Category:Made in the 1880s
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Made in the 1880s"
The following 165 pages are in this category, out of 165 total.
- Flavii Iosephi opera omnia (Josephus' Works / 1855-56 Bekker), book
- La vie de N.-S. Jésus-Christ (1880 Fouard), book
- Das Evangelium des Paulus (The Gospel of Paul / 1880 Holsten), book
- La Vierge (The Virgin / 1880 Massenet / Grandmougin), oratorio
- Uber den Aristeasbrief (1880 Papageorgios), book
- Il figliuol prodigo (The Prodigal Son / 1880 Ponchielli), opera
- A Chronological Outline of Ancient Jewish History (1880 Rajpurkar), book
- Histoire des Machabées; ou, Princes de la dynastie asmonéenne (1880 Saulcy), book
- System der altsynagogalen palästinischen Theologie aus Targum, Midrasch und Talmud (The Theological System of the Ancient Palestinian Synagogue Based on the Targum, Midrash and Talmud / 1880 Weber), book
- The Legend of Thomas Didymus (1881 Clarke), novel
- Die Quellen des Flavius Josephus: In der Jüd. Arch. Buch XII-XVII = Jüd. Krieg Buch I (1881 Destinon), book
- Der Kaiser (1881 Ebers), novel
- Antinous (1881 Hausrath), novel
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1881 Massenet / Milliet, Grémont), opera & libretto
- Onesimus, Christ's Freedman (1882 Abbott), novel
- American Commentary on the New Testament (1881-1890 American Baptist Publication Society), book series
- Judaea and Her Rulers from Nebuchadnezzar to Vespasian (1882 Bramston), book
- Maria di Magdala (1882 Calvi), play
- Quaestiones Paulinae (1882 Loman), book
- The Book of Enoch (1882 Schodde), book
- Des Leben Jesu (1882 Weiss), book
- 福音便覧 (Gospel Handbook / 1883 Cary), book
- Über den neugefundenen griechischen Text des Henoch-Buches (1883 Dillmann), essay
- Bar Kokhba (1883 Goldfaden), opera
- La vie de N.S. Jésus-Christ (The Life of Christ / 1883 Le Camus), book
- Jeremiah (1883 Naylor / Ellerton), oratorio
- Marta y Maria (1883 Palacio Valdés), novel
- The Mishna as Illustrating the Gospels (1884 Bennett), book
- La doctrine des douzes apotres (1884 Bonet-Maury), book
- Paganisme des Hébreux: jusqu'à la captivité de Babylone (1884 Ferrière), book
- Die jüdischen Proselyten im Römerreiche unter den Kaisern Domitian, Nerva, Trajan und Hadrian (1884 Graetz), book
- Die paulinische Lehre vom Gesetz nach den vier Hauptbriefen (1884 Grafe), book
- The Autobiography of Judas Iscariot (1884 Hart), novel
- A rebours (Against Nature / 1884 Huysmans), novel
- Herod (1884 Iliowizi), play
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies (1884-), journal
- Bar Kokhba (1884 Landau), play
- Erodiade, Italian ed. (Herodias / 1884 Gialdini / @1881 Massenet), Paris production (opera)
- The Relation of the Jewish Christians to the Jews in the First and Second Centuries (1884 Reichardt), book
- Helon of Alexandria: A Tale of Israel in the Time of the Maccabees (1884 @1820 Strauss / Saphir), novel (English ed.)
