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Gabriele Boccaccini


Gabriele Boccaccini [1] (b.1958) is an Italian-born American scholar, at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor MI), USA.



Gabriele Boccaccini was born in Florence, Italy on March 24, 1958 to Walter Boccaccini, an opera stage director and then general manager of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, and Maria Adelaide Ghinozzi, a teacher who graduated in Philosophy under Prof. Eugenio Garin at the University of Florence.

He studied Classical Studies at the Liceo "Dante Alighieri" in Florence (1971-76), and enrolled as a student at the University of Florence. After completing his courses, he served two years in the civil corps of the Italian Army, married in 1981 with musicologist Aloma Bardi and earned his Laurea (1983) in Early Christianity from the University of Florence, Italy under the mentorship of Ancient Philosophy professor Francesco Adorno. He then taught three years as a high-school professor at the Liceo Linguistico in Florence, before entering the PhD program at the University of Turin under the mentorship of Prof. Paolo Sacchi. In the Winter 1989 and 1990, he was Visiting Scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary under the mentorship of Prof. James H. Charlesworth. In 1991 he earned his PhD in Judaic Studies from the University of Turin, Italy.

In Fall 1992 he joined the Faculty of the Department of Near Eastern Studies of the University of Michigan, working as Adjunct Professor in the PhD program directed by Prof. Jarl Fossum. He became Assistant Professor in 1999, Associate Professor in 2002 and then in 2005, Professor of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins in the Department of Near Studies and at the Frankel Center of Judaic Studies.

In 2001 he founded and has directed ever since the Enoch Seminar. In 2006 he launched the Enoch Graduate Seminar. These series of international Seminars on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins have attracted hundreds of scholars from all around the world.

In 2009 he created 4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, which is expanding, year after after, with an average of 5,000-6,000 visitors per months.

From 2005 to 2011 he was the Editor-in-chief of the journal Henoch. In 2012 he has become the Editor-in-Chief of Enoch Seminar Online, which publishes the papers of the Enoch Seminar and book reviews in the field of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins.

On March 2012 he has became an American citizen.

In 2012 he has launched with the Enoch Seminar a new series of academic seminars on Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins, the so-called Nangeroni Meetings, as well as a series of receptions at the annual American Meetings of the SBL.

He has published numerous articles and books (in English or Italian) and edited most of the volumes of the Enoch Seminar. Works of his have been translated into German, Portuguese and Hungarian.

Fields of research



Edited volumes



Undergraduate courses

Graduate courses


Articles (selected)



  • Il tema della memoria in Giuseppe Flavio / The Concept of Memory in Flavius Josephus / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Henoch 6 (1984), 147-163
  • Il valore memoriale dell'atto eucaristico alla luce della tradizione giudaica / The Memorial Value of Eucharist in the Light of the Jewish Tradition / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Gesu ebreo (1984 Gargano), edited volume, 104-117


  • Il tema della memoria nell'ebraismo e nel giudaismo antico / The Concept of Memory in Ancient Israel / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Henoch 7 (1985), 165-192


  • Origine del male, liberta dell'uomo e retribuzione nella Sapienza di Ben Sira / The Origin of Evil, Human Freedom, and the Principle of Retribution in the Wisdom of Sirach / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Henoch 8 (1986), 1-37




  • Da Gerusalemme a Roma: le radici giudaiche dell'universalismo paolino / From Jerusalem to Rome: The Jewish Roots of Pauline Universalism / Gabriele Boccaccini]] / In: Parole di Vita 37 (1992), 326-332


  • Middle Judaism and Its Contemporary Interpreters: Methodological Foundations for the Study of Judaisms, 300 BCE to 200 CE / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Henoch 15 (1993), 207-34



  • The Pre-existence of the Torah: A Commonplace in Second Temple Judaism, or a Later Rabbinic Development? / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Henoch 17 (1995), 329-350
  • La figura di Davide nei giudaismi di età ellenistico-romana / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Ricerche Storico-Bibliche 7.1 (1995), 175-185
  • Testi apocalittici coevi all'Apocalisse di Giovanni / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Ricerche Storico-Bibliche 7.2 (1995), 151-161


