Category:Qumran & Christian Origins (subject)
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Qumran & Christian Origins
< Qumran & New Testament -- Jesus & Qumran -- Paul & Qumran -- John & Qumran >
Pages in category "Qumran & Christian Origins (subject)"
The following 49 pages are in this category, out of 49 total.
- Spätjüdisch-häretischer und frühchristlicher Radikalismus: Jesus von Nazareth und die essenische Qumransekte (1957 Braun), book
- (+) The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte et les origines du christianisme / 1958 @1957 Daniélou), book (English ed.)
- Qumran und der Ursprung des Christentums = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte et les origines du christianisme (The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity / 1958 Daniélou / Schilling), book (German ed.)
- Manuskrypty z Qumran a chrzescijanstwo (Manuscripts from Qumran and Christianity / 1958 Strakowski), book
- The Novice of Qumran (1959 Brogan), novel
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto y los orígenes del cristianismo (1959 Daniélou / Ferrari, Mejía) = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte et les origines du christianisme (The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity / 1957 Daniélou), book (Argentine ed.)
- Hebräer, Essener, Christen (1959 Kosmala), book
- Odkrycia w Qumran nad morzem martwym a Nowy Testament (The Discoveries at Qumran near the Dead Sea and the New Testament / 1960 Dabrowski), book
- Wykopaliska w Qumran a pochodzenie chrzescijanstwa (The Excavations at Qumran and the Origins of Christianity / 1961 Chylinski), book
- (+) The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Early Church (1962 Mowry), book
- Das Heil Gottes: Heils- und Sündenbegriffe in den Qumrantexten und im Neuen Testament (1964 Becker), book
- The Temple and the Community in Qumran and the New Testament (1965 Gärtner), book
- A Comparative Study of the Old Testament Text in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the New Testament (1965 Waard), book
- 死海写本とキリスト敎の起源 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and Christian Origins (1966 Black / Shinmi), book (Japanese ed.)
- Enderwartung und gegenwärtiges Heil: Untersuchungen zu den Gemeindeliedern von Qumran mit einem Anhang über Eschatologie und Gegenwart in der Verkündigung Jesu (1966 Kuhn), book
- Происхождение христианства в свете свитки Мертвого моря (The Origin of Christianity in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls / 1967 Livshits), book
- 死海卷與基督敎信仰 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Faith (1969 LaSor / Shen), book (Chinese ed)
- Die Umdeutung des Kultus in der Qumrangemeinde und im Neuen Testament (1971 Klinzing), book
- La conversión de san Pablo: Damasco ¿ciudad de Siria o región de Qumrán? (1976 Sabugal), book
- Comunione e condivisione dei beni (1977 Del Verme), book
- Qumrán y el Nuevo Testamento (Qumran and the New Testament / 1982 Casciaro Rodríguez), book
- I manoscritti del Mar Morto e le origini del cristianesimo (1990 Daniélou / Palamidessi), book (Italian ed.)
- Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer: die Essener von Qumran und das Urchristentum (The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Qumran Essenes and Christian Origins / 1993 Schmithals), book
- Die Essener, Qumran, Johannes der Täufer und Jesus (1993 Stegemann), book
- Jesús, Qumrán y el Vaticano = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (1994 @1993 Betz, Riesner), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jezus, Qumran i Watykan = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (1994 @1993 Betz, Riesner / Kielbasinska, Kapera), book (Polish ed.)
- (+) The Judas Testament (1994 Easterman), novel
- Dødehavsteksterne, essæeerne og det Nye Testamente (1994 Müller), book
- Qumran and Jesus: The Truth under Lock and Key? (1995 Berger), book (English ed.)
- Qumran e Jesus: uma verdade escondida? (1995 Berger), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Gesù, Qumran e il Vaticano = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (Jesus, Qumran and the Vatican / 1995 Betz, Riesner), book (Italian ed.)
