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Revision as of 06:20, 12 June 2015
Pages in category "Early Islamic Studies--French"
The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total.
- == == 1500s == == ==
- == == 1600s == == ==
- La vie de Mahomet, où l'on découvre amplement la verité de l'imposture = The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of Mahomet (1698 @1697 Prideaux / Larroque), book (French ed.)
- == == 1700s == == ==
- (++) La vie de Mahomet (The Life of Mahomet / 1730 Boulainvilliers), book
- (+) La vie de Mahomet (The Life of Muhammad / 1732 Gagnier), book
- (++) Le fanatisme; ou, Mahomet le prophete (Mahomet the Prophet / 1741 Voltaire), play
- Histoire de la vie de Mahomet (History of the Life of Muhammad / 1773-79 Turpin), non-fiction
- Historie de l'Alcoran (History of the Qur'an / 1775 Turpin), book
- Le Coran (The Qur'an / 1783 Savary), book
- == == 1800s == == ==
- Le Coran (The Qur'an / 1840 Kasimirski), book
- == == 1850s == == ==
- == == 1900s == == ==
- == == 1910s == == ==
- Fatima et les filles de Mahomet (Fatima and the Daughters of Muhammad / 1912 Lammens), book
- Le berceau de l'Islam: l'Arabie occidentale à la veille de l'hégire (The Cradle of Islam: Western Arabia on the Eve of the Hegira / 1914 Lammens), book
- == == 1920s == == ==
- L'Arabie antéislamique (The Pre-Islamic Arabia / 1921 Guidi), book
- La Mecque à la veille de l'Hégire (Mecca on the Eve of the Hegira / 1924 Lammens), book
- L'Arabie occidentale avant l'Hégire (Western Arabia before the Hegira / 1928 Lammens), book
- La vie de Mahomet (The Life of Mahomet / 1929 Dermenghem), book
- == == 1930s == == ==
- Les origines des légendes musulmanes dans le Coran et dans les vies des prophètes (The Origins of Muslim Legends in the Qur'an and in the Life of the Prophets / 1933 Sidersky), book
- Concordances et indices de la tradition musulmane (Concordance and Index of the Muslim Tradition / 1936-1969 Wensinck, Mensing, Brugman), book
- == == 1940s == == ==
- Mahomet, le Napoléon du ciel (Muhammad, the Napoleon of Heaven / 1943 Barois), novel
- La Métaphore dans le Coran (Metaphorical Speech in the Qur'an / 1943 Sabbagh), book
- Mahomet: sa vie et sa doctrine = Mohammed: sein Leben und sein Glaube (Mohammed: The Man and His Faith / 1945 Andræ / Gaudefroy-Demombynes), book (French ed.)
- Introduction au Coran (An Introduction to the Qur’an / 1947 Blachère), book
- Le Coran, traduit de l’arabe (The Qur’an, Translated from the Arabic / 1949-1950 Blachère), book
- == == 1950s == == ==
- Initiation au Coran (Introduction to the Qur'an / 1951 Draz), book
- La Morale du Coran (The Qur'an: A Moral Aproach / 1951 Draz), book
- Le problème de Mahomet (Muhammad as Historiographical Problem / 1952 Blachère), book
- (++) Mahomet et la tradition islamique (Muhammad and the Islamic Tradition / 1955 Dermenghem), book
- Le Coran et la révélation judéo-chrétienne (The Qur'an and the Jewish and Christian Revelations / 1958 Masson), book
- Abraham dans le Coran (Abraham in the Qur'an / 1958 Moubarac), book
- (+) Bible et Coran (The Bible and the Qur'an / 1959 Jomier), book
- == == 1960s == == ==
- (++) Mahomet (Muhammad / 1961 Rodinson), book
- Mahomet: prophète et home d'état = Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman (1962 Watt / Mayot), book (French ed.)
- Analyse conceptuelle du Coran sur cartes perforées (A Conceptual, Punch-Card Analysis of the Qur'an / 1963 Allard), book
- Le verbe dans le Coran, racines et formes (Quranic Verbs: Their Roots and Forms / 1966 Chouemi), book
- == == 1970s == == ==
- Mahomet, ou la prédication prophétique (Muhammad and the Idea of Prophetic Proclamation / 1970 Arnaldez), book
- Les Grands thèmes du Coran (The Great Themes of the Qur'an / 1978 Jomier), book
- == == 1980s == == ==
- Temple et contemplation (Temple and Contemplation / 1980 Corbin), book
- Lectures du Coran (Readings of the Qur'an / 1982 Arkoun), book
- Trois messagers pour un seul Dieu (Three Messengers for One God / 1983 Arnaldez), book
- Mahomet (Muhammad / 1987 Delcambre), book
- == == 1990s == == ==
- Le guide divin dans le shi'isme originel (The Divine Guide in Early Shi'ism / 1992 Amir-Moezzi), book
- Relire le Coran (Rereading the Qur'an / 1993 Berque), book
- L'homme du livre (Muhammad / 1994 Chraïbi), novel
- Dieu et l'homme dans le Coran (God and Mankind in the Qur'an / 1996 Jomier), book
- Rhétorique sémitique. Textes de la Bible et de la Tradition musulmane (Semitic Rhetoric: Texts from the Bible and the Muslim Tradition / 1998 Meynet, Pouzet, Farouki, Sinno), book
- Le Coran, la Bible et l'Orient ancien (The Qur'an, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East / 1998 Sfar), book
- == == 2000s == == ==
- Le Coran est-il authentique? (Is the Qur'an Authentic? / 2000 Sfar), book
- Mohammed (Muhammad / 2001 Klabund / Meunier), novel (French ed.)
- Une approche du Coran par la grammaire et le lexique (An Approach to the Qur’an through Its Grammar and Lexicon / 2002 Gloton), book
- Les foundations de l'islam (The Foundations of Islam / 2002 Prémare), book
- Al-Kitab: La sacralité du text dans le monde de l'islam (Al-Kitab: Sacred Textualilty in Islam / 2004 De Smet, Callatay, van Reeth), edited volume
- Les sciences coraniques (The Quranic Sciences / 2005 Arnaldez), book
- Le messie et son prophète (The Messiah and His Prophet / 2005 Gallez), book
- Aux origines du Coran (The Origins of the Qur'an / 2005 Prémare), book
- Dictionnaire du Coran (Dictionary of the Qur'an / 2007 Amir-Moezzi), edited volume
- Le Coran (The Qur'an / 2007 Cuypers, Gobillot), book
- Le silence de Mahomet (The Silence of Mohammed / 2008 Bachi), novel
- La transmission écrite du Coran dans les débuts de l'islam (The Written Transmission of the Qur'an in Early Islam 2009 Déroche), book
- == == 2010s == == ==
- Khadija, l'épouse de Mahomet (Khadija, the Wife of Muhammad / 2014 Halter), novel
- Fatima, la fille de Mahomet (Fatima, the Daughter of Muhammad / 2015 Halter), novel
Media in category "Early Islamic Studies--French"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
- 1647 * Du Ryer.jpg 760 × 1,021; 82 KB
- 1959 Hayek.jpg 500 × 500; 49 KB
- 1960 * Michaud.jpg 341 × 499; 12 KB
- 1971 el-Saleh.jpg 329 × 499; 10 KB
- 1977 Cirillo - Fremaux.jpg 800 × 1,200; 33 KB
- 2012 Dye - Nobilio.jpg 300 × 499; 10 KB