  • Dallo straniero come categoria sociale allo straniero come problema religioso: alle radici dell’universalismo cristiano e rabbinico / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: [[Ricerche Storico-Bibliche 8.1-2 (1996), 163-172


  • E se l'essenismo fosse il movimento enochiano? Una nuova ipotesi circa il rapporto tra Qumran e gli esseni / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Ricerche Storico-Bibliche 9.2 (1997), 49-67


  • Middle Judaism and Its Contemporary Interpreters (1993-1997): What Makes Any Judaism a Judaism? / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Henoch 20.3 (1998), 349-356


  • Esiste una letteratura farisaica del secondo tempio? / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Ricerche Storico-Bibliche 11.2 (1999), 23-41











  • What Is the Place of Historical Fiction in Judaic Studies? / Gabriele Boccaccini / Frankel Institute Annual (2009) 21-24


  • I giudaismi del tempo di Gesù e delle origini cristiane / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: SeFeR: Studi Fatti Ricerche 131 (July-September 2010), 3-6


  • Jesus the Messiah: Man, Angel, or God? The Jewish Roots of Early Christology / Gabriele Boccaccini / In: Annali di Scienze Religiose 4 (2011), 193-220


  • "Jesus the Messiah: Man, Angel, or God? The Jewish Roots of Early Christology" / Gabriele Boccaccini / Annali di Scienze Religiose 4 (2012) 193-220.




Lectures (selected)


  • L'interpretazione di Gen 1,26 in Filone Alessandrino <The Interpretation of Gen 1:26 in Philo of Alexandria> / 2nd Colloquio Ebraico-Cristiano di Camaldoli / Camaldoli [Italy], Dec 8, 1981


  • Il valore memoriale dell'atto eucaristico alla luce della tradizione giudaica <The Memorial Value of Eucharist in the Light of the Jewish Tradition> / 4th Colloquio Ebraico-Cristiano di Camaldoli / Camaldoli [Italy], Dec 9, 1983


  • Il dibattito sul valore salvifico della Torah nel I secolo <The Debate on the Salvific Value of the Torah in First-Century Judaism> / 5th Colloquio Ebraico-Cristiano di Camaldoli / Camaldoli [Italy], Dec 7, 1984


  • La pericope della lingua (Gc. 3,2-12) nel contesto della tradizione sapienziale giudaica <The Tongue Pericope (James 3:2-12) in the Light of the Jewish Wisdom Tradition> / University of Turin / Turin [Italy], Apr 28, 1987


  • Middle Judaism / Princeton Theological Seminary / Princeton NJ (USA), Apr 24, 1989
  • La nascita del giudaismo rabbinico <The Birth of Rabbinic Judaism> / Salesian University of Turin / Turin [Italy], Oct 29, 1989


  • Middle Judaism, 300 BCE - 200 CE: Toward a Comprehensive and Bias-Free Approach to the Period / Fortress Press lecture tour / Barnard College, New York City NY [Oct 29]; Furman University, Greenville SC [Oct 30]; Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem NC [Oct 31]; Duke University, Durham NC [Nov 4]; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA [Nov 6]; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI [Nov 7]; Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lombard IL [Nov 12]; University of Chicago, Chicago IL [Nov 13]; Bethany Theological Seminary, Oak Brook IL [Nov 14]), USA, Oct 29 - Nov 14, 1991
  • Portraits of Middle Judaism in Scholarship and the Arts / SBL American Meeting / Kansas City MO (USA), Nov 24, 1991.


