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Revision as of 06:37, 12 April 2015
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![]() See also:
The category: Made in the 1870s, includes scholarly and fictional works created between 1870 and 1879.
Pages in category "Made in the 1870s"
The following 110 pages are in this category, out of 110 total.
- Nero, the Parricide (1870 Anderson), play
- Paulus des Apostels Brief an die Römer in das Hebräische übersetzt und aus Talmud und Midrasch erläutert (1870 Delitzsch), book
- Die 70 Hirten des Buches Henoch und ihre Deutungen (1870 Gebhardt), essay
- In Both Worlds (1870 Holcombe), novel
- Le memorie di Giuda (1870 Petruccelli della Gattina), novel (Italian ed.)
- ספר היובלים המכונה מדרש בראשית זוטרתא (The Book of Jubilees called Midrash Genesis Zutrata / 1870 Rubin), book
- L'Apotre Paul: esquisse d'une histoire de sa pensée (The Apostle Paul: A Sketch of the Development of His Doctrine / 1870 Sabatier), book
- Storia degli ebrei dall'edificazione del secondo tempio fino ai giorni nostri (1870 Schwab / Pugliese), book (Italian ed.)
- Kol kore (1870 Solovaitsik / Wogue), book (French ed.)
- Коран (The Qur'an / 1871 Boguslawski), ms.
- Apocalypsis Baruch Syriace (1871 Ceriani), book
- The Victory of the Vanquished (1871 Charles), novel
- Nerone (Nero / 1872 Cossa), play
- Ein Tag in Capernaum (1872 Delitzsch), novel
- Ben Dosa und seine Zeit (1872 Friedländer), book
- Kater ungilat' e zotit ede selbuesit tune Iesu-Kristit, ede Punet' e Apostuyvet (The Four Gospels and the Acts of Apostles / 1872 Kristoforidhi), book
- Judas Maccabaeus (1872 Longfellow), play
- Die Anthropologie des Apostels Paulus (1872 Lüdemann), book
- תורה עם תרגום רוסי (The Torah in Russian Translation / 1872 Mandelstamm), book
- St. Peter (1872 Paine), oratorio
- The Authorship and Historical Character of the Fourth Gospel (1872 Sanday), book
- Geschichte des römischen Kaiserreichs unter der Regierung des Nero (History of the Roman Empire under the Government of Nero / 1872 Schiller), book
- A Critical Examination of the Life and Teachings of Mohammed (1873 Ali), book
- Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ = Paulus der Apostel Jesu Christi, 2nd ed. (1873-75 Baur, Zeller / Menzies), book (English ed.)
- Spartaco (1873 Giovagnoli), novel
- St John the Baptist (1873 Macfarren / Monk), oratorio
- Marie-Magdeleine (Mary Magdalene / 1873 Massenet / Gallet), oratorio (music & libretto), Paris premiere
- Mariamne (1873 Osborn), play
- Der Paulinismus (Paulinism / 1873 Pfleiderer), book
- Judäa und die Nachbarschaft im Jahrhundert vor und nach der Geburt Christi (1873 Quandt), book
- Die Makkabäer (The Maccabees / 1873 Rubinstein / Mosenthal), opera
- The Coming of the Messiah (1873 Winkley), play
- Mayse Hordos (1873 Wohlman), play
- Alexander the Great (1874 De Vere), play
- The Temple: Its Ministry and Services, as They Were at the Time of Jesus Christ (1874 Edersheim), book
- Korânen ifrån arabiskan öfversatt (The Qur'an Translated from the Arabic / 1874 Tornberg), book
- La femme juive: sa condition légale d'après la Bible et le Talmud (The Jewish Woman: Her legal condition according to the Bible and the Talmud / 1874 Weill), book
- The Missing Fragment of the Latin Translation of the Fourth Book of Ezra (1875 Bensly), book
- Ève (Eve / 1875 Massenet / Gallet), oratorio
- Nero (1875 Story), play
- De Apocalypse van Henoch en het Essenisme (1875 Tideman), essay
- Il Vangelo spiegato, difeso, meditato = L'Évangile expliqué, défendu, médité (The Gospel Explained, Defended, Meditated / 1876-77 @1864-66 Dehaut / Villoresi), book (Italian ed.)
