"Τα ελοχίμ δεν θα ταραχθούν εις τον αιώνα": Ζητήματα παλαιοδιαθηκικής και μεσοδιαθηκικής γραμματείας (2006 Kaimakis), book

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"Τα ελοχίμ δεν θα ταραχθούν εις τον αιώνα": Ζητήματα παλαιοδιαθηκικής και μεσοδιαθηκικής γραμματείας <Greek> / The Elohim will not be shaken in eternity”: Issues of Old-testament and Inter-Testamental Literature (2006) is a book by Dimitrios Kaimakis.


"The apocalyptic literature and the Qumran constitute a very appealing field (of study) for those interested to observe the development of the religious thought from the Old to the New Testament. Our interest in this case is limited in one of the most important findings that were discovered in the caves of Qumran, which, because it was not preserved in a very good condition, it was not edited in a satisfactory way for a long time. It is the so-called ‘Angelic Liturgy’. Here the attempt is undertaken to translate this text from the Hebrew original and to comment upon it. The apocalyptic literature is a connecting link between the Old and the New Testament. All the basic theological issues that are encountered in the Old Testament and are related to the angelology, the concept of the Messiah, the concept of time and eschatology are also encountered in this literature. The main and most important representative of this literature is the book of Enoch. Our effort focuses on an analytical summary of the book along with a commentary on the above mentioned issues but only on these. Further studies in the book refer to problems related to the use of the Septuagint in the synagogue and in the church. Finally, this volume concludes with a commentary of some important theological passages of the Old Testament."-- Publisher's description.

Editions and translations

Published in Thessaloniki [Greece]: Vanias 2006.


External links

  • [ Google Books]