Category:Second Temple History (subject)
The first modern "History of Second Temple Judaism" was published by Protestant scholar Paul Eber in 1548; see Contexta populi Iudaici historia (1548 Eber), book. The model was that provided by Josephus in his Bellum Iudaicum, of which new editions and translations from the original Greek (but also from the ancient versions and paraphrases in Latin and Hebrew) were published in those years.
The history of Second Temple Judaism was soon connected with other emerging fields, notably, as an appendix to the History of the Old Testament by Cradock, or as the background of the History of the New Testament. In 1716-18 Humprey Prideaux created the concept (and literary genre) of Intertestamental Judaism, which for century would define the significance of the period from the Christian vantage point.
After the emancipation and the emergence of Jewish scholarship, Jewish authors also began studying "post-biblical" Judaism.
Second Temple History was also connected with "profane" (Greco-Roman) History. The combination of the two fields provided the "backgrounds" of early Christianity, or the "History of New Testament Times" as the new field soon came to be known.
Pages in category "Second Temple History (subject)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 267 total.
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- (++) Contexta populi Iudaici historia (Uninterrupted History of the Jewish People / 1548 Eber), book
- L'estat de la religion et republique du peuple iudaique = Contexta populi Iudaici historia (Uninterrupted History of the Jewish People / 1563 @1548 Eber), book (French ed.)
- Beschreibung der Geschichten des Jüdischen Volcks = Contexta populi Iudaici historia (Uninterrupted History of the Jewish People / 1654 @1548 Eber), book (German ed.)
- Miscellaneous Discourses Relating to the Traditions and Usages of the Scribes and Pharisees in Our Saviour Jesus Christ's Time (1718 Wotton), book
- Reflexions sur l'histoire des juifs (1721 Plantier), book
- Histoire des juifs et des peuples voisins = The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews, and Neighbouring Nations (1722 @1716-1718 Prideaux / Brutel), book (French ed.)
- The History of the Jews: From the Death of Herod the Great, to the Final Destruction of Their City (1786 Miller), book
- Geschichte der Juden, von der Rückkehr aus der babylonischen Gefangenschaft bis zur Zerstörung des zweiten Tempels (History of the Jews, from their Return from the Babylonian Exile to the Destruction of the Second Temple / 1808 Beer), book
- Geschichte, Lehren und Meinungen aller... religiösen Sekten der Juden (History, Doctrines and Opinions of All.. Religious Sects of the Jews / 1822-23 Beer), book
- A Compendium of the History of the Jews from the Time of Nehemiah and Malachi to the Birth of Christ (1827 Clarke), essay
- Annals of the Jewish Nation during the Period of the Second Temple (1832 Alexander), book
- Specimen historico-theologicum; quo continetur, Historia conditionis judaeorum religiosae et moralis inde ab exsilo Babylonica usque ad tempora J.C. immutatae (1834 Boon), book
- Storia filosofica degli Ebrei: dalla declinazione de' Maccabei fino ai tempi presenti (1841 Capefigue / Marchi), book (Italian ed.)
- The Leonard Family (1844 Anomymous), children's novel
- Connexion of Sacred and Profane History... from the Close of the Old Testament History, till the Establishment of Christianity (1845 Davidson), book
- Geschichte des Volkes Jisrael, von der Zerstörung des ersten Tempels bis zur Einsetzung des Mackabäers Schimon (1847 Herzfeld), book
- Il giudaismo illustrato nella sua teorica, nella sua storia e nella sua letteratura (1848-1852 Luzzatto), book
- The History of the Jews: From the Time of Alexander the Great to the Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus (1850 Hale), book
- Post-Biblical History of the Jews (1855 Raphall), book
- Heidenthum und Judenthum (1857 Döllinger), book
- A Manual of the Whole Scripture History, and of the History of the Jews between the Periods of the Old and New Testaments (1857 Riddle), book
- A Synopsis of Jewish History from the Return of the Jews from the Babylonish Captivity, to the Days of Herod the Great (1859 Henry), book
- Les doctrines religieuses des Juifs pendant les deux siècles antérieurs à l’ère chrétienne (1860 Nicolas), book
- The Gentile and the Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ = Heidenthum und Judenthum (1862 @1857 Döllinger / Darnell), book (English ed.)
