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Pages in category "Josephus Studies--1990s"
The following 48 pages are in this category, out of 48 total.
- Flavius Josèphe: 1. Les Antiquités Juives, livres I à III (1990 Nodet), book
- Josephus and Judaean Politics (1990 Schwartz), book
- ヨセフス : その人と時代 = Josephus in Galilee and Rome (1991 Cohen / Hata, Ōshima), book (Japanese ed.)
- Flavius Josephus on the Pharisees (1991 Mason), book
- Evangelium podle Josefa Flavia (The Gospel according to Flavius Josephus / 1991 Sidon), novel (Czech)
- Yosep`usu (1991 Thackeray/et al.), book (Korean ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1992 ~~ ~~ ~~
- No Longer Be Silent: First Century Jewish Portraits of Biblical Women (1992 Brown), book
- Flavio Giuseppe = Flavius Josephus (1992 Hadas-Lebel / Tuniz), book (Italian ed.)
- Josephus Colloquium (1992-), learned society
- Flavio Giuseppe, Autobiografia (1992 Jossa), book
- Josephus and the New Testament (1992 Mason), book
- ~~ ~~ 1993 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Prophetic Figures in Late Second Temple Jewish Palestine (1993 Gray), book
- (++) Flavius Josephus = Flavius Josèphe (1993 @1989 Hadas-Lebel / Miller), book (English ed.)
- Josephus and Faith (1993 Lindsay), book
- ~~ ~~ 1994 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne (1994 Bohrmann), book (English ed.)
- Иудейские древности (Iudeiskie drevnosti) (Jewish Antiquities / 1994 Fedosika, Dovgialo), book
- Flavio Josefo (1994 Hadas-Lebel), book (Spanish ed.)
- Medicine and Hygiene in the Works of Flavius Josephus (1994 Kottek), book
- Geschichtsschreibung als Apologetik bei Flavius Josephus = History as Apologetics in Flavius Josephus (1994 Krieger), book
- Josephus and the History of the Greco-Roman Period (1994 Parente/Sievers), edited volume
- Flavio Josefo: Autobiografía. Contra Apión (1994 Rodríguez de Sepúlveda), book
- ~~ ~~ 1995 ~~ ~~ ~~
- ~~ ~~ 1996 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Josephus’ Contra Apionem (1996 Feldman, Levison), edited volume
- נגד אפיון (Neged Apyon) (Against Apion / 1996 Kasher), book
- La Bible de Josèphe: 1. Le Pentateuque (1996 Nodet), book
- ~~ ~~ 1997 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Ein Bild des Judentums für Nichtjuden von Flavius Josephus: Untersuchungen zu seiner Schrift Contra Apionem (1997 Gerber), book
- Den jødiske krig (The Jewish War / 1997 Harsberg), book
- Flavio Josefo: La guerra de los judíos: Libros I-III (1997 Nieto Ibáñez), book
- Istoria razboiului Iudeilor contra Romanilor (Josephus' Bellum Iudaicum / 1997 Theodorescu, Wolf, Acsan), book
- ~~ ~~ 1998 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Josephus's Interpretation of the Bible (1998 Feldman), book
- Studies in Josephus' Rewritten Bible (1998 Feldman), book
- Understanding Josephus (1998 Mason), edited volume
- Turbulent Times?: Josephus and Scholarship on Judaea in the First Century CE (1998 McLaren), book
- Flavio Giuseppe, Antichità giudaiche (1998 Moraldi), book
- Internationales Josephus-Kolloquium Münster (1998 Siegert/Kalms), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 1999 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Flavius Josephus: mer romare än jude (Flavius Josephus: More Roman than Jewish / 1999 Lycke), non-fiction
- Flavio Josefo: La guerra de los judíos: Libros IV-VII (1999 Nieto Ibáñez), book
- Baptême et résurrection: le témoignage de Josèphe (1999 Nodet), book
- Internationales Josephus-Kolloquium Brussels (1999 Siegert/Kalms), edited volume
Media in category "Josephus Studies--1990s"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
- 1993 Bergmeier.jpg 324 × 500; 22 KB
- 1993 Calabi.jpg 342 × 461; 37 KB
- 1994 Migliario.jpg 306 × 499; 22 KB