Category:Translated from English
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This category has the following 16 subcategories, out of 16 total.
Pages in category "Translated from English"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 533 total.
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- == == 1500s == == ==
- Commentarius in Danielem = Daniel: His Chaldie Visions and His Ebrew (1599 @1596 Broughton / Boreel), book (Latin ed.)
- == == 1600s == == ==
- Den regten aard en eigenschap der bedriegerye, naakt ten toon gesteld in het leven van Mahomet = The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of Mahomet (1698 @1697 Prideaux), book (Dutch ed.)
- La vie de Mahomet, où l'on découvre amplement la verité de l'imposture = The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of Mahomet (1698 @1697 Prideaux / Larroque), book (French ed.)
- == == 1700s == == ==
- Alle de werken van Flavius Josephus = The Works of Josephus, rev. ed. (1704 @1676 Lodge / Sewel), book (Dutch ed.)
- Histoire des juifs et des peuples voisins = The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews, and Neighbouring Nations (1722 @1716-1718 Prideaux / Brutel), book (French ed.)
- Der Koran; oder, Insgemein so genannte Alcoran des Mohammeds = The Koran, Commonly Called the Alcoran of Mohammed (1746 Säle / Arnold), book (German ed.)
- (+) Examen critique de la vie & des ouvrages de Saint Paul (1770 @1748 Annet / Boulanger), book (French ed.)
- Обстоятельное и подробное описаніе жизни лжепророка Магомеда = The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of Mahomet (1792 @1697 Prideaux / Andreev), book (Russian ed.)
- Ал Коран Магомедов = The Koran, Commonly Called the Alcoran of Mohammed (1792 Säle / Kolmakov), book (Russian ed.)
- De prins uit het huis van David (1881 Ingraham), novel (Dutch ed.)
- Ben Hur: en berättelse från Kristi tid = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1888 @1880 Wallace / Neander), novel (Swedish ed.)
- Ben Hur: En Fortælling fra Kristi Tid = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1888 @1880 Wallace / Møller), novel (Danish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: eine Erzählung aus der Zeit Christi = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1887 @1880 Wallace / Hammer), novel (German ed.)
- Ben-Hur: kertomus Kristuksen ajoilta = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1889 @1880 Wallace / Aatto), novel (Finnish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: opowiesc z czasów Chrystusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1889 @1880 Wallace / Grabowska), novel (Polish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: Povídka z doby Krista Pána = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1889 @1880 Wallace / Koudelka), novel (Czech ed.)
- Живота на апостола Павла = The Life of St Paul (1892 @1888 Stalker / Tomov), book (Bulgarian ed.)
- Ben-Hur; ossia, I giorni del messia = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1895 @1880 Wallace / Galea), novel (Italian ed.)
- Das religiöse Leben der Juden nach dem Exil = Jewish Religious Life after the Exile (1899 Cheyne / Stocks), book (German ed.)
- Tsar’ iz doma Davida (1901 Ingraham), novel (Russian ed.)
- Ben-Hur: opowiadanie historyczne z czasów Jezusa Chrytusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1901 @1880 Wallace / Stefanski), novel (Polish ed.)
- 第四博士傳 = The Story of the Other Wise Man (1903 Van Dyke / Fitch, Hang-Tong), novel (Chinese ed.)
- Il Cristo storico = The Historic Christ (1907 @1905 Lacey), non-fiction (Italian ed.)
- Gli Ebrei sotto la dominazione romana = The Jews under Roman Rule (1911 Morrison), book (Italian ed.)
- Gesù di Nazareth nel pensiero ebraico contemporaneo = Some Elements in the Religious Teaching of Jesus according to the Synoptic Gospels (1913 @1910 Montefiore / Momigliano), book (Italian ed.)
- Androcles y el león = Androcles and the Lion (1915 @1912 Shaw / Broutá), play (Spanish ed.)
- 星をめあてに = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1916 @1880 Wallace / Matsumoto), novel (Japanese ed.)
- Was verdankt die Welt den Pharisäern? (1920 Herford), book (German ed.)
- Yerusholaim un Roym: historisher roman oys der tsayt fon bais-sheni = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1921 @1880 Wallace / Rejzen), novel (Yiddish ed.)
- 舊新約間之宗敎 (1926 Charles / Throop, Huang) = Religious Development between the Old and the New Testaments (1914 Charles), book (Chinese ed.)
- Ho Hyios tou oikou David (1927 Ingraham / Potamianos), novel (Greek ed.)
- Androclo e il leone = Androcles and the Lion (1928 @1912 Shaw / Agresti), play (Italian ed.)
- Comentario sobre el Evangelio de Juan = Commentary on the Gospel of John (1937 @1885 Hovey / Hale), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il Nazareno (1947 Asch), novel (Italian ed.)
- Stefan, drengen fra bjerget = Stephen, Boy of the Mountain (1948 @1947 Lillie & Walker / Mehrn), children's novel (Danish ed.)
- L’Apostolo (1950 Asch / Castigliano), novel (Italian ed.)
- Il giudeo di Tarso = The Jew of Tarsus (1950 @1946 Schonfield / Diana, Gabrieli), book (Italian ed.)
- Marie, mère de Jésus (1951 Asch / Bestaux), novel (French ed.)
- Mina ärorika bröder = My Glorious Brothers (1951 Moberg / @1948 Fast), novel (Swedish ed.)
- Il giudaismo nell’epoca neotestamentaria (1951 Pfeiffer) = History of New Testament Times (1949 Pfeiffer), book (Italian ed.)
- San Paolo = Saint Paul, conquérant du Christ (Saint Paul, Apostle of Nations / 1952 Daniel-Rops), book (Italian ed.)
- Mis gloriosos hermanos = My Glorious Brothers (1954 @1948 Fast / Calés), novel (Argentine ed.)
- Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer = Dead Sea Scrolls (1956 Burrows / Cornelius), book (German ed.)
- El judaismo y el surgimiento del cristianismo: la bifurcación de los caminos = The Parting of the Ways: Judaism and the Rise of Christianity (1956 @1954 Cohen / Dujovne), book (Argentine ed.)
- Les routes divergentes: le Judaïsme et l'avènement du Christianisme = The Parting of the Ways: Judaism and the Rise of Christianity (1956 @1954 Cohen / Mandel), book (French ed.)
- El mundo del Nuevo Testamento (1956 Dana / Villarello), book (Spanish ed.)
- De boekrollen van de Dode Zee = The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (1956 @1955 Wilson / Herschberg), non-fiction (Dutch ed.)
- Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer = The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (1956 @1955 Wilson / Ewers), non-fiction (German ed.)
- Los rollos del Mar Muerto = The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (1956 @1955 Wilson / Speratti Piñero), non-fiction (Spanish ed.)
- Skriftrullerne fra Det døde Hav = The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (1956 Wilson), non-fiction (Danish ed.)
- Die Botschaft vom Toten Meer = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1957 Allegro / Hilsbecher), book (German ed.)
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1957 Allegro / Fuentes Benot), book (Spanish ed.)
- 死海の書 = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1957 Allegro / Kitazawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte = Dead Sea Scrolls (1956 Burrows / Glotz, Franck), book (French ed.)
- Prima di Cristo: la scoperta dei rotoli del Mar Morto (1957 Burrows / Dell'Oro), book (Italian ed.)
- Skriftfynden vid Döda Havet = Dead Sea Scrolls (1957 Burrows / Ringgren), book (Swedish ed.)
- Der Bote der Königs (1957 De Wohl / Hutton), novel (German ed.)
- Al-Sayyad al-kabir = The Big Fisherman (1957 @1948 Douglas / Dawud), novel (Arabic ed.)
- Los rollos del Mar Muerto = The Message of the Scrolls (1959 @1957 Yadin / Trabb), book (Spanish ed.)
- I rotoli del Mar Morto = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1958 Allegro), book (Italian ed.)
- Os manuscritos do Mar Morto = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1958 Allegro / Costa), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Il giorno in cui Cristo morì = The Day Christ Died (1958 Bishop / Satta), novel (Italian ed.)
- Los rollos del Mar Muerto = Dead Sea Scrolls (1958 Burrows / Speratti Piñero), book (Spanish ed.)
- Biblische Archäologie (1958 Wright), book (German ed.)
- Yeshu ha-Notsri melekh ha-Yehudim (1958 Zeitlin), book (Hebrew ed.)
- Dödahavsrullarna = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1959 Allegro / Davidson), book (Swedish ed.)
- Nya upptäckter om Dödahavsrullarna = More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1959 Burrows / Ringgren), book (Swedish ed.)
- Une étoile sur Antioche (1959 Caldwell / Doringe), novel (French ed.)
- A holt-tengeri tekercsek (1961 Burrows / József, Komoróczy) = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1955 Burrows), book (Hungarian ed.)
- 死海写本 = Dead Sea Scrolls (1961 Burrows / Shinmi, Kanō), book (Japanese ed.)
- O arco de bronze = The Bronze Bow (1961 @1961 Speare / Lima), children's novel (Portuguese ed.)
- Amahl en de drie koningen (1962 Messelaar, Duvoisin) = Amahl and the Night Visitors (1952 Frost, Duvoisin / @1951 Menotti), children's book (Dutch ed.)
- Mahomet: prophète et home d'état = Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman (1962 Watt / Mayot), book (French ed.)
- 死海文書 : テキストの翻訳と解說 = More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1963 Burrows), book (Japanese ed.)
- Der eherne Bogen = The Bronze Bow (1963 @1961 Speare / Schalles), children's novel (German ed.)
- Odkrycia nad Morzem Martwym = The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (1963 @1955 Wilson / Swiecka), non-fiction (Polish ed.)
- Apokalyptik, ihre Form und Bedeutung zur biblischen Zeit (1965 Rowley / Pesch), book (German ed.)
- Skriftrullerne fra Det døde Hav = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1966 Allegro / Haderslev), book (Danish ed.)
- 死海写本とキリスト敎の起源 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and Christian Origins (1966 Black / Shinmi), book (Japanese ed.)
- Geschichte Israels = A History of Israel (1966 Bright / Botterweck), book (German ed.)
- La historia de Israel = A History of Israel (1966 Bright / Villanueva), book (Spanish ed.)
- Die antike Bibliothek von Qumran und die moderne biblische Wissenschaft (1967 Cross), book (German ed.)
- Gloriosii mei frati (My Glorious Brothers / 1967 Fast / Litman-Litani), novel (Romanian ed.)
- Mahoma: Profeta y hombre de Estado = Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman (1967 Watt / Vernet), book (Spanish ed.)
- 聖經考古學 = Biblical Archaeology (1967 Wright / Xia), book (Chinese ed.)
- イスラエル史 = A History of Israel (1968 Bright / Shinya), book (Japanese ed.)
- El cuerpo: Estudio de teología paulina (1968 Robinson), book (Spanish ed.)
- Herodes: Bildnis eines Tyrannen (1968 Sandmel / Bracher), book (German ed.)
- Bronzebuen = The Bronze Bow (1968 @1961 Speare / Farestveit), children's novel (Norwegian ed.)
- Rukopisy od Mrtvého moře = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1969 Allegro / Mareš, Žilina), book (Czech ed.)
- 死海卷與基督敎信仰 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Faith (1969 LaSor / Shen), book (Chinese ed)
- Bronzebuen = The Bronze Bow (1969 @1961 Speare / Lautrup-Larsen), children's novel (Danish ed.)
- La inmortalidad del alma o la resurrección de los cuerpos (1970 Cullman / Requenan), book (Spanish ed.)
- Le parabole del regno = The Parables of the Kingdom (1970 @1961 Dodd / Ronchi), book (Italian ed.)
- Amahl en die wyse manne (1970 Fluman, Duvoisin) = Amahl and the Night Visitors (1952 Frost, Duvoisin / @1951 Menotti), children's book (Afrikaans ed.)
- Filon: yesodot ha-filosofyah ha-datit ha-Yehudit (1970 Wolfson / Meizels), book (Hebrew ed.)
- 以色列史 = A History of Israel (1971 Bright / Xiao), book (Chinese ed.)
- La genèse du Nouveau Testament (1971 Moule), book (French ed.)
- Le origini del Nuovo Testamento = The Birth of the New Testament (1971 Moule / Ronchi), book (Italian ed.)
- Bar Kochba (1971 Yadin), book (German ed.)
- 信證學與聖經中的基督 = Apologetics and the Biblical Christ (1972 @1963 Dulles / Huang), book (Chinese ed.)
- Juan = The Gospel of John (1973-74 @1956 Barclay), book (Spanish ed.)
- El período intertestamentario = Between the Testaments (1973 @1960 Russell / Marín), book (Argentine ed.)
- El fundador del cristianismo (1974 Dodd / Lator), book (Spanish ed.)
- L'interpretazione del quarto Vangelo = The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (1974 Dodd / Ornella), book (Italian ed.)
- Las Parábolas del reino (1974 Dodd / de la Fuente), book (Spanish ed.)
- El evangelio de Juan (The Gospel of John / 1974 @1916 Erdman), book (Spanish ed.)
- 歷史的 예수의 未來 = A Future for the Historical Jesus (1974 Keck / Wi), book (Korean ed.)
- Seido no yumi = The Bronze Bow (1974 @1961 Speare / Watanabe), children's novel (Japanese ed.)
- Maometto, profeta e uomo di Stato = Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman (1974 Watt / Rizzitano), book (Italian ed.)
- Moi proslavlennye brat’ia (1975 Fast), novel (Russian ed.)
- Teología de San Pablo: síntesis y perspectivas (Pauline Theology: A Brief Sketch / 1975 Fitzmyer / Valiente Malla), book (Spanish ed.)
- Arqueología bíblica (1975 Wright / Valiente), book (Spanish ed.)
- Io, Giuda = I, Judas (1977 @1977 Caldwell, Stearn / Oddera), novel (Italian ed.)
- Les paraboles du royaume de Dieu (1977 Dodd / Perret, Bussy), book (French ed.)
- Sinyak sidae yoksa wa oegyong kaeron (1977 Pfeiffer / Yu), book (Korean ed.)
- Jesús, el judío (1977 Vermes / Álvarez, Pérez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Interpretación del cuarto evangelio (1978 Dodd / Alonso, Herranz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Paulus = Saint Paul (1978 Grant), book (German ed.)
- Tarde te amé (1978 Heatherley / Sipowicz), novel (Spanish ed.)
- 死海古卷與聖經 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible (1978 Pfeiffer / Yuan Rong), book (Chinese ed.)
- Der Jude Paulus und wir Heiden = Paul among Jews and Gentiles (1978 Stendahl), book (German ed.)
- Mies ja viitta (1978 Stephens / Aho), novel (Finnish ed.)
- El evangelio según Juan (1979-1999 Brown), book (Spanish ed.
- Israel y las naciones: La historia de Israel desde el Éxodo hasta la destrucción del Segundo Templo (1979 Bruce), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesus (1979 Grant / Koskull), book (German ed.)
- Sociología del movimiento de Jesús (1979 Theissen), book (Spanish ed.)
- 耶穌 : 我們的夫子我們的主 = Jesus, Master and Lord (1979 @1953 Turner / Zhang, Gong), book (Chinese ed.)
- Shikai shahon (1979 Wilson), non-fiction (Japanese ed.)
- Bar Kokhba (1979 Yadin), book (Japanese ed.)
- Yesu ŭi sasang kwa yŏksajŏk paegyŏng (1980 Simkhovitch / Hŏ), book (Korean ed.)
- Jesús y el Espíritu (1981 Dunn / Fernández/Talavero), book (Spanish ed.)
- Abba: El mensaje central del Nuevo Testamento (1981 Jeremias / Ortiz/Vevia/Ruiz-Garrido/Bernáldez/Rey/Martínez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il Santo Graal = Holy Blood, Holy Grail (1982 @1982 Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln / Rambelli), arch-fi (Italian ed.)
- Sahae sabon (1982 Bruce / Shin), book (Korean ed.)
- Oe kyŏng iran muŏt inga: Sin gu yak chungkan ŭi munhak (1982 Metzger / Min), book (Korean ed.)
- Los evangelios gnósticos (1982 Pagels), book (Spanish ed.)
- Saramdoem ŭi kiwŏn kwa unmyŏng: Mat'ae pogŭm yŏn'gu (1982 Waetjen / Kang), book (Korean ed.)
- La communauté du disciple bien-aimé = The Community of the Beloved Disciple (1983 Brown / Godefroid), book (French ed.)
- La comunidad del discípulo amado = The Community of the Beloved Disciple (1983 @1979 Brown / Martínez Goñi), book (Spanish ed.)
- 耶穌 = Jesus (1983 @1980 Carpenter / Tian), book (Chinese ed.)
- Masada (1983 @1981 Sagal), TV mini-series (Italian ed.)
- Gesù l'ebreo = Jesus the Jew (1983 @1973 Vermès / Grossi, Peretto), book (Italian ed.)
- Pablo: Su vida y su obra (1984 Drane), book (Spanish ed.)
- Les rabbins et les premiers chrétiens: archéologie et histoire (1984 Meyers, Strange / Prignaud), book (French ed.)
- Gli uomini del ritorno = Palestinian Parties and Politics That Shaped the Old Testament (1984 @1971 Smith / Xella), book (Italian ed.)
- Sin-Kuyak chunggansa (1984 Surburg / Kim), book (Korean ed.)
- Le tombeau de Saint Pierre = The Bones of St. Peter (1984 Walsh / Roux), non-fiction (French ed.)
- Das Reich der Verderbnis (1985 Burgess), novel (German ed.)
- San Paolo = Saint Paul (1985 Grant / Rossi), book (Italian ed.)
- Paulus und das palästinische Judentum (1985 Sanders), book (German ed.)
- Historia del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Schürer / de la Fuente/Adánez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Storia del popolo giudaico al tempo di Gesù Cristo = The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (1985-98 Schürer, Vermès / Soffritti, Chiesa, Gianotto), book (Italian ed.)
- 新約背景 = New Testament Times (1985 Tenney / Liang, Li), book (Chinese ed.)
- Le contexte du Nouveau Testament (1985 Viertel / Clarke), book (French ed.)
- Die Tempelrolle: die verborgene Thora vom Totem Meer (1985 Yadin), book (German ed.)
- Le royaume des mécréants (1986 Burgess), novel (French ed.)
- Amahl et les visiteurs de la nuit (1986 Chapouton, Lemieux) = Amahl and the Night Visitors (1986 Frost, Lemieux / @1951 Menotti), children's book (French ed.)
- La vita quotidiana in Palestina al tempo di Gesù = Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (1986 Daniel-Rops / Lo Buono), book (Italian ed.)
- El evangelio según Lucas (1986-2005 Fitzmyer / Mínguez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gesù (1986 Grant / Osimo), book (Italian ed.)
- Amahl und die Könige aus dem Morgenland (1986 Krahé, Lemieux) = Amahl and the Night Visitors (1986 Frost, Lemieux / @1951 Menotti), children's book (German ed.)
- Life and Death in the New Testament = Face à la mort, Jésus et Paul (1986 @1979 Léon-Dufour / Prendergast), book (English ed.)
- Le judaïsm à l'aube du christianisme (1986 Neusner / Bagot), book (French ed.)
- Yohanpokŭm e natʻanan Kŭrisŭdo ŭi sinsŏng (1986 Robertson / Choe), book (Korean ed.)
- Paolo e il giudaismo palestinese (1986 Sanders), book (Italian ed.)
- 從巴比倫到伯利恆 = From Babylon to Bethlehem (1987 Ellison / Chen), book (Chinese ed.)
- Maga ŭi Yesu iyagi (1987 Kelber / Suh), book (Korean ed.)
- Jødedommen i den første kristne tid (1987 Neusner / Hygen), book (Norwegian ed.)
- La Carta a los colosenses (1987 Schweizer), book (Spanish ed.)
- Amahl e gli ospiti notturni (1987 Tron, Lemieux) = Amahl and the Night Visitors (1986 Frost, Lemieux / @1951 Menotti), children's book (Italian ed.)
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto (1987 Vermes), book (Spanish ed.)
- El reino de los réprobos (1988 Burgess / Buenaventura) = The Kingdom of the Wicked (1985 Burgess), novel (Argentine ed.)
- 歴史の中のイエス = The Historical Jesus (1988 Cornfeld / Kishida), book (Japanese ed.)
- Il profeta Maometto: la sua vita secondo le fonti più antiche = Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources (1988 Lings / Volpe), book (Italian ed.)
- 我信歷史上的耶穌 = I Believe in the Historical Jesus (1988 @1977 Marshall / Huang), book (Chinese ed.)
- Los primeros cristianos urbanos: El mundo social del apóstol Pablo = The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1988 Meeks), book (Spanish ed.)
- パリサイ派とは何か : 政治から敬虔へ = From Politics to Piety: The Emergence of Pharisaic Judaism (1988 Neusner / Nagakubo), book (Japanese ed.)
- 욥기 = Job (1988 @1965 Pope / Yi), book (Korean ed.)
- Gesù visto dai contemporanei = Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament (1989 Bruce / Corsani, Tomasetto), book (Italian ed.)
- 死海卷軸 = The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies, 2nd ed. (1989 @1961 Cross / Wu), book (Chinese ed.)
- Jesús de Nazaret: su vida, su época, sus enseñanzas (1989 Klausner / Piatigorsky), book (Spanish ed.)
- Muhammad: su vida, basada en las fuentes más antiguas = Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources (1989 Lings / Algora), book (Spanish ed.)
- 古代都市のキリスト教 : パウロ伝道圈の社会学的研究 = The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1989 Meeks / Kayama), book (Japanese ed.)
- Il giudaismo nei primi secoli del cristianesimo = Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity (1989 Neusner / Servi), book (Italian ed.)
- 兩約之間 = Between the Testaments (1989 Russell / Xuan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 総說・ユダヤ人の歴史 = The Jewish People in the First Century (1989-1992 Safrai, Stern / Sakine, Nagakubo, Tsuchido, Kawashima), edited volume (Japanese ed.)
- Paolo, la legge e il popolo giudaico = Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People (1989 @1983 Sanders / Borbone), book (Italian ed.)
- 유대의 종교철학자 알렉산드리아의 필로 = Philo of Alexandria: An Introduction (1989 Sandmel / Bak), book (Korean ed.)
- == == 1990s == == ==
- Gli pseudepigrafi dell'Antico Testamento e il Nuovo Testamento (1990 Charlesworth / Boccaccini) = The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament (1985 Charlesworth), book (Italian ed.)
- Le Temple de Salomon dans la tradition maçonnique = King Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Tradition (1990 @1972 Horne / Beresniak), book (French ed.)
- Matʻae pogŭmsŏ yŏnʼgu (1990 Kingsbury / Kim), book (Korean ed.)
- Yesu sidae ŭi Yudaegyo chongpʻadŭl (1990 Simon / Park), book (Korean ed.)
- Verschlußsache Jesus = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1991 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Dachs, Neumeister-Taroni), arch-fi (German ed.)
- Gli ebrei in età greca = The Jews in the Greek Age (1991 @1988 Bickerman / Troiani), book (Italian ed.)
Media in category "Translated from English"
The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.
- 1958-T Wilson it.jpg 800 × 1,139; 115 KB
- 1983-T Neusner it.jpg 200 × 266; 6 KB
- 1987-T Manns it.jpg 315 × 499; 27 KB
- 1995-T Neusner it.jpg 201 × 326; 11 KB
- 2008 Bond it.jpg 830 × 1,282; 132 KB