- Brief Summary of Material and Chronological Facts, to Connect the Old with the New Testament (1862 Perceval), non-fiction
- Stories from Jewish History (1863 Tucker), children's novel
- Vier Jahrhunderte aus der Geschichte der Juden: von der Zerstörung des ersten Tempels bis zur makkabäischen Tempelweihe (1865 Jastrow), book
- Das Judenthum in Palästina zur zeit Christi (1866 Langen), book
- Histoire des Israélites depuis l’édification du second temple jusqu’à nos jours (1866 Schwab), book
- Essai sur l'histoire et la géographie de la Palestine. 1: Histoire de la Palestine depuis Cyrus jusqu’à Adrien (1867 Derenbourg), book
- Judenthum und Christenthum im Zeitalter der apokryphischen und neutestamentlichen Literatur (1867 Holtzmann), book
- Histoire du people juif depuis son retour de la captivité a Babylone jusqu'à la ruine de Jérusalem (1867 Witt), book
- The World at the Advent of the Lord Jesus (1868 Bovell), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (1868-70 Hausrath), book
- Judäa und die Nachbarschaft im Jahrhundert vor und nach der Geburt Christi (1873 Quandt), book
- Lehrbuch des Neutestamentlichen Zeitgeschichte (1874 Schürer), book
- Sept siècles de l'histoire judaïque: depuis la prise de Jérusalem par Nabuchodonosor jusqu'a la prise de Bettir par les Romans (1874 Sualcy), book
- Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ (1876 Edersheim), book
- Geschichte der Juden: 2.2. Bis zum Tode des Juda Makkabi (1876 Graetz), book
- Les idées religieuses en Palestine à l'époque de Jésus-Christ (1876 Stapfer), book
- Judisches Volksleben zur Zeit Jesus (1880 Pick), book
- System der altsynagogalen palästinischen Theologie aus Targum, Midrasch und Talmud (The Theological System of the Ancient Palestinian Synagogue Based on the Targum, Midrash and Talmud / 1880 Weber), book
- Judaea and Her Rulers from Nebuchadnezzar to Vespasian (1882 Bramston), book
- Hufvuddragen af judarnes historia från Babyloniska fångenskapen till Jerusalems förstöring (1885 Princell), book
- Four Centuries of Silence; or, From Malachi to Christ (1885 Redford), book
- La Palestine au temps de Jésus-Christ (Palestine in the Time of Christ / 1885 Stapfer), book
- Palestine in the Time of Christ (1886 Stapfer), book (English ed.)
- Geschichte des Volkes Israel = History of the People of Israel (1887 Stade, Holtzmann), book
- Gli Ebrei sotto la dominazione romana (1888-1897 Manfrin), book
- The Jews under Roman Rule (1890 Morrison), book
- From Malachi to Matthew (1893 Moss), book
- From the Exile to the Advent (1895 Fairweather), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte = History of New Testament Times (1895 Holtzmann), book
- Das Judenthum in der vorchristlichen griechischen Welt (1897 Friedländer), book
- The Times of Christ (1897 Muirhead), book
- Jüdische Theologie auf Grund des Talmud und verwandter Schriften (1897 Weber / Delitzsch, Schnedermann), book
- (+) Jewish Religious Life after the Exile (1898 Cheyne), book
- Das religiöse Leben der Juden nach dem Exil = Jewish Religious Life after the Exile (1899 Cheyne / Stocks), book (German ed.)
