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*[[Ludwig Mendelssohn]], Aristeae quae fertur ad Philocratem epistulae initium (SS 1-42 M. p. 13-23 Schm.) (1897) | *[[Ludwig Mendelssohn]], Aristeae quae fertur ad Philocratem epistulae initium (SS 1-42 M. p. 13-23 Schm.) (1897) | ||
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Revision as of 10:26, 20 November 2011
- DICTIONARY: see Letter of Aristeas
This category includes (in chronological order) scholarly and fictional works dealing with the Letter of Aristeas.
Select Bibliography
- Schard (1561; ed. pr.); Schmidt (1870; 1st critical ed.); Wendland (1900); Thackeray (1902); Tramontano (1931); Hadas (1951); Pelletier (1962)
Modern translations
- Done (1685; English); Wendland (1900; German); Thackeray (1903; English); Andrews (1913; English); Thackeray (1917; English); Riessler (1928; German); Tramontano (1931; Italian); Meecham (1932; English); Kahana (1937; Hebrew); Pelletier (1962; French); Meisner (1973; German); Kraus Reggiani (1979; Italian); Fernandez-Marcos (1983; Spanish); Schutt (1985; English)
- Per la data e la caratteristica della Lettera di Aristea / Arnaldo Momigliano / Aegyptus 12 (1932):161-72
- The Ideology of the Letter of Aristea / Victor Tcherickover / Harvard Theological Review 51 (1958): 59-85
- The Letter of Aristeas and Diaspora Judaism / G.E. Howard / JTS 22 (1971): 337-48
- La Lettera di Aristea come fonte per la storia del Giudaismo alessandrino durante la prima meta del I sec. a.C. / Fausto Parente / Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 2 (1972): 177-237, 517-67
- The Septuagint as Holy Writ and the Philosophy of the Translators / H.M. Orlinsky / HUCA 46 (1975): 89-114
- The Letter of Aristeas: A Dialogical Judaism Facing Greek Paideia / Gabriele Boccaccini / Middle Judaism (1991 Boccaccini), book: 161-185
- Werner Schmidt, Untersuchungen zur Fälschung historischer Dokumente bei Pseudo-Aristaios (Bonn: Habelt,1986)
- Norbert Hans Meisner, Untersuchungen zum Aristeasbrief (Berlin: Kirchlichen Hochschule, 1972)
- Bruno Hugo Stricker. De brief van Aristeas; de Hellenistische codificaties der praehelleense godsdiensten <Dutch> (Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mij., 1956)
- Books
- Henry St.J. Thackeray, The Letter of Aristeas, translated with an appendix of ancient evidence of the origin of the Septuagint (London: SPCK, 1917).
- Paul Wendland and Ludwig Mendelssohn, Aristeae ad Philocratem epistula cum ceteris de origine versionis LXX interpretum testemoniis (Leipzig: Teubner, 1900)
- Ludwig Mendelssohn, Aristeae quae fertur ad Philocratem epistulae initium (SS 1-42 M. p. 13-23 Schm.) (1897)
- Thomas Lewis, The History of the Seventy Two Interpreters (London: Hooke & Caldecott, 1715)
Editions: Schard (1561; ed. pr.); Schmidt (1870; 1st critical
ed.); Wendland (1900); Thackeray (1902); Tramontano (1931); Hadas
(1951); Pelletier (1962)
Modern translations: Done (1685; English); Wendland (1900; German); Thackeray (1903; English); Andrews (1913; English); Thackeray (1917; English); Riessler (1928; German); Tramontano (1931; Italian); Meecham (1932; English); Kahana (1937; Hebrew); Pelletier (1962; French); Meisner (1973; German); Kraus Reggiani (1979; Italian); Fernandez-Marcos (1983; Spanish); Schutt (1985; English)
* * * * * * * * * *
Raurell, Frederic. Carta d’Arísteas (Barcelona: Alpha, 2002) [Greek text and Spanish trans.]
Troiani, Lucio. "Lettera di Aristea," in AAT, ed. Paolo Sacchi, vol. 5 (Brescia: Paideia, 1997) 173-217 [Italian trans.]
Wit-Tak, Thalien M.de. De oorsprong van de Griekse bijbel: de brief van Aristeas over het ontstaan van de Septuagint (Kampel: Kok, 1995).
Schmidt, Werner. Untersuchungen zur Fälschung historischer Dokumente bei Pseudo-Aristaios (Bonn: Habelt, 1986)
Shutt, R.J.H. in OTP 2 (1985) 7-34 [English trans.]
Fernandez-Marcos, N. in ApAT 2 (1983) 9-63 [Spanish trans.]
Meisner, Norbert Hans. JSHRZ 2.1 (1973) 35-85 [German trans.]
Meisner, Norbert Hans. Untersuchungen zum Aristeasbrief (2 vols.; Berlin: Kirchlichen Hochschule, 1972)
Prynne, J.H. Aristeas (London: Ferry, 1968)
Artom, Elia Samuele. In Sipurim ve-divre kokhmah (Tel-Aviv: Yavneh, 1963) [Hebrew trans.]
Stricker, Bruno Hugo. De brief van Aristeas. De hellenistische codificaties der praehelleense godsdiensten <Dutch> (Amsterdam: 1956)
Kahana, A. Ha-sepharim ha-hizonim (Tel Aviv, 1937; 2nd ed., 1956) (Hebrew trans.)
Riessler, Paul. ASB (1928) 193-233 (German trans.)
Tracy, Sterling. III Maccabees and Pseudo-Aristeas: A Study (New Haven: Yale University, 1928)
Thackeray, H.St.J. The Letter of Aristeas (Translations of Early Documents 2; London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1917 [repr. 2003]) [English trans.]