- Geschichte der Juden: 2.2. Bis zum Tode des Juda Makkabi (1876 Graetz), book
- Hêrmâ Nabî: The Ethiopic Version of Pastor Hermae (1876 Schodde), book
- Christus und die Cäsaren (1877 Bauer), book
- Parabeln, Legenden und Gedanken aus Thalmud und Midrasch = Parabole, leggende e pensieri: racconti dei talmudici (Parables, Legends, and Thoughts from Talmud and Midrash / 1877 @1861 Levi / Seligmann), book (German ed.)
- Paulinism (Der Paulinismus / 1877 Pfleiderer / Peters), book (English ed.)
- Samson et Dalila (1877 Saint-Saëns / Lemaire), opera
- Johann Hyrkan (1877 Werner), book
- Philochristus (1878 Abbott), novel
- Gesù Cristo: studi storici (Jesus Christ: Historical Studies / 1878 Arosio), book
- The Jewish-Christian Church (1878 Hinsdale), book
- The Life of Mahomet, 2nd ed. (1878 Muir), book
- The Book of Tobit: A Chaldee Text from a Unique MS. in the Bodleian Library (1878 Neubauer), book
- The General Epistle of St. James (1878 Plumptre), book
- Коран (The Qur'an / 1878 Sablukov), book
- Historisch-kritische Einleitung in den Koran, 2nd ed. (Historical-Critical Introduction to the Qur'an / 1878 Weil), book
- Topographisch-historisches Lexicon zu den Schriften des Flavius (1879 Boettger), book
- Judas Maccabaeus and the Jewish War of Independence (1879 Conder), book
- Les Béatitudes (1879 Franck / Colomb), oratorio
- The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans (1879 Moule), book
- Vita di san Paolo apostolo (Life of the Apostle Paul / 1879 Murena), book
- Der Ursprung des Monotheismus (1879 Popper), book
- Philo und die Halacha (1879 Ritter), book
- Néron (Nero / 1879 Rubinstein / Barbier), opera (music & libretto)
- Testamenta XII Patriarcharum: Appendix (1879 Sinker), book
- Judas Maccabäus (1879 Zopff), opera
- Korânen (Qur'an / 1917 Zetterstéen), book
- Noah Descending from Ararat (1870 Aivazovsky), art
- Salome (1870 Regnault), art
- The Oath of Spartacus (1871 Barrias), art
- Raising of Jairus' Daughter (1871 Polenov), art
- Raising of Jairus' Daughter (1871 Repin), art
- Death of the Pharaoh's Firstborn son (1872 Alma-Tadema), art
- Christ in Desert (1872 Kramskoy), art
- Herodias (1872 Lévy), art
- David with the Head of Goliath (1872 Mercié), art
- Salome Brings the Head of John the Baptist to Her Mother Herodias (1872 Surikov), art
- Temptation of Christ (1872 Surikov), art
- The First Meeting of Christ and Mary Madgalene (1873 Siemiradzki), art
- A Rich Man and Lazarus (1873 Surikov), art
- David Triumphant (1874 Delaunay), art
- Magdalene in the Desert (1874 Henner), art
- Belshazzar's Feast (1874 Surikov), art
- David Triumphant (1875 Segoffin), art
- Paul before Agrippa, Berenice and Festus (1875 Surikov), art
- Pietà (1876 Bouguereau), art
- Ahasuerus (1876 Gottlieb), art
- Mary Magdalene in the Grotto (1876 Lefebvre), art
- Penitent Magdalene (1877 Heyerdahl), art
- Moses Striking the Rock (1877 Kim), art
- Mary Magdalene (1877 Rossetti), art
- Nero's Torches (1877 Siemiradzki), art
- Road to Emmaus (1877 Zünd), art
- The Cursed Field (1878 Bronnikov), art
- Mark the Evangelist (1878 Deloye), art
- Salome (1878 Gottlieb), art
- Queen Esther (1878 Long), art
- Raising of Jairus' Daughter (1878 Max), art
- Young Moses (1878 Moreau), art
- Christ in Gethsemane (1878 Perov), art
- The Remorse of the Emperor Nero after the Murder of His Mother (1878 Waterhouse), art
- Le jeune Tobie rendant à la vue à son père (Healing of Tobit / 1879 Fagel), art
- Christ Preaching at Capernaum (1879 Gottlieb), art
- Salome's Dance (1879 Gottlieb), art
- Vashti Refuses the King's Summons (1879 Long), art
- David and Goliath (1888 Schindler), art
Media in category "Made in the 1870s"
This category contains only the following file.
- 1874 Wise.jpg 333 × 500; 27 KB