- Judea from Cyrus to Titus: 537 BC-70 AD (1899 Latimer), book
- A History of New Testament Times in Palestine (1899 Mathews), book
- Das spätere Judenthum als Vorstufe des Christenthums (1900 Baldensperger), book
- Le monde juif au temps de Jésus-Christ et des apôtres (1900 Beurlier), book
- Geschichte Israels von Alexander dem Grossen bis Hadrian (1901 Schlatter), book
- Giudei e romani fino alla morte di Tiberio (1902 Sfregola), book
- Die Religion des Judentums im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter (1903 Bousset), book
- Volksfrömmigkeit und Schriftgelehrtentum: Antwort auf Herrn Perles' Kritik (Popular Piety and the Scribes: Reply to Mr Perles' Critique / 1903 Bousset), book
- Bousset's Religion des Judentums im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter kritisch untersucht (1903 Perles), book
- Jerusalem under the High Priests (1904 Bevan), book
- Welche Religion hatten die Juden, als Jesus auftrat? (The Jewish Religion in the Time of Jesus / 1905 Hollmann), book
- The Religion and Worship of the Synagogue: An Introduction to the Study of Judaism from the New Testament Period (1907 Box, Oesterley), book
- Between the Testaments (1907 Grant), book
- Between the Testaments; or, Interbiblical History (1907 Gregg), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (History of New Testament Times / 1907 Staerk), book
- The Background of the Gospels; or, Judaism in the Period between the Old and New Testaments (1908 Fairweather), book
- Hellenismus und Judentum im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter (1908 Krüger), book
- Das religionsgeschichtliche Problem des Spätjudentums (1909 Bertholet), book
- The Jewish Religion in the Time of Jesus = Welche Religion hatten die Juden, als Jesus auftrat? (1909 @1905 Hollmann / Lummis), book (English ed.)
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (History of New Testament Times / 1910 Felten), book
- The Religion of Israel (1910 Loisy), book (English ed.)
- A History of New Testament Times in Palestine, 2nd ed. (1910 Mathews), book
- Die jüdische Religion von der Zeit Esras bis zum Zeitalter Christi (1911 Bertholet), book
- Gli Ebrei sotto la dominazione romana = The Jews under Roman Rule (1911 Morrison), book (Italian ed.)
- Literatura i religia u Żydów w czasach Chrystusa Pana = Jewish Religion and Literature at the Time of Christ the Lord (1911 Trzeciak), book
- Storia dei tempi del Nuovo Testamento = Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (History of New Testament Times / 1913-15 Felten / Bongioanni), book (Italian ed.)
- Il Panteon: origini del cristianesimo (1914 Minocchi), book
- The Jews among the Greeks and Romans (1915 Radin), book
- Fra Profeterne til Jesus Kristus (1919 Michelet), book
- Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 1921 Weber), book
- Jerusalem zur Zeit Jesu (Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus / 1923-1937 Jeremias), book
- בימי בית שני (At the Time of the Second Temple / 1923 Klausner), book
- The Teaching of Jesus and the Jewish Teaching of His Age (1923 Walker), book
- La storia del popolo ebraico dal 500 prima dell’e.v. al 500 dopo l’e.v. (1924 Zolli), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 2nd ed. (History of New Testament Times / 1925 Felten), book
- Die Aufgaben der Wissenschaft des nachbiblischen Judentums (1925 Gressmann), book
- Dějiny novozákonní doby (History of New Testament Times / 1925 Žilka), book
- The Hidden Centuries: Malachi to Matthew (1926 Annett), book
- Die Religion des Judentums im späthellenistischen Zeitalter (1926 Bousset, Gressmann), book (revised ed.)
- 舊新約間之宗敎 (1926 Charles / Throop, Huang) = Religious Development between the Old and the New Testaments (1914 Charles), book (Chinese ed.)