Andrews, H.T. in APOT 2 (1913) 83-122 [English trans.]
Thackeray, H.St.J. "The Letter of Aristeas," JQR 15 (1903) 337-91 (English trans.)
Thackeray, H.St.J. "The Letter of Aristeas." In An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek, ed. H.B. Swete (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1900) 533-606 [Greek text]
Wendland, Paul. in APAT 2 (1900) 1-31 [German trans.]
Wendland, Paul. Aristeae ad Philocratem epistula (Leipzig: Teubner, 1900) [Greek text]
Papageorgios, Spyridon K. Uber den Aristeasbrief (München: Wolf, 1880)
Schmidt, M. "Der Brief des Aristeas am Philokrates," Archiv fur wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Alten Testaments 1 (1870) 1-72 (1st critical edition of the Greek text)
Whiston, William (1667-1752). The Literal Accomplishments of Scripture Prophecies… with a large appendix, to prove, that Aristeas’s hostory of the version of the Pentateuch, by the LXXII interpreters, still extant, is genuine (London: Senex and Taylor, 1724).
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus (ed.) / Lewis, Thomas (tr.). The History of the Seventy-Two Interpreters (London: Hooke and Caldecott, 1715 [Greek text, ed. Grabe / English, tr. Lewis]
Dale, Antonius van (1638-1708). Dissertatio super Aristea de LXX interpretibus (Amsterdam: Wolters, 1705) [Greek text and Latin trans.]
Hody, Humphrey (1659-1707). Aristeae historia LXII interpretum (Oxford, 1692) (Greek text and Latin trans.)
Hody, Humphrey (1659-1707). Contra historiam Aristeae de LXX interpretibus dissertatio (Oxford: Lichfield, 1685)
1574 – Rossi, Azariah (c1511-c1578) [Hebrew trans.] (Mantua 1574)
Göbler, Justinus. Ein schöne und herrliche Histori von dem göttlichen Gesatz (Frankfurt, 1562) [German trans.]
Editio princeps of the Greek text, edited by Schardius, Simon (1535-1573). Aristeae de legis divinae ex Hebraica lingua in Graecam translatione (Basel: Oporinus, 1561) [Greek text with Latin trans. by Matthias Garbitius]
Pages in category "Letter of Aristeas (text)"
The following 42 pages are in this category, out of 42 total.
- Aristeas ad Philocratem fratrem (1471 Palmerio), book
- Aristeas zu seinem Bruder Philocratem (1502 Reisach), book
- Aristea de settanta due interpreti (1550 Domenichi), book
- Aristeae, De legis diuinae ex Hebraica lingua in Graecam translatione (1561 Garbitius), book
- Me'or Enayim (The Light of the Eyes / 1573-75 Rossi), book (Hebrew)
- Apophthegmata Ebraeorum ac Arabum (1591 Drusius), book
- Verissima relazione d'Aristea a Filocrate fratello (1593 Cernoti), book
- The Ancient History of the Septuagint (1633 Done), book
- Contra historiam Aristeae de LXX interpretibus dissertatio (1684 Hody), book
- Dissertatio super Aristea de LXX interpretibus (1705 Dale), book
- The Literal Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies (1724 Whiston), book
- A Vindication of the History of the Septuagint (1736 Hayes), book
- Uber den Aristeasbrief (1880 Papageorgios), book
- Aristeae quae fertur ad Philocratem epistulae initium (1897 Mendelssohn), book
- Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek (1900 Swete/Thackeray), book
- Aristeae ad Philocratem epistula (1900 Wendland, Mendelssohn), book
- The Letter of Aristeas (1904 Thackeray), book
- (++) The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament (1913 Charles), edited volume
- Aristea (1915 Motzo), book
- La date, la composition et les sources de la Lettre d'Aristée à Philocrate (1924 Février), book
- III Maccabees and Pseudo-Aristeas: A Study (1928 Tracy), book
- La lettera di Aristea a Filocrate (1931 Tramontano), book
- The Oldest Version of the Bible: Aristeas on Its Traditional Origin (1932 Meecham), book
- The Letter of Aristeas (1935 Meecham), book
- Aristeas to Philocrates (1951 Hadas), book
- De brief van Aristeas (1956 Stricker), book
- Flavius Josèphe: adaptateur de la Lettre d’Aristée (1962 Pelletier), book
- Lettre d’Aristée à Philocrate (1962 Pelletier), book
- La lettera di Aristea a Filocrate (1979 Kraus Reggiani), book
- Lettera di Aristea a Filocrate (1995 Calabi), book
- De oorsprong van de Griekse bijbel: de brief van Aristeas over het onstaan van de Septuagint (1995 Wit-Tak), book
- Il viaggio di Aristea (Aristeas' Journey / 1996 Canfora), book
- The Library in Alexandria and the Bible in Greek (2000 Collins), book
- Carta d'Arísteas (Letter of Aristeas / 2001 Raurell), book (Catalan)
- The Septuagint and Homeric Scholarship in Alexandria (2003 Honigman), book
- The Legend of the Septuagint (2006 Wasserstein, Wasserstein), book
- Praise Israel for Wisdom and Instruction (2008 Wright), book
- Translation and Survival: The Greek Bible of the Ancient Jewish Diaspora (2009 Rajak), book
- La Lettre d'Aristée et le mythe des âges du monde (2012 Carbonaro), book
- Lexicon in Aristeae ad Philocratem epistulam (2012 Erto), book
- The Meaning of the Letter of Aristeas (2015 Matusova), book
- The Letter of Aristeas (2015 Wright), book
Media in category "Letter of Aristeas (text)"
This category contains only the following file.
- 1985 * Bartlett.jpg 400 × 618; 59 KB