Revision as of 05:27, 21 May 2017 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The category: '''L-Le''', includes Authors whose last names start with the letters ''Le''. Category:Authors")
The category: L-Le, includes Authors whose last names start with the letters Le.
Pages in category "L-Le"
The following 34 pages are in this category, out of 34 total.
- Émile Le Camus (1839-1906), scholar
- Gertud von Le Fort (F / Germany, 1876-1971), novelist
- Jane Lead (F / Britain, 1623-1704), visionary
- John McDowell Leavitt (b.1824), playwright
- Anthony Le Donne
- Jules-Joseph Lefebvre (1836-1911), artist
- Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (M / France, 1455-1536), scholar
- Thomas Legge (M / Britain, 1535-1607), playwright
- Giovanni Legrenzi (M / Italy, 1626-1690), composer
- Georg Christian Lehms (M / Germany, 1684-1717), novelist
- Nelson Leigh (M / United States, 1905–1985), actor
- Richard Leigh (1943-2007), arch-fi author
- Gerardo Leisersohn Baendel, scholar
- André Lemaire (b.1942), scholar
- Fernand Lematte (1850-1929), artist
- Thom Lemmons
- Leonardo Leo (M / Italy, 1694-1744), composer
- Leonardo da Vinci (M / Italy, 1452-1519), artist
- Joseph Judah Lerner (M / Russia, 1849-1907), playwright
- Mervyn LeRoy (M / United States, 1900-1987), film director
- Julius Lester (b.1939), novelist
- Michel Léturmy (1921-2000), novelist
- Edvard Johansson Leufvén (M / Sweden, 1874-1928), scholar
- Paul P. Levertoff (1878-1954), scholar & translator
- Robert Le Vigan (M / France, 1900-1972), actor
- Amy-Jill Levine (F / United States, 1956), scholar
- Elma Ehrlich Levinger (1887-1958), playwright
- Elia Levita (M / Germany, Italy, 1469-1549), scholar
- Albert Lévitt (1887-1968), novelist
- Martin David Levy (1933-2015), composer
- Patrick Yéhoshoua Lévy (b.1958), novelist
- Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer (1865-1953), artist
- Agnes Smith Lewis (F / Britain, 1843-1926), scholar
- Richard Lewis (M / Britain, 1914-1990), singer