- Les captifs (1884 Walch), play
- The Feast of Light (1885 Bien), play
- Les juifs sous la domination perse (1885 Bovon), book
- Judith (1885 Bradford), oratorio
- Hérode (1885 Chaumet), opera
- The Destruction of Jerusalem (1885 Landau), play
- Flavii Iosephi opera, editio maior (1885-95 Niese), book
- The Influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity (1885 Pfleiderer / Smith), book
- Hufvuddragen af judarnes historia från Babyloniska fångenskapen till Jerusalems förstöring (1885 Princell), book
- La Palestine au temps de Jésus-Christ (Palestine in the Time of Christ / 1885 Stapfer), book
- Pictures of St. Paul (1885 Tucker), children's novel
- Jerusalem paa Kristi og Apostlenes Tid (1886 Buhl), book
- Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte (1886–90 Harnack), book
- Judas (1886 Hedberg), novel
- Judentum und Judenchristentum (1886 Hilgenfeld), book
- Beiträge zur Erklärung des Korân (A Contribution to the Study of the Qur'an / 1886 Hirschfeld), book
- Сказание о Флоре, Агриппе и Менахеме, сыне Иегуды (1886 Korolenko), novel
- Sérénus (1886 Lamaître), novel
- Erodiade, Italian ed. (Herodias / 1886 Mascheroni / @1881 Massenet), Bologna production (opera)
- The Women Friends of Jesus (1886 McCook), book
- The Epistle to the Ephesians (1886 Moule), book
- Theology of the Hebrew Christians (1886 Rendall), book
- Spartaco (Spartacus / 1886 Sinico / Palermi), opera
- Palestine in the Time of Christ (1886 Stapfer), book (English ed.)
- Cristo alla festa di Purim (Christ at the Feast of Purim / 1887 Bovio), play (Italian)
- Kenig Ahashverosh; oder, Kenigin Ester (1887 Goldfaden), opera
- A Historical Sketch of the Jews since the Destruction of Jerusalem (1887 Pick), book
- Commentar zum Buche Judith (1887 Scholz), book
- The Crucifixion (1887 Stainer), oratorio
- The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint (1887-94 Swete), book
- Jeschua von Nazara (1888 Ador), novel
- Abraham: His Life and Times (1888 Deane), book
- The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews (Greek Text) (1888 Farrar), book
- Die Wirkungen des Heiligen Geistes (1888 Gunkel), book
- For the Temple (1888 Henty), novel
- Gli Ebrei sotto la dominazione romana (1888-1897 Manfrin), book
- The Melchizedek or Heavenly Priesthood of Our Lord (1888 Milligan), essay
- Flavii Iosephi opera, editio minor (1888-95 Niese), book
- Judith; or, The Regeneration of Manasseh (1888 Parry), oratorio
- History of the People of Israel = Histoire du peuple d'Israël (1888-96 Renan / Allen, Latimer), book (English ed.)
- The Son of a Star (1888 Richardson), novel
- Commentary on the Epistles of John (1888 Sawtelle), book
- Tatian. Oratio ad Graecos (1888 Schwartz), book
- Der letster Yudisher kenig (The Last Jewish King / 1888 Shaikewitz), novel
- Книга Еноха (The Book of Enoch / 1888 Smirnov), book
- The Life of St Paul (1888 Stalker), book
- Der Galaterbrief nach seiner Echtheit untersucht nebst kritischen bemerkungen zu den Paulinischen Hauptbriefen (1888 Steck), book
- Ben Hur: en berättelse från Kristi tid = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1888 @1880 Wallace / Neander), novel (Swedish ed.)
- Ben Hur: En Fortælling fra Kristi Tid = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1888 @1880 Wallace / Møller), novel (Danish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: eine Erzählung aus der Zeit Christi = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1887 @1880 Wallace / Hammer), novel (German ed.)
- Commentary on the Epistle of Jude (1888 Williams), book
- Commentary on the Epistles of Peter (1888 Williams), book
- Commentary on the Epistle of James (1888 Winkler), book
- To the Lions (1889 Church), children's novel
- Balthasar (1889 France), novel
- Muhammedanische Studien (Muslim Studies / 1889-1890 Goldziher), book
- Das vierte Buch Esra auf seine Quellen untersucht (1889 Kabisch), book
- Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews (1889 Kendrick), book
- Der zweite Brief an die Thessalonicher (1889 Klöpper), book
- Hanike (1889 Lerner), play
- Ben-Hur: kertomus Kristuksen ajoilta = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1889 @1880 Wallace / Aatto), novel (Finnish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: opowiesc z czasów Chrystusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1889 @1880 Wallace / Grabowska), novel (Polish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: Povídka z doby Krista Pána = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1889 @1880 Wallace / Koudelka), novel (Czech ed.)
- Judas' Regret (1880 Almeida), art
- Judith (1880 Américo), art
- Cain Flying before Jehovah's Curse (1880 Cormon), art
- Judas (1880 Ge), art
- Wandering Jew (1880 Keppler), art
- Visit of Nicodemus to Jesus (1880 LaFarge), art
- John the Baptist (1880 Rodin), art
- Raising of Jairus' Daughter (1881 Max), art
- Christ before Pilate (1881 Munkácsy), art
- Mocking Christ (1882 Kramskoy), art
- Transport of Christ to the Sepulcher (1883 Ciseri), art
- Christian Martyrs' Last Prayer (1883 Gérôme), art
- King Herod (1883 Lybaert), art
- Martyrdom of Jesus of Nazareth (1883 Morot), art
- St. Mary Magdalen (1883 Stainer / Sparrow-Simpson), oratorio
- Let the Little Children Come to Me (1883 Uhde), art
- Moses and Jochebed (1884 Américo), art
- Rufus; oder, Der Judenaufstand unter Hadrian (1884 Friedländer), play
- Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert (1884 Nyström), art
- Christ (1884 Repin), art
- The Triumph of Titus (1885 Alma-Tadema), art
- Fountain of the Fallen Angel (1885 Bellver / Jareño), art
- Raising of Jairus' Daughter (1885 Jacomb-Hood), art
- Judas (1885 Repin), art
- The Mealtime Prayer; or, Grace before the Meal (1885 Uhde), art
- Magdalene in the Desert (1886 Benner), art
- Lazarus at the Rich Man's Gate (1886 Bronnikov), art
- Berenice's Hair (1886 Falero), art
- Raising of Jairus' Daughter (1886 Keller), art
- Judith and Holofernes (1886 Lematte), art
- By the King and the Queen (1886 Mercier), novel
- On the Genisaret (Tiberias) Lake (1886 Polenov), art
- Christ with Martha and Maria (1886 Siemiradzki), art
- Herod, King of the Jews (1887 Landau), play
- Decapitación de San Pablo (Beheading of Saint Paul / 1887 Simonet), art
- Mary Magdalene (1887 Stevens), art
- Mariamne Leaving Judgement Seat of Herod (1887 Waterhouse), art
- Jesus Walks on Water (1888 Aivazovsky), art
- Christ Praying in Gethsemane (1888 Ge), art
- Healing the Man Born Blind (1888 Surikov), art
- Prodigal Son (1888 Swan), art
- Christ with a Farm Family (1888 Uhde), art
- Noah Descending from Ararat (1889 Aivazovsky), art
- Yellow Christ (1889 Gauguin), art
- Christ and Nicodemus (1889 Ge), art
- Salome (1889 Herbo), art
- Prodigal Son (1889 Rodin), art
- British and Foreign Bible Society (1804-), learned society
- Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (1880-), journal
- Society of Biblical Literature (1880-), learned society
- Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges (1881-1933 Cambridge University Press), book series
- Die Claudier (1881 Eckstein), novel
- Journal of Biblical Literature (1881-), journal
- Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (1881-), journal
- Old Testament Student (1883-1889), journal
- Marius the Epicurean (1885 Pater), novel
- Raphael Ben Isaac (1887 Bradshaw), novel
- (+) Nero (1889 Eckstein), novel
- Jewish Quarterly Review (1889-), journal
- Old and New Testament Student (1889-1892), journal
- Fun Kleyn tsu der Kroyn (1889 Shaikewitz), novel
Media in category "Made in the 1880s"
This category contains only the following file.
- 1880 * Wallace (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB