Category:French language--1910s
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Pages in category "French language--1910s"
The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total.
- Salomé (1910 Amalou / @1908 Mariotte), Paris production (opera)
- Au temps des premiers chrétiens (In the Time of the First Christians / 1910 Calmettes), short film
- Esther (The Marriage of Esther / 1910 Feuillade), short film
- Le Christ en croix (Christ on the Cross / 1910 Feuillade), short film
- Le festin de Balthazar (The Feast of Balthazar / 1910 Feuillade), short film
- Mater dolorosa (1910 Feuillade), short film
- Les paraboles d'Hénoch et leur messianisme (The Parables of Enoch and Their Messianism / 1910 Gry), book
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1910 Jasset, Hatot), short film
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1911 Amalou / @1881 Massenet), Paris production (opera)
- Jésus de Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1911 Calmettes), short film
- Philon le Juif (Philo Judaeus / 1911 Louis), book
- Bérénice (1911 Ruhlmann / @1909 Magnard), opera, Paris premiere (cast)
- Les Psaumes de Salomon (The Psalms of Solomon / 1911 Viteau, Martin), book
- Androclès (Androcles and the Lion / 1912 Feuillade), short film
- Fatima et les filles de Mahomet (Fatima and the Daughters of Muhammad / 1912 Lammens), book
- Daniel (1912 Reuchael / Brody), oratorio
- Androcles et le lion = Androcles and the Lion (1912 @1912 Shaw / Hamon, Hamon), play (French ed.)
- Esther (1913 Andréani), short film
- Agnus Dei (1913 Ryelandt), oratorio
- Les Juifs dans l'Empire romain (1914 Juster), book
- Le berceau de l'Islam: l'Arabie occidentale à la veille de l'hégire (The Cradle of Islam: Western Arabia on the Eve of the Hegira / 1914 Lammens), book
- La Passion (The Life of Our Saviour; or, The Passion Play / 1914 Maître), feature film
- Saint Paul. Épître aux romains (1916 Lagrange), book
- Paulina (1918 Routhier), novel
- Bérénice, l'Hérodienne (1919 Du Bois), play
- Salomé (1919 Ruhlmann / @1908 Mariotte), Paris production (opera)