Category:Historical Jesus Studies--1900s
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History of Research (1900s) -- Notes
- In 1901 William Wrede drew attention to the motif of the Messianic Secret in the Gospel of Mark. He proposed that the author of Mark invented the notion of secrecy to reduce the tension between early Christian beliefs about Jesus being the Messiah, and the non-Messianic nature of his ministry.
- In 1903 Ferdinand Zecca and Lucien Nonguet directed the first feature film covering the entire life of Jesus, from his birth and ministry to his death and resurrection. The movie was inspired by tradition Catholic iconography and had no ambitions of historical authenticity.
- The work of Albert Schweitzer in 1906 marked a turning point in the history of research on the historical Jesus. Not only he surveyed the results of earlier scholarship but also submitted them to critical analysis. His conclusion was that by eradicating the (Jewish) eschatological elements modern (Christian) scholars had made a Jesus at their own image and likeness.
Pages in category "Historical Jesus Studies--1900s"
The following 59 pages are in this category, out of 59 total.
- Passione di Gesù (Passion of Jesus / 1900 Cristofari, Topi), short film
- La "Vita di Gesù" di Ernesto Renan in Italia: studio critico (1900 Labanca), book
- La vita di N. S. Gesù Cristo = La vie de N.S. Jésus-Christ (The Life of Christ / 1900 @1883 Le Camus / Gramatica), book (Italian ed.)
- L'entrata di Cristo in Gerusalemme (1900 Perosi), oratorio
- La strage degli innocenti (1900 Perosi), oratorio
- The Life of Jesus of Nazareth (1900 Rhees), book
- Tsar’ iz doma Davida (1901 Ingraham), novel (Russian ed.)
- The Teaching of Jesus (1901 Stevens), book
- Ben-Hur: opowiadanie historyczne z czasów Jezusa Chrytusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1901 @1880 Wallace / Stefanski), novel (Polish ed.)
- Cristo en la fiesta de Purim = Cristo alla festa di Purim (Christ at the Feast of Purim / 1902 @1887 Bovio / Azzati), play (Spanish ed.)
- Jesus Christus und Paulus (Jesus Christ and Paul / 1902 Feine), book
- Jesús Nazareno (Jesus of Nazareth / 1902 García Velloso), play
- The Education of Christ: Hill-Side Reveries (1902 Ramsay), book
- The Apostles (1903 Elgar), oratorio
- Under the Stars (1903 Kingsley), novel
- Gesù Cristo nella letteratura contemporanea straniera e italiana (1903 Labanca), book
- The Passion Play Series (1903 Lubin), feature film
- The Crises of the Christ (1903 Morgan), book
- The Founder of Christendom (1903 Smith), book
- La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / 1903 Zecca, Nonguet), feature film
- Gesù Cristo non è mai esistito (1904 Bossi), non-fiction
- Il Cristo alla festa di Purim (Christ at the Feast of Purim / 1904 Giannetti / Bovio), opera (music & libretto), Rio de Janeiro premiere
- L'apôtre Paul et Jésus-Christ (The Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ / 1904 Goguel), book
- The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (1904 @1820 Jefferson / Adler), book (reprint)
- O Rabbi da Galiléia (1904 Lacerda), novel
- Kristuslegender (Christ Legends / 1904 Lagerlöf), novel
- Ben ha-Adam (1904 Levertoff), book
- Olivet to Calvary (1904 Maunder / Wensley), cantata
- Jesus: wer er geschichtlich war (1904 Neumann), book
- La figura storica di Gesù (The Historical Figure of Jesus / 1904 Pandozi), book
- Der Paulinismus und die Logia Jesu in ihrem gegenseitigen Verhältnis (Paulinism and the Logia of Jesus in Their Mutual Relationship / 1904 Rensch), book
- Il processo di Gesù (The Trial of Jesus / 1904 Rosadi), non-fiction
- Jezus de Nazarener (1904 Verhulst), play
- The Historic Christ (1905 Lacey), non-fiction
- The Messianic Hope in the New Testament (1905 Mathews), book
- Die Zeugnisse vom Christentum im slavischen "De bello judaico" des Josephus (1906 Berendts), book
- La naissance, la vie et la mort de N.-S. Jésus-Christ (The Birth, the Life and the Death of Christ / 1906 Guy-Blaché), feature film
- Gesù Cristo, il suo tempo e la sua dottrina (1907-1908 Caraccio), book
- Il valore del titolo "Figlio di Dio" nella sua attribuzione a Gesù presso gli Evangeli Sinottici (1907 Cellini), book
- Studies in the Inner Life of Jesus (1907 Garvie), book
- Il Nazareno (The Nazarene / 1907 Giannetti / Golisciani), opera (music & libretto), Rio de Janeiro premiere
- Paulus und Jesus (Paul and Jesus / 1907 Jülicher), book
- Il Cristo storico = The Historic Christ (1907 @1905 Lacey), non-fiction (Italian ed.)
- The Life of Christ in Recent Research (1907 Sanday), book
- The Sources of Our Knowledge of the Life of Jesus (1907 Wernle), book (English ed.)
- Masih Hindustan mein (Jesus in India / 1908 Ahmad), arch-fi book
- The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus (1908 Dowling), vision
- The Character of Jesus (1908 Jefferson), non-fiction
- Der Ursprung des Christentums (1908 Kautsky), book
- Christ Legends = Kristuslegender (1908 @1904 Lagerlöf / Howard), novel (English ed.)
- Paralipomena: Remains of Gospels and Sayings of Christ (1908 Pick), book
- Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1908 @1880 Wallace), novel (reprint)
- Die Christusmythe (1909 Drews), book
- The Truth About Jesus: Is He a Myth? (1909 Mangasarian), non-fiction book
- The Synoptic Gospels (1909 Montefiore), book
- Bóg Jezus w świetle badań cudzych i własnych (God Jesus / 1909 Niemojewski), book
- Kristo (Christ / 1996 Yalung), feature film
Media in category "Historical Jesus Studies--1900s"
The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
- 1901 * Wrede.jpg 319 × 499; 16 KB
- 1904 Rosadi.jpg 800 × 1,231; 58 KB
- 1906 * Schweitzer.jpg 265 × 380; 31 KB
- 1906-E * Hastings.jpg 750 × 1,000; 96 KB