Category:Spanish language--1950s
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History of Research (1950s) -- Notes
Antonio González Lamadrid's 1956 volume on the discoveries in the Judean Desert must be regarded as the first contemporary scholarly work on Second Temple Judaism in Spanish language. Emma Speratti Pinero translated from the English into Spanish some of earliest works on the Dead Sea Scrolls by Edmund Wilson and Millar Burrows.
As for the Spanish edition of scholarly volumes originally published in other languages, the translation of two essays on Paul and his letters by Amédée Brunot ought to be mentioned as well.
Pages in category "Spanish language--1950s"
The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.
- Mahoma y el Korán (Muhammad and the Qur'an / 1951 Cansinos Assens), book
- Flavio Josefo. Las guerras de los judíos (1952 Larraya), book
- El sagrado Corán (The Holy Qur’an / 1953 Abboud, Castellanos), book
- El Corán (The Qur’an / 1953 Vernet), book
- Mis gloriosos hermanos = My Glorious Brothers (1954 @1948 Fast / Calés), novel (Argentine ed.)
- La gota de mercurio (The Drop of Mercury / 1954 Núñez Alonso), novel
- El genio literario de San Pablo (1959 Brunot / Boada), book (Spanish ed.)
- El judaismo y el surgimiento del cristianismo: la bifurcación de los caminos = The Parting of the Ways: Judaism and the Rise of Christianity (1956 @1954 Cohen / Dujovne), book (Argentine ed.)
- El mundo del Nuevo Testamento (1956 Dana / Villarello), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los descubrimientos de Qumrán (The Qumran Discoveries / 1956 González Lamadrid), book
- El lazo de púrpura (The Purple Tie / 1956 Núñez Alonso), novel
- Los rollos del Mar Muerto = The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (1956 @1955 Wilson / Speratti Piñero), non-fiction (Spanish ed.)
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1957 Allegro / Fuentes Benot), book (Spanish ed.)
- Mensajeros de paz (Messengers of Peace / 1957 Elorrieta), feature film
- Los rollos del Mar Muerto = The Message of the Scrolls (1959 @1957 Yadin / Trabb), book (Spanish ed.)
- Judas Macabeo (1958 Aguirre), play
- Los rollos del Mar Muerto = Dead Sea Scrolls (1958 Burrows / Speratti Piñero), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los profetas de Israel y los comienzos del Judaismo (1958 @1935 Lods), book (Spanish ed.)
- Valor escriturario de los hallazgos en el mar Muerto (Scriptural Value of the Findings at the Dead Sea / 1958 Millàs i Vallicrosa), book
- El hombre de Damasco (The Man in Damascus / 1958 Núñez Alonso), novel
- El Redentor (The Redeemer / 1959 Breen, Palacios), feature film
- San Pablo y su mensaje = Saint Paul et son message (Saint Paul and His Message / 1959 Brunot / Ruiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto y los orígenes del cristianismo (1959 Daniélou / Ferrari, Mejía) = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte et les origines du christianisme (The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity / 1957 Daniélou), book (Argentine ed.)
- El mundo judío hacia los tiempos de Jesús (1959 Guignebert / Clavel), book (Spanish ed.)
- Estructura y sentido de la historia, según la literatura apocalíptica (1959 Leisersohn Baendel), book
- El denario de plata (The Silver Denarius / 1959 Núñez Alonso), novel
Media in category "Spanish language--1950s"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
- 1952 Morayta (film).jpg 214 × 317; 24 KB
- 1953 Romano.jpg 1,153 × 1,638; 1.62 MB
- 1954 Gil (film).jpg 836 × 1,200; 203 KB