Harry Zenger (M / Austria, 1937-1944), Holocaust victim
Harry Zenger (M / Austria, 1937-1944), Holocaust victim
- KEYWORDS : <Refugees> <Italy> <Benghasi Group> <Libya> <Ferramonti> <Fossoli> <Auschwitz> <Victims>
Harry Zenger (Zeuger) was born August 18, 1937 in Vienna, Austria, to Bernardino Zenger and Elisabetta Haufer. Harry and his mother were refugees in Italy. In May 1940 they joined the Benghasi Group and went to Libya, hoping to sail to Palestine. From Lybia they were sent to Ferramonti in September 1940 and then to S. Omobono Imagna (near Bergamo) in October 1941. They were arrested and in April 1944 deported from Fossoli to Auschwitz. They both perished.
Harry Zenger, figlio di Bernardino Zenger e Elisabetta Hafter è nato in Austria a Vienna il 18 agosto 1937. Arrestato a Sant' Omobono Imagna (Bergamo). condotto a Fossoli. Deportato nel campo di sterminio di Auschwitz. Ucciso il 10 aprile 1944.
External links
- Holocaust Children, 1937 (subject)
- Holocaust Children, Czechia (subject)
- Holocaust Refugee Children (subject)
- Holocaust Refugee Children, Italy (subject)
- Holocaust Refugee Children, Libya (subject)
- Benghasi Group (subject)
- Ferramonti (subject)
- Deportees (subject)
- Auschwitz (subject)
- Holocaust Children Victims (subject)