel of John]] / [[Gospel of Thomas]]
==External links==
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Luke Wikipedia]
*[http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/luke.html Early Christian Writings]
[[Category:Index (database)]]
[[Category:Texts (database)]]

Latest revision as of 14:16, 1 January 2021

The Synoptic Gospels
The Q Hypothesis

The Gospel of Luke (see Online Text) is a New Testament document.


Some notes on the relationship between Luke and the previuos gospels

Mark was the Gospel of Peter.

Matthew was in the line of James, the brother of Jesus.

Luke was a Jewish-Hellenistic Christian, largely following the teachings of Paul.

Matthew - Jesus is the new, strong leader needed by the Jews after the catastrophe of 70 (he is the son of Abraham, the son of David, the new Moses, the new lawgiver…). See Jesus’ genealogy.

Luke-Acts - Luke-Acts is profoundly influenced by Paul Jesus belongs to the entire humankind. He is the light of Gentiles (the new Adam, the Savior of humankind, etc.). See Jesus’ genealogy

Matthew - Jesus’ story starts and ends in Galilee. Every time Jesus preached in Jerusalem, he was rejected. Jesus is the leader of an anti-Jerusalem movement.

Luke-Acts – Jesus’ story start in the Temple. No Magi, no persecution by Herod, no stay in Egypt. On the contrary Jesus is presented to the Temple and preached in the Temple, even when he was a child. John the Baptist is not the only voice announcing the coming of the Messiah from within Judaism. The first Christian community was born in Jerusalem, at the heart of Judaism. Jesus is the personification of Judaism as a whole and the story of his movement testifies how the center of Judaism has moved from Jerusalem… Luke’s story ends in Rome, following Paul… as the center of Judaism has now moved from Jerusalem to the Diaspora (see Paul’s “parallel life”)

Matthew – Jesus preached only to the “lost sheep” of the House of Israel.

Luke-Acts – Jesus is constantly pushing his disciples to preach outside the boundaries of Israel

Matthew - Jesus gave the new Torah from the mountain; see Sermon on the Mount.

Luke-Acts – Jesus preached “in a flat land at the border with the Gentile land”

Matthew-Mark – Two communal meals (on for the Jews, one for Gentiles)

Luke-Acts – Only one communal meals for all disciples.

Matthew – No special role for women

Luke-Acts – Female disciples followed Jesus and supported the movement (8:1-2)

Mark and Matthew – Pilate shares some responsibility for the killing of Jesus.

Luke – Jesus was killed in spite of the opposition of Pilate and the Romans. Pilate and the Centurion proclaim Jesus’ innocence.

Mark and Matthew – No special role for the Holy Spirit

Luke-Acts – History is divided in three stages: the time of the Father (prophecy), the time of the Son (revelation), and the time of the Holy Spirit (mission). The Church is constituted and led by the Spirit. The end is not as imminent

Gospel of Luke in manuscript tradition

Gospel of Luke in Scholarship

Gospel of Luke in Fiction


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

  • Sower (I) (8:4-8) // Mark 4:1–9); Matthew 13:1-9; Thomas 9; 1 Clement 24:5
  • Sower (II) (8:11-15) // Mark 4:13-20; Matthew 13:18-23

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

  • (10:23-24)

Chapter 11

  • (11:27-28) no parallel
  • (11:37-53)

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

  • Mustard Seed (13:18-19) // Mark 4:30–32; Matthew 13:31-32; Thomas 20

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

  • Lost Sheep (15:1-7) // Matthew 18:10-14; Thomas 107; Gospel of Truth 31-32; cf. John 10:1-18

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

  • Talents (19:11-27) // Matthew 25:14-30

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

  • Last Supper (22:7-23) // Mark 14:12–26; Matthew 26:17-30; John 13:21-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25
  • Peter's Denial (I) (22:31-34) // Mark 14:27-31; Matthew 26:31-35; John 13:36-38
  • Peter's Denial (II) (22:56-62) // Mark 14:66-72; Matthew 26:69-75; John 18:15-18.25-27

Chapter 23

  • Burial of Jesus (23:50-56) // Mark 15:42–47; Matthew 27:57-61; John 19:38-42

Chapter 24

  • Empty Tomb (24:1-12) // Mark 16:1-8; Matthew 28:1-8; John 20:1-10
  • Appearances of Jesus (24:13–49) // 1 Corinthians 15:3–9; Matthew 28:8–20; Mark 16:9-18; Acts 1:1–11; John 20:11–21:25

Related categories

External links

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