- Qumrán y Jesús: La verdad oculta? (1996 Berger / Brüger) = Qumran und Jesus: Wahrheit unter Verschluss? (Qumran and Jesus: The Truth under Lock and Key? / 1992 Berger), book (Argentine ed.)
- Gli Esseni, Qumran, Giovanni Battista e Gesù (1996 Stegemann), book (Italian ed.)
- Los esenios, Qumrán, Juan Bautista y Jesús (1996 Stegemann / Godoy), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gesù e la comunità di Qumran = Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 @1992 Charlesworth / Franzosi), edited volume (Italian ed.)
- Holy Scripture in the Qumran Commentaries and Pauline Letters (1997 Lim), book
- Melchisedek e l'angelologia nell'Epistola agli Ebrei e a Qumran (1997 Manzi), book
- Qumran e le origini cristiane (1997 Penna), edited volume
- Dødehavsskrifterne og Det ny Testamente (Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament / 1997 Pilgaard), book
- The Library of Qumran, on the Essenes, Qumran, John the Baptist, and Jesus (1998 Stegemann), book (English ed.)
- Paganos, judíos y cristianos en los textos de Qumrán (1999 Trebolle Barrera), edited volume
- Shikai shahon to Iesu (2000 Berger), book (Japanese ed.)
- Ježíš a svitky od Mrtvého moře = Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls (2000 @1992 Charlesworth / Voda), edited volume (Czech ed.)
- Qumrán és az Újszövetség (Qumran and the New Testament / 2001 Benyik), edited volume
- The Dead Sea Scrolls as Background to Postbiblical Judaism and Early Christianity (2002 Davila), edited volume
- Scrolls, Scriptures, and Early Christianity (2005 Vermès), book
- Sahae sabon kwa Christokyo ui kiwon (2008 Yim), edited volume
- Ο χριστιανισμός από τα χειρόγραφα του Κουμράν (Christianity from the Manuscripts of Qumran / 2010 Mpellas), book
- Los rollos del mar muerto y las raíces secretas del cristianismo (2011 Dulitzky), non-fiction
Media in category "Qumran & Christian Origins (subject)"
The following 26 files are in this category, out of 26 total.
- 1956 Graystone.jpg 692 × 1,000; 97 KB
- 1956 LaSor.jpg 707 × 1,000; 74 KB
- 1957 Allegro.jpg 700 × 1,000; 56 KB
- 1957 Danielou.jpg 686 × 1,000; 88 KB
- 1957 Howlett.jpg 1,018 × 1,500; 279 KB
- 1957-E * Stendahl.jpg 704 × 1,000; 64 KB
- 1958 Robinson.jpg 300 × 300; 16 KB
- 1959-E Ploeg.jpg 1,384 × 2,000; 316 KB
- 1961 * Black.jpg 232 × 350; 28 KB
- 1966 Braun.png 357 × 536; 29 KB
- 1968 Murphy-O'Connor.jpg 284 × 363; 18 KB
- 1969-E Black.jpg 360 × 568; 48 KB
- 1972 * LaSor.jpg 220 × 350; 13 KB
- 1979 Allegro.jpg 319 × 499; 25 KB
- 1985 Newton.jpg 324 × 499; 18 KB
- 1986 Fujita.jpg 658 × 1,000; 54 KB
- 2000 Fitzmyer.jpg 400 × 594; 164 KB
- 2002 * VanderKam Flint.jpg 402 × 500; 46 KB
- 2005 Brooke.jpg 400 × 599; 240 KB
- 2006-E * Collins Evans.jpg 400 × 599; 33 KB
- 2009 Clements Schwartz.jpg 400 × 602; 132 KB
- 2009 Hogeterp.jpg 333 × 499; 18 KB
- 2009-E Garcia-Martinez.jpg 400 × 597; 88 KB
- 2012 VanderKam.jpg 333 × 499; 18 KB
- 2022 Frey (book).jpg 400 × 601; 235 KB
- 2023 Wold (book).jpg 400 × 588; 253 KB