Category:Italian language--1450s
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History of Research (1450s) -- Notes
Italian-speaking scholars Mattia Palmerio, Girolamo Squarciafico and above all, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola were among the pioneers in the study of Jewish, Christian & Islamic Origins. They wrote in Latin, the scholarly language of the time.
The beginnings of an Italian scholarship in the field must be traced back in some literary works on biblical characters by authors like Feo Belcari, Antonio Cornazzano, Lucrezia Tornabuoni, and Lorenzo de' Medici. As a result came two major works of scholarship, namely, the first printed edition of the Christian Bible in Italian by Niccolò Malermi in 1471 and the translation of Flavius Josephus' Bellum Iudaicum in 1493.
Pages in category "Italian language--1450s"
The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total.
- La rappresentatione della Annunziazione di Nostra Donna (1471 Belcari), play
- Vita della gloriosissima Vergine Maria (Life of the Most Glorious Virgin Mary / 1471 Cornazzano), poetry (Italian)
- Bibbia (1471 Malermi), book
- Vita di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1472 Cornazzano), poetry (Italian)
- De Bello Judaico (Jewish War / 1475 Sacchi, Pannartz), book
- Storie sacre (Sacred Narratives / 1475c Tornabuoni), poetry
- Epistula Enoch (1490 Lazzarelli), vision (Latin)
- La rappresentatione di san Giovanni & Paulo (1491 Medici), play
- Guerra dei Giudei (1493), book
- Collatio Novi Testamenti (1453 Valla), ms.
- Novum Testamentum (New Testament / 1454 Manetti), ms.
- Adnotationes in Novum Testamentum (1457 Valla), ms.
- Journey of the Magi to Bethlehem (1461 Gozzoli), art
- Stories from the Life of John the Baptist (1465 Lippi), art
- Chrysostom: Homiliae super Johannem (1470 Griffolini), book
- Aristeas ad Philocratem fratrem (1471 Palmerio), book
- De mulieribus claris (Concerning Famous Women / 1473 @1374 Boccaccio), novel (ed. princeps)
- ספר יוסיפון (Josippon / 1474-76 Conat), book (Hebrew / ed. princeps)
- Josephi opera (1481 Squarciafico), book
- Conclusiones philosophicae, cabalisticae et theologicae (1486 Pico della Mirandola), book
- Oratio de hominis dignitate (Oration on the Dignity of Man / 1486 Pico della Mirandola), book (Latin)
- Commentarius in legem Mosis (1486 Moncada) = פירוש על התורה (Commentary on the Torah / early 14th cent. Recanati), ms. (Latin ed.) (lost)