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*DICTIONARY: see [[Greek Scholarship]]
*[[:Category:Scholarship|BACK TO THE SCHOLARSHIP--INDEX]]
*LIST OF SCHOLARS: see [[:Category:Greek Scholars]]
* [[:Category:Greece|BACK TO THE GREECE--INDEX]]

'''List of works authored, edited or translated by [[Greek Scholars]] (in chronological order)'''
'''Greek Scholarship''' includes works authored, edited or translated by [[Greek Scholars]].
*[[Greek Scholars]] – biographies of Greek Scholars
See also: [[Greece]] -- [[Greek]] -/- [[Greek language]] -/- [[Greek Authors]] -- [[Greek Fiction]]

==Additional Works==
==Additional Works==
See: [http://e-homoreligiosus.blogspot.com/2010/02/i-mo-book-browsing-ii-mo-el.html e-homo religiosus]

*Agouridis, Savvas:
*Agouridis, Savvas:
Line 25: Line 32:
*Anthimos, Patriarch of Jerusalem (1717-1808)
*Anthimos, Patriarch of Jerusalem (1717-1808)

(?) Anthimos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Interpretation of the Holy Revelation (Ερμηνεία εις την ιεράν αποκάλυψιν), Jerusalem 1856.
(?) Anthimos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Interpretation of the Holy Revelation (Ερμηνεία εις την ιεράν αποκάλυψιν), Jerusalem 1856 (?).
*Boulgaris, Christos:
(?) Boulgaris, Christos, ‘Distressed and Scattered’: Decline and Downfall of Judaism in New Testament Times (Ἐσκυλμένοι καί ἐρριμένοι: Παρακμή καί κατάπτωσις τοῦ Ἰουδαϊσμοῦ κατά τούς χρόνους τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης), Athens: Apostoliki Diakonia 1980.

*Karavidopoulos, Ioannis:
*Karavidopoulos, Ioannis:
Line 35: Line 38:
(?) Karavidopoulos, Ioannis, The Gnostic  Gospel of Thomas (Τό γνωστικόν κατά Θωμᾶν Εὐαγγέλιον), Thessaloniki 1937 (?).   
(?) Karavidopoulos, Ioannis, The Gnostic  Gospel of Thomas (Τό γνωστικόν κατά Θωμᾶν Εὐαγγέλιον), Thessaloniki 1937 (?).   

(?)Karavidopoulos, Ioannis, The Teaching about God and Man by Philo of Alexandria (Ἡ περί Θεοῦ καί ἀνθρώπου διδασκαλία Φίλωνος τοῦ Ἀλεξανδρέως), Athen 1966.
(?) Εικών Θεού και κατ' εικόνα Θεού παρά τω Αποστόλω Παύλω (1964?)
*Koris, Giorgos:
(?) Koris, Giorgos, Apocryphal Gospels (Truths and Heresies) (Απόκρυφα Ευαγγέλια: Αλήθειες και αιρέσεις), Thessaloniki: Liakopoulos 2003.
(?) Koris, Giorgos – Peraki A., The Apocryphal Book of Enoch (Tο απόκρυφο βιβλίο του Ενώχ), Thessaloniki: Liakopoulos 2004.
*Koutsoukis, Dimitris:

(?) Koutsoukis, Dimitris, Apocryphal Books of the Old Testament (selection, translation and edition) 2vols,(Απόκρυφα κείμενα Παλαιάς Διαθήκης), Athens: Pyrinos Kosmos 1991-93.
(?) Αποστόλου Παύλου Επιστολές προς Εφεσίους Φιλιππησίους Κολοσσαείς Φιλήμονα (2001?)

(?) Koutsoukis, Dimitris, Apocryphal Texts of the New Testament (translation) 7 vols, (Απόκρυφα κείμενα Καινής Διαθήκης), Athens-Pyrinos Kosmos [1990]-1993.
(?) Εισαγωγή στην Καινή Διαθήκη (2009?)
*Mpellas, Thassyvoulos:
(?) Mpellas, Thassyvoulos, Christianity from the Manuscripts of Qumran (Ο χριστιανισμός από τα χειρόγραφα του Κουμράν), Athens: Makres 2010.
*Palaitsakis, Ioannis:
(?) Palaitsakis, Ioannis, The Key of Genesis: The sons of God, the daughters of men and the giants (Το κλειδί της γένεσης : Οι υιοί του θεού, οι θυγατέρες των ανθρώπων και οι γίγαντες), Athens 2006.

*Palantza, Alexandra:
*Palantza, Alexandra:
Line 64: Line 51:

(?) Papageorgiou, Spyridon, On Pharisees and Sadducees (Περί Φαρισαίων και Σαδδουκαίων), Corfu: Koraes 1900-1950 [sic!].
(?) Papageorgiou, Spyridon, On Pharisees and Sadducees (Περί Φαρισαίων και Σαδδουκαίων), Corfu: Koraes 1900-1950 [sic!].
*Riginiotis, Theodoros
(?) Riginiotis, Theodoros, The Apocryphal Gospels and the Formation of the New Testament (Τά ἀπόκρυφα εὐαγγέλια καί ὁ σχηματισμός τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης), Athens: Pyrra 2006.
*Rigopoulos, Christos:
(?) Rigopoulos, Christos, The Faith on the Messiah by the Hermits of Khirbet Qumran (Η περί Μεσσίου πίστις των ερημιτών του Khirbet Qumran), Athens 1967.
*Zarras, Konstantinos:
(?) Zarras, Konstantinos, The Ancient Jewish Mystical Tradition of the Throne (Η αρχαία ιουδαϊκή μυστική παράδοση του θρόνου), 2000.
(?) Zarras, Konstantinos, History of the New Testament Times. 2 vols (Ιστορία της εποχής της Καινής Διαθήκης), 2008.
(?) Zarras, Konstantinos, Peoples and Civilisations at the Time of the Second Temple (Λαοί και πολιτισμοί της περιόδου του δεύτερου ναού), 2008.
[[Category:National Schools]]

Latest revision as of 10:25, 24 May 2013

Greek Scholarship includes works authored, edited or translated by Greek Scholars.

See also: Greece -- Greek -/- Greek language -/- Greek Authors -- Greek Fiction

Additional Works

See: e-homo religiosus

  • Agouridis, Savvas:

Agouridis, Savvas, The Testaments of the XII Patriarchs, Athens 1973.

Agouridis, Savvas, The Therapeuts, Athens 1962 (off-print from the journal ‘Theologia’)

Agouridis, Savvas, Josephus and his Religious Convictions, Athens: Apostoliki Diakonia 1984.

Agouridis, Savvas, The manuscripts of the Dea Sea: the Essene texts of Qumran in modern Greek translation (Τα χειρόγραφα της Νεκρής Θάλασσας : Τα εσσαϊκά κείμενα του Κουμράν σε νεοελληνική απόδοση), Athens: Kentro Biblikon Meleton ‘Artos Zoes’ 1991.

Agouridis, Savvas, The manuscripts of Nag Hammadi – the Jung Codex, the Bodmer Codex II of the Gospel of John. The manuscripts of the Dead Sea and the New Testament (Τα γνωστικά χειρόγραφα του Nag Hammadi: Ο κώδιξ Jung: Ο πάπυρος Bodmer ΙΙ του κατά Ιωαννην Ευαγγελίου : Τα χειρόγραφα της Νεκράς Θαλάσσης και η Καινή Διαθήκη), Athens 1959.

Agouridis, Savvas, The Old Testament Apocrypha (introduction, texts, comments) (Τά ἀπόκρυφα τῆς Παλαιᾶς Διαθήκης: Κείμενα - εἰσαγωγαί - σχόλια), Athens 1973-74.

[NOTES: The following titles are some of the publications included in the works of Prof. Agourides: Introduction into the New Testament, Athens, 1971, The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, (vol. A, Athens, 1974, vol. B. Athens, 1985), History of New Testament Times, Thessaloniki, 4th ed. 1985, The Evangelist John, Exegetical and Theological Studies, Athens, 1984, The Apostle Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, Thessaloniki, 1985, Commentaries of the Johannine Epistles, 1980, The Sermon on the Mount, 1980 and the Apocalypse of John, 1997, A History of Israelite Religion, Athens, 1995, and six volumes of Biblical Studies published in Thessaloniki and Athens between 1965 and 1996. Prof. Agourides has contributed to translations of important New Testament and other theological manuals written by Jean Danielou, Oscar Cullmann, Eduard Lohse, and others.]

  • Anthimos, Patriarch of Jerusalem (1717-1808)

(?) Anthimos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Interpretation of the Holy Revelation (Ερμηνεία εις την ιεράν αποκάλυψιν), Jerusalem 1856 (?).

  • Karavidopoulos, Ioannis:

(?) Karavidopoulos, Ioannis, The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas (Τό γνωστικόν κατά Θωμᾶν Εὐαγγέλιον), Thessaloniki 1937 (?).

(?) Εικών Θεού και κατ' εικόνα Θεού παρά τω Αποστόλω Παύλω (1964?)

(?) Αποστόλου Παύλου Επιστολές προς Εφεσίους Φιλιππησίους Κολοσσαείς Φιλήμονα (2001?)

(?) Εισαγωγή στην Καινή Διαθήκη (2009?)

  • Palantza, Alexandra:

(?) Palantza, Alexandra, The evidence on the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes according to the Jewish historiographer Josephus, 2005.

  • Papageorgiou, Spyridon:

(?) Papageorgiou, Spyridon, On Pharisees and Sadducees (Περί Φαρισαίων και Σαδδουκαίων), Corfu: Koraes 1900-1950 [sic!].

Pages in category "Greek Scholarship"

The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.