- The New Testament World (1926 Dana), book
- Die Probleme des palästinischen Spätjudentums und das Urchristentum (1926 Kittel), book
- Men & Manners in the Days of Christ (1928 Arendzen), non-fiction
- A History of the Interbiblical Period as a Background of the New Testament (1928 Hurt), thesis
- The Bridge Between the Testaments (1929 Booth), book
- From Babylon to Bethlehem: A Survey of Interbiblical History (1929 McGinty), book
- 初代基督教之背景 (Background of Early Christianity / 1929 Outerbridge & Kawashima), book
- L’ideale di Israele: I profeti, il legalismo, l’individualismo, l’apocalisse, Gesù, il mito cristiano, Paolo (1931 Gentile), book
- The Jewish Background of Christianity (1932 Levison), book
- A History of Israel. Vol. 2: From the Fall of Jerusalem, 586 BC, to the Bar-Kokhba Revolt, AD 135 (1932 Oesterley), book
- Storia d’Israele. 2: Dall'esilio al 135 dopo Cristo (1932 Ricciotti), book
- New Testament Times in Palestine, 3rd ed. (1933 Mathews), book
- The History of the Second Jewish Commonwealth: Prolegomena (1933 Zeitlin), book
- The Religion of Post-Exilic Judaism (1934 Barton), book
- Le judaïsme palestinien au temps de Jésus-Christ: sa théologie (1934-1935 Bonsirven), book
- (+) Le monde juif vers le temps de Jésus (The Jewish World in the Time of Jesus / 1935 Guignebert), book
- Die Umwelt Jesu (The World of Jesus / 1936 Schenk), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte = History of New Testament Times (1937 Preisker), book
- The Jewish World in the Time of Jesus = Le monde juif vers le temps de Jésus (1939 Guignebert / Hooke), book (British ed.)
- (++) Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (History of New Testament Times / 1940 Foerster), book
- Das Spätjudentum (Late Judaism / 1942 Gaugler), book
- (+) Jésus en son temps (Jesus and His Times / 1947 Daniel-Rops), book
- Historia de Israel. 2: Desde el exilio hasta el año 135 después de Cristo (1947 Ricciotti / Ferrari, Zubiri), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Jews from Cyrus to Herod (1949 Snaith), book
- Il giudaismo palestinese al tempo di Gesù = Le judaïsme palestinien au temps de Jésus-Christ (Palestinian Judaism in the Time of Jesus / 1950 @1950 Bonsirven / Marigliano), book (Italian ed.)
- イエス時代史の硏究 (A Study of Judaism in the Time of Jesus / 1950 Ohata), book
- Die agtergrond van die Nuwe Testament (The Background of the New Testament / 1950 Venter), book
- Il giudaismo nell’epoca neotestamentaria (1951 Pfeiffer) = History of New Testament Times (1949 Pfeiffer), book (Italian ed.)
- Ancient Judaism = Das antike Judentum (1952 Weber / Gerth, Martindale), book (English ed.)
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 2nd ed. (History of New Testament Times / 1955-56 @1940 Foerster), book
- The History of Israel. 2: From the exile to AD 135 (1955 Ricciotti), book (English ed.)
- El mundo del Nuevo Testamento (1956 Dana / Villarello), book (Spanish ed.)
- Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People. 2: The Hellenistic Age (1956 Marcus), book
- The Jews from Cyrus to Herod, 2nd ed. (1956 Snaith), book
- Spätjüdisch-häretischer und frühchristlicher Radikalismus: Jesus von Nazareth und die essenische Qumransekte (1957 Braun), book
- Nowy Testament na tle epoki: geografia, historia, kultura (New Testament Times: Geography, History, Culture / 1958 Dabrowski), book (Polish)
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 3rd ed. (History of New Testament Times / 1959-61 @1940 Foerster), book
- El mundo judío hacia los tiempos de Jesús (1959 Guignebert / Clavel), book (Spanish ed.)
- Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Spätjudentums und des Urchristentums (1961-68 Brill), book series
- (++) Le vie quotidienne en Palestine au temps de Jésus (1961 Daniel-Rops), book
- The History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (1961 Schürer, Glatzer), book
- Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (1962 Daniel-Rops / O'Brian), book (English ed.)
- Zwischen den Testamenten = Between the Testaments (1962 Russell), book (German ed.)
- The Jews from Cyrus to Herod, 3rd ed. (1963 Snaith), book
- De geschiedenis van Israël van Alexander de Grote tot Bar Kochba = The History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba (1964 Bronkhorst), book
- (++) From the Exile to Christ: A Historical Introduction to Palestinian Judaism = Das Judentum Palästinas zur Zeit Jesu und der Apostel (1964 @1959 Foerster / Harris), book (American ed.)
- Palestinian Judaism in New Testament Times = Das Judentum Palästinas zur Zeit Jesu und der Apostel (1964 @1959 Foerster / Harris), book (British ed.)
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (1964 Reicke), book
- New Testament Times (1965 Tenney), book
- Jérusalem au temps de Jésus = Jerusalem zur Zeit Jesu (Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus / 1967 Jeremias / Le Moyne), book (French ed.)
- The Holy Land in the Time of Jesus (1967 Kotker), book
- The New Testament Era (1968 Reicke / Green), book (English ed.)
- New Testament History (1969 Bruce), book
- Bibliographie zur jüdisch-hellenistischen und intertestamentarischen Literatur, 1900-1965 (1969 Delling), book
- Hellenizmus, Róma, zsidóság: az Ujszövetség korának világa (Hellenism, Rome, Judaism: The World of the New Testament Age / 1969 Kovács), book
- The Crucible of Christianity: Judaism, Hellenism and the Historical Background to the Christian Faith (1969 Toynbee/Schalit), edited volume
- עם ישראל בימי הבית השני (The Jewish People at the Time of the Second Temple / 1970 Safrai), book
- Umwelt des Neuen Testament (1971 Lohse), book
- Spätjudentum und Heilsgeschichte (1971 Noack), book
- Le judaïsme antique = Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 1971 Weber / Raphaël), book (French ed.)
- El período intertestamentario = Between the Testaments (1973 @1960 Russell / Marín), book (Argentine ed.)
- From Babylon to Bethlehem: The Jewish People from the Exile to the Messiah (1976 Ellison), book
- The New Testament Environment (1976 Lohse), book (English ed.)
- Storia del mondo giudaico (1976 Sacchi), book
- The Development of Jewish Religious Thought in the Inter-Testamental Period (1976 Whitelocke), book
- Society and Religion in the Second Temple Period (1977 Avi-Yonah, Baras), book
- 신구약중간사 : 포로시대부터그리스도까지 = From the Exile to Christ (1977 Foerster / Mun), book (Korean ed.)
- Jerusalén en tiempos de Jesús (1977 Jeremias / Ballines), book (Spanish ed.)
- Che cos'è l'intertestamento (1978 Paul / Comunità di Bose), book (Italian ed.)
- Intertestamento (1978 Paul), book (Spanish ed.)
- Das jüdische Volk im Zeitalter des Zweiten Tempels = עם ישראל בימי הבית השני (The Jewish People at the Time of the Second Temple / 1978 @1970 Safrai / Amir), book (German ed.)
- Jerusalem as Jesus Knew It: Archaeology as Evidence (1978 Wilkinson), book
- 兩約中間史略 (Intertestamental History / 1978 Xie), book
- Ιστορία των χρόνων της Καινής Διαθήκης (History of New Testament Times / 1980 Agouridis), book
- L'ambiente del Nuovo Testamento = Umwelt des Neuen Testament (The New Testament Environment / 1980 Lohse / Redana), book (Italian ed.)