  • Where Does Sirach Belong?: Canon Literary Genre, Intellectual Movement, Social Group / Sirach Conference / Papa [Hungary], May 18, 2006
  • I giudaismi del primo secolo / BIBLIA / Tiberiad [Israel], Jun 19, 2006
  • Hellenistic Judaism: Myth or Reality? / Notre Dame University / Notre Dame, IN [USA], Oct 25, 2006
  • The Merging of Sapiential and Enochic Traditions in the Book of Parables of Enoch / SBL Meeting / Washington, DC [USA], Nov 18, 2006


  • The Contribution of Italian Scholarship to Judaic and Early Christian Studies in America / Meeting of the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane at the Italian Embassy / Washington, DC [USA], Apr 14, 2007
  • Jesus the Jesus in Italian Jewish Scholarship / Italian Jewish Museum / Jerusalem [Israel], May 14, 2007
  • Scripture Interpretation in Second Temple Judaisms / Pontifical Biblical Institute / Vatican [Rome, Italy], May 19, 2007]
  • Tablets of Heaven and Mosaic Torah in Jubilees / Fourth Enoch Seminar / Camaldoli [Italy], July 10, 2007
  • Sons of Zadok, Sons of Phinehas / International Organization for Qumran Studies / Ljubljana [Slovenia], July 18, 2007
  • Re-entering the Parables of Enoch in the Study of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins / Society of Biblical Literature, International Meeting / Vienna [Austria], July 23, 2007


  • Second Temple Judaism in Scholarship and the Arts / Second Enoch Graduate Seminar at Princeton University / Princeton, NJ [USA], June 17, 2008
  • Syria and Jordan: A “Biblical” Perspective / BIBLIA / Petra [Jordan], August 2008
  • Jewish Apocalypticism: Origins and Legacy / Conference of Armenian Studies at the University of Michigan / Ann Arbor, MI [USA], Oct 17, 2008
  • What is Jewish Fiction & How does it Belong to Judaic Studies / Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan / Ann Arbor, MI [USA], Oct 30, 2008


  • I giudaismi del Secondo Tempio / Mini-course at the Faculty of Theology of Milan / Milan [Italy], May 10-12, 2009
  • The Armenian King Tigranes the Great as ‘Nebuchadnezzar’ in the Book of Judith / International Conference on the OT Apocrypha / Budapest [Hungary], May 14, 2009
  • From Enochic Literature to Enochic Judaism / SBL International at the Pontifical Gregorian University / Rome [Italy], July 1, 2009


  • Uomo, angelo, o Dio? Le radici giudaiche dell'identità messianica di Gesù / Mini-course in four lessons at the Catholic University of Milan / Milan [Italy], May 11-12, and 18-19, 2010


  • Human, Angel, or God? Jewish Roots of Christian Messianism / Lecture and Seminar at the University of Pittsburgh. Chair: Jason von Ehrenkrook (University of Pittsburgh); Respondent: Dale C. Allison (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) / Pittsburgh, PA, April 6, 2011
  • Il Gesù ebreo e il Gesù storico / Lecture at the University of Rome / Rome [Italy], May 5, 2011
  • Paolo ebreo / Seminar at the University of Rome / Rome [Italy], May 5, 2011


  • Non‐Apocalyptic Responses to Apocalyptic Events: Notes on the Sociology of Apocalypticism / 1st Nangeroni Meeting on The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview / Gazzada, Milan [Italy], June 26, 2012


  • Forgiveness of Sins: An Enochic Problem, a Synoptic Answer / 7th Enoch Seminar on Enochic Influences on the Synoptic Gospels / Camaldoli [Italy], luglio 2013
  • Jesus from a Jewish Perspectives / A panel on the Historical Jesus with Saeed Ahmed Khan (Wayne State University), Charles Mabee (Oakland University), and Robert M. Price / Dearborn [United States], Nov 27, 2013
  • The Importance of Enochic Judaism for an Appraisal of Second Temple Judaism / A public lecture at the University of Aarhus, Denmark / Aarhus, Denmark, Dec 13
  • The Relationship between Enochic Judaism and Apocalypticism / A panel with Loren T. Stuckenbruck at the University of Aarhus, Denmark / Aarhus, Denmark, Dec 13
  • From the Unforgiving Enoch to the Forgiven Son of man: Developments of Thought from Enochic Judaism to Christianity / A paper at the Enoch Conference organized by the Freie Univertaet Berlin / Berlin, Germany, Dec 18, 2013


  • The Transmission history of Enochic Traditions from the 2nd to the 19th Century / A paper at the Second Nangeroni Meeting / Dor, Israel, June 2014
  • Paul the Jew / A panel with Daniel Boyarin, Romano Penna and Piero Stefani, organized by the Card. Bea Center for Judaic Studies of the Pontifical Gregorian University at the Aula Magna of the Pontifical Biblical Institute / Rome, Italy, July 2014
  • The Mount Sermon in the Jewish Literature of the Second Temple / A lecture at the Conference of the Italian Biblical Association / Camaldoli, Italy, July 17, 2014
  • The Apocalypse of Abraham: A Response to Andrei Orlov / A panel at the Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature / San Diego, CA, November 2014
  • Sacrifices and Spatial Practices: A Response to Mira Balberg and Gil Klein / A panel at the Symposium Jews and the Empire: Beyond Resistence/Accommodation Paradigm, organized by the Frankel Institute at the Kelsey Museum, University of Michigan / Ann Arbor, MI: Kelsey Museum, February 9, 2015
  • Early Islam: The Sectarian Milieu of Late Antiquity? Fourth Nangeroni Meeting / Co-organizer and co-chair of the conference / Gazzada, Milan, Italy; June 15-19, 2015.
  • Apocalytpticism and Mysticism. Eighth Enoch Seminar / Co-organizer, co-chair and respondent at the conference / Gazzada, Milan, Italy; June 21-26, 2015.
  • Shaùl/Paul: The Apostle to the Gentiles as a Central Topic / Annual Meeting of the International Council of Christians and Jews / A panel with Philip A. Cunningham and Adam Gregerman, moderated by Dick Pruiksma / Rome, Italy; June 30, 2015.
  • Second Temple Jewish Paideia in its Ancient Near Eastern and Hellenistic Contexts. Fifth Nangeroni Meeting / Co-organizer, co-chair and respondent at the conference / Naples, Italy; June 30-July 4, 2015.
  • Gesù, Israele e i gentili nel contesto del Secondo Tempio, and La missione ai gentili al tempo di Matteo nella chiesa delle origini / Two lectures at the XXXIV Settimana Biblica 2015 / Camaldoli, Italy; July 13-14, 2015
  • The Gospel of Matthew as a Second Temple Jewish Document / A three-day seminar / Bologna, Italy; August 28-30, 2015


  • "Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism in the Gospel of John and in Bach's St. John Passion" / A lecture, organized by the Michigan Centre of Early Christian Studies and the University Musical Society / Ann Arbor, MI; March 15, 2016

Journal Henoch Monograph Issues, 2005-2011 (as editor-in-chief)

  • Henoch 27.1-2 (2005) -- New Challenges for the Study of Judaism and Christian Origins
  • Henoch 28.1 (2006) -- Border Lines: The Partition of Judaeo-Christianity. A Conversation with Daniel Boyarin
  • Henoch 28.2 (2006) -- The First Enoch Graduate Seminar at the University of Michigan: 1. Angels and Demons
  • Henoch 29.1 (2007) -- The Quest for the Historical Jesus in Italy from 1800 to the Present
  • Henoch 29.2 (2007) -- Jews in the Greco-Roman World: Historical and Literary Aspects
  • Henoch 30.1 (2008) -- The Book of the Watchers and Early Apocalypticism: A Conversation with Paolo Sacchi
  • Henoch 30.2 (2008) -- Blood and the Boundaries of Jewish and Christian Identities in Late Antiquity
  • Henoch 31.1 (2009) -- Enoch and Jubilees
  • Henoch 31.2 (2009) -- Jacob Neusner and the Scholarship on Ancient Judaism
  • Henoch 32.1 (2010) -- Ancient Judaism and Christianity in Their Graeco-Roman Context: French Perspectives
  • Henoch 32.2 (2010) -- The Historical Jesus: Contemporary Interpreters and New Perspectives.
  • Henoch 33.1 (2011) -- Enochic Traditions and Mediatorial Figures in Second Temple Judaism and Their Legacy in Early Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam
  • Henoch 33.2 (2011) -- Across the Jewish-Christian Divide: Perspectives from the Enoch Graduate Seminar of Budapest

External links