Jesus & the Gospels (Spring 2013 Caruthers), course

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The course focuses on the founder of Christianity, Jesus son of Joseph (Joshua bar-Yosef), as an historical character. By examining all extant historical sources (Jewish, Christian, and Pagan), the course offers a critical reconstruction of the major stages of the life and deeds of the prophet from Nazareth, from his birth under Herod the Great to his death and crucifixion under Pontius Pilate, within the diverse world of Second Temple Judaism.



(1) -- Do we have any evidence from Jesus himself?

(2) -- Did Jesus REALLY exist?

(3) -- Survey of Ancient Christian Sources

(4) -- The Historical Context--Jews and Romans

(5) -- Survey of Ancient Non-Christian Sources / The Contribution of Archaeology

(6) -- Jesus in Judaism and Islam

(7) -- The Religious and Messianic Context of 1st-century Judaism

PART I – The Ministry of Jesus

(1) -- The Precursor: John the Baptist

(2) -- The Death of John the Baptist / The Legend of Salome

(3) -- John the Baptist and Jesus.

Did John Recognize Jesus as the Messiah?

(4) -- The Beginnings of Jesus’ Ministry as a Miracle-Worker

(5) -- From Healer to Forgiver

(6) -- The Announcer of the Kingdom of God / The Parables of the Kingdom

(7) -- Where does the authority of Jesus come from? / The Heavenly Messiah

(8) -- The Disciples and the Family

(9) -- Agreements and Controversies with the Pharisees

(10) -- Relation with the non-Jews (Gentiles)

(11) -- Forgiveness. Good Works

(12) -- Moral Integrity

(13) -- Sharing of Goods

(14) -- Service, Love

PART II - The Passion of Jesus and Afterward

(1) -- Arrival at Jerusalem

(2) -- Teaching at the Temple

(3) -- The Plot to Arrest Jesus

(4) -- Last Supper and Arrest of Jesus

(5) -- Jesus and the Jewish Authorities

(6) -- Jesus and the Romans

(7) -- The Death and Burial of Jesus. The Women, the Disciples, Joseph of Arimathea

Film: The Gospel According to Matthew (2:05-2:10), Jesus of Montreal (ch.13, 5m), The Last Temptation of Christ (ch.24, 5m)

(8) -- The Belief in the Resurrection

PART III - More Stories and Legends about Jesus

(9) -- The Infancy of Jesus according to Matthew

(10) -- The Infancy of Jesus according to Luke

(11) -- Ancient Legends about Jesus: More Stories about the Family and the Infancy of Jesus.

(12) -- Later Gospels

(13) -- Modern Legends about Jesus (I): Was Jesus Married? Did He Have Children?

(14) -- Modern Legend about Jesus : Was Jesus a Member of a Secret Organization? Did Jesus visit India? Did He Survive the Crucifixion?