- Harper's World of the New Testament (1981 Yamauchi), book
- El mundo judío en tiempos de Jesús: historia política (1982 Paul), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il mondo ebraico al tempo di Gesù (1983 Paul) = Le mond des Juifs a l’heure de Jésus (The Jewish World at the Time of Jesus / 1981 Paul), book (Italian ed.)
- L’ambiente storico-culturale delle origini cristiane (1984 Penna), book
- Sin-Kuyak chunggansa (1984 Surburg / Kim), book (Korean ed.)
- Ambiente político del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Guevara), book
- A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba = Geschiedenis van Israël van Alexander de Grote tot Bar Kochba (1985 Jagersma / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Geschiedenis van Israël van Alexander de Grote tot Bar Kochba (A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba / 1985 Jagersma), book
- Historia del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Schürer / de la Fuente/Adánez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Storia del popolo giudaico al tempo di Gesù Cristo = The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (1985-98 Schürer, Vermès / Soffritti, Chiesa, Gianotto), book (Italian ed.)
- 古代ユダヤ教 = Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 1985 Weber / Uchida), book (Japanese ed.)
- Il periodo postesilico (1986 Prato), edited volume
- Paolo e il giudaismo palestinese (1986 Sanders), book (Italian ed.)
- Le judaïsme: de l’exil au temps de Jésus (1986 Tassin), book
- 從巴比倫到伯利恆 = From Babylon to Bethlehem (1987 Ellison / Chen), book (Chinese ed.)
- Jødedommen i den første kristne tid (1987 Neusner / Hygen), book (Norwegian ed.)
- 兩約之間 = Between the Testaments (1989 Russell / Xuan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 総說・ユダヤ人の歴史 = The Jewish People in the First Century (1989-1992 Safrai, Stern / Sakine, Nagakubo, Tsuchido, Kawashima), edited volume (Japanese ed.)
- Il giudaismo intertestamentario (1991 Cavalletti), book
- The Social History of Palestine in the Herodian Period (1991 Fiensy), book
- Il giudaismo del secondo tempio (1991 Maier / Chiesa) = Zwischen den Testamenten (Between the Testaments / 1990 Maier), book (Italian ed.)
- Storia di Israele = History of Israel (1991 Mazzinghi), book
- Dal primo giudaismo alla chiesa delle origini = From Early Judaism to Early Church (1991 Russell / Montagnini), book (Italian ed.)
- Religionsgeschichte Israels in alttestamentlicher Zeit (A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period / 1992 Albertz), book
- イエス時代のユダヤ敎 = Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity (1992 Neusner / Nagakubo), book (Japanese ed.)
- Essai sur les origines du judaïsme, de Josué aux Pharisiens (1992 Nodet), book
- Songgyong uro chomyong han sin-kuyak chunggansa (1993 Chun), book
Media in category "Second Temple History (subject)"
The following 71 files are in this category, out of 71 total.
- 1716 * Prideaux.jpg 435 × 750; 113 KB
- 1844 * Bianchi-Giovini.jpg 1,044 × 1,360; 280 KB
- 1880 * Wise.jpg 907 × 1,360; 213 KB
- 1886 * Schurer.jpg 319 × 500; 32 KB
- 1890 * Toy.jpg 305 × 500; 18 KB
- 1911 * Kent.jpg 333 × 500; 45 KB
- 1914 * Charles.jpg 333 × 500; 34 KB
- 1928 * Herford.jpg 333 × 499; 25 KB
- 1931 * Bindley.jpg 180 × 271; 20 KB
- 1931 * Lagrange.jpg 494 × 799; 54 KB
- 1937 * Walker.jpg 300 × 357; 12 KB
- 1941 * Oesterley.jpg 300 × 360; 14 KB
- 1949 * Pfeiffer.jpg 300 × 400; 15 KB
- 1950 * Bonsirven.jpg 302 × 400; 17 KB
- 1950 * Lods.jpg 200 × 321; 14 KB
- 1950 * Noth.jpg 300 × 425; 17 KB
- 1959 * Grant.jpg 326 × 499; 27 KB
- 1959-T * Guignebert en.jpg 750 × 1,000; 111 KB
- 1960 * Russell.jpg 339 × 499; 39 KB
- 1962-T * Daniel-Rops en.jpg 334 × 499; 25 KB
- 1964-T * Bonsirven en.jpg 339 × 499; 39 KB
- 1964 * Sloan.jpg 667 × 1,000; 35 KB
- 1965 * Howie.jpg 750 × 1,000; 77 KB
- 1967 * Russell.jpg 355 × 499; 25 KB
- 1969 * Sandmel.jpg 331 × 499; 35 KB
- 1969 * Bauer.jpg 599 × 799; 122 KB
- 1969-T * Jeremias en.jpg 312 × 499; 30 KB
- 1973 * Schurer, Vermes.jpg 400 × 658; 35 KB
- 1975 * McCullough.jpg 400 × 599; 20 KB
- 1975 * Paul.jpg 776 × 790; 69 KB
- 1975 * Surburg.jpg 680 × 1,000; 33 KB
- 1976 * Gowan.jpg 333 × 500; 39 KB
- 1978 * Sandmel.jpg 324 × 499; 23 KB
- 1980 * Stone.jpg 319 × 499; 27 KB
- 1980 * Gowan (II).jpg 300 × 445; 37 KB
- 1985 * Gowan (III).jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 1981 * Nickelsburg.jpg 324 × 499; 34 KB
- 1981 * Paul.jpg 354 × 500; 29 KB
- 1983 * McNamara.jpg 635 × 1,000; 89 KB
- 1983 * Nickelsburg Stone.jpg 344 × 499; 31 KB
- 1984 * Neusner.jpg 324 × 499; 16 KB
- 1984 * Leaney.jpg 295 × 475; 29 KB
- 1986-E * Kraft Nickelsburg.jpg 327 × 499; 31 KB
- 1987 * Ferguson.jpg 200 × 336; 13 KB
- 1987 * Cohen.jpg 331 × 499; 25 KB
- 1990 * Maier.jpg 330 × 499; 21 KB
- 1990 * Riches.jpg 400 × 638; 14 KB
- 1991 * Murphy.jpg 330 × 499; 33 KB
- 1992 * Sanders.jpg 307 × 474; 17 KB
- 1993 * Ferguson.jpg 400 × 590; 60 KB
- 1994 * Sacchi.jpg 342 × 500; 46 KB
- 1996 * Aranda Garcia Perez.jpg 340 × 500; 26 KB
- 1997-E Kee.jpg 389 × 475; 26 KB
- 1998-E Coogan.jpg 400 × 506; 141 KB
- 2000-E * Evans Porter.jpg 346 × 499; 31 KB
- 2000 * Grabbe.jpg 375 × 499; 36 KB
- 2000-T * Sacchi.jpg 321 × 474; 16 KB
- 2002 * Boccaccini.jpg 337 × 499; 28 KB
- 2003 * Ferguson.jpg 333 × 499; 31 KB
- 2004 * Grabbe.jpg 333 × 499; 21 KB
- 2005-R * Nickelsburg.jpg 378 × 499; 25 KB
- 2006 * Cohen.jpg 333 × 499; 19 KB
- 2006-E * Levine Allison Crossan.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 2008 * Grabbe.jpg 333 × 499; 18 KB
- 2008 * Pinero.jpg 328 × 499; 37 KB
- 2010-E * Collins Harlow.jpg 369 × 499; 48 KB
- 2014 * Cohen.jpg 333 × 499; 38 KB
- 2017 * Jenkins.jpg 329 × 499; 68 KB
- 2020 * Grabbe.jpg 333 × 499; 16 KB
- 2020 Bermejo Rubio.jpg 348 × 499; 40 KB
- 2021 * Grabbe.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB