Max Frisch (M / Czechia, 1932-1944), Holocaust victim

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Max Frisch (M / Czechia, 1932-1944), Holocaust victim

Efraim Frisch (M / Czechia, 1926-1944), Holocaust victim

Leni Frisch (F / Czechia, 1930-1944), Holocaust victim


Max Frisch was born November 28, 1932 in Teplice, Czechia. Efraim, Leni and Max were the children of Azriel Frisch and Feige Ackerman. Refugees in Italy, in May 1940 the family joined the Benghasi Group and went to Libya, hoping to sail to Palestine. From Lybia they were sent to Ferramonti in September 1940 and then to Castelnuovo Garfagnana (near Lucca) in October 1941. They were arrested on November 30, 1943 and deported from Milan to Auschwitz at the end of January 1944. They all perished.


Max Frisch, figlio di Azriel Frisch e Feige Ackerman è nato in Cecoslovacchia a Teplice Sanov il 28 novembre 1932. Arrestato a Castelnuovo Garfagnana (Lucca) il 30 novembre 1943. Deportato da Milano il 30 gennaio 1944. Ucciso il giorno del suo arrivo al campo di sterminio di Auschwitz, il 6 febbraio 1944.

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