Category:Pauline Studies--1950s
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Pages in category "Pauline Studies--1950s"
The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.
- L’Apostolo (1950 Asch / Castigliano), novel (Italian ed.)
- I Appeal unto Caesar (1950 Cummins), vision
- Von Jesus zu Paulus (1950 Klausner / Thieberger), book (German ed.)
- (+) Chapters in a Life of Paul (1950 Knox), book
- The Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians (1950 Neil), book
- Il giudeo di Tarso = The Jew of Tarsus (1950 @1946 Schonfield / Diana, Gabrieli), book (Italian ed.)
- Perilous Voyage (1951 Ball), novel
- The Tentmaker (1951 Berstl / Graves), novel (English ed.)
- Il Vangelo di Paolo = L'évangile de Paul (The Gospel of Paul / 1951 @1948 Bonsirven / Graziani), book (Italian ed.)
- Le Christ dans la théologie de Saint Paul (Christ in the Theology of St. Paul / 1951 Cerfaux), book
- Paulus aus Tarsos (1951 Ellert), novel
- Korinttolaiskirjeet (1951 Gyllenberg), book
- Le epistole di S. Paolo ai Romani, ai Corinti e ai Galati (1951 Jacono), book
- The Epistle to the Ephesians (1951 Mitton), book
- San Paolo = Saint Paul, conquérant du Christ (Saint Paul, Apostle of Nations / 1952 Daniel-Rops), book (Italian ed.)
- Paulus en Jezus (Paul and Jesus / 1952 Ridderbos), book (Dutch)
- L'Epistola agli Ebrei (1952 Teodorico), book
- L'adozione a Figli di Dio e lo Spirito Santo (1952 Zedda), book
- Le epistole pastorali di S. Paolo a Timoteo e a Tito (1953 De Ambroggi), book
- (+) Paul = Paulus (1953 @1951 Dibelius, Kümmel / Clarke), book (English ed.)
- Le chemin de Damas (1953 Glass/Paulhac), novel
- Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1953 Grosheide), book (English ed.)
- Der Brief an die Hebräer (1953 Kuss), book
- Paul the Apostle = Paolo apostolo (1953 @1946 Ricciotti / Zizzamia), book (English ed.)
- The Epistle of Paul to the Churches of Galatia (1953 Ridderbos), book
- The Cross and the Eagle (1954 Berstl / Graves), novel (English ed.)
- (+) St. Paul and Epicurus (1954 De Witt), book
- Interpreting Paul's Gospel (1954 Hunter), book
- A Világmegváltó Eszme (1954 Kerecseny), novel
- (+) Paulus und die Heilsgeschichte (Paul and the Salvation of Mankind / 1954 Munck), book
- La gota de mercurio (The Drop of Mercury / 1954 Núñez Alonso), novel
- El genio literario de San Pablo (1959 Brunot / Boada), book (Spanish ed.)
- Le génie littéraire de Saint Paul (1955 Brunot), book
- The Epistle to the Hebrews (1955 Neil), book
- Saint Paul et le mystère du Christ (1956 Tresmontant), book
- And Walk in Love (1956 Buckmaster), novel
- Studies in Ephesians (1956 Cross), edited volume
- The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians (1956 Foulkes), book
- The Key to Ephesians (1956 Goodspeed), book
- Hebrealaiskirje (Letter to the Hebrews / 1956 Gyllenberg), book (Finnish)
- Paulus in Babylon (Paul in Babylon / 1956 Hohoff), novel
- The Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians (1956 Morris), book
- Christus und Israel: eine Auslegung von Röm 9-11 (Christ & Israel: An Interpretation of Romans 9-11 / 1956 Munck), book
- The Magnificent Three (1956 Petitclerc), novel
- Die Gnosis in Korinth: eine Untersuchung zu den Korintherbriefen (Gnosticism in Corinth: An Investigation of the Letters to the Corinthians / 1956 Schmithals), book
- The Pauline View of Man in Relation to Its Judaic and Hellenistic Background (1956 Stacey), book
- Der Bote der Königs (1957 De Wohl / Hutton), novel (German ed.)
- The Glorious Folly (1957 De Wohl), novel
- (+) Paul: A Study in Social and Religious History = Paulus: eine Kultur- und religionsgeschichtliche Skizze (1957 @1911 Deissmann / Wilson), book (American ed.)
- The Book of Acts Series (1957 Dew), film
- The Meaning of Paul for Today (1957 Dodd), book
- The Pastoral Epistles (1957 Guthrie), book
- Saint Paul. Épître aux Romains, new ed. (1957 Huby / Lyonnet), book
- Die Gräber der Apostelfürsten (The Tombs of St Peter & St Paul / 1957 Kirschbaum), book
- Le chemin du Seigneur (1957 Poirier), novel
- Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and the Colossians (1957 Simpson/Bruce), book
- (+) The Mind of St Paul (1958 Barclay), book
- The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians (1958 Barclay), book
- Saint Paul et son message (Saint Paul and His Message / 1958 Brunot), book
- San Paolo e il suo messaggio = Saint Paul et son message (1958 @1958 Brunot), book
- The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (1958 Morris), book
- El hombre de Damasco (The Man in Damascus / 1958 Núñez Alonso), novel
- Paul and Jesus = Paulus en Jezus (1958 @1952 Ridderbos / Freeman), book (English ed.)
- The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (1958 Tasker), book
- The Epistle to the Romans (1959 Archer), book
- The Broken Wall: A Study of the Epistle to the Ephesians (1959 Barth), book
- Saint Paul and His Message = Saint Paul et son message (1959 Brunot / Matthews), book (English ed.)
- San Pablo y su mensaje = Saint Paul et son message (Saint Paul and His Message / 1959 Brunot / Ruiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Tombs of St Peter & St Paul = Die Gräber der Apostelfürsten (1959 Kirschbaum / Murray), book (English ed.)
- The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians (1959 Martin), book
- The First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians (1959 Morris), book
- (+) Paul and the Salvation of Mankind = Paulus und die Heilsgeschichte (1959 @1954 Munck / Clarke), book (English ed.)
- The Epistle to the Romans (1959-1965 Murray), book
- Interpreting 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 (1989 Lewis), book
Media in category "Pauline Studies--1950s"
The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.
- 1951 * Dibelius.jpg 375 × 579; 24 KB
- 1952 Glass (film).png 343 × 501; 233 KB
- 1956 Caird.jpg 353 × 500; 28 KB
- 1957 Barrett.jpg 480 × 640; 74 KB
- 1957 Ellis (book).jpg 838 × 1,257; 146 KB
- 1958 * Sandmel.jpg 384 × 499; 21 KB
- 1959 * Amiot.jpg 200 × 327; 8 KB
- 1959 * Schoeps.jpg 400 × 551; 19 KB
- 1959-T Bunner (en).jpg 324 × 